β™ΎοΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ He/him | 21 | Black Lives Matter πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆβ™ΎοΈ #ActuallyAutistic | Wear a f*ckin' mask, dude... It's going to be okay - I promise.

83 posts





"Still Cringe"


"I'm not special"


"Why am I the way I am?"


More Posts from Thewalruswasmostdefinitelypaul

TIL that hard disks are so sensitive to vibration, that just screaming at them diminishes their performance

via reddit.com

idk what traumatized or mentally ill person needs to hear this but dreams (especially the really disturbing ones you dont want to talk about to anybody) arent some deep peek into your psyche or a sign of your True Desires or whatever theyre quite literally your brain making fruit salad with whatever it can find on the shelf. just putting all that shit in a blender and hitting obliterate. its fine, youre fine, youre not a weirdo for it

Just spent a little under $100 on a sushi making kit + the necessary ingredients for the standard California roll.

I'm either about to revolutionize my entire life and eating habits with my favourite food in the whole world, or I just financially crippled myself for a craving.

I want sushi every single day of my life. And if I was able to, I would. I had a 9-month-long binge of Vector cereal a couple of years back. Sushi is a piece of cake.. So to speak.

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