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Top 10 Marvel Preds:
10 Hulk

Hulk was hungry, he needs to eat. But what could he eat in the middle of the fight? Those Ultron bots aren't tasty looking at all. But luckily for him, Clint is by his side, well not for long... Some times later, the area is cleared and Barton is deep down Hulk's gut. In which he's melting down into nothing. When Captain America came to check on them he's greated with an enormous belch accompanied with some bones and a skull.
9 Hawkeye aka Clint Barton

Clint and Scott became close friend while working together. And as such, it's natural to help each other. So when Clint was hungry, Scott was there to satisfy him. This is how Lang got consumed by the archer. Later that day, Barton is burping the ant-man suit out. keeping it as a reminder of his friend. It's good to have a friend on which you can count to satisfy your hunger, well not that Scott had much to say before getting eaten...
8 Wolverine aka Logan

Wolverine is a hunter. And is always looking for his next prey. One day After having shitting the remains of Captain America back out, he got hungry again. Luckily for him his next prey is non other than his previous meal's sidekick. Some gulps later and the Winter Soldier is down in Logan's acids gut, waiting for the same fate as his childhood friend.
7 Mister Fantastic aka Reed Richards

For his studies, Reed needs some experiments. That's why when he came to the question of the human body and it's resistance to acids, he gulped down Johnny, who wasn't pleased with it. Reed promised him to let him out after that. Which he did, just not in the same state as he went in. Some hours later Reed was shitting what had become of Johnny down the pipes. It's not like he could complain anymore...
6 Falcon aka Sam Wilson

USAgent had just eaten and digested Steve and Bucky, ignoring their agonising screams, the ripping of flesh and the cruching of bones. When he was done he burped their remains in front of Sam's feet. Seeing his friends reduced to a pile of bones, triggered Falcon. And shoved the Captain America wannabe up his ass. Making him suffer the same fate as his two friends.
5 Star-lord aka Peter Quill

Peter was a bit intimated by the presence of the god. He was so handsome, tall and muscular, it made him feel jalous. There couldn't be another alpha male on his ship, so he had to take care of him. Now Quill is in his room, listening to his songs, with a belly the size of Thor, the silhouette of the handsome blond visible throught it.
4 Thor Odinson

Hercules and Thor were good friends but also rivals. They often fight each other to know who's the better god in the Avengers. They're both very powerfull, but there will only be one victorious. And this time it was Thor, which as celebration is taking his price by swallowing Hercules. Savouring each muscles of his price, sending him straight to his gut. Now let's see if Hercules is strong enough to survive this trip...
3 Shang- Chi

The Avengers welcomed a lot of new members, and it's important to establish dominance. Shang-Chi new that. So he swallowed the other new powerfull man of the team, it being Ikaris, up his ass. The Eternal was delicious and not a problem anymore!
2 Venom aka Eddie Brock

Eddie was a close friend of Peter. He knew he was Spider-man and promised to keep it secret. But he had to admit that the kid looked too tasty. And the fact that he's living with a never satisfied symbiote in him didn't help. That's why, one day when Peter called him to hang out, he swallowed him. The kid was so fit for his age, all these muscles made his meal tastier. He doesn't even notice how fast he's devouring him, dispite the struggles of the kid. Some gulps later and he closes his mouth around the kid's feet, locking him inside of him forever, dispite the cries to release him.
Eventualy after a nice evening of digestion, all that was left of Spider-man was a big pile of bones in the kid's bedroom.
1 The Punisher aka Frank Castle

Captain America was send by schield to stop Frank Castle aka the Punisher. Putting on his stealth suit, he goes to The Punisher last known hideout. Trying to be as discreet as possible, he comes across piles of bones, lots of bones, he can believe what he saw. That's when Frank appears. Steve get imediatly in defensive possition. ''Captain America himself. The Shield is pleasing me.'' When Steve asked whose bones it was, Frank tells him they're just some Schield Agents, that couldn't survive the trip down his stomach acids. Cap couldn't believe what he heard. He ate them? ''But do not worry, as you will soon join them.'' Before Cap had the time to react, he had his head in the man's mouth. Castle continued savouring each inch of his meal. Huge slobbery gulps, and eventualy Cap is just a squirming bulge in the man stomach. Frank gave his swollen belly a slap as it's breaking down Captain America.
Sometimes later the Punisher belches loudly, burping out drool covered bones, adding Captain America to his collection. He loves it when the Schield sends his best meals.
A Wedding Meal

Today was the big day, Sue and Reed were finally going to marry! The ceremony will begin in an hour or two, but before that Reed, after being asked by his soon to be wife, checked if everything was alright, and to go looking for Johnny who was still missing.
Reed Richard checked a couple of rooms making sure all the last preparatifs were in place. Still looking for his future brother-in-law, he opened a door, far away from the wedding hall, and was surprised to see a naked Johnny Storm covering his private parts with a pillow he had within reach. ''Oh shit!'' swears Johnny, when he sees the bearded man.
This was a really awkward moment. ''What the hell are you doing? And where is your suit? Sue is looking for you, you know.'' ''I know I'm late. I'm really sorry. As for the suit, well… I kind of burned it…'' The blond smiles awkwardly. The genius rolled his eyes, he knew the young man very well. ''You've been to the motocross race, haven't you… On the day of your sister's wedding.'' Reed gives him a disapproving look. ''Yeah… I've been. You know me, I couldn't help it… But please don't tell her. She would be so mad at me.'' Reed sighs. ''I won't tell her, I wouldn't want her to get anymore stress on this, already stressing day.'' ''Thank you, you're the best! I could kiss you, if we weren't in this uncomfortable situation.'' He smiles stupidly. ''Yeah, keep it for yourself. Hurry and put on a suit, and prepare the wedding rings, the ceremony is beginning soon.'' He's throwing underwear that he always keeps with him, in case Johnny gets another of his 'burning' accidents, to Johnny, which the boy puts on immediately. ''Oh, Uhm… About that…'' Johnny doesn't know how to say it without pissing the man even more. ''... I kinda… lost them…'' An awkward smile on the face. ''You what!?'' That was the drop too much. ''I lost the rings…'' It was the first time Johnny felt so small in front of the anger of the Reed ''You can't be serious!'' Reed was tired of the boy's irresponsible behavior. '' you know what. You're making me stress out. And you should pay for it.'' And with those words he's using his power's to stretch his arm around the blond, keeping him attached and unable to run from what is about to come. ''Reed, What are you doing?'' Ask the troublemaker, as he's trying to get free.
Reed unbuttoned the pants of his suit, making it and underwear fall to the ground. ''Reed?'' Panics the blond, as he doesn't know what's happening. The bearded man uses his powers to bring the boy closer to his hairy ass. ''Reed, what are you doing? I don't like it!'' But Reed doesn't care if he likes it or not. The boy was getting on his nerves. It was the most important day of his life and he couldn't take it seriously. So now Richard needs a filling meal up his ass to relax himself on this stressful day, and what better meal than a hot, beefy mess like Johnny.
And so Mister Fantastic pushes his hairy ass against Johnny's face, making it enter without much trouble. He hears some muffled screams of the boy, which makes him enjoy it even more. He kept pushing, despite the blond's struggles, and with the help of his stretching abilities was able to make the large shoulders enter his hole. Reed moans as his ass is stretched so wide. When he gets the huge pecs inside as well, he lets go of Johnny. He was deep enough now, he won't be able to escape.
Johnny's halfway up his ass now. But looking at the clock he sees that the ceremony starts in less than an half hour, so he has to speed things up. He pushes harder to get Johnny's ass inside as well, till there's only a pair of wiggling legs left. Which he gets up his ass in seconds, moaning hard for each inch that enters. And with a last push, Johnny's feet disappear between Reed's hairy cheeks. After which Richard let go a huge fart.
Reed gets his breath back. Thanks to Johnny, he felt so full, and got his confidence back. That's what the brat deserves for losing the rings. But it doesn't really matter. He expected Johnny to lose those and had planned some spare ones. Richard is the smartest man alive after all. He feels the blond fighting against the walls inside, as he's being digested in the pool of acid. Luckily for him, thanks to his powers, he could reduce his swollen gut and replace it with his hairy six-packs. Meaning he could digest Johnny, without anyone noticing it, at the cost of Johnny being squeezed even more between the walls. Which will inevitably break him into pieces. He then puts his underwear and pants back on and hurries to the hall of the ceremony, arriving just in time to marry his beloved wife. Who was angry that his brother wasn't present, but quickly forgot it as she's kissing the man of her life. Completely oblivious that her brother is digesting in the said man's stomach.