Hello, I reblog stuff from Supernatural. Pleased to meet you.

1734 posts

This Article Is Two Years Old, But As I Am Learning About Heteronormativity And Queerbaiting I Stumbled

Queerbaited: Homoeroticism & Homophobia in Supernatural in the Age of the Internet
I can’t put my finger on exactly when I first saw the word cropping up in and around fandom spaces on the internet, but it was, at least

This article is two years old, but as I am learning about heteronormativity and queerbaiting I stumbled upon it, and found it very interesting, educational and (unfortunately) still relevant.

I have always found studies of gender norms and sexuality interesting, but I have decided to educate myself more on these subjects lately. And the more I read, the more fascinated (and frankly frustrated) I get.

And (getting back to the article) I really opened my eyes to these subjects when I started watching Supernatural and discovered “destiel”. This was only 6 months ago (!) and I am fully comitted, but still very naïve and uneducated. If anyone can recommend some articles or books, please let me know ❤️

Hugs 🐙

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6 years ago

This story is making me feel stuff. All the stuff. Say yes to this. You will not regret it. That is all. 

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 16/19 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer & Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Other(s) Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Bobby Singer, Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, College Student Dean Winchester, Professor Castiel, Openly Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Closeted Dean Winchester, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Mental Health Issues, Dean Winchester Has Self-Worth Issues, Castiel has Anxiety, Bobby Singer is Dean Winchester’s Parent, Armchair Therapy, Phone Sex, Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Dirty Jokes, Identity Porn, Massage, Come Marking, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Humor, BDSM, Euphemisms, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Subdrop, Spanking, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Panty Kink, Underwear Kink, Foot Jobs Summary:

As a grease monkey turned college freshman, Dean’s constantly three seconds away from being stressed out of his mind. It hardly helps that he’s finally figuring out his sexuality in his thirties.

What might help with that stress is a little phone number (and a big credit card bill). If he can’t figure out how to be bisexual in person, he can at least give it a go over the phone, right?

(It’s probably a bad idea, but he really can’t help himself.)


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6 years ago
Its Interesting How This Season Has Been Depicting Cas Physical State As Reflecting His Emotional One
Its Interesting How This Season Has Been Depicting Cas Physical State As Reflecting His Emotional One

It’s interesting how this season has been depicting Cas’ physical state as reflecting his emotional one when he’s powerless to save Dean from Michael.

6 years ago

Whoop there’s that sexual tension again


Do you guys ever just think about scenes, and feel so.. overwhelmed? Wink wink

Here’s a couple of the ones stuck in my head..

Whoop Theres That Sexual Tension Again

It’s been almost 2 years since it aired.. and I still can’t believe it. The way they filmed it was so.. unnecessary.. except to make our hearts stop for that moment. I mean… these two have got to be the only characters to ever shove eachother up against a wall, multiple times, and not end up making out. 🤷‍♀️ And zoomed in on their faces? With framing? In the same episode as the mixed tape?

And then this one

Whoop Theres That Sexual Tension Again

That look, that accent, that gulp with closed eyes, that whole damn episode. ‘nough said.

How bout you, what are your favorites?

Tagging a couple friends who always have the best gifs ❤ @mrsaquaman187 @verobatto-angelxhunter

6 years ago

I really like the idea of Cas “going invisible girl” during the night and visiting a hospital just to go around and heal people..

When Cas is missing from an episode it’s canonically possible he is:

on a bender

reading 74 books on child rearing

riverboat gambling

texting emoticons

being held captive 

interrogating cats

unable to call back – no bars

marrying a djinn queen

recording a new voicemail message

taking an online doula class

in a car with a female

searching cereal boxes for prizes

stealing cars

looking for lucifer

listening to all his voicemails from Dean

healing babies

taking a bus

binge watching netflix

marrying some lady who found him naked

working a case

shopping at the hot topical

in the wind

in his room

being tortured

doing research

practicing holding his FBI badge

at the dentist

watching cartoons

drinking coffee


rolling his eyes

apology shopping

fixing his hair

lounging half naked in a bed coughing

acquiring a new trench coat

watching humanity

listening to religious radio

being tortured

performing small miracles at hospitals

labeling boxes in the bunker

lamenting his inability to taste pb&j

practicing being ‘bad cop’

watching porn

naked on Dean’s car covered in bees

getting tattooed

visiting guinea pigs

standing too close to explosions

listening to his mix tape

He’s come so far from

6 years ago

Personal post

Bought a pride flag to show myself that my sexuality actually wasn’t just me trying to pretend that I was special, but that it existed and that a lot of people actually feel this way.

It felt wierd in the beginning, but now it feels wierd not to have it hanging casually behind my couch (not at all in focus, but not hidden either).

The only problem is, now I get all nervous about friends asking about it when they come over, and I don’t want to have to explain myself, because tbh I am still trying to let myself be okay with it, (without feeling like an attention-whore).

But as I look at it hanging, it makes me smile, and it makes my apartment a little more me.

So I’ll leave it. It’s probably good for me to show people who I really am (which I have always been bad at). I took a picture of it, and wanted to share my happiness with people, but was too chicken to put on intagram or something 🙃 baby steps ..


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