thebiasrekkers - Bias Rekkers
Bias Rekkers

Three Writers. Multiple Fandoms. One Tumblr. Fandoms we write for: BTS, VIXX, EXO, Monsta X, ATEEZ, GOT7 - - Mobile Navigation

518 posts

Omg Our Jungkookie Got Married ! I Just Remembered The Interview They Had And All Bts Members Said JK

omg our Jungkookie got married ! I just remembered the interview they had and all bts members said JK would be the first to marry!. But, all in all i'm so glad they got their happily ever after and hope it remains till the end. Also, i was listening to We are Bulletproof: Eternal while reading this chapter and it made me kinda emotional and right after they exchanged their rings, eight came." So r you happy now?, finally happy now? Also...


I know - so much sweetness! It’s precious!

Also, that song. T_T So much yes. Many tears. 

I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter! It was one of my favorite parts to write so far. I think the part I liked the most was how nervous Jungkook was and that Jimin had to console him in a sense to ease the nerves. I feel like that is how Jungkook actually would be, despite his pushy confidence to get Eden to notice and date him in the beginning.

~ Admin E

  • shrimpmsg
    shrimpmsg liked this · 4 years ago

More Posts from Thebiasrekkers

4 years ago

Eeeee just trying again because tumblr is sending asks into the void. I wanted to drop by and send some more love your way. I’ve been blazing through your fics lately, and I’d like to thank you for providing such a brilliant means of escape. You’re getting me through, and I really appreciate it



Tumblr is so mean and eating asks! I’m so glad that this one was able to make it through! The tumblr struggle be real sometimes.

It makes us so happy that you’re blazing through our works and enjoying everything that we have to offer. It gives us that nice warm and fuzzy feeling inside to know that we can share our creative works with others and that they are enjoyed. It makes me especially happy to know that we are helping you get through whatever hard time you’re dealing with right now.

You are loved, I promise.

Stay sweet and feel free to drop a message any time!

~ Admin E

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4 years ago


Hey you!

Yeah, you right there!

Has anyone told you how amazing you are? No? Well then let me!

Im SO proud of you! You are so amazing for having the strength to get up today! No matter what you are going through, remember im out here, supporting and loving you. You deserve the WORLD and more.

And bishhh - YOU LOOK SO GOOD! Keep doing you because thats the best thing e v e r!

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4 years ago

Your works are amazing! 💯 💯


Anon, you’re so sweet! Thank you so much for loving our work and coming into our little corner to enjoy what we have to offer!

~ TheBiasRekkers

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4 years ago

Fragmentation 1.0

Fragmentation 1.0

Plot: How does one measure freedom? Are our choices truly our own, or are they part of a preset design outside of our control? We all have a question burning inside of us, though few speak it out. It is the question that drives us forward, seeking purpose in our lives. What is The Matrix?

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | The Matrix!AU | angst | sci-fi | action | drama

Pairing: N/A

Warnings: Strong language, allusions to suicide, extreme angst, graphic violence

Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 3,435

AN: Like all of my works, there will be OCs working opposite of the boys. In this story, we have three. Next in the Fragmentation series is Elain. She is slated to be The One in the series. This is her tale on how she was found by one of the crew members of The Amaterasu. On to Hitomi’s origin story for Defragmentation! All information in the universe can be found on the official Matrix Wiki so please use that as a reference guide if you ever get confused!

Tag List: @aroseforyoongi​, @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432​, @shrimpmsg​

© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.

Fragmentation 1.0

Elain proceeded to clean up a few of the glasses that were left over in the sink. She saw Sam wiping the back of his hands on his apron before he reached over to grab another dish towel. Elain smiled, held her hand out to stop him and the grin only got bigger as she saw the inquisitive look on his face. He was, to say the least, slightly confused. Closing time always was the slowest and most boring part of a bartender's job description.

"Don't you need me to help you out?"

The woman smiled softly, tossing some of her dark blonde curls out of her face as she leaned forward to finish pulling out a few more wet glasses from out the sink to dry them. "I've got this. You just go on back to the house. You've been here since noon."

Sam was about to protest. He hated seeing Elain doing all the hard work and she knew that. At least he had a place to go home to in the evenings. With company, a warm meal, and a reasonable house of interesting people. But Elain...she only had that apartment with that crazy little border collie of hers. She claimed that she was fine and that the random visits to Sam’s home with his boisterous housemates made up for that, but in all honesty, Sam just thought she needed someone else in her life. A person who could relate to her pain and give her a shoulder to lean on...just as she could give her shoulder to them.

Shrugging out of his apron, he folded it up neatly and placed it in one of the bottom cabinets. "Alright. Well, if you need me to come back, just call me."

Elain nodded, shooing the man out the backdoor so she could close up. After she dried up the remaining glasses, she pulled her own apron off. Looking up at the VIP box office where her managers worked, Elain sighed. Word on the grapevine was that her bosses were affiliated with the mob. Though she couldn't say just how high up the food chain these two men were, she could almost guarantee that they were of high rank and standing within the mafia. 

Which, in turn, made them her enemies.

But she couldn't bring herself to be angry with them. After all, from what she could tell, they were involved because they had no other choice. As if it were a sort of livelihood for them. Kyle was an honest, diligent worker. The first to come in to work and the last to leave. Marcus came in and out every once in a while, but for the most part, a good hefty portion of the management job fell onto the younger brother’s shoulders. And, like tonight, only Kyle was working his crazy hours inside that office of his.

Pulling out two glasses, Elain poured a shot and a half's worth of bourbon in each one - adding two ice cubes to lightly dilute the liquid. If she knew anything, Kyle would definitely need an after work drink to relax and calm his nerves. She popped her neck some, massaging the shoulders here and there, before making her way out from behind the counter and sidling into the nearest stool. She picked up the cool glass and touched it to her lips, allowing the liquid to slowly slide down her throat. It was a welcome burn. After tracing her fingertips along the edge of the glass, she started lightly humming a song to herself as her hair, once again, fell into her piercing gray-blue eyes.


Elain enjoyed the taste of the liquor sliding down her throat. As she heard the door to the office upstairs closing with a light click, she paused just as the glass was leaving her lips and she looked up with her dark slate eyes to see Kyle locking up the office. Smiling, she set the glass down on the coaster in front of her, looking back at the glass and fingering the edges once more with the tips of her digits. Mentally she smiled bigger than what her outer appearance allowed her to. 

After all, she wasn't one for giving away her inner most thoughts. Her specialty was people watching, after all.

The way Kyle shrugged his shoulders as he was locking up gave an air of resistance. Like he was shrinking back from some unknown force around him. It permeated a reclusive air that Elain just wasn't sure she was equal to. Her dog was company enough for her and she definitely didn't shrink back from Janice. The poor border collie would have been so offended. But it indicated just how tight of a hold Kyle had on himself - keeping others at arm's distances, if not further. 

He descended the stairwell.

As he reached the bottom, there was a slight hesitation in his steps. She could hear it - feel it - the breath between them so tense it could have been sliced with a knife or cut with fabric shears. Though the pause was but a half a second, Elain could sense the doubt. Would he approach? Should he approach? These were all things that Kyle was probably thinking. Beyond the occasional greeting, the two of them never really conversed all that much. He'd hired her because he was the manager - her boss - and she'd met the credentials needed to do the job. That was all that really mattered, right? Credentials?

He slid into the bar stool next to her and she turned her head on cue, flashing him a smile that was both soft and welcome as he picked up the glass of bourbon. "Thanks." 

His hum of approval was a welcoming sound and Elain felt her teeth show. Well, she certainly knew that she was the barkeep for a reason. When he turned to smile at her, Elain couldn't help but wonder if the smile was genuine or if it was a well-rehearsed gesture that Kyle practiced for a while. 

"Shouldn't you be home by now? It's not good to work so much," he teased, causing her to quip a brow as she lifted her glass to her lips.

"Nah," she said, shaking her head and closing her eyes as she waved one hand gently to the side before taking a whiff of the bourbon with satisfaction. "There's this sayin' back where I grew up. In a club, it's always the guy servin' the drinks and the guy cuttin' the checks that are the first to come in to work and the last to leave." Elain turned to look at him, eyes half-lidded in their sultry fashion as her smile broadened before winking cutely at him. "Guess that means us, hm?" 

Kyle’s smile went from polite to almost devious. “I suppose it does.”

Laughing lightly, she ran a hand through her thick raven locks while turning to look at him, her bangles jangling like little bells by her ear as she moved to rest her elbow on the counter top. "So tell me, Boss Man. Why's it feel like you're locked away up there in your office like some mad scientist instead of coming down here and chatting with me during a break?" She gently clinked her glass against his as he held it up halfway from his face. "For a minute there, I thought it was because you didn't like me." 

Her smile widened and she laughed lightly once more, tossing some of her raven hair from her shoulders as her other hand rested on her bare torso. This outfit was indeed quite strange, but she didn't mind. Elain knew it suited the work atmosphere and it was necessary for her to "blend in" because the customer should always be the focus of her attention. 

Boss or not, she was currently her customer.

"I would love to come down for a drink every now and then, but I don’t really take breaks with as much work as I do. What's the saying? 'There's no rest for the wicked'? Or, in my case, no rest for the 'Boss Man' as you put it." Kyle gave a little chuckle of his own before it died off to a simple, amused smirk on his lips.

“Not much of a crowd person.” Elain said it like it was a statement versus a question. She waited for him to confirm or deny it, but when he said nothing, she simply shrugged one shoulder and set her glass down on the coaster in front of her. “I can understand that.”

He quirked a brow at her. “You do?”

She nodded, her brows furrowing slightly. “Yeah. I mean, sure, we work in the bar and club business, but we keep ourselves isolated from it all.” She pointed toward his private office. “You have your office and I have my bar,” she continued, smoothing her hand over the counter, “there’s always a line that we divide between us and the rest of the world.”

In a way, it was almost like they were born isolated from what they knew to be the world around them. It felt natural, yet it felt wrong all in the same instance. Elain could never fully gauge why she felt that way, but only that she did.

Kyle looked at her for a long time; longer than what she was used to or even comfortable with. There were a variety of reasons why people stared at her and it was usually because of her appearance. She was a light-skinned, Creole woman with dark blonde curls and piercing grayish-blue eyes. People often thought she wore contacts, but it was just her genetics. 

Half English, half Haitian.

He sighed, his eyes shifting to look back at his glass. “And some of us are higher on the food chain than everyone else.”

Elain blinked, confused by his words. “What do you mean, Kyle?”

Suddenly, the door to the club opened. Elain stood up on reflex, her eyes scanning the doorway. A young man of Asian descent with black and orange hair entered. He had a pair of sunglasses on, which was strange for that time of night. He wore a white leather jacket with a black rocker t-shirt underneath stuffed into his black denim jeans with the knees torn open. 

“Um, excuse me,” Elain called out to him.

The heels of the man’s combat boots clicked against the tile floor as he scanned the club, his head stopping as he faced in their direction. 

She frowned. “I’m sorry, but we’re closed for the night.”

“It’s you.” His voice was soft but full of authority. It caused her brows to furrow in confusion as she heard Kyle shifting from his chair next to her. “You’re the one I’ve been looking for.”

“What are you talking about?” 

It was all she could manage to get out before the man was reaching behind him. Within seconds, he was pulling out a gun, the barrel trained at her boss. Elain gasped sharply, her hands shooting up in a show of surrender. 

“Hey, what the hell are you doing?!” she demanded. 

The man said nothing. Instead, he squeezed the trigger and fired off a shot - the bullet zipping out to plunge itself into Kyle’s forehead. A spray of blood splattered across Elain’s arm as she let out an ear splitting shriek - her eyes growing wide while her boss’s body hit the ground with a hard thud. Tears filled her eyes as she fell to her knees, her hands shakily reaching out to touch him. The sound of rushed footsteps seemed to vibrate inside of her ears, muffling all the noise around her. 

As she stared at Kyle’s body, she watched it jerk slightly, as though he were being electrocuted, and then fizzled into a different form. The man lying beside her was no longer the kind and quiet Kyle, but a man whom she didn’t recognize - his eyes covered by a pair of sunglasses and a security earpiece in his ear. Even his suit, casual and comfortable, was replaced with a stuffy one that someone from a high profile security detail would wear. 

“W-What’s going on?” Elain barely managed to croak out. 

Just then, she felt her arm being grabbed roughly and she craned her neck to see that it was the man who’d killed her boss. Or, at least, the man she’d thought was her boss. She tried to pull herself free, but he only tightened his hold on her.

“Let me go!”

“We don’t have time for this,” he snapped, all but yanking her up to her feet, “we need to leave this place. Now.”

The doors to the club suddenly burst open, a torrent of gunshots and bullets spraying in varying directions. Elain screamed, covering her ears as the stranger immediately slammed his chest into her back. They crashed to the floor and a sharp pain hit her elbows as they collided with the ground. The bar counter served as a momentary shield, the sound of glass breaking as powerful as the smell of alcohol as they leaked from their containers. There was a distinct sound of something being shifted and Elain felt her arm being gripped once more. When she looked back, she saw the stranger pulling out a zippo lighter from his pocket. 

Before she could ask him what he was about to do, he shifted his gaze to meet hers. His sunglasses came off during their fall. There was a sharp intake of breath from Elain as she looked into his eyes.

They were the same slate blue as her own.

The man threw the lighter over the counter and Elain could smell the alcohol catching fire. Taking a moment to utilize the confusion, he grabbed for her arm and hauled her up onto her feet. There wasn’t even enough time for him to yell at her to run. She just let her legs instinctively take control. Gunshots rang out through the club as they both bee-lined for the rear entrance to the club. 

Sweat ran down Elain’s spine as her feet ate up the ground, the stranger hot on her heels. Sliding on the wet concrete, her shoulder slammed into the brick wall of the alley. Grunting, she tried to urge her legs to keep going but the adrenaline was starting to drain out from her. As if he’d sensed it, the man grabbed her hand and all but dragged her behind him. 

They reached the end of the alley, his arm shooting out to stop her from stepping out onto the side street. Elain’s heart drummed heavily against her chest, the beating reaching her ears and muffling all other sounds from her senses. There was a point where she thought the world was blurring in and out of focus around her, but she couldn’t be sure. Were those men still chasing them? Was she actually standing there and not running anymore?

The sound of tires screeching to a halt was the last thing Elain heard before everything motion blurred around her - fading into darkness.

Fragmentation 1.0

“Somebody better start talking,” Elain snarled, her back pressed to the wall of what looked like an abandoned building, “I want answers!”

Another Asian man, different from the one who’d snatched her from the club, stood in an opposite corner of the room. He cradled what looked like a sniper rifle in his hands, the barrel of the gun resting along his left shoulder and across his body. He scoffed, a derisive smirk spreading over his lips. 

“She’s feisty,” he said, craning his neck to look at the man who brought her there, “I like her already.”

“Keep it in your pants, Ares,” snapped a woman with blonde hair stuffed into a ball cap, “business first. You can get laid later.”

The man, Ares, snorted before leveling his gaze back to Elain. She frowned at him, his arrogant smirk refusing to fall. For good measure, she threw the bird at him. Instead of responding in offense, Ares laughed and shook his head. It caused Elain to blink and further pressed herself along the wall.

Unable to shake the trepidation from her body, she clutched and wrung her hands together. The person who brought her to that unknown place approached her. When he was less than three feet away from her, Elain shifted again even though she knew she had nowhere to go.

“You can relax. You’re safe and among friends.” He tried to sound reassuring and she had to admit that his soft voice was, in a sense, calming.

“Speak for yourself.” The woman cut her green eyes to Elain. “We’re not even sure she’s going to relent.”

“She will, Crow.” Ares’s smirk widened. “She’s too curious not to.”

“Quiet. Both of you.” The man never took his eyes off of her, forcing Elain to focus on only him for the moment. “They call me Cobra. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”

Elain’s lips parted, her eyes widening in shock. “Y-You’re--?”

“The one who successfully hacked the government’s Central Intelligence systems? You would be right.” Cobra smiled, the gentleness meeting his eyes. “I had some help, of course, but it was mostly my work.”

“Don’t let Frost or Miles hear you. They’ll never let you hear the end of it.” The woman, Crow, called out to them but Cobra didn’t acknowledge her physically. He kept his eyes locked on Elain.

Those names were like little firecrackers going off in the back of her brain. She’d heard of them while she was tooling around on the net. But it was the question that always lingered in her mind. The question that she longed to obtain the answers.

“What is The Matrix?”

Elain couldn’t stop the gasp from leaving her lips even if she’d wanted to. How could he have known that was the question she was wanting to know the answer to? He smiled, canting his head slightly as he looked at her.

“I know that look. It’s the same look I had on my face once.” 

He reached out to grab one of her hands and she didn’t try to resist. Turning her hand over, he placed something inside her palm. When she looked back at her hand, there were two gelatin capsules in her hand. One red, the other blue. Her brows furrowed and she looked back to Cobra, his face calm and reassuring.

“Hitomi,” he said, causing tears to form in her eyes, “you have a choice to make right now. Even though I already know what choice you’re going to make, I still want to give you the option to bail out.” He pointed to her hand. “The red pill will lead you down the path that will answer all of your questions. But it will also give birth to more questions, some of which you may never find the answers for. The blue pill will make you forget everything prior to the moment I walked into your life. You won’t even have the questions inside of you anymore.” 

Crow approached Cobra, handing him a glass of water. He held it out to Elain, to which she absentmindedly took it.

He knew so much and she seemed to know so little. Would she really be okay never knowing the truth? Would she be okay returning to a life of blissful ignorance?

Elain dropped the blue pill onto the ground, tossing the red pill into her mouth and draining the glass of water. Within seconds, both Crow and Ares were moving around her. They were pushing her onto a nearby couch and panic snaked up her throat as she was forced to lay down. Pressing a variety of sticky pads to her skin and temples, she noticed the monitoring devices and felt her panic growing. Cobra pressed his palm along her forehead, feeling his cool palm easing the inflamed feeling flushing out across her skin. 

For a moment, she forgot about her fears and all the movement going on around her. The onset of hysteria was briefly beaten back by Cobra’s almost serene expression. Her eyelids grew a little heavy as he stroked his thumb along the space between her eyebrows.

“I’ll see you soon, Hitomi…”

Hitomi nodded, her eyes lifting to stare mindlessly at the ceiling. She took a deep breath, blinked twice, and watched the world dissolve into darkness - the space replaced with lines of green code. She felt a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

And then it all went dark again.

“Welcome to the Real World.”

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4 years ago

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]


Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC

Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut

Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 2,441

Tag List: @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali​, @shrimpmsg​​,

Chapter 47: DNA


“We’re completely different baby. Because we’ve found our destiny.“

© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.


Seoul – Cheongdam; Gangnam District South Korea

There were few expectations that Kim Taehyung had in life. He expected to wake up, have breakfast (and by breakfast, he had every intention of making love to his woman), shower, eat actual breakfast, and then continue with his day. His work was always different; working with artists of various talents. It didn’t have to be in the music industry. Taehyung found promising artists of all forms of medium in his line of work. Some nights he worked late. Some nights he came home early.

These were all normal expectations.

What he didn’t expect was to come home to a lovely ceramic plate flying at his head.

Instincts took over rationale and he quickly dodged, the plate shattering into half a dozen pieces against the wall. When he looked up, he saw Raelyn preparing to aim two coffee mugs at him from the kitchen. She lunged one at him and he dipped around the corner as it smashed into the wall.

“W-Whoa!” he yelled, peeking around the corner, “Raelyn, what the hell?!”

She said nothing. Raelyn chose to chuck the other mug in her hand instead of answering him. Taehyung ducked behind the wall again. He hurried out of his shoes and shrugged his coat off his shoulders, letting it land on the floor. Taehyung raced into the kitchen just as Raelyn began reaching for the carving board; presumably to beat him with. She yelled at him, a host of incoherent sounds tumbling from her, and he wrenched the heavy board from her hands and tossed it onto the counter.

He ignored her banging on his chest and only winced when she grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled. Taehyung did his best to put a lid on his mounting anger and, instead, chose to focus on the fury painted over his girlfriend’s face. He reached out to grab her wrists, holding them firmly between them and forcing her to finally look at him.

“Raelyn!” he yelled again, his voice booming off the walls and causing her to be still for even half a second, “What’s the matter? Tell me what the fuck is happening!”

But she didn’t say anything. All he saw was the onset of tears brimming her eyes until they, too, spilled down her cheeks. He searched her gaze, looking for a clue that would tell him anything about what forced her to go into a frenzy. He watched her fingers curling into fists as he held her wrists securely in his grasp, her chest rising and falling with how heavy she was breathing. He was so confused.

Until his eyes rested on the counter and he saw a pregnancy test. There were two faded blue lines on the applicator. His grip suddenly slackened and his arms fell at his side. Raelyn didn’t resume her punching assault. She covered her eyes instead, sobbing into her hands. It only took a moment for him to realize what was happening before his vision went vertical for half a second. Shaking his head, he tried to get his head right as it attempted to swim.

“H-How long?”

He grunted when he felt Raelyn punching his shoulder. “I don’t know! A month! Maybe longer!” She angrily wiped at the tears on her face. “I won’t know until I get an ultrasound done.”

Taehyung rubbed at his shoulder absentmindedly, stopped, and then smiled widely. He saw Raelyn aiming to hit him again, but he shifted and grabbed her by the hand. “Then let’s get one done.”

“Are you crazy?!”

It was hard to keep his smile from growing, but he tried. The flustered look on Raelyn’s face, however, had him dissolving into a small giggling fit. She tried to break out of his hold, successfully freeing one hand. She immediately used it to punch him repeatedly on the shoulder. This only forced him to laugh even harder and he began holding his sides.

“You think this is funny?! HUH?!”

Before Raelyn could assault him again, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up. She kicked her legs back and forth, wriggling in his hold, but he only buried his face into the juncture of her neck. He continued to laugh until he felt tears leaking out of his eyes. He hadn’t meant for her to see it, but she must have felt it because she slowly went limp in his arms. Her hands settled on his shoulders as he held her aloft, her feet dangling off the ground and resting along his shins.

“T-Taehyung-ah,” she said gently, moving her hand to curl at the side of his neck, “are you alright?”

He didn’t want to let her go. Not yet. He continued to keep her close to him, her body still in the air and pressed against his chest. His laughter died off and he wrapped his arms even tighter around her waist. She didn’t protest or fight him, instead choosing to card her fingers through his hair until her digits were pressed against the nape of his neck.

Taehyung nodded his head, setting Raelyn down slowly until he felt her feet resting on the floor. He pulled back and she looked up at him, brows knitting together in concern. His smile remained, a little softer, and he let his hands trail down until he could curl his fingers into her palms. Small tears spilled out of the corners of his eyes and he gave a half laugh, using his shoulders to swipe away the moisture on his cheeks.

“I’m better than alright, Noona.” He pulled her a little closer. “I’m so happy.”

Raelyn looked unsure. “You are?”

He gave an emphatic nod. “Yeah, I am.”

This seemed to almost stun her, but she didn’t say anything. Not immediately. He could sense her reticence. He knew there wasn’t anything he could do to chase that little bit of doubt away, so he simply waited. He waited for her to process things the way she often did – usually a handful of minutes of cogwheels turning in her mind.

Finally, she sighed as he saw her shoulders sag a measure. “But why?”

He knew this was coming. He was ready for it. Taehyung always knew he’d be ready if the conversation ever led to this topic. He just never expected it to happen so quickly.

“Because,” he began, taking a breath, “I’ve always wanted to be a dad.”

Again, Raelyn said nothing. She just waited for him to continue, knowing he would.

“I’ll admit it, I was jealous of Jin Hyung a little when he told us that Ana Noona was pregnant. Maybe there was a part of me that selfishly wished you were pregnant too.” A measure of guilt wormed around in his heart and he let go of Raelyn’s hand to rub at the tender spot in the center of his chest. “I know that it isn’t just about me, though. It wasn’t on purpose. I know we were both careful and I—”

Raelyn shook her head. “No, these things just happen sometimes. Use all the protection in the world, but that isn’t a hundred percent preventative. There are instances where it can just…happen.”

He smirked. Hearing her logicalize the situation made his girlfriend even more endearing. Bringing rationale into the relationship was her way of processing and analyzing things. Raelyn was hardly what anyone would consider an impulsive individual. In an unexpected situation, she was doing her best to keep a level-head once the initial fallout of emotions was finished.

Leaning forward, he peered into her face and she, in turn, leaned back so he couldn’t completely crowd her space. “You still mad at me?”

He could see her struggling not to smile, her eyes averting his gaze to keep her expression as flat as possible. “…maybe.”

“You sure?”


“Can we go get an ultrasound now, hm?” Swaying their arms back and forth, he pushed out a small whine. “I wanna know if we’re gonna be parents or not.”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever,” Raelyn said, slipping her hands from his so she could head to the coat closet in the living room, “get your jacket. It’s cold.”

Taehyung scampered behind her, letting her arms shrug into the coat. He made sure she was fully zipped up, holding her hand as she put on her shoes. It took him no time to throw on his padded coat and hop into his boots. He had to keep himself from all but dragging her out of the complex, half tempted to carry her all the way to the hospital.

He was anxious to know if he was already building something with his own two hands.


Seoul – Hannam; Yongsan District South Korea

“What did you just say?”

Taehyung kicked his legs back and forth at the island in the kitchen, cradling the glass of wine in his hands. Yoongi screwed the top to the whiskey bottle closed, setting it on the counter. He seemed to be scrutinizing over what Taehyung just told him, leaning back on the counter and crossing one foot over his ankle.

Instead of answering, however, Taehyung grinned and took a sip of wine. Yoongi’s brows twitched in frustration, not known for being the most patient of people in their inner circle. He wouldn’t be able to get away with keeping his mouth shut for much longer.

“Where’s Jungkook?”

Taehyung decided to change the subject instead.

Yoongi snorted, not blind to his little avoidance method. “Hwaseong,” he replied easily, lifting the glass to his lips.

“Huh?” Taehyung blinked. “Why did he go back to Hwaseong?”

“He and Eden are on a trip there,” replied Yoongi, crossing the kitchen to sit in the chair across from him, “said something about wanting to show her our hometown.”

“What? Really?” Taehyung laughed while leaning back a bit. “Our maknae is so sentimental. Never expected him to take his girlfriend to our country town.”

Yoongi didn’t say anything. Taehyung saw his older brother’s expression shift, but barely. He’d heard from Jimin that Yoongi and Eden were together once. For years. Yoongi kept it a secret from all of them for an indeterminable amount of time and while Taehyung was never one to pry into the affairs of others, he had to admit that he was a little shocked to discover the person he often left them for was Eden McGee.

Will wonders never cease? he thought, watching Yoongi’s movements carefully. And now he’s forced to watch the woman he cared for engage in an intimate relationship with his youngest brother…

Setting the glass down on the marble counter with a whisper, Yoongi took a breath and looked at his watch. Something seemed to pass over his brother’s expression, something that anyone who didn’t know Min Yoongi would have missed. It was something that Taehyung would have missed had he not been paying attention.

He blinked at Yoongi from across the table, the older man refusing to meet his gaze.

…he still cares about her.

“When are you going to tell Hoseok about Raelyn?”

Yoongi’s words smashed through his thoughts, like a rock crashing through a window. For a moment, Taehyung felt his heart jump into his throat – getting stuck there. He tried to swallow down the uncomfortable feeling, internally praying that Yoongi dropped the subject. The truth of the matter was that Taehyung wasn’t sure when – or even how– he was going to bring it up to Hoseok in the first place. It wasn’t like it was light dinner conversation material.

Hoseok was level-headed. While Taehyung knew that his brother had already accepted his relationship with Raelyn, there was no telling how he would react upon hearing the news of her pregnancy. It wasn’t like it was with Anastasia. There was a good chance that Hoseok would simply take it in stride. On the other hand, he could explode.

Like a time bomb.

Clearing his throat, Taehyung drained his wine glass and set it down roughly on the counter. “Do I have to?”

He resisted the involuntary need to flinch when Yoongi’s dark eyes glared openly across at him. “…are you serious?”

“Yes, I am.” Taehyung said it out loud to convince himself.

Yoongi steepled his fingers together. “Don’t you think it’s a little irresponsible not to?”

“No,” he said a little more confidently, “it would be irresponsible to tell him when I don’t have my shit together. I want to tell him as a brother who is proud of the news, not some kid wanting his parents to fix his mistakes.”

For a while, all Yoongi did was stare back at him intently. The weight of his gaze made Taehyung’s breath shorten a measure, but he refused to have his resolve shake. He knew that Yoongi was the most practical of them all, willing to chop away any hindrances to their existences without hesitation. In a way, he could be even more ruthless than Hoseok.

Finally, he shrugged and stood from his chair. “It’s your choice,” Yoongi said while turning to head to the sink, “just make sure you don’t wait until it’s too late.”

Taehyung frowned. “What do you mean?”

He heard Yoongi scoff. “Don’t play dumb, Taehyung-ah.” He turned to glance over his shoulder at him. “You know things are going to get messy once the Jade Fangs decide to make their move.”

“Let them,” he said, standing from his chair, “it’s not like we aren’t ready for the fight.”

“Things are different now. Very different.” Yoongi crossed the room so he could stand beside Taehyung. “We’re not gangsters anymore. We don’t have power anymore. It’s going to get ugly and it’s because everyone has something to lose now.”

Taehyung felt a cold sweat touch the base of his neck as Yoongi gave him the once over.

“…some of us more than others.”

He jumped when he felt Yoongi’s hand patting his shoulder. The smile on his brother’s face was a mixture between bitter and sad. Yoongi sighed, turning away from him to leave the kitchen.

“Congratulations, Taehyung-ah.”

Taehyung sank back into the chair, as if the wind had been knocked straight from him. Part of him was happy to hear his brother acknowledge the small measure of joy he’d received in his life. The other part was fully aware of the warning Yoongi shared with him. They had more to lose now. More than ever.

I won’t let them take it from me. Curling his hands into fists at his knees, he narrowed his eyes harshly. I’ll never let anyone take my happiness from me.

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