thehighempyrean - The High Empyrean
The High Empyrean

With Knowledge beyond mere mortal comprehension

59 posts

One Of The Most Annoying Things In Normal Convesesion Is That I Always Look Slightly Down When Im Thinking

One of the most annoying things in normal convesesion is that i always look slightly down when im thinking and dont have a fixed point to look at (phone, horizon, window, etc.). And since my autism dosent count eye contact as something to look at it just looks Like im looking at boobs alot of the time. But its not even as in im “looking” its just where my neck and eyes ended before my “minds eye” began imagening something. I usually first notice this after a decent bit into the convesesion where i then try to mitigate this by looking at something over the persons shoulder, this sometimes works. But over time the process merely repeats.

(it also dosent help that most the people i talk to in person on a regular basis are women)

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    yasammy4ever liked this · 1 year ago
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    pinkybatz liked this · 1 year ago
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    thehighempyrean liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Thehighempyrean

1 year ago

Hank made a video about his experience doing D20 and in it mentioned that he went out and bought clothes that made him look a little bigger than he actually is to play The Fix and I love him your honor.

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1 year ago

Starks aren’t ugly

I think a big part of equalling "Stark looks" with plainness or even straight up ugliness is because THE in-house remaining Stark for the sake of reference is Ned, and Ned is notably plain. But the thing about that is he seems to have been an outlier at that. He and his siblings all had the "Stark looks", coming from a marriage of two Stark cousins.

Truth be told, Ned is rather ascertained by Catelyn as merely "shortER and plainER" than Brandon, but Brandon was the desirable fuckboi of the North back in the day. Lyanna, likewise, isn't only described as pretty only by Northern relatives, but also by a Southern marriage pretender with notable wandering eyes for anything pretty, and even an indifferent Lannister just putting it out there as some off-handed, irrelevant fact. No one cares enough for Benjen to note on his looks because he is an irrelevant figure to the outer world, gone to the NW since near childhood, so statistically Ned remains an outlier as a "plainER" (again, not even ugliness which the author is never shy to outright point out in a character) guy among the Stark family, while simultaneously being the only reper for "Stark looks" among anyone alive.

It would make sense that even not necessarily ill meaning fans would be blindsided by not looking at the full picture. But the fact is "Stark looks" aren't inherently unattractive or even merely plain or indifferent, and that Jon is of course logistically likened to Ned from the outside by default (as "father" and only Stark reference around for most people), but he himself is Lyanna's son (with a notably handsome man), and a young Lyanna is mistaken for Arya in a vision memory, not merely assured by an indulging father.

But, most importantly, at the end of the day, AGAIN, "looking like a Stark" is statistically/historically associated with attractiveness, particularly as ascertained by the other sex.

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1 year ago

Truly the greatest of books

Reading hitchikers guide for the first time was really funny because it was like ohhhh THIS the writing that every unfunny nerd has been trying to emulate from like ‘00-‘12 . But good.

1 year ago
Just Finished The Rough Outline Of The Map For A New D&D Campaign Im Gonna Be Dming For Some Friends

Just Finished the rough outline of the map for a new D&D campaign im gonna be dming for some friends

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