296 posts
Poem Per Day Til Dead Or Better: 1
poem per day ‘til dead or better: 1
I don’t know where this idea came from
maybe some strange desire
to leave my mark
on a hard world,
scratching letters into lines
trying to make sense
anurabuni liked this · 6 months ago
More Posts from Theclitisaliberallie
I would really appreciate it if we could all stop making jokes that portray JK Rowling as the unfortunate victim of mold-poisoned brainrot or some sort of possessed-vessel Poe protagonist and realize that:
a) not how mold poisoning works. having a house full of mold doesn't turn you into a caricature of hatred and bigotry.
b) she's a fucking multi-millionaire author she doesn't even need to worry about shining her own shoes she definitely has people who clean her home who would have noticed and hired a contractor for mold without her batting an eyelash
c) she's been this way. this is the part that really irritates me because it shows that people still want to believe that the HP series is somehow free of her vitriol and that she "changed" or "got worse" after the fact but she has always been this way. Every character in that series is a grotesque work of stereotype. Her world-building is malicious and bigoted and she only became famous because she panders to a sort of fantastical european pastoralism and nostalgia and her policies have always reflected what an awful person she is.
JK Rowling isn't some innocent Woman VictimTM who Turned To Evil But Can Be Redeemed she's a fucking ringleader for a global hate movement that wants me and everyone I care about dead in the ground
Writing poetry is bullshit. Sometimes it’s the most profound stanzas and lines and the other times it’s just: hhhhhhhhgggg wordsssssssdsd.

Jackrum's little lads
I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat.
so far the tumblr experience has been mostly good omens and trans content, but that probably says more about me than this hellsite