Theforty7thgamer - The Forty 7th Gamer

bristyletmlr liked this · 2 years ago
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In this version, is Earl swapped out with Pearl for the entire series lore? Do events in the series happen differently? Is earl a gem or a human?

I was commissioned to draw a new version of the Bob Belcher cookie.
I think I did a bit better.

Something a little different in contrast of my last post.
I want this funny scene If we ever do break the world order in Kingdom Hearts.
During the commotion of a massive world uniting event. It is found out by the head of the CIA, Director Bullock finds out that the Stan and the Smiths are harboring an alien. (You can have something like Roger during like an explosion that revealed that there was other planets beyond Langley falls, that his disguise singed off revealing back he was an alien.
As Bullock reveals what could be done to Roger (like dissection and stuff), he quickly changes his tone as the extraterrestrial government government from Lilo & Stitch walk in and mentions that unlawfully harming an alien could stand for a life sentence in space prison.
Bullock then congratulations The Smiths so that it seems like it was his idea to protect the alien.
If you want to play around with this concept make sure to credit me okay, as well as the creators of Lilo & Stitch, Disney, Kingdom Hearts,and American Dad.
My Name Is Earl is a show where:
A guy gets run over by a car after winning the lottery with stolen money.
After he gets divorced by his wife. He finds out about karma and devours his life to it.
He does this by making a list of people he has wronged. Then trying to make it up to them.
Some of which include.
Getting a guy to come out of the closet
Taking a knife to replace a figurine for his ex wife
Fixing a golfers life
And many more adventures.
I think it would be interesting for a crossover
The show is on Hulu
Gonna be honest here, I feel like Psychonauts is one of the easiest things to crossover with just about anything else.
Superpower genre? Natural fit when you’re working with psychics. Overtly supernatural settings? See: psychic powers. Fantastic, but not explicitly paranormal? We’ve got a lungfish that points to ‘compatible’. Completely off-the-wall-bonkers setting? Look me in the eyes and tell me it’s not in line with some of the mental worlds– or even vaults/memories from the real world.
You can even stick it in against otherwise realistic settings and, as long as you’re careful, you can make it work. It’s ridiculously versatile, and is personally responsible for a good 80% of the crossovers I entertain.
Which would taste better
Sparkle Water from Bubblaine

Chuckola Cola