Catch Me If You Can - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


“An honest man has nothing to fear, so I’m trying my best not to be afraid.”

I’ve got a lot to do, but I’m working hard. I finished the two assignments I had due today. More are on the horizon and when they get here I’ll finish them too. Then I’ll finish the next ones. I can do this all day. Did you understand that reference? For now, I’ll rest. I can’t save the world if I don’t save myself first.

Listening to Let It Be—The Beatles

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3 years ago


“My head is bloody, but unbowed.” —William Ernest Henley

As a disclaimer, I am still further behind in my schoolwork than I should be, but if I fail I will know I gave it my all. I finished nearly a week’s worth of classwork for linguistics, studied for the LSAT, and took care of my mental health. And for the grand finale…

“Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse.” —Catch Me If You Can

I received an awesome scholarship for maintaining a high average in my classes last year. Emotional displays are not within my repertoire of skills, but I assure you I am feeling many emotions.

“My boy’s wicked smart.” —Good Will Hunting

Listening to:

everything sucks—vaultboy

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@raphal-bigred-blog*stares at him wide eyed blushing* uh....I do have something in mind red. *smirks and winks at him* why don’t you catch me and find out? 

So raph. How would you feel if I rubbed my tail under your chin? Would I expect anything? 😊

Put both hands by her block her path

Smirks 😏 ya have ta do it and find out princess

Ya already expecting something in mind or ya wouldn’t have asked em dat 😉

So Raph. How Would You Feel If I Rubbed My Tail Under Your Chin? Would I Expect Anything?

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5 months ago

Genuinely losing my mind waiting for this cast list dude. We're doing cmiyc and cast list is coming out tonight and I can't take it anymore

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5 months ago

Got cast as a semi lead with a lot of silly solo lines this is still a win chat.

Got Cast As A Semi Lead With A Lot Of Silly Solo Lines This Is Still A Win Chat.

Genuinely losing my mind waiting for this cast list dude. We're doing cmiyc and cast list is coming out tonight and I can't take it anymore

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3 years ago
Essentially.You Sort Of Turn Off.Because, And Ive Said This Recently To A Friend..if You Let Yourself

Essentially. You sort of turn off. Because, and I’ve said this recently to a friend..if you let yourself feel, and I mean really feel, something about one thing you’re gonna have to feel about everything. I’ll pass. Thanks but no. I’m good. Numb isn’t for everyone but its okay by me

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1 year ago

Run - a mafia don boyfriend imagine

This recent fig popped into my head and its playing in my head over and over.

So you and your best friend are dating the two leaders of the local mafia and lets just say you love to mess with them.

They got caught doing something (reader decides what) and the two men decide to plan a punishment but the girls are not ready to face the consequences just yet ;)

You and your boyfriend : Adeline & Lucas

Best friend and her boyfriend : Anna & Xaden

picture them however you want

warning: tad spicy.. just a tad


"oh you girls are in so much trouble" Lucas chuckled, his eyes trained on me.

Anna and I stood side by side across from the boys, a kitchen island separating us from them. We stood with our arms crossed behind our backs and plastered innocent smiles on our faces.

"We don't know what you're talking about" Anna said and I nodded along.

"Don't give us that, Anna. You know exactly what you did" Xaden stared her down, seriousness with a hint of amusement visible on his face.

"excuse me" our heads turn to someone standing by the door leading to the living room. The kitchen was connected to two rooms, the living room and the stairs to the upper floors. The guy motions is head into the living room, silently asking the boys to follow him.

Lucas and Xaden turn to us, now fully serious.

"Stay right there and don't fucking move"

"do you girls understand?"

we eagerly nod our heads.

"Good" Lucas said before him and Xaden leave the room, leaving us all alone.

Bad idea

Anna turns to me with a growing face on her face and I just knew what she was planning to do.

"we're not gonna stay here are we?"


just when the creaking of the door can be heard, she grabs my hand and pulls hard, forcing me to break into a sprint and we run as fast as we can to the door leading to the upper floors.

Yanking open the door, we immediately run down the hallway, up the stairs, making a left and hid behind the corner wall. We lean against the wall, hands clutching our chests as we try to catch our breath.

neither of us work out much...

suddenly, I break out into a fit of giggles. I can't believe we did this, we just pulled ourselves into some deeper shit and I just know the guys are not gonna let us go peacefully this time.

Unfortunately for them, we love a good game of cat and mouse.

I mean come on, who doesn't want to be chased by a irresistibly attractive guy who is tall and muscular in all the right places?

good god now I kind of want to be caught.

"where did they go?!"

our eyes snap to each other as they grew wide and suddenly the foot steps running up the stairs could be heard.

I stared at Anna in panic, "we need to go now!"

she nods and we start running again in an attempt to find a new hiding spot. The house is big, no doubt about that but there are only so many places we can run to before they catch us.

"Lets split up, this way we'll find them faster and have them cornered" I could hear Xaden say.

Suddenly, we stop in our tracks as our eyes suddenly meet the backs of Lucas and Xaden at the end of the hallway. As quietly as possible, we slow down completely and come to a halt, bringing our hands up to our mouths to conceal any possible noise.

hearts racing and breathing heavy, we stood there. To my luck, I see the door leading to the library. I carefully tap Anna on the shoulder and her eyes follow my vision to the door and she nods her head in understanding.

Keeping an eye on the boys, we slowly start tiptoeing towards the door and just when we thought we made it to safety, the floor creaks.

god I have never hated a sound more.

Without looking back, I rip open the door, pull us inside and violently shutting door and there sadly was no time to lock the door as we immediately bolted to the bookshelves.

just as we made to and crouched in the darkest corner, the door swings open loudy, the hinges of the door creak with an echo reverberating around the room, making me feel tense.

I bring my hand up to my mouth, concealing any noise of breathing and completely still my movements. Anna does the same.

"Annaaaa, come out come out wherever you are" a singsong voice calls out, xadens voice.

I drew my eyebrows together in a frown, was it just him? is lucas in here too?

Apparently Anna had the same train of thought because she slowly started walking forward to catch a glimpse of who was in the room with us.

Without warning, a hand strikes out and catches Anna's wrist, pulling her out of her hiding spot as she shrieked in surprise and was pulled into Xaden's embrace.


Anna thrashed in his arms but it was all to no avail, Xaden was so much stronger than her and he had no problem keeping her locked in the cage that were his arms.

Her not-so panicked eyes met mine as she breathlessly stops fighting against his hold, "Adeline, run!" she yelled out before Xaden threw her over his shoulder, making her giggle.

I smiled.

Is it bad that I kind of want Lucas to catch me now?

Seems like Anna is in a world of pleasure right now, I feel a little jealous.

I snap out of my thoughts as the door to the library snaps open again, banging against the walls as a result of being forced open so harshly. I feel my body tense up again and my heart begins to thunder in my chest.

Oh dear god he's here.

I really jinxed myself there.

deciding that staying here behind a bookshelf was not such a genius idea, I carefully and quietly stand up and begin to move, peeking in between the books to see where he is.

I see nothing and I don't believe that, that is a good sign. deciding to be even more stupid, I keep moving towards the end of the bookshelf in hopes of hiding behind a new one, mimicking a game of cat and mouse.

I knew damn well I was the mouse.

Lucas was the cat.

Suddenly, I walk into a hard wall and bump my head into something hard but I don't remember a wall feeling soft and wearing-clothing like. I freeze as I realise what I had bumped into.

I shouldn't be questioning what I bumped into, more who I bumped into....

eyes wide with panic, I look and see Lucas's towering frame standing over me, a smirk adorning hs gorgeous face and I feel arms being wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him.

I had to grab onto his shoulders to stabilise myself before I toppled over but I doubt he would let that happen just like there was no doubt I was trapped.

"going somewhere my love? he asked teasingly, a devilish glint in his eyes and he tightens his hold on me.

I chuckled nervously, trying to come up with something to say, "oh you know, just out on a stroll"

stupid stupid Adeline... out on a stroll?? really??

he raises his eye brow teasingly, clearly not buying the lie, "out on a stroll my ass, you never a good liar my love" he chuckled darkly, the sound sending a spark right down my spine.

I avert my gaze as a blush takes my over my face, wanting to crawl away from embarrassment. Suddenly, his hand grips my chin and forces my eyes to meet his again.

"Look at me sweetheart"

He leaned his face closer to mine and hovered his lips over mine, his close proximity sending my body into a hurricane of lust and desire as I felt his warm breath against my face.

he moves one hand to the my chest, whilst the other still occupied my chin, and moved it to my chest, and pushed me against the bookshelf and pressing his body closer than ever to mine.

Using his body to keep me trapped, he lets go of my chin and grabs my wrists, pinning them above my head and securing them tightly with one hand, immobilizing them.

The way his felt against mine was utterly divine, I could feel every crevice of his beautiful and muscular body, every centimeter of exposed skin, every contraction of his muscler and it was sending my hormones into a frenzy.

I could feel how my body coming alive underneath him, warmth pooling in my core and I helplessly felt how the intensity of gaze was making an unbearable throbbing occur. I tried to press my legs together to create some friction in hopes of relieving the pressure but his body keeping mine trapped didn't allow for that to happen.

He eyes tracked my every reaction to him, the smirk deepening into a devilish grin once he saw how much he effected me, his lips still hovering over mine.

I let out a needy whimper, "lucas please"

he chuckles and moves his lips to my ear, his breath tickling my senses.

"oh my sweet girl, good girls get rewarded but do you know what happens to bad girls?" he whispers, gently biting my ear lobe.

"What?" I whisper breathlessly, lust and desire throwing my mind into a dizzying haze.

I feel him grin against my ear.

"They get punished"

Run - A Mafia Don Boyfriend Imagine

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