He, french native language, Male (Fatal) Vore Kink page, mainly Marvel Charcters, sometimes actors, write stories, All characters are 18+ dispite what movies says.
41 posts
The Superhero Hunt, Part 4: An Assassin To Go With The Night
The Superhero Hunt, Part 4: An Assassin To Go With The Night

(Resquested by @vorepred223311)
After your good nap, you go to the bathroom to empty yourself of the remains of your evening dinner. It took so long to digest giant man considering its size. But even that didn't save him from your hungry stomach. You spend a good half hour dropping huge logs into the toilets untill it overflowed.
After that you get dressed and finally leave the archer's apartment, and go outside. It's late into the night. You step out into the dark of the night heading to a well known place where you know you'll get some filling hero meat, the Avengers Tower.
As you walk you begin to hear people talking followed by someone screaming. It seems like people are fighting. You head towards the noise to see who it is. To your surprise and appetite, you see the Winter Soldier, Captain America's childhood friend, taking down a bunch of criminals. Looks like you just found your next snack! You drooled by only looking at the buffed physique that's fighting. You can't wait to shove it up your ass.
After the hero has knocked out the last criminal, causing them to fall unconscious to the ground, you decide to take action. As he sees you walking towards him, his first reaction is to defend himself. But as he sees you're not wielding any weapons, he quickly changes his mind, thinking now that you're probably a citizen in need of help…What a mistake he's making.
When you finally arrive next to him, he asks you if everything is alright and if you need any help. You just give a mischievous smile before pushing him onto the ground, and once his body hits the ground you use your heavy weight, that you gain from the digestion of your previous meals, to keep him in place. The Winter Soldier tries to get up, wanting to use his robotic arms, but you make sure he doesn't.
Not waiting anymore time you take off your pants and sit on his face, the man screams in disgust. You smelled horribly there, since you evacuated the remains of Ant-man. Using more of your weight you eventually get his head through your hole. You moaned at the feeling. you kept pushing till you got his shoulders inside as well.
When done, you get up onto your legs, your hole has the grip on him, he won't be able to escape anymore. The soldier is your food now. Your muscles keep flexing around the morsel of beef, shoving it deeper and deeper up your ass. They are sliding past your pink hole, as if you're giving a big moan. The man was buffed, you could really feel the difference with a normal man and a supersoldier.
Sometimes later, you've swallowed most of the soldier. Only a pair of wiggling feet is all that's left of the man on the outside world. But you don't waste any more time, you're hungry for some hero after all. And with a final flex, your hole closes behind the wiggling toes. As you feel the whole man inside you're moaning even harder. It feels so good! You give your ass a slap, eager to digest this piece of meal. But as you planned to leave the alley, you heard a voice looking for someone. ''Bucky?'' You looked to where the voice was coming from and you smiled at the known silhouette of the Falcon, Captain America's sidekick. You just had a filling meal, but you still have room for another one!
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More Posts from Thesuperheroeater
Oh you know bucky has has had plenty of guys filling his stomach and balls eh 😉

Yeah he surely has, even though I see him more as a prey, he surely shouldn't be underestimated, even more if your an annoying prey. He would often solve his problems by shoving them into his balls and release their remains on the walls.
Here some prompts, with Bucky as pred dealing with some annoying preys:
• On a new mission, looking for the villain who roams the city, Bucky leads the investigation. He arrived at a warehouse that he entered, remaining as discreet as ever. He moves forward in the dark and finally sees from a height the villain scheming something. He stays passively observing. Suddenly he was surprised by a tap on his shoulder, he turned around to defend himself, but quickly relaxed when he noticed that it was only Spider-man. He too was on the trail of the supervillain. Peter then proposes to team up, much to Bucky's dismay. They continue the investigation. The more he advances, the more Bucky is annoyed by the young vigilante, who doesn't stop talking. The Winter Soldier can't bear it anymore and decides to act. A few minutes later and Bucky's slit closes behind Spider-man's feet. The kid fully packed inside the assassin's balls. Bucky groans as he feels Peter struggles. He jerks off until he cums Peter's remains all over the room. When he's done, he puts his pants back on and focuses back on his mission. As he looks over to where the bad guy was supposed to be, he notices that the villain took the opportunity to run... Damn, the kid really messed up his mission...
• Bucky may not have been the most buffed of the bunch, but he shouldn't be underestimated, which the Howling Commandos did... Now the six of them are squeezed between Bucky's stomach walls pressed against each other. Even Captain Rogers was inside. They were on a mission and Dumdum Dugan was mocking Bucky and told him he was an easy meal if he wanted to, that's when Bucky made the bet that he could pack all of them with ease. Which he proved. Now he's lying against a tree waiting for his meals to digest, moaning at every struggle. The pressure release causes the gas to rise, which makes Bucky burp. With that burp, boots and helmets escape and land in front of him and ends up taking a nap at the foot of the tree.
• Working for the military had its advantages for Bucky. He made a lot of friends, but most of all he got an endless source of food. It happens often that some recruits disappear and we don't hear from them anymore. It started out slowly, Bucky would sneak into the rookie dorm once a month and swallow one of them. But his hunger only grew. One a month became one a week and then one a day until it was several a day. No longer limiting himself to just the recruits. That's why the day his childhood friend joined the army and became Captain America thanks to the super soldier serum, Bucky couldn't help himself and ended up swallowing Rogers whole. Even the mass of muscle that is Captain America could not resist the stomach acids of Sergeant Barnes. Who lets out a big burp after this good meal.

You were best friends with Tom Holland, he often invited you to his house to hang out together. Unfortunately, well depending on the point of view, quarantine came, and you had to stay at Tom's house till it was over, Which neither of you complained about. You both continued to live your lives. You watched tv, while Tom was having an online interview. He didn't bother putting his pants on, no one would see it anyway. It's not the first time Tom isn't fully clothed. But this time it did something to you. You kept looking at him, and started to feel a hard on coming from underneath. It kept poking for more attention. As you rub it you start to feel hungry. No surprise, it's been weeks since you've consumed someone, and now you're starting to feel it. You keep rubbing your cock with a mischievous smile, waiting for Tom to finish his interview.
An hour later you pick up Tom's sock, that he lost while you sucked him inside your cock. You shove your cock inside and start jerking off. A couple of strokes later and your cumming gallons of Tom's remains, filling the sock with the white liquid to his limits. When you finally stopped, you put your pants back on, and threw the filled sock in the trashcan as you walked by. You set yourself back on the couch and continued watching the movie.
The Superhero Hunt, Part 2: An Archer Up The Ass

(Request by @vorepred223311 )
After having emptied yourself of the remains of the young spider vigilante. You put your pants back on and get up, leaving the dark street with Spider-man's red and blue suit covered with his remains sprayed on the ground.
Spider-man was so delicious, much better than your daily meals! He made you want to taste more superheroes! Lucky for you, you knew where to find one.
You arrive in front of the building where your apartment is located. Except you don't go home, but instead you go to the apartment two floors above yours. You stop at the front door which, as you expected, is open as always. You open the door even more, deliberately not to be noticed, even if it probably wouldn't matter. You were surprised at what you saw. Hawkeye is in his apartment as expected, but he was asleep, lying on the couch, wearing just a black underwear with a slightly rounded belly. Next to it a skull and bones spread out on the floor next to some clothing. It looks like the archer, pleasured himself.
But who cares, you're here to eat! You approach the couch and place yourself where Hawkeye's head lies, who is still sleeping deeply. You pull down your pants and turn around, bringing your buttocks close to the blond man's face. You start to press yourself, sitting on the face, sliding the hero's head between your big buttocks until it finally penetrates your hole. You moan, at this incredible sensation.
You continue, until you get his shoulders in, followed by his pecs and abs. You're amazed at the hero's heavy sleep, he still hasn't woken up, good for you, you're having an easy meal! Well, even if he had woken up, it's not like he would have escaped your fat ass!
A few moans later and your belly had swollen greatly because of the hero inside and outside there was only a pair of feet left, which you finally pushed in with the help of your hand. And there you have it, you completely swallowed Hawkeye! And he is so delicious!
You sit down and take his place and rub your belly. He tasted amazingly, you don't know if you'll ever be able to get back to the standard meal again, you only want heroes now!
You almost fell asleep before you start to feel some movements coming from the inside. The hero had finally woken up, and didn't understand the situation and started to panic. By reflex he struggles, punching the wall, but it's useless, all it causes is you moaning even more. He can fight the best he can, Hawkeye's destined to be digested and to add a layer of fat on your already fat ass!
Pred Fiche: Hawkeye

Name: Clint Barton
Pred level: 7
Prey Level: 7
Prefered Type of Vore: Cock and Oral vore
Little Facs:
• In one universe he was able to swallow every single Avengers, and all at once. Of course he spent the next three days digesting his buffet.
• One day Bucky jokingly dared him to swallow Thor and Hulk in the limits of an hour. He not only succeeded, but it only took half the time given.
• Clint is often ordering Pizza for the evening, but get you wrong the pizza isn't for him, but rather for Lucky, his dog. No, his diner would be the pizza boy himself. Much tastier.
Overall: More the type of pred to swallow someone because it's fun. Clint loves challenges, and is always ready to take on buffed guys. The archer would swallow anyone who calls him weak, turning them into a pile of shit. And his favorite meals are his friends and by far.
Hawkeye's Top 5 Favorite Preys:
5. Daredevil aka Matt Murdock

Often teaming up together to defend the streets of New York. Matt had learned to trust Clint, just like the blond already had. As always Hawkeye doesn't stop talking while Matt is dead silent, trying to focus on the sounds of the city. When he heard a big rumble coming from Clint's stomach. He gave the blond a questioning look, to which Hawkeye answered he didn't eat before leaving and he's starting to starve. But before Daredevil could react, he found himself head down Clint's throat. Barton kept gulping his compagnon down, sending him straight to his gut, where the struggling meal will soon be digested alive. After a couple of rubs and a huge belch, Clint shat a log of the remains of the brunette on top of the roof. Before getting up and going to patrol by himself.
4. Ant-man aka Scott Lang

Like always Scott makes easily friends with others, Hawkeye was no exception. But When friends are hungry, it is the duty of the other to feed him, well at least it's Barton's point of view. Anyway, the thing is that the archer patiently waits for the diner, well, 'his friend' to grow in size thanks to his powers, because Scott himself isn't very buffed. Scott Finished growing in size at the curious demand of his friend. Now let's feast! Clint wastes no time and starts with the giant pair of feet, taking them inside without a bit of difficulty. Lang is scared as he watches his friend's monstrous appetite consuming him. He tries the best he can to free himself, but surprisingly Barton's grip is much stronger. He can only accept his fate now.
Later that day, Spider-man caught Hawkeye leaving a room with a slightly rounded gut. When entering the room, Peter is welcomed by drool covered bones, huge bones, spread all around the room. The boy should be careful around here…
3. Spider-man aka Peter Parker

Spider-man was one of the newer additions to the team. They all knew his secret identity, Peter knew he could trust them. So Clint was finally able to see who was under the mask, and he had to admit, damn, the kid's fit. Good, he loves them fit! When they both were in the changing room, the kid for his training with cap, and Clint, well... for his meal. He waited for Peter to undress himself leaving his underwear, and when done, he gulped the kid with a wide slobbery gulp. The kid didn't even have time to react, as his full head was swallowed. Some minutes later and Clint is now alone in the room, with a spidey filled belly. The kid was thrashing inside the man's stomach, trying to get free. But inevitably, Peter gets completely digested by the archer's gastric acids. And when Cap came to look after the kid, he was greeted by a huge burp and underwear smacking into his face.
2. The Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes

Bucky and Clint were fuck buddies, releasing every tension in a sesion of rough fucking, in with the supersoldier is often the one taking Hawkeye's arrow up his butt. Many moans later, and Hawkeye finally cums inside Bucky's ass. They soon after fall asleep, cum still leaking down Bucky's ass. But one couldn't sleep, because of an insatiable hunger. A gurgle wakes the archer in the middle of the night. He should eat. As he says this he looks next to him and observes Bucky's naked figure. Looks like he found his midnight snack. Some minutes gulps and he's now alone on the bed, with a sleeping Bucky packed inside his stomach. Clint rubbed his belly, feeling his meal wake up by his flesh ripping from the digestion. As the man screamed at the blond to release him, Barton fell asleep with a big smile and finally satisfied. The next morning, Clint had to rush to the toilets to evacuate that metal arm that's giving him indigestion as well as some bones along the way.
1. Quicksilver aka Pietro Maximoff

Pietro was a little brat, since his recruitment in the Avengers, he didn't stop irritating his favorite 'old' man. Usually Clint would put him in place by shoving his 'arrow' up that silverhead's ass. But it never made the boy stop, looks like the brat actually enjoins it actually. Well Clint does aswell, so, he's fine to keep living like this. Except that this time the Maximoff twin annoyed the man at the wrong time. Indeed, this time Barton had a powerful hunger that he needed to satisfy. So like always he ends up catching the boy like he always does despite the speed of the other. But instead of shoving his cock inside the speedster ass, he shoved Pietro's feet down his cock. The silverheaded panicked when he understood what's happening, but with his feet catched, there's no escape anymore.
Now Clint is laying on his back, moaning as he's jerking wildly his cock, untill he finally cum's the boy's remains all over himself. Well looks like the boy won't be able to annoy him anymore.
The Superhero Hunt, Part 3: An 'Ant'-sized Meal

(Request By @vorepred223311 )
The next day you wake up and head to the bathroom shitting the remains of the archer into the toilets. It took you some time, but eventually you end up filling them quite well. You wipe your ass and smile as you admire the fat the hero added to your behind. You put your pants back on and leave the restrooms. When entering the living you're greeted with a brunet you recognised from tv. It's one of the Avengers, Ant-man? You don't remember, but it doesn't matter, all you see is some food.
The man is surprised by your presence and asks why you're here and where Hawkeye is. You lie and tell him you're one of Hawkeye's friends, which the suited hero easily believes. ''Oh, nice to meet you!'' He greets you as he gives you a handshake. ''You know where he is? Because he asked me to come over to have a snack.'' You smile to yourself, the man was so naïve, such an easy prey. You understand that Hawkeye was planning to swallow the man, but we know how that ended. Well luckily for you, now you have a meal just waiting for you to eat.
''He went down, but don't worry you'll join him!'' you tell him, as you grab him, pinning his arms the long of his body. ''What?'' The man panics, not understanding what you're planning to do. But it will change soon enough as you gulp his head down your throat. The man struggles as he's surprised by your action. But the struggle makes it only easier for you to shove him inside your mouth. You moan as more of the man slides past your lips.
Once you've got his abs inside, you raise your head to make it easier to swallow the man. As you gulp his abs and the arms alongside, you feel your belly inflate by the presence of the man inside. Scott Lang is still trying to find a way out and keeps squirming, begging you to release him. But his pleading makes it just more enjoyable for you. You take another gulp around the meat, till only his legs are left. For which you don't waste any more time to swallow. And some seconds later you're closing your mouth around Ant-man's booted feets.
You rub your swollen gut feeling your prey struggling inside, squeezed between the walls. It makes you moan even more. You sit on the couch, enjoying your free meal. Inside the man is panicking even more as it gets harder to breathe. In an act of distress he activates his power and shrinks to an ant-sized man. Causing your stomach to deflate a lot, which you didn't like. You start rubbing your belly, shaking it, wanting the man to turn back to his normal size. Inside the man is shaked from all sides making him want to puke. As he starts to drown in the stomach acids, he reactivated his powers this time growing to a much bigger size than before.
Your stomach is stretching unbelievably wide, accomodating to the growing size inside with your belly inflating more and more, growing into an abnormal size. Breaking the lounge table it was resting on along the way. That was a surprise you didn't see coming, but it was a welcomed one. The hero eventually hits the maximum size he can get making your stomach hit the roof. You moaned at the view. But the hero soon notices it was a bad idea, as he feels even more squeezed than before. When he wants to return to normal size, he notices he can't because his suit is also breaking down. He's crying as his bones are breaking and the acids are melting his flesh. Desperately begging you to release him.
The change in pressure inside your stomach makes the gas rise through your throat. Making you belch.
A giant-sized Ant-man helmet comes flying out, bursting against the wall. You smile to yourself as you feel your giant meal digesting inside. You didn't expect the man to turn so huge, but you loved the outcome. Now you're finally closing your eyes taking a nap on the couch, imagining how much fat the man will add on your body once digested.