thesmallonesblog - Moonlight

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Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll

Boyfriend Wonwoo on Your Camera Roll 馃摲

Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend Wonwoo On Your Camera Roll
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More Posts from Thesmallonesblog

1 year ago
"You're Annoying"

"You're annoying"

"If by annoying you mean I'm an absolute ray of sunshine that you can't live without then I'd have to agree" Jeonghan smirked at you, he knew he was just pushing your buttons further and he loved it.

"Somehow I think we landed on a different page on that one."

"So you're saying and hear me out on this one - that IF I disappeared tomorrow you wouldn't miss my annoying self."

"And miss out on some quiet time to myself? Be able to eat my whole plate of food without you eating half? AND not have to fight for the blankets at night?"

Jeonghan clutched his chest dramatically, reaching out to you with the other as his knees buckled under him, "My heart, my poor heart. I don't think I'm going to make it." He slipped to the floor at your feet, hands outstretched up to you grasping at the air, "is that the light I see? Is this the end for me?"

"Jeonghan I swear you should have been an actor instead." You rolled your eyes stepping over him trying to hide the smirk that had spread across your face.

As annoying as he might be at times with his silly little jokes and the pranks he always seemed to be pulling on you, you couldn't help but feel a swell in your heart. You did love that dramatic little fool who was now rolling around on your kitchen floor groaning.

You reached to open the door to the fridge as a hand reached over yours to keep it closed. He snuck up on you, one of his specialties still despite you having lived together for a year now.

The feel of his breath against the nape of your neck sent shivers all over your body. His other hand came up tucking your hair behind your ear.

You felt his mouth breeze against your ear as he whispered, "I didn't hear you say you wouldn't miss me love"

He pressed his lips just below your ear, lingering a bit long so that his scent invaded your senses and you could feel the flush flood your cheeks.

"Awfully quite all of a sudden." Jeonghan reached for your shoulder lightly forcing you to turn around to face him. He had you pinned against the fridge. An arm on both sides of you trapping you, not that your wanted to escape. If anything, you wished he was closer.

Like he had read your mind your felt his body push up against you his mouth finding it's way to your neck again leaving small kisses all the way down it. He stopped suddenly looking up at you, "sorry is this annoying you?"

Before you could respond his lips were on yours soft at first but then the pressure increased, needy, hungrily. You opened your mouth, wanting him to explore, wanting to feel him everywhere.

And then he was gone. No lips, no arms trapping you. Just a Jeonghan standing across the kitchen smirking happily to himself.

"Now I bet this is REALLY annoying you isn't it?" He let out a laugh as he ran down the hallway taunting you to follow.

It was barely a second before you were launching yourself down the hall after him.

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9 months ago

Boyfriend DK on Your Camera Roll 馃摲

Boyfriend DK On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend DK On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend DK On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend DK On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend DK On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend DK On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend DK On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend DK On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend DK On Your Camera Roll

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1 year ago
Soft Moments With Minghao

Soft moments with Minghao

Letting you into his space - we all know Minghao gives off a slight black cat energy and is someone who values his own space and time. But when it comes to you, you're the one person he would allow into his quiet more personal moments. He would welcome you with open arms into his meditation space enjoying walking you through the process in order for you to find an inner peace and relase some of the stress you're carrying in your everday life. Something about sharing this time with you, no words just energies combining together would be so personal and intimate to him and he would feel so much closer to you through these shared moments. It would make him smile and his heart vibrate with happiness in his chest when you would ask to join him in these moments and would be even more elated to see you much more calm and at peace at the end of them. He would also enjoy shared time sat reading together. He would often suggest and pick up books that he thought you would both enjoy so that you could read them together and be able to talk about them with one another. Sharing thoughts and predictions on what was going to happen next. He would love it on the days that you would curl up beside him, you head on his lap. He would run a hand through your hair as he would read out loud to you until you dozed off in peaceful comfort.

Your built in therpaist - this man, the definition of an active listener. He is always there for you when you need to talk. When life gets too hard and he notices you struggling he would sit you down and encourage you to share the burden with him so that you could figure it out together. With him, you would never be alone in this world. To him, your problems, your struggles and your worries were his as well. He would do anything and everything to help provide you with advice, different prespectives and ideas on how to handle things going forward. Just sitting down and telling him what was going on and seeing his face calm and collected would instantly take so much weight off your shoulders. He always would know just what to say to bring you down from your worries and make then seem so much more manageable and not as scary as you would make them out to be in your head. On the flip side he is not only there in the tough times to listen. He loves listening to you ramble on about your day, what you did what you saw. He would love the way your face would light up when you would talk about you faveourite things in life. When he was feelling down he would ask you about your faveourite hobbies just to see you face light up and get lost in how excited you are about it all. It would instantly make him forget the rest of the world.

Personal Stylist - we all know how fashionable this man is. He takes pride in his fashion sense and would love to share that with you. You wouldnt ever have to worry about going shopping, what to wear and what to accessorize with because he has your back. He would love to take you shopping, pilling clothes in the dressing room for you to try on. He would know exactly what would fit you best, always making sure to pick things that he knew you would be comfortable in. He would be your biggest hype man too while trying things on. Talking up how good you looked in all the outfits he picked out for you, taking pictures of everything for his own collection. Going out? Have an event? He's got you. He would love coming over to roam through your closet to help you compile an outfit that would wow everyone else in the room. Minghao would also love buying things that you both could wear or buying somehwat matching outfits that would compliment one another as well. Lets be real, he would also love dressing you up to have full on photo shoots so that he could combine his two favourite things, fashion and you into one thing.

Window into his silly side - despite his usual more quiet and reserved nature with you Minghao is more likely to let his hair donw and let his more relaxed silly side down. We've all seen him twerk on tipsy live. This MInghao would be out a lot when the two of you were alone together. He loved seeing your smile and hearing your laugh and with you he felt no judgemnt so he would let his guard down and express his silly nature more to allow all of this to happen. You would have our own inside jokes with one another, your own looks that would express them so that when you were out with others you could just look at one another and know and giggle silently to yourselves together. I can just see him being much more carefree and open, relaxed.

Always shows up for - you are his pride and joy and he wants you to know that every second of everyday. He also wants the whole world to know that and to know that you are his. He would go out of his way to show up for you in every way he could in life. If it was to be there for a phone call when he was away so that you could vent about a tough day he was there answering the call. If it was an special life event like winning an award of graduating you know he would be as close to the stage as possible cherring you on. If you just needed one of those hugs that seemed to put all your broken pieces back together, his arms were open and waiting. I just feel that with him you would never feel alone, always feel apprecited and always feel safe and secure because you knew he was only one step behind you if you ever stumbled and feel. Man. I have such a sweet spot for hi, but I just feel like he would always be there and you would never doubt him for a second in amything

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1 year ago
Soft Moments With Seungcheol

Soft Moments with Seungcheol

Princess Treatment - this man will forever treat you like you're his own personal princess. To him you are everything and he wants to make sure that you have everything you could ever need or want and more. From little things like being his designated forever passenger princess in total control of music, temp and horrible road trip games. To never being able to stop himself from buying you things he sees that remind him of you, would think you would like or remembers you saying that you needed or liked. He's on it ALWAYS. He even has an ongoing note on is phone keeping track of things you've mentioned in passing that he can use later to bring you home little just because or pick me up treats. Even when he's away he would make sure that you are comepletly taken care of. He would be the type to have schdueled groceries delivered of all your favourite things so that you could have more time to yourself, insist getting someone to drive you around and have someone around to clean your palces. He wants you to be able to spend time doing the things that you love, never wanting and having it all.

Open Listener - He wants you to feel heard, it doesnt matter if you think its something so silly hes there to listen. He never wants you to hide your thoughts and feelings from him so he makes sure to always provide a safe space for you to open to him about anything. Whenever you wanted to talk he would always put aside what he was doing and focus all his attention on you. If you weren't ready to talk yet he would allow you into his arms, holding you close until you found the words you wanted to say. He would let you get it all out, raw and unfiltered before he would comment on anything. His top priority was always to ensure you were able to express you feeling freely and without jugdment or without something trying to persude you away from certain feelings. He would listen to every word you'd have to say and at the end he would ask you what you wanted from him: advice, what his take on it was, a gossip session etc.

Always on his Mind - it wouldn't matter the distance that was between the two of you, it couldnt stop his mind from always wondering back to you. Cheol would constantly be reminding you that you were always a priority in his life no matter how caotic it would get. The reminders would come in all different forms. Throughout the day he would constantly be sending you little messages ranging from asking you about your day, reminding you to take care of yourself, videos he saw that he thought would make you laugh and pictures of things he saw while out that he thought you would like. He would send you voice notes just rambling, updating you on all the things that were going on, reminding you of how much he missed you and how much he wished you were right beside him now. It wouldnt' matter if he was away or laying beside you every night - he would always be sending or bringing you little presents as a form of expressing his affection for you. When he couldnt take the distance anymore, it would be nothing for him to tell you to book time off of work since he booked flight to come meet him wherever he was to spend a week with him.

Always wanting you close - You are his safe place, his happy place, the one place he feels like he can be totally and utterly himself. You make him feel whole, complete and he wants nothing more to feel that always. He would never admit it to you but when you're not near him apart of him feels broken. Any second he could spend with you he would make sure he could, he wouldnt be able to get enough of you no matter if you had been attached to the hip everyday for a month. He would never tire of having you in his space, in your space. You were home to him. Just having you in the same house as him, not even the same room would calm his mind and he'd feel the warmth in his heart increase. Wherever he'd go he'd want you to be there with him, experince everything with him and share every moment with him.

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1 year ago
A Missed Call. A Late Night Voicemail

A missed call. A late night voicemail

Made with every member in mind - pick your fave and read on

Hey it's me. I know it's late, I just really needed to hear your voice.

I miss you.

Who am I kidding? That's an understatement.

I get on stage every night in front of thousands of people but the only face I look for in the crowd is yours. Your goofy little smile, you know, the one that takes over your whole face when you're just so excited you can't hold it inside anymore. The one that makes my heart feel like it's doing backflips because when you're happy, I'm happy. Sometimes I picture you in the crowd and everything else just seems to fade away because in that moment you're the only thing the matters. You're always the only thing that matters to me.

I come back to the room and it's just so cold, so lonely. All I crave is your laugh, your scent, the feel of you body against mine. I want you here with me. I need you here. I'll send you a ticket tomorrow just please say you'll come. I think I'll go crazy if I have to go another day without you by my side. Please Y/N say you'll come. I'm begging you.

I've never wanted you wake up from your sleep so badly in my life but please wake up. Call me back and say you'll come....

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