So I Made My Own Call- Out Post Bingo About How My Main Characters Always Are

So I made my own call- out post bingo about how my main characters always are 😔
drowningfeesh liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from Thetwentiethdisaster
Round....glasses...dark.circles.under eyes hat....cain...pleeeease hjhdnnhhj. Black hair please and thank you. ❤💕💕💞
Atharicus and Blight and probably a lot more characters cause I love making problematic oc's but yeah, those two because I could see a lot of shit starting whether or not they should be liked or hated and other stuff.
tag the oc who would result in the most discourse if your ocs had an extremely popular fandom on tumblr
tag the oc who is an adult but still wears clothes in kid’s sizes

Asexual spectrum protagonists in science fiction and fantasy books!
If you’re looking for ace or aro fiction, I highly suggest checking out Claudie Arseneault’s awesome database. Link is here.
A lot of the time people act like there’s no ace fiction, but that’s not true! A lot of these books are by ace-spec authors as well. We’re out here writing the stories we want to see ourselves in. :)
Other queer book PowerPoints:
Massive queer SFF rec post
Trans SFF
Bi and Pan SFF
Queer SFF by authors of color
I’m not transcribing all the text, but you can find the titles, authors, information on TW, etc beneath the cut.
When possible, I’m linking to my database of queer books. The page for each book includes the synopsis, content warnings under spoiler tags, and links to reviews from queer readers. If it’s not in the queer database at the time of posting (8/18/19), I’ll link to Goodreads instead.
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How would your character describe their best friend (or equivalent)?