queer Irish lefty with the 'tism

99 posts

Its Very Interesting To Me That Archaeologists Are Finding Tons Of Evidence That In Prehistoric Times

Its very interesting to me that archaeologists are finding tons of evidence that in prehistoric times disabled people were accomodated and cared for because when I was a child my dad told me the opposite.

The example he used, as I remember it, was this: "Imagine we lived in prehistoric times as hunter gatherers. Let's say you broke your leg. Taking care of you would be a liability for all of us, so we'd have to leave you behind to die :)"

At the time I was bewildered and hurt, but I accepted his answer. Now I just think my dad is a terrible person.

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More Posts from Thegothicchangeling

11 months ago

When I was a kid we had a big box collection of scholastic videos and in every video you would be reada story and shown it through animation that kept the art style of the original picture book.

There's one in particular that I keep thinking about but can't remember the name of. It's about an old woman with a cat who adopts a dog. The cat is immediately very jealous and tries to get rid of the dog. Eventually they succeed, but upon the dog's disappearance the old woman becomes depressed (or sick, I hardly remember) and refuses to leave her bed. She keeps asking where the dog is and the cat brings him back, having learned that the old woman's happiness is more important than their pride.

I'm hoping against all hope that someone else is familiar with this story and can tell me the name. I don't think I'll know rest until then.

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1 year ago

I would love to see a cishet male college student character who joined a sorority because he didn't wanna hang out with those rapey frat boys. Would love it if he was super buff and tall and masculine but carried a purse because it was conveint and sometimes painted his nails. An emotionally available prochoice king who's not afraid to cry and speak up about women's issues without speaking over women. The frat boys hate him because women are lining up to date him even though he'd never even think of betraying his darling girlfriend.

Anyway I'm not sure if the worlds ready for that but it would be nice.

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1 year ago

So Vivzie or Faustisse (I cant remember which of them it was) said that Niffty isn't very smart, and she definitely acts a lot younger than her canon age, so I came up with a tragic little headcanon to explain it:

Niffty grew up in an abusive home and when she was around twelve or thirteen her dad struck her head very hard with a frying pan. This caused her be developmentally stunted. Husk and Alastor are aware of this, which is why they're so patient with her.

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