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Bias Rekkers

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Fragmentation 5.0 - KNJ

Fragmentation 5.0 - KNJ

Fragmentation 5.0 - KNJ

Plot: How does one measure freedom? Are our choices truly our own, or are they part of a preset design outside of our control? We all have a question burning inside of us, though few speak it out. It is the question that drives us forward, seeking purpose in our lives. What is The Matrix?

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | The Matrix!AU | angst | sci-fi | action | drama

Pairing: N/A

Warnings: Strong language, allusions to suicide, extreme angst, graphic violence

Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 2,269

AN: Now we get Namjoon’s perspective. YAY. Also in the Real World in Zion. Again, all information in the universe can be found on the official Matrix Wiki so please use that as a reference guide if you ever get confused!

Tag List: @aroseforyoongi​, @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432​

© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.

Fragmentation 5.0 - KNJ

“Oh look,” a voice said suddenly, “it’s the prodigy.”

Namjoon sighed as he continued typing away on one of the system computers. For the last three years, he lived in Zion’s control tower. It was where all the trainees went who hoped to become Operators for a ship. In less than a year of his boarding, Namjoon showed excellent marks in reaction time as well as hacking prowess. It was no secret that he was far ahead of the rest of his class and there were rumors that he would graduate in the next year if he continued to excel in every area of expertise they could throw at him.

That didn’t make him very popular with his peers. Then again, it wasn’t like he actually cared. They all had a common goal and as long as that remained true, then they only needed to focus on doing their jobs.

Who cared if it was some popularity contest?

“Wait guys. You know he hates that title. We have to call him by his alias, remember?”

The tone was snide and insincere. Again, Namjoon didn’t care. He had other things he needed to devote his attention to. Rumor was that he would be boarding a ship soon to help with a simple reconnaissance mission. Nothing too overly complicated, but he wasn’t about to turn his nose up to the task. The lives of Matrix Operatives were in his hands and that was a responsibility that no one should ever take lightly.

So he continued to tune out his fellow classmates, focusing his energy on the program he was creating. It was a training program that would be used in the Construct - an exercise to help hone the sensory perceptions of operatives so that Agents wouldn’t be able to get the jump on them. When Agents obtained a target, they were relentless in their pursuit until an Operator was able to get them out. Namjoon wanted to prevent such tragedies from ever taking place. What better way than to prepare the operatives in any way possible?

He received word from his mother that Taehyung would be boarding a hovercraft next year. To successfully become a pilot, a trainee needed to physically handle the controls for years. Namjoon barely saw his brother due to his own hacker training, but it was guaranteed that they would not cross paths for several more years once Taehyung boarded a vessel.

Namjoon felt a hand on his shoulder, but he continued typing away at his station.

“Don’t listen to them,” said Vermillion, giving Namjoon a gentle shake.

“I don’t,” he replied, his eyes narrowing at the line of code he was reworking, “I always tune them out.”

“Typical. That’s just like you, Spectre.” Vermillion chuckled, sliding into the chair beside him. She peered over his shoulder as he continued working. “That looks pretty advanced. I can’t wait to see it when it’s finished.”

Pressing several more keys, Namjoon saved his progress and closed out the command console. Everything was transferred to the mini disc that slid out from a tray on the main hub. He popped it into a small case and shoved it into his pocket. 

“It’ll take a few more weeks before I’m satisfied.” 

Namjoon stood from his chair, grabbed his bag, and made for the exit. He didn’t have to look to know that Vermillion was hot on his heels. It wasn’t that he didn’t like her, but he’d come to be a very solitary person. He rarely saw his mother and there was a good chance that he wouldn’t see his brother for several years. Not until they were both finished with their respective Training Programs. 

“You’re not going to report to the Head Programmer of your progress for the day?”

He smirked. “He already knows.” Turning to look at her, he continued walking. “I was told to help out at the Command Tower for a few hours.”

Vermillion’s eyes widened. “Wow. Forreal?” 

He nodded and they continued walking through the various metal corridors. The shocked look on her face was well-placed. Most people didn’t get to work at the Command Tower during training because there was a high risk of something failing because of an amateur mistake. The fact that their teacher cleared him for work at the Command Tower was another testament to Namjoon’s skill level. 

They reached the elevator for the Command Tower. Namjoon’s hand hesitated over the button as he looked at Vermillion. She seemed to want to say something else to him, so he waited. But after a handful of minutes of silence, he sighed and pressed the button to call the lift.

“Well, I’ll be seein’ you,” he said as he readjusted his bag’s strap along his shoulder.

The metal doors groaned as they slid open, granting him access. He stepped onto the lift and just before the doors closed, he saw Vermillion’s smile as she waved at him.

“Do well, Spectre.”

He flashed an easy grin in her direction. But once the doors were closed, the smile fell off his face immediately. Namjoon didn’t have any time to waste. There was a chance the war could be over in his lifetime. It waged on for damn near a century already. The people of Zion, human-born and field-born alike, were all tired of this seemingly never ending conflict. His parents saw the brunt of it during the beginning phases - children when their parents were fighting for their freedom.

Namjoon didn’t want to pass this burden on to his children.

To keep that from happening, he would work himself into the ground. Until there wasn’t a single breath left in his mortal body.

Fragmentation 5.0 - KNJ

Four Years Later

Spectre pulled out his mini computer, booting it up to look over the dossier files of the ship he was newly assigned to. He was originally slated for Operator duty the previous year, but he opted out of it. His brother, Edge, hadn’t returned from his training tour yet. The benefit of finishing at the top of his peer group was that Spectre got to pick and choose a few things here and there. 

Namely when he would be boarding a ship. 

He quipped a brow at the list of crewmates on his future ship. There were some impressive resumes on the vessel. Certainly nothing he could turn his nose up at. The Admiral must have had a hand in the assignments and there was clearly a reason why Spectre was placed with that particular group. Based on the skill records of everyone on board, save for the pilot, they all had more than one year of field experience that wasn’t “on the job training”.

The Captain and First Mate in particular. 

His eyes scanned over the pilot’s name and he couldn’t help the smile that pulled at the corners of his mouth. Spectre had all the faith in the world that his brother would make it through the Training Program, but he hadn’t expected to see his name on a crew member manifest just days after his ship docked back home. 

“Yo, Big Bro!”

Spectre lowered the mini computer to his side, lifting his gaze up to see his younger brother strolling up the long metal walkway toward him. He closed the computer, slid it into his pocket, and waved to Edge. His little brother wasted no time closing the distance between them, taking off in a dead run and barrelling into him. Spectre grunted when he felt Edge’s shoulder crashing into his chest, his arms encircling around his waist. He laughed as Edge lifted him up off the ground.

“Hey,” Spectre said, patting his younger brother’s head, “a little over the top, don’t you think?”

Edge set him down, placing a fist on his hip. “Are you kiddin’ me?” He pouted. “I haven’t seen you in years. I should be setting off fireworks.”

Lifting a basket off the ground and handing it to Edge, Spectre shook his head. “Yeah, don’t do that. We’ll get court-martialed.”

Edge’s heavy steps reverberated off the metal flooring. “It would totally be worth it, though.” 

“It wouldn’t, actually, but whatever.” 

The brothers shared a smirk with each other. 

It didn’t take them long to reach their house. The door was already open just as they saw their mother stepping out. She carried a basket of linens in her hands - presumably to go do laundry at the water recycling plant. The minute her eyes shifted in their direction, however, she seemed frozen in place. They took a few more steps toward her, watching as she dropped the basket at her feet. The dirty clothes and bedding would remain ignored. They already knew what mattered most to their mother.

“You’re back,” she finally managed, her hands trembling as she reached for them, “I knew you’d both come back home together.”

The two brothers filled their arms with their mother - holding her closer than they believed was possible. Her smell hadn’t changed and the strength in her embrace was just as they remembered it when they were children. She openly sobbed against each of their faces, overwhelmed with how much they’d changed. Yet they remained the same. They were men now, but the brothers knew that they would always be her little boys.

Her pride and glory.

After what seemed like too short a moment, their mother pried herself from them. “You two must be starving,” she said, turning to usher them into the house, “I’ll see about gathering some rations for dinner.”

Spectre leaned down to pick up the discarded laundry basket. “You don’t have to do that, Mother,” he offered, but he could tell that she would not be hearing any of it.

“Go inside and unpack your things. I’ll be back!”

They both sighed in unison as they watched their mother dart off down the metal walkway and across the bridge. Spectre turned to Edge and they both shrugged, making their way inside the home they hadn’t been in for several years. Lucky for them, nothing had really changed.

Spectre poured himself a cup of water, handing it to Edge and then poured another. “Have you gotten your assignment yet?”

Edge smirked as he pressed the metal cup to his lips. “Of course I have.” He gulped down half the water and set it down on the metal counter. “I’m stoked as fuck that I’m going to be piloting the ship you’re the Operator of.”

“That’s it?” Spectre lofted a brow at his younger brother. “Nothing else?”

“I mean, not really.” Edge shrugged. “I don’t know much about the others. I’m just glad I’m with you.”

Chuckling, he shook his head. He should have known that his brother would still continue to be simple-minded, even after all of these years. It didn’t come to him as a surprise; not really. In a way, it was almost relieving to know that his brother remained wholly the same - even after the intensity of the Training Programs.

“Did you get a chance to look at the ship?”

Edge whistled, sailing his hand out across his body in a dramatic flourish. “Bro, let me tell you…” He leaned sideways, bumping his shoulder against Spectre’s. “Just thinking about flying that ship is giving me a hard-on like you wouldn’t believe!”

He rolled his eyes, lightly elbowing his younger brother’s side. “Seriously? Come on.”

“I’m dead-ass serious, Bro. Like, holy shit, the Amaterasu is one sexy fuckin’ vessel.” Spectre watched a gleam sparkle in his younger brother’s eyes as he spoke. “She’s the newest hovercraft in the fleet and that baby was made for speed and destruction. I bet she could make it to The Fields and back before a Sentinel could even detect what actually happened.”

Spectre quipped a brow. “New stealth tech?”

He watched his brother nod emphatically. “Oh yeah, and then some.” He clapped his hands together. “I can’t wait to test that beauty out.”

Pulling out his computer, he looked over the ship’s diagnostics. There was some serious hardware put into the hovercraft. If the deployment of the Amaterasu was successful, the engineering crew would work on replicating the ship’s schematics for future hovercrafts. As exciting as that prospect was, Spectre couldn’t help but frown a little.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the Amaterasu was a guinea pig ship. This would be the first time the crew would work together as a collective. Some were still fairly young, their minds “freed” but needing more time to mature. There was also the chance that they would all clash when it came to their personalities and work flow.

He barely got the sigh out of him before Edge wrapped an arm around his shoulder to pull him in close. “Hey, c’mon, Spectre! This is what we went through all that training for, right?” Edge winked at him. “Everything’ll be fine. Every single member of the crew is the best of the best of the best, right?”

Spectre nodded. “Yeah…”

“So there’s nothing to worry about. We’re going to be the talk of the entire fleet. Everyone in Zion is going to know our ship.” Edge laughed, causing Spectre to grin; his enthusiasm was infectious. “We’ll do great things, Bro. I know we will.”

Spectre ruffled his little brother’s hair. It brought him an overwhelming amount of relief to know that his younger brother had, in fact, barely changed at all. In a time where their future was bleak and uncertain, pure optimism was necessary. Hope was needed.

And he would do whatever he needed to do in order to ensure that that hope never died.

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More Posts from Thebiasrekkers

4 years ago

April Showers Teaser List

For the @bangtanscenery​ - April Showers Bring May Flowers Project in celebration of the Spring Season!


Plot: The year is 1170 AD in the kingdom of Goryeo. Nestled in a quiet corner of their world, two people are drawn together and love blossoms in their hearts. However, as tensions begin to rise between their nations, they are unwillingly pulled into the conflict. Their determination to overcome all odds becomes the nail needed for Fate to hammer into their coffins.

Rating: PG-13 // SFW

Genre: historical!au | period!au | soulmate!au | angst | romance | drama | tragedy

Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Female OC (Bayaraa Ehri)

Warnings: Mild language, extreme angst, major character deaths


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Pairing: OT7 x Female OCs (Saoirse, Isabella, Layla )

Warnings: Strong Language, extreme angst, violence

© thebiasrekkers (Admin E & Admin T). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.

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4 years ago

Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?

Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language


AN: Ah! There’s people who like this?? I’d like to give a shoutout to @pinkpjmin who wanted a tag for this mess of a story! If there’s anyone who wants to be on the shoutout list when I finally post, let us know! I purple all of you!

Chapter 18- From Yesterday

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

"But it's hard to admit How it ends and begins On his face is a map of the world."

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

It was a grueling 72 hours since they started to work on Lirael, barely even stopping to take meal breaks. The only reason that they did was because Jin practically shoved food down their mouths, making them choke and pause to chew. He was worried about Namjoon and Hoseok if they kept it up but what bothered him the most was the person that they were working on. He didn’t realize that with her awakening, it would affect him so much. He tried to watch as they worked on her, actually seeing what she was made of--the intricate details that wove together her biological parts with the technological aspect.

Yet, among the blood and wires--he felt a sort of kinship with her and she didn’t even speak one word to him yet. His fingers grazed the outer corners of his eyes, the sharp and unnatural color of them was a constant reminder of what happened to him. The faint scars that he could feel there practically burning as he watched them work on her. Jimin, along with others, had come to the ship about a day ago but his reaction was something similar to Yoongi’s. And it surprised him greatly, on both accounts.

Jimin had burst into tears when he saw what they were doing to her, to which Vairuit steered him away from the area. Nyala joined them in the room, getting looked at while Namjoon was finishing up with what he was doing. She watched over them while everyone else could stand outside and look through the glass into the sickbay. Jin was one of the ones that had been standing there for a while, Yoongi coming and going to check up on everything. He still couldn’t get a good read on the man but one could tell that he was disturbed by what was going on. When he wasn’t there, he would slink back to the cockpit to sit with Jungkook to watch over the area.

Jin dropped his hand from his eyes, the old ache reverberating through his head and face. The faint memory of the incident bothered him from time to time, even more so when he encountered something that would remind him of what happened. Which was why he couldn’t be in the same room as them, nor could Jimin since he had something similar happen. He got along better with Jimin sometimes because of it, the both of them having the scars of repair. It hurt his heart that someone like her would have to have the same ones they had. No matter what she was, she was an innocent in their band of rogues.

“Oh, he’ll be a good one soon.”

The needles and the sterile atmosphere were a constant reminder of where he was. For more than half of his life, he’d been there in those same rooms as fingers and tests were constantly bothering him. That voice, silky and low, was something that haunted his dreams constantly as he had to hear it in his waking moments. They were always doing something to his body, testing it for something that was beyond his scope of understanding. His tears and pain had long dried up, becoming a husk of what he used to be. But that was the way that they liked it, their subjects compliant with everything they said.

Oh, how they praised Samael for his accomplishments, showing off his body and charts to some of the others in his circle. He remembered actually being alarmed with his superiors, fear flooding his veins more than normal when he laid eyes on Samael’s boss. The stare troubling him more than the rest, more than the needles and the procedures. He was to be a prototype for a new army that they were breeding, seeing what all they could get away with. The applications being implanted in their project, the Maiden Program.

He understood snippets of what they were talking about, how close they were to the perfect being and with what they were doing to him--it would all go to it, a being born specifically for their purposes.

He cried, shivering in his corner once he was taken back to his cell. His whole body ached after that meeting, the fear and the understanding that he was nothing more than a canvass for science. It was one time that he couldn’t drive away the pain, humiliation and his whole reality by delving into a dream of a field of warmth. That same golden field where he could sink his hands into the foliage, the warm dirt beneath his feet and the gentle wind that lightly caressed his bare skin. He often saw that scene in his dreams, chasing away the cruel voice and fingers that haunted his waking moments. Often, a girl would join his dreams and would tell him in a soft voice to hold on--to believe in his dream of freedom. A girl with golden hair, just like the field.

“You need to get up!”

He awoke from that sweet dream, the feeling of stiffness from the past tears that had fallen down his face. He rubbed his face as he realized that there was someone else in his cell, someone that was at that meeting. He remembered the cold, blue eyes and instantly shied away from him. The man crouched down, a finger on his lips as he reached around to pull out a black mask. It was something he recognized from a man that frequented the labs, one that always got into arguments with Samael. He put the black mask on himself, the only thing showing was his icy eyes--the whole getup striking him like someone had actually stooped over to slap him.

It was the Demon Sonneillon, the harbinger of death among the top tier Guild. However, he knew the man as someone kind despite what he could do to others. The man would visit, to keep the Mad Doctor in check but would always pity the subjects in his care. While Samael was gone, Sonneillon would give them a sweet treat--the hatred in the man’s eyes would evaporate when dealing with the lab rats.

“Do you want to live here for the rest of your life?” The demon held his hand out to him, getting up from his crouched position. He knew better than to trust a Demon but his offer was one that was sweeter than the sterile life there. After finding some clothes for himself, the pair found their way towards the docking bay. However, they couldn’t just escape quietly as Samael caught them in the act. His dark skin, wicked grin--he was enjoying the mice running around in the maze. Sonneillon roared with anger, killing all that dared to bother him and the ones he freed. It was like a dying beast, getting in the last hunt before succumbing to his weaknesses.

He was scared but her voice urged him on, to hold onto his freedom. He’d had a taste of what it was like, the exhilarating moment that had his soul singing. People dropped all around him but he kept close to the demon that freed him.

Samael caught up to them, smiling like he had found the answer to all of his problems. He held out a hand, inviting him to stay--to become something bigger. But his tone was far from warm and safe, a threat lined underneath the words. It was almost compelling him to stay, a command laced in the undertones. He resisted, the desperation that he was holding onto that kept him from running towards the Doctor.

However, that was the wrong answer as Sonneillon yelled for the Mad Doctor to die. Something ugly twisted his features as he lashed out at the insubordination. He ran in front of the attack, catching the full brunt of it to keep his only friend and savior from being hurt. The attack caught him in the face, rendering him blind and bleeding. He didn’t know what happened next, only darkness and pain that kept him going. He could deal with that, pushing past his body’s limits as he was made to do. The demon helped him into the ship but found that he was locked out from using it. He could hear the frustration in the demon’s voice, ready to die for his own freedom.

But there was something that the demon didn’t know, a way out.

He was able to use the ship, access its systems due to the modifications that had been forced upon him. The synaptic processor that had been implanted into his brain, replacing his parietal lobe--it allowed him to “see” and bypass the locks. After all, the brain is the most complex computer in a species like himself. His reflexes and body enhancements were just enough to escape the Guild, eyes bleeding and brain being strained from the effort. He was going to get them out of there, to chase his wish of freedom.

He awoke to another hospital but one that treated his injuries instead of that hell he was in. Blind and scared, he turned to the Demon that saved him--one that still stayed with him instead of abandoning him to his fate after escaping. He would have to lay in the darkness for a while until something could be done but they were free. A feeling that he only experienced in his dreams, finally a reality.

“Shikoba, what do you want to do now?”

A bloody tear fell from his damaged eyes, one that wasn’t soaked up by the bandages around his face. He didn’t know the answer to that but there was one thing he was certain of. He reached up and started to scratch at the tattoo on his forearm, to the point where it was bleeding. Sonneillon tried to stop him but his strong fingers had dug into the skin, disrupting the tattoo that was there. Pushing the man away, he had mauled his skin until he was satisfied. By the time the nurses got there, the area was a bleeding mess.

“I am dead.” A sob racked his body as they sedated him again, the Demon watching on as his body relaxed again. “But I will live again soon. You should too. I am made to survive so please be free.”

“We both are dead now. So sleep and know that I’ll be here when you wake up.”


He hadn’t realized that he had been crying, an actual feat that his body was barely able to do those days. Because of the implants, it was incredibly hard for him to produce tears but it didn’t matter anyways since he rarely felt the need to cry. The Pilot realized that Yoongi had been talking to him, sensing the turbulence in the man.

“Did you get any supplies wrangled up before we leave this place? I heard you got some more food products I can actually work with.”

Yoongi nodded, deciding not to press the issue. Jin turned, furiously wiped his face before looking back at the scene. Namjoon and Hoseok had just finished what they were doing, covering up her body out of respect. Nyala was talking to them, pointing towards the cockpit as she instructed them on something he couldn’t hear. He furrowed his eyebrows as the both of them watched the pair pick up her body and carry her out. He was going to protest, questioning their decision to move her body but Nyala placed a hand on his shoulder with a small smile.

Namjoon carried her body to the bridge and set her on a peculiar area that he hadn’t really noticed before. It was one that was situated right behind his pilot’s seat, a circle that looked like something should have gone there. As instructed, Namjoon put her body down into the circle and stepped back.

Initiating Maiden Interface.

They all heard Kibeth’s voice call out before the area sunk down deep into the floor. The top closed after enveloping her; a series of mechanical clicks could be heard before a large cylinder shot up, attaching the top to the other half. Suddenly the sides of it slid away showing Lirael in the cylinder like she was floating in that space. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her eyes were still closed.

Lights all across the bridge started to light up, and areas that were dead or barely working were now almost singing to life. An unexpected glow shining in the cylinder lit up her features more. The sides covered up the most important parts of her body. Lirael’s eyes slowly opened, the green color radiating with life. She blinked, looking around at something that they couldn’t see. Her mouth opened a bit like she was about to speak but instead something else happened.


A voice, light and soft, could be heard as she smiled. Hoseok cheered suddenly, scaring them all as his mouth grew wide with a smile. Namjoon grunted in satisfaction as he was trying, very obviously,  to keep from cheering as well. Jungkook clapped Jin on his shoulder but the man was focused on Yoongi, who had walked up to the tank. Lirael shifted in there to look at him, a happy expression on her face.

I am Lirael, but I do not know your names! Thank you so much for helping me and Nyala! I have just access the ship’s systems and everything is in running order. You are Yoongi, are you not?

Yoongi didn’t answer her but extended his hand to touch the tank. A tear fell down his cheek as he used his abilities to connect to her mind. It was something that was bothering him, whether or not she was more machine than body. He realized that she was just like the rest of them but with a connection that he just couldn’t handle at the moment. It was something that he’d been sensing as well as with Nyala but the pieces just wouldn’t fit together until he joined minds with her.

Suddenly, everything made sense to him and it overwhelmed him.

You are leaking! Are you in need of repair? Do you have damage, Mr. Yoongi?

Yoongi snatched his hand away from the tank and ran out, embarrassed that he caused such a scene. Nyala came up to her and reassured her that everything was fine. Jin watched the exchange, the scene being committed to his memory unit. The success of the endeavor was being saved and he would remember it all for them.

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4 years ago


This is officially NetworkBangtan’s 11th round of applications! Yay!

NetworkBangtan, the largest BTS network on Tumblr with over 800 members, has reopened applications for the first 100 applications we receive.

If you are accepted as a member, you can use our *members only* tag #networkbangtan to get any of your BTS-themed gifs, graphics, fan arts, etc. reblogged onto our blog (we call it your “original content”) and your url is put in the BTS blog directory. You can also participate in network activities like fanfic exchanges and gfx contests!

Note: We no longer operate network group chats for accepted members. Our previous rounds have resulted in group chats that stayed active for a few days at best, so we decided to no longer open any. Sorry!

Sounds pretty awesome, how can I join?

Your blog must be active + at least 80% BTS. Sideblogs are accepted.

Before sending an application, follow NetworkBangtan.

Like and reblog this post. We will be checking!

Read the rules page before applying.

Keep your Tumblr messaging enabled so an admin can let you know if you’ve been accepted.

Please make sure it’s your chat that’s open; we won’t send acceptances through askboxes. 

Follow @nb-apps for application updates.

That’s it! NB’s goal was and is to continue helping Armys connect and spread their original content. If you’re interested in joining, visit our apply page here to access our app. The application can be completed on MOBILE too.

Apps will be reviewed shortly after applications close; acceptances will be sent within 2 to 4 weeks (hopefully sooner!)

P.S. If you have time, we’d love it if you’d check out and follow our team’s blogs too! ♡ Admins: @superjeon​ + @jonghyunslisterine + @yoonminshooked  + @yoonqiful | Assistants: @cutiesexylovelyjimin + @taegi + @seventiddies + @tearuntold♡

4 years ago

Hello! Could you please add me to the taglist for No Words 😊 I love your blog and all your stories are amazing!! Thank you for sharing your work 🤗 Hope you guys are healthy and safe ❤❤


Admin T here! 

Consider it done! We’re staying as healthy and safe as we can over here. There’s so much in the works though! I’ve rid myself of the heebie-jeebies and now it’s back to work! Reminder to everyone we’re still taking names for our tag list! Please feel free to DM or reblog to get in on the shenanigans! 

Make It Right [OT7 X OC, Mafia!AU] - Admin E

Fragmentation/Defragmentation [OT7 X OC, Matrix!AU] Admin E

Edge of Forever [OT7 X OC, OutlawStar!SpaceAU!] - Admin L

No Words [Taehyung x OC, Namjoon x OC, Idol!AU Poly!AU] Admin TGird your loins, ladies and gentlemen! Stay safe. Stay healthy  💜

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4 years ago



Hey guys, Admin E here again!

This is just another poke to see if anyone else wishes to be added to the tag list for any of the following series.

Current Ongoing Series:

No Words by Admin T (Taehyung idol!AU focus) Edge of Forever by Admin L (OT7 Outlaw Star/Space!AU focus) Make It Right by Admin E (OT7 Mafia!AU focus) Fragmentation/Defragmentation by Admin E (OT7 The Matrix!AU focus)

Again, feel free to either reblog this post, leave a comment, or send us a message in our Ask box with a link to your tumblr handle so we can add you to any of these lists.

We love you all so much! That is all!

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