theweirdowhowantstobeamangaka - I have to be a Mangaka!
I have to be a Mangaka!

Hi! I am Nande Yanen, nice to meet ya! Japanese, 20↑, ♐, He/Him, Sexuality unknown, Autistic. I don't take requests for now. My deepest apologies...

35 posts



Webber's out fit is based on Wilson from Don't Starve Together.

Imma be honest: It's fun to make characters wear the same Necklaces differently. My Aym n' Baal wear Golden Skull Necklace like the "hair" clip.

If possible, Clauneck, Kudaai, Chemach and Haro are next.

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More Posts from Theweirdowhowantstobeamangaka

I love these birb bros!!

I finally have a reference for these two owl dragons!

The demigods of fate and forgery, Clauneck and Kudaai.

After being separated from their sister as children, the two were taken in and mentored by two gods, Apollo and Hephaestus. Apollo taught Clauneck how to read the clues of the Fates while Hephaestus taught Kudaai how to create all sorts of weapons. As the Old Faith started to rise in power, the two crown bearers decided to fully put their trust in the two. Apollo destroyed his own crown and later passed peacefully, and Hephaestus challenged Kudaai to one final duel, where Kudaai fatally stabbed him in the stomach. The two swore to continue their respective mentor’s legacies, along with guiding mortals and the five gods left…

Clauneck is sweet, gentle, and caring. He knows to carefully assess a situation before going in headfirst, unlike his hotheaded brother. Kudaai is impatient and blunt, not hesitant to say exactly what he thinks, which can lead him into trouble. Despite this, he has a high passion for smithing and he and Clauneck share an unbreakable bond, despite their clashing personalities. Kudaai has his own set of personal weapons he uses for fights, while Clauneck possesses fake tarot cards that act as spell casts, as he can’t use his actual tarot cards in a fight, or,else he could face untold consequences. (….not like they’d be all powerful on their own anyway). As stated previously, Clauneck is in a relationship with Agares while Kudaai…is still single. Perhaps one day he’ll find someone.

As for their aforementioned long lost sister….we’ll come back to her.

I Finally Have A Reference For These Two Owl Dragons!

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Awww, this is so CUTE!!!!!❤️

I love Narinder's expression, especially, hehehe😀

theweirdowhowantstobeamangaka - I have to be a Mangaka!


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Cult of the Lamb: Resident Evil

Hello, I secretly was thinking of this CotL AU.

Be careful! This post is long as shit!!

Cult Of The Lamb: Resident Evil

This AU is the mixture of Cult of the Lamb and Resident Evil (and Yakuza: Dead Souls).

In this AU, Lamb, Goat, Narinder, Leshy, Heket, Kallamar and Shamura (and Sozo and Yarlen) fight zombies and the Cult by the name of Umbrella, with the help of Leon, Chris, Jill and Ashley who came from US.

PLOT(This may contain mild spoilers):

Leshy and Yarlen Arc: While on a picnic with his wife Yellow Cat (Emily) and their children in Darkwood, the site of his temple, Leshy witnesses a mysterious beast attacking members of the old faith, and then a zombie attack. He successfully kills all the zombies and tries to return home, but Emily and her children have disappeared, so he stands up to rescue them, and he meets up with Yarlen, who's looking for Jalala and Linor along the way.

Kallamar, Shamura and Sozo Arc: Shamura received a threatening letter saying that Webber had been kidnapped. They take Kallamar and Sozo and go on a crusade. On the way, they meet a woman who calls herself Zoe, who leads them to Silk Cradle's Baker farm. The three are safely reunited with Webber at the Baker residence and attempt to take him home, but they're attacked from behind by a mysterious figure and loses consciousness. When they eventually wake up, they see the Baker family members sitting around a table with a horrific meal on top! Trapped in the mansion by the family, Kallamar, Shamura and Sozo attempt to escape from the maddened Baker family mansion with the help of Zoe, who haunts different parts of the mansion. (This arc is based on Resident Evil 7: Biohazard)

Heket Arc: Kallamar, Shamura, Sozo, Webber, and Zoe, who had escaped from the Bakers' mansion and were surrounded by zombies, meet up with Heket and fight off the zombies with her. They ask her to accompany them, but she refuses, saying that she's afraid that she's in part to blame for the incident and wants hold herself accountable. Prior to this incident, Heket had received an invitation to return to Old Faith from Leviathan, a former acolyte and now the second Bishop of Famine. When she refused his invitation, he handed her a map pointing to the mansion of Anura, telling her to come back if she changed her mind. What is waiting for her there?

Lambert, Goatie and Narinder Arc: Lambert and Goatie head to Crusade to Anura with Narinder after receiving a threatening letter from someone who kidnapped Aym and Baal while they were visiting their mother, Forneus. They join forces with Chris, Jill, Leon, and Ashley from the U.S. and kill all the zombies. When Chris and the others say they need better weapons, Lambert says he knows a genius blacksmith, and they explore the mansion, kicking zombies around and finally meeting up with Kudaai, Clauneck, and Chemach.

Cult of the Lamb Arc: Lambert and his team arrive at Kudaai's place, where they are joined by Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, Shamura, Sozo, Yarlen, Webber, and Zoe, who receive powerful weapons from him, including machine guns, shotguns, and grenade launchers. Leshy is fitted with a high-performance prosthetic eye, and Sozo, Yarlen, Webber, and Zoe stand by. After refusing to go with Chris and the others, he leaves Kudaai's place, saying that from this point on, it is a holy war for the seven gods. Can they rescue Aym and Baal, and put the end of this bloody masquerade?

So, I have a request for you all. Please take a look at this comic and write many assignments for writing AU comics in this post (e.g. Practice the background, don't put too many onomatopoeia, when coloring, try and make it so the lines are going on the same direction, etc...). JUST PLEASE BE CAREFUL NOT TO BE RUDE🙏

And I'll put some character design sheets someday.

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I'm doing the last page of my first CotL comic.

Although not great, I try my best!

As I showed you before, the story is based on this video!!

P.S. I want Narinder and his siblings to get along in my comics...