He, french native language, Male (Fatal) Vore Kink page, mainly Marvel Charcters, sometimes actors, write stories, All characters are 18+ dispite what movies says.
41 posts
The Superhero Hunt, Part 4: An Assassin To Go With The Night
The Superhero Hunt, Part 4: An Assassin To Go With The Night

(Resquested by @vorepred223311)
After your good nap, you go to the bathroom to empty yourself of the remains of your evening dinner. It took so long to digest giant man considering its size. But even that didn't save him from your hungry stomach. You spend a good half hour dropping huge logs into the toilets untill it overflowed.
After that you get dressed and finally leave the archer's apartment, and go outside. It's late into the night. You step out into the dark of the night heading to a well known place where you know you'll get some filling hero meat, the Avengers Tower.
As you walk you begin to hear people talking followed by someone screaming. It seems like people are fighting. You head towards the noise to see who it is. To your surprise and appetite, you see the Winter Soldier, Captain America's childhood friend, taking down a bunch of criminals. Looks like you just found your next snack! You drooled by only looking at the buffed physique that's fighting. You can't wait to shove it up your ass.
After the hero has knocked out the last criminal, causing them to fall unconscious to the ground, you decide to take action. As he sees you walking towards him, his first reaction is to defend himself. But as he sees you're not wielding any weapons, he quickly changes his mind, thinking now that you're probably a citizen in need of help…What a mistake he's making.
When you finally arrive next to him, he asks you if everything is alright and if you need any help. You just give a mischievous smile before pushing him onto the ground, and once his body hits the ground you use your heavy weight, that you gain from the digestion of your previous meals, to keep him in place. The Winter Soldier tries to get up, wanting to use his robotic arms, but you make sure he doesn't.
Not waiting anymore time you take off your pants and sit on his face, the man screams in disgust. You smelled horribly there, since you evacuated the remains of Ant-man. Using more of your weight you eventually get his head through your hole. You moaned at the feeling. you kept pushing till you got his shoulders inside as well.
When done, you get up onto your legs, your hole has the grip on him, he won't be able to escape anymore. The soldier is your food now. Your muscles keep flexing around the morsel of beef, shoving it deeper and deeper up your ass. They are sliding past your pink hole, as if you're giving a big moan. The man was buffed, you could really feel the difference with a normal man and a supersoldier.
Sometimes later, you've swallowed most of the soldier. Only a pair of wiggling feet is all that's left of the man on the outside world. But you don't waste any more time, you're hungry for some hero after all. And with a final flex, your hole closes behind the wiggling toes. As you feel the whole man inside you're moaning even harder. It feels so good! You give your ass a slap, eager to digest this piece of meal. But as you planned to leave the alley, you heard a voice looking for someone. ''Bucky?'' You looked to where the voice was coming from and you smiled at the known silhouette of the Falcon, Captain America's sidekick. You just had a filling meal, but you still have room for another one!
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Eventualy after a nice evening of digestion, all that was left of Spider-man was a big pile of bones in the kid's bedroom.
1 The Punisher aka Frank Castle

Captain America was send by schield to stop Frank Castle aka the Punisher. Putting on his stealth suit, he goes to The Punisher last known hideout. Trying to be as discreet as possible, he comes across piles of bones, lots of bones, he can believe what he saw. That's when Frank appears. Steve get imediatly in defensive possition. ''Captain America himself. The Shield is pleasing me.'' When Steve asked whose bones it was, Frank tells him they're just some Schield Agents, that couldn't survive the trip down his stomach acids. Cap couldn't believe what he heard. He ate them? ''But do not worry, as you will soon join them.'' Before Cap had the time to react, he had his head in the man's mouth. Castle continued savouring each inch of his meal. Huge slobbery gulps, and eventualy Cap is just a squirming bulge in the man stomach. Frank gave his swollen belly a slap as it's breaking down Captain America.
Sometimes later the Punisher belches loudly, burping out drool covered bones, adding Captain America to his collection. He loves it when the Schield sends his best meals.
Hey, I'm back! While waiting for more uploads, I'm in the mood for some asks, so if you have any asks of any kind (about vore of course) feel free to ask!
Top 10 Marvel Preys:
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9 Ikaris

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8 Thor Odinson

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5 The Human Torch aka Johnny Storm

Spider-man and The Human Torch were close friends, and they knew they can have each others back. But there's a risk when one is a prey, just like Johnny. The risk being, that when Peter is hungry he highly will go for the handsome blond. Which he did. This time during patrol Peter couldn't resist anymore, he knows it's dirty to eat a friend, but he can't deny it anymore. He gulps Johnny all down his stomach, where he ends up in the acid pool, waiting to digest. As he's lying there, Johnny's pleading his friend to release him, not wanting to die, but he's a prey, he should accept his fate.
4 Quiksilver aka Pietro Maximoff

Pietro was kind of a brat. Always irritating Barton calling him of all names, 'old man' being his favorite. But when you never leave someone alone, even more if this someone is a pred, you shouldn't be surprised to end up in his ballsac. Now the 'old' man is laying in his bed, with a big smile on his face. ''That's what you deserve.'' He soon starts to masturbate, turning Pietro into jizz. Some up and downs later and Clint jerks the boy's remains all over his abs, pecs and face.
3 The Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes

Bucky and John didn't go along well. Bucky couldn't stand the other calling himself Captain America, and the other didn't like bucky not suporting him. Well the fact that he swallowed the previous Captain America up the ass didn't help. But Bucky has to accept that Steve is no more, well just a pile of bones now. Eventualy Walker will understand that it will probably never happen, well if he can't get Bucky by his side, he will get him inside. When they were both alone, John took his cock out and slurped Barnes in it, the figure of The Winter Soldier visible through it, sliding down the cock straight to the ballsac. Dispite his struggles Bucky will eventually end as a cumstain on the wall.
2 Spider-man aka Peter Parker

Peter trusted Quentin, deeply. But when he betrayed him and revealed himself as Mysterio, he felt bad, not because he trusted a criminal, but because he still likes him. He always found him atractive, he can't help it. That's why, when Quentin took his cock out and shoves the kid in it, during the confrontation, Peter let him do. He would lie if he says he doesn't like it. Spider-man is sliding deeper down Beck's giant cock, ending in his ballsac. Quentin is moaning as he's jerking of wildly, eager to turn this kid in his next load of cum. All while Peter has accepted his fate, closing his eyes forever.
1 Captain America aka Steve Rogers

Friends since forever, Bucky and Steve could always count on each other. They were often send together during mission, 'cause their complicity was unmatched. And so they were send to a mission to infiltrate some Hydra bases, like they often do. But this time it was different. Because this time Bucky had a powerfull hunger. Such things did happen in the past, and he would feast on a shield agent or a criminal, but now there was no one around, no one except Steve. He knowd he shouldn't but his hunger comes first. At an unexpected momment, during the infiltration. The Winter Soldier swallows his childhood friend. With big hungry, slobbery bites he gets first the head in, followed by his pecs, abs and legs. Bucky moans as the blond is getting deeper and deeper inside. Drool, all over his meal, and himself. He soon takes his last bite of his meal, locking him inside forever. Steve is struggling inside, trying to speak it out. But it's useless, he's isn't Bucky's chilhood friend anymore, but his meal. With a smirk on his face he gives his swollen belly a big slap, breaking Rogers into nothing.
After he burped Steve's bones and skull out, he goes back to his mission as if nothing ever happened.
Do you think Hydra would have used the Winter Soldier to get rid of people with his stomach?

Yeah I would like to think they did. He's Hydra's most efficient weapon after all, no one ever escapped his stomach acids. Just like the other supersoldiers he can break his preys in just a few flexes, with no prove they where ever inside, except for the few remains he would be regurgitating just after... It's a bad habit he kept even when joining the Avengers. Which comes in handy against enemies. Even if they are far from being the only ones to end up crushed behind the supersoldier's abs.
I like to imagine an alternate universe where Hydra sends the winter soldier to get rid of Captain America. Which the Supersoldier succeeds in, not without regurgitating the red, white and blue costume of the hero.
Oh you know bucky has has had plenty of guys filling his stomach and balls eh 😉

Yeah he surely has, even though I see him more as a prey, he surely shouldn't be underestimated, even more if your an annoying prey. He would often solve his problems by shoving them into his balls and release their remains on the walls.
Here some prompts, with Bucky as pred dealing with some annoying preys:
• On a new mission, looking for the villain who roams the city, Bucky leads the investigation. He arrived at a warehouse that he entered, remaining as discreet as ever. He moves forward in the dark and finally sees from a height the villain scheming something. He stays passively observing. Suddenly he was surprised by a tap on his shoulder, he turned around to defend himself, but quickly relaxed when he noticed that it was only Spider-man. He too was on the trail of the supervillain. Peter then proposes to team up, much to Bucky's dismay. They continue the investigation. The more he advances, the more Bucky is annoyed by the young vigilante, who doesn't stop talking. The Winter Soldier can't bear it anymore and decides to act. A few minutes later and Bucky's slit closes behind Spider-man's feet. The kid fully packed inside the assassin's balls. Bucky groans as he feels Peter struggles. He jerks off until he cums Peter's remains all over the room. When he's done, he puts his pants back on and focuses back on his mission. As he looks over to where the bad guy was supposed to be, he notices that the villain took the opportunity to run... Damn, the kid really messed up his mission...
• Bucky may not have been the most buffed of the bunch, but he shouldn't be underestimated, which the Howling Commandos did... Now the six of them are squeezed between Bucky's stomach walls pressed against each other. Even Captain Rogers was inside. They were on a mission and Dumdum Dugan was mocking Bucky and told him he was an easy meal if he wanted to, that's when Bucky made the bet that he could pack all of them with ease. Which he proved. Now he's lying against a tree waiting for his meals to digest, moaning at every struggle. The pressure release causes the gas to rise, which makes Bucky burp. With that burp, boots and helmets escape and land in front of him and ends up taking a nap at the foot of the tree.
• Working for the military had its advantages for Bucky. He made a lot of friends, but most of all he got an endless source of food. It happens often that some recruits disappear and we don't hear from them anymore. It started out slowly, Bucky would sneak into the rookie dorm once a month and swallow one of them. But his hunger only grew. One a month became one a week and then one a day until it was several a day. No longer limiting himself to just the recruits. That's why the day his childhood friend joined the army and became Captain America thanks to the super soldier serum, Bucky couldn't help himself and ended up swallowing Rogers whole. Even the mass of muscle that is Captain America could not resist the stomach acids of Sergeant Barnes. Who lets out a big burp after this good meal.