Resident Evil Au - Tumblr Posts
Amazing! Can't believe I sent this on anon, force of habit I guess but I'm trying to change that! I love Resident Evil too! RE1, RE2 and RE3 are the first PS1 games I remeber playing and is it's my favorite game series since I then. And Steo in a Nivanfield scenario would be heartbreaking but so good!
Steo Resident Evil AU! Maybe they're STARS members? Or maybe Stiles is an FBI agent that gets caught in a outbreak, and Theo is a Umbrella scientist that wants out or stole company data and is now being hunted, and runs into Stiles during the crisis! Or maybe Theo is an Umbrella experiment that didn't turn into a mindless monster, or wasn't experimented with yet but was being kept in captivity as a future test subject, and escaped during the chaos! I would love your thoughts on this AU!
ooooooooooooooooooooh, Resident Evil. Yass. Great thinking, nonnie!
My mind instantly jumps to Resident Evil 6 because of Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans. Can you imagine??? Theo is totally Chris who went MIA after a mission gone wrong, and Stiles is Piers constantly kicking Theo’s ass to get him back in line. In the end, Stiles sacrifices himself so Theo gets a chance to get free and a shot at a better life. Instead, Theo falls in a hole, much deeper than before. Stiles miraculously survives but not without consequences. Theo hears about it and instantly comes back. Stiles is mad that Theo tried drowning his problems again but is also glad that he came back for him.
But I also love the FBI!Stiles and Umbrella Scientist!Theo idea. Maybe they hooked up? Oooh, or maybe Stiles is some kind of undercover agent, and they fell in love. Theo promises to help him bring Umbrella down but something goes wrong and they are caught in the middle of an outbreak at one of the laboratories.
And the ‘Theo is an Umbrella experiment “gone wrong”’ one? *chef’s kiss* Perfect. Theo has been experimented on but he was a failure. It didn’t really work out the way the scientists intended. He still has some perks (strength, healing). But he’s broken and tortured and fucking angry. He breaks out, takes a wrong turn and finds a boy in another cell. It’s Stiles. He hasn’t been experimented on yet, and Theo won’t let them. He lets him out (and all the others). They flee during the chaos.
My first contact with RE was when I visited a cousin too, he had RE3 and I watched him play a lot of it. Then when I got a PS1 as a birthday present and played RE2, then RE1 and later on I got RE3 too. But RE2 is the first RE game I played on my own and it's still my favorite!
Nivanfield is an amazing ship and it sucks that there's so much hate towards it, sadly a lot of people get outraged simply by seeing someone saying they headcannon Chris as gay or bi. But at least Nivanfield has a fair amount of content creators and supporters. But I would like for a Nivanfield!Steo scenario (can we call it that? I'll go with it for now), to have a happy ending, the way Chris campaing ended in RE6 was tragic and I would rather have Stiles and Theo survive in the end.
Steo as Jake and Sherry would be so good as well! And I think it would fit, Theo and Jake have a lot in common, if those two met they would probably end up being friends, or at least frenemies. Stiles would be a determined agent just like Sherry, but probably with a lot more sass!
I like to imagine them in RE1 like scenario too, with Stiles in the place of Chris and Theo being Wesker. Or maybe even Stiles being like Jill and Theo being like Barry!
There are so many possibilities!
Steo Resident Evil AU! Maybe they're STARS members? Or maybe Stiles is an FBI agent that gets caught in a outbreak, and Theo is a Umbrella scientist that wants out or stole company data and is now being hunted, and runs into Stiles during the crisis! Or maybe Theo is an Umbrella experiment that didn't turn into a mindless monster, or wasn't experimented with yet but was being kept in captivity as a future test subject, and escaped during the chaos! I would love your thoughts on this AU!
ooooooooooooooooooooh, Resident Evil. Yass. Great thinking, nonnie!
My mind instantly jumps to Resident Evil 6 because of Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans. Can you imagine??? Theo is totally Chris who went MIA after a mission gone wrong, and Stiles is Piers constantly kicking Theo’s ass to get him back in line. In the end, Stiles sacrifices himself so Theo gets a chance to get free and a shot at a better life. Instead, Theo falls in a hole, much deeper than before. Stiles miraculously survives but not without consequences. Theo hears about it and instantly comes back. Stiles is mad that Theo tried drowning his problems again but is also glad that he came back for him.
But I also love the FBI!Stiles and Umbrella Scientist!Theo idea. Maybe they hooked up? Oooh, or maybe Stiles is some kind of undercover agent, and they fell in love. Theo promises to help him bring Umbrella down but something goes wrong and they are caught in the middle of an outbreak at one of the laboratories.
And the ‘Theo is an Umbrella experiment “gone wrong”’ one? *chef’s kiss* Perfect. Theo has been experimented on but he was a failure. It didn’t really work out the way the scientists intended. He still has some perks (strength, healing). But he’s broken and tortured and fucking angry. He breaks out, takes a wrong turn and finds a boy in another cell. It’s Stiles. He hasn’t been experimented on yet, and Theo won’t let them. He lets him out (and all the others). They flee during the chaos.
Or even a RE2 AU were Stiles is a police officer/FBI agent on his first day (like Leon), and Theo is a spy trying to steal a virus/information from Umbrella (like Ada)!
Or a RE3 AU, Stiles also being an agent (maybe a STARS member in a situation like Jill was in RE3) or even as a civilian, and Theo is a mercenary sent by Umbrella (like Carlos, or Nicholai with the whole traitor thing), and they end up having to work together to survive!
Steo Resident Evil AU! Maybe they're STARS members? Or maybe Stiles is an FBI agent that gets caught in a outbreak, and Theo is a Umbrella scientist that wants out or stole company data and is now being hunted, and runs into Stiles during the crisis! Or maybe Theo is an Umbrella experiment that didn't turn into a mindless monster, or wasn't experimented with yet but was being kept in captivity as a future test subject, and escaped during the chaos! I would love your thoughts on this AU!
ooooooooooooooooooooh, Resident Evil. Yass. Great thinking, nonnie!
My mind instantly jumps to Resident Evil 6 because of Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans. Can you imagine??? Theo is totally Chris who went MIA after a mission gone wrong, and Stiles is Piers constantly kicking Theo’s ass to get him back in line. In the end, Stiles sacrifices himself so Theo gets a chance to get free and a shot at a better life. Instead, Theo falls in a hole, much deeper than before. Stiles miraculously survives but not without consequences. Theo hears about it and instantly comes back. Stiles is mad that Theo tried drowning his problems again but is also glad that he came back for him.
But I also love the FBI!Stiles and Umbrella Scientist!Theo idea. Maybe they hooked up? Oooh, or maybe Stiles is some kind of undercover agent, and they fell in love. Theo promises to help him bring Umbrella down but something goes wrong and they are caught in the middle of an outbreak at one of the laboratories.
And the ‘Theo is an Umbrella experiment “gone wrong”’ one? *chef’s kiss* Perfect. Theo has been experimented on but he was a failure. It didn’t really work out the way the scientists intended. He still has some perks (strength, healing). But he’s broken and tortured and fucking angry. He breaks out, takes a wrong turn and finds a boy in another cell. It’s Stiles. He hasn’t been experimented on yet, and Theo won’t let them. He lets him out (and all the others). They flee during the chaos.
It's amazing how many people I've know that have started playing horror games after visiting their cousin, lol.
Resident Evil can be a great setting for a Steo AU story, I love it!
And yeah, the Nivanfield hate is awful. I already saw some people with the "Chris is too old to be Piers's boyfriend, that's gross!" argument, wich is terrible, but mostly I see people arguing that Chris "can't be gay", because he "clearly loves Jill" and is "a womanizer".
I honestly have no idea why people would think Chris is a womanizer, I mean we have never seen Chris going after women in canon. We've seen women hitting on him, like Jessica, but that's about it. Once I saw an argument that the letter we see Chris sent the STARS in RE2 Remake is proof he goes after women, but I'm pretty sure that was not the case. Claire even says "This does not sound like Chris", wich actually implies Chris, at the very least, isn't a womanizer (and dosen't objectify women). So I think it's safe to say Chris didn't really sent that letter, or wrote it in a way the STARS members would know is not like him and that he's in trouble. So not a confirmation from the devs that he's straight and a "major player".
It also seems like a fair amount of Valenfield shippers also dislike (or even hate) Nivanfield, because if Chris was LGBT+ and didn't end up with Jill it would "leave old school fans with blue balls" (that is legit a sentence that I once saw posted by a Valenfield shipper). Some of them also point to the letter in RE2 Remake as a confirmation that Chris is straight, so Jill + Chris = Love confirmed, but if Chris really was fine in Europe and in love with Jill, why would he write a letter saying he's meeting lots of girls? Their answer is that Chris was trying to make Jill jealous, wich is a huge reach if I've ever seen one.
And every other interaction Chris and Jill ever had in canon is not really romantic, at least not intrinsically, specially when some producers at Capcom said that Valenfield wasn't going to happen. I don't hate Valenfield, I just don't like when people say it's totally canon they're in love just because they're breathing in the same room and then shame anyone who has a different interpretation.
Ship wars are stupid.
Steo Resident Evil AU! Maybe they're STARS members? Or maybe Stiles is an FBI agent that gets caught in a outbreak, and Theo is a Umbrella scientist that wants out or stole company data and is now being hunted, and runs into Stiles during the crisis! Or maybe Theo is an Umbrella experiment that didn't turn into a mindless monster, or wasn't experimented with yet but was being kept in captivity as a future test subject, and escaped during the chaos! I would love your thoughts on this AU!
ooooooooooooooooooooh, Resident Evil. Yass. Great thinking, nonnie!
My mind instantly jumps to Resident Evil 6 because of Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans. Can you imagine??? Theo is totally Chris who went MIA after a mission gone wrong, and Stiles is Piers constantly kicking Theo’s ass to get him back in line. In the end, Stiles sacrifices himself so Theo gets a chance to get free and a shot at a better life. Instead, Theo falls in a hole, much deeper than before. Stiles miraculously survives but not without consequences. Theo hears about it and instantly comes back. Stiles is mad that Theo tried drowning his problems again but is also glad that he came back for him.
But I also love the FBI!Stiles and Umbrella Scientist!Theo idea. Maybe they hooked up? Oooh, or maybe Stiles is some kind of undercover agent, and they fell in love. Theo promises to help him bring Umbrella down but something goes wrong and they are caught in the middle of an outbreak at one of the laboratories.
And the ‘Theo is an Umbrella experiment “gone wrong”’ one? *chef’s kiss* Perfect. Theo has been experimented on but he was a failure. It didn’t really work out the way the scientists intended. He still has some perks (strength, healing). But he’s broken and tortured and fucking angry. He breaks out, takes a wrong turn and finds a boy in another cell. It’s Stiles. He hasn’t been experimented on yet, and Theo won’t let them. He lets him out (and all the others). They flee during the chaos.
Alright so I’m drawing this AU now, no one can stop me. Here are the designs, please enjoy.
(Edit: I was gonna post this like a week ago after I designed Ashley. But I still haven't, so I'm posting it now. Enjoy)

(click for higher quality)
can somene make an rwby resident evil AU, with jaune es Leon and Cinder as Ada, THEY LOOK SO SIMILIAR
Guys. Did I tell you that this AU is taking over every fiber of my being?? Cause it is. Have this
So a lot has changed with my Mortal Evil fic, so have a sneak peak :> I pivoted a bit on what I wanted to do with the beginning, but I'm really proud of what I've landed on

I will post it on AO3 (I'm FantismLord on there), and I'll share the link to it when that happens.
you need to literally be stopped like why u killing us... i js wanna live a happy life with leyawn... THE DIALECT AND DIALOGUE AHOFOSOCOWKD IT HAS ME ASCENDING WHATTT

The Dimming Star of a Formerly Worthy Show Dog

RE4R!Leon x F!Reader royal AU

To his mother and father, their princely son is simply checking on his subjects in person to assess the detrition of the plague in illness-struck towns and uphold the dignified and respectable image of the house of Condor for the hopeless masses to look up to. If one were to ask why the king and queen would not step a single foot out of their grand palace, they both feared that they would be tainted by the wrath of God that rained down like hellfire on the sinful masses– their fair skins swollen with black and oozing lumps, the healthy glow of their rosy cheeks taken away by the pallidness of contagion; they both very much preferred to be safe and secure in the comfort of their grandiose palace, wrapped in silks as they stayed away from the suffering below. Their son, the crown prince Leon, could not sit idly and stubbornly left the luxurious threshold of safety and clean air. He reasoned that he must see how the populace is doing in this time of pestilence, arguing that to see him would lift their weary spirits for it offered solace to know that the kingdom is still intact. He did not lie– that truly is his intention, ever the benevolent man he is, but he also wanted to look for you; the last he’s heard of you was from the palace’s dance instructor, somberly informing you that you moved to a town away to find a profitable alehouse to dance in.
“She does not feel the welcome of the palace,” he recalls the instructor saying as he looked out the window. “Most especially from the king and queen. Their gazes were always one of disrelishness when casted on her.”
“But I dearly welcome her,” Leon recalls responding as a deepening frown curled his lip downwards. “She has never done the king and queen wrong, hasn’t she? What is their motive for this animosity?”
The instructor beside him sighed, hands clasped behind him to rest at his lower back. “It is for the very reason that you dearly welcome her that they are contemptuous. She is a stellar dancer, yes– an excellent one at her craft, but she is not nobility. In this world, what are God-given gifts if one is not of the aristocracy?”
“All of them are radiant stars– her, her sisters. Their only fault is that the Lord planted these stars on the wrong sky, with the incorrect folk. Their light will not be marvelled in the manner that they deserve.” The instructor finishes.
Anger and earnest irritation brewed in the pits of his stomach, threatening to rise to his chest, and spill through the piercing and violent nature of emotionally-fueled language. His fists balled at his side, nostrils flared, as indignation dulled his will to adhere to princely decorum.
Not even the mask that covered the bottom half of his face could keep the stench of death at bay, the eastward bound wind worsening the putrid air. Death was everywhere– in the air, lined along the streets, at the mouth of rivers, in houses of stone and wood; corpses could be seen brought out of houses and tossed into carts before the carts would head to either the plague pits in churchyards or the mouth of the rivers. Distant cries and groans could be heard as well, dampening Leon’s spirits but he can’t stop now– he has to keep going, for you and for the people that need him. Mud squelched with each step he took, depressions in the ground trailing behind him as he walked further deeper into the settlement. Not even those with money and the firmest belief in the Lord were free, the body of a wealthy landlord being carried out for a burial as a priest mumbled prayers. He figured that it would be the least he could do for those that have already died to offer a prayer, a futile action yet one that brought comfort; he found it uncomfortable to think that those who were well-off in life were sent back home with services from the church, to lay in a nicely dug pit with a stone to remember them by yet the poor were tossed into a hole with no sign that these people ever lived, smiled, cried, and loved.
He passed by 3 dug holes and prayed 3 prayers each time: a prayer for firmer faith, guidance for the beloved departed, and protection for a friend before a long journey; if only he had brought his prayer beads, he would’ve prayed the rosary too. He walks along the grassy shore of the river, rocks crunching beneath his leather boots. River air was supposedly good for one’s health, said the physicians, for it brought clean air downstream with the flow of water; just like him, there were people flocking to walk alongside the moving water and breathe in some of the supposedly healthy air– children, girls with buckets to fetch some cleaning water, and mothers who were out for a stroll with their children. He recognizes a woman as he trails a distance behind her; her back is no longer upright and now has a slight curve, her hair tied into a short ponytail at the base of her skull. She appears to be carrying a weight concentrated to her right hip, which Leon realizes is a child. The way she walks is familiar yet also foreign to him, bringing flashes of the past to the forefront of his mind. He takes longer strides towards the woman, wanting to check up on her if she is really someone he once knew or if the weariness of the town is playing tricks on his mind already. Within a few steps he is an arm’s length away from her but she turns around before he can approach her and the sadness that seized him felt like a lightning bug getting trapped in a small, black box with one hole to let the light in. Seeing her felt like coming across a time-worn book, the lines on her eyes telling stories of endless struggles and dreams let loose; she looked far beyond 31, each graying strand of frizzy hair a marker of the trials that aged her beyond her time. The youthful sparkle of her eyes were now buried under the heavy cloak of sorrow, he noticed, as she peered at his face to try and remember who he was.
“Amanda,” Leon breathed in an airy voice. Her face lit up at seeing him, the unexpected presence of an old friend a balm to her marred soul.
“Leon,” she said back to him, stepping forward. “Oh, Leon. You have grown into a fine man. You tower over me now! Life has been kind to you, it seems.”
Leon grimaced slightly; if this is what has become of your sister, what fate has befallen you? “I have thought about you and your sisters, what you three have done upon leaving the palace.”
She sighed, a sad one, as she looked at the river where more bodies were being disposed of, opposite to your shoreline. “My hair has become streaked with gray because I spent most of my life worrying and fearing instead of dreaming. I am unhappy to tell you that the same has gone for my two other sisters. Years were endured rather than enjoyed,” she regretfully told him.
“Lucia,” Leon recalled. “I would also like to see her, before I see [name].”
Amanda fell silent, readjusting her position to carry her child a lot more properly. A hand coming up to cradle the base of his delicate skull.
“She had only 27 years when she passed this mortal coil,” she quietly said as she attempted to conceal the cracks of her voice. “Perhaps her body was far too weak to birth a child and thus failed her, physicians said that she had lost too much blood. This baby I carry now is hers, as I have decided to care for him in her stead. God grant her young soul eternal repose.”
Lucia had adored Leon when the sisters still danced regularly in the palace, always accompanying you in finding flowers to adorn Leons’ hair and armor with. She was the youngest among your trio and the fiercest; she did not stand for any prejudice and mistreatment to anyone she cared for deeply, disliked by some standoffish men of the court for her unlady-like decorum, an opinion Leon did not understand. He shed a single tear for her, reminiscing fond memories– memories of when he and her engaged in vulgar banter which resulted in Leon getting beatings, her keeping the palace dog company, and Leon timidly asking for advice in successfully courting you.
“What have you three lived through?” he faintly asks, eyes slightly glossy.
“The world demanded much too soon for three girls who only wanted to dance in gilded halls and feel the rhythm of strings and percussion lift us closer to heaven. Alas, we would have continued to dance until our legs could not and our strengths would fail us but the eyes of the king and queen are not purposed to see my sister with her love.”
Leon knew what she talked about, hanging down his head; he regrets that he did not fight tooth and nail to keep the sisters he has grown fond of growing up with, agonizing over the bitter ebb of love denied.
“Take me to [name]. I want to see her.”
“I am afraid I cannot do that.”
“Why not, Amanda?”
“I cannot let you do that, I cannot.”
“It would kill me swift if you continue to deny me to see [name] than any wrath of a pestilence. I beg and implore you, Amanda, I need to see [name].”
She looked at the blond in front of her, visibly growing more antsy and overwrought with unease. She sighed, growing weak at the possibility that this dignified prince would get on his knees and press his lips on the dirtied ground if it meant having to his love. “It would kill him swiftly if he heard the tenderness [name]’s voice possessed when she spoke of you rather than my denial of you seeing her”, she thought.
“[Name], she has it.” She said.
Leon asked what ‘it’ was, though that was done in an act of denial of the fact for he knew what ‘it’ is.
“She does not want anyone near her– not even I, she speaks to me through her boarded window. She fears that I and the young one will catch it too.”
“Where is she?” Leon asks, the sensation of the prick of tears in his eyes letting itself be known.
“She won’t want to see you.”
“I want to see her. Give me directions and I will walk to where she is, swim if need be.”
And so she told him where she lived, heart heavy as she watched the stubbornly persistent and brave prince make a mad dash to the house she lived in, praying to God that He listen to humankind just this once to provide Leon with the bravery in his heart that he so needed.
The portion of town where you lived in was where all the sick were placed in order to properly separate those who were well, unwell, and dying. Doctors went in and out of houses with their beaked masks and black cloaks, carrying bags of medicinal implements and prayer booklets; they performed the rites for the religious dying because no priest was willing to, so they offered reprieve in a form different from the medicines they typically offered. Doors were marked and plastered with signs cautioning visitors to take measured decisions to avoid catching the plague themselves yet the fear of catching the plague did not faze him in the slightest bit, determined to soothe you with his presence and try to initiate conversation to put up the illusion that all is well and death does not surround them like a bird eager for a worm. Leon lifts his mask higher up his face, walking down the path that led to the house you were in. He did his best to not linger too much on the faint prayers, crying, and groaning he heard as he passed by other houses, growing increasingly overwhelmed with a potent melancholy. After some time, he gets to your house and knocks at the door then waits until you acknowledge the knocks.
“Amanda…?” he hears your weak voice call out, a rattling tone beneath your shrill voice. If he didn’t know that was you, he wouldn’t have recognized it.
“It’s Leon,” he says as he knocks again but this time a little louder. “Your Leon.”
“Leon…?” you ask from behind the door, trying to figure out if this is delirium that came with the plague or if it really is your Leon. “Amanda…?” you weakly call out once again.
“No, it’s not Amanda. It’s Leon,” he patiently repeats in a gentle tone as he picks up on the uncertainty in your infirm voice.
“You mustn’t… come in…,” you say as you try to sit up, which proves to be a Herculean task for you. “I am… terribly… ill.”
“No, I insist I see you [name]. My body is strong and my mind is sound, I do not fear neither illness nor death because my true fear resides in the possibility of never seeing you again. Please, open the door.”
You scoff to yourself before you cough once more, mustering what little strength your body has left to arise from your bed and get up to open the door. The door was only a few steps away from you yet the distance felt longer, hobbling along on unstable and weakened feet to reach the rusting metal handle and finally see your love after 6 long years. You open the door and see Leon, the lower half of his face concealed with a white cloth; his hair still remained the same flaxen color, albeit his strands have grown a little longer for they now veiled his rosy ears; his eyes have become more deep-set yet his blue irises still retained their piercing gaze, if not more intensely.
“Oh, [Name].”
He takes your hand, only holding on to the scarred tips of your finger as he tries to stave off the overwhelming desire to kiss you again like he did 6 years past. Your knee begins to fail you, brought down to the ground by weakness and Leon rushes to meet you at your level, worry furrowing his face.
“Let me carry you,” he says as he begins to scoop you into his chest and stands up to full height, walking to your bed. You nod as you shut your eyes, ashamed that he had to see you in this undesirable state with your hair strewn and sticking to your sweat-drenched forehead with lumps all around your neck, clavicle, and arms.
“Surely you must fear illness in one way or another,” you quietly whisper to him as he lays you down. “Does your stomach not churn when you see the work of contagion upon my body and grow afraid that this may happen to you?”
“There is a slight fear that threatens to paralyze me, one that lingers at the back of my mind and it stays there, for a more powerful fear of leaving you alone settles at the forefront.”
He gently lays you down, bringing your blanket up to your chest and taking a handkerchief from a pocket in his pants and using it to wipe the accumulating sweat on your body.
“Thank you,” your voice comes out in a shrill and raspy whisper and Leon simply nods, giving you a closed smile as he settles right at your bedside and tucks the handkerchief back to his pocket.
“How have you been, [Name]?” he asks, beginning the conversation.
“Swell,” you respond with a strained smile. “All soft and easy… for a… little… while.”
“I understand why you and your sisters chose to leave the palace, it can be… suffocating in there but I am quite baffled as to why you never wrote to me. Did you not love me enough or did I love you too much that it suffocated you in the same manner that life in the palace did?”
“I… love you… in ardent devotion… far greater than… the most devout… Catholic and their worship… of God, a force too… great that it could… divide. I very much… wanted to see you, talk to you… but my presence and involvement in your life… shall blight your image and your family’s regality.”
“[Name], forget about my family– they are far too occupied with image and I am far too occupied with you. I would abdicate for you, nevermind the ire of my mother or father towards me for all that matters is you.”
“You know… how they are–” you are interrupted by a cough, sitting up to be able to breathe a lot better with Leon gently patting your dampened back. “T-thank you, sweetheart. As I was… saying, they’ll think… that I have bewitched you… rendered you stupid…”
“You have bewitched me, that they have gotten right, but I care not for what they think– only both of us know what we have.”
You nod weakly and muster up the strength to smile up at him through glossy eyes as his hand strokes your hair, gently patting you without the fear of contracting the disease. A comfortable silence befalls the small house, with Leon occasionally humming some tunes and softly reassuring you: “all is well, all is well”.
“I will find medicine for you,” Leon breaks the silence. “My father has a cousin who has come down with the illness but has recovered, he took medicine from the far East. Just wait until I get back very soon, can you do that for me sweetheart?”
“Medicine?” you rasp almost noiselessly. “No, no… it is far too… precious to be… used… on me.”
“No, [Name]. Please, let me save you. You have saved me from an emptying sadness all those years past now it is my turn to save you so do let me.”
There is not much that you can do as your love is steadfast in finding this famed herbal medicine from the farthest east there is. You are grateful for his efforts and stay silent instead, listening to him ramble on and talk endlessly while he tenderly enveloped your pale hand in his as if you were both young adults once more.
“How is the town doing, son?” His mother asks sternly as she drops a sugar cube into her steaming cup of tea.
“Morale is down, there is death everywhere.” He coldly responds, gaze distant. “This malady is far worse than we thought– plague physicians and prayers alone are not enough to stem the progression of this disease. We must step in, after all, we have resources–”
“Resources that we will use to treat your father’s cousin. It is at our family’s disposal so do not even think that we will squander away what meager medicines there are. Perhaps it is the fate of those sheep-biting scuts that God has stricken them down with His wrath and our family dare not to interrupt His will upon them.”
“Mother!” He exclaims, slamming a heavy hand down the table. Tea sloshes around in its cups and pots, small droplets of a burnt red shade staining the table cloth. “How dare you invoke the wrath of God as justification for your selfishness and moral cowardice! It is extremely abhorrent of you to withhold aid from those who need us most, your arrogance in deciding who is to live and who is to perish is nothing short of blasphemy!”
She sips her tea silently, lips softly touching the teacup as her eyes look on at the variety of roses in the garden. After taking a sip, she presses her lips together and sets the cup back down to its plate.
“Your anger is coming from somewhere,” she observes, returning the iciness back to her son. “Have you gone stupid from the dancer again, Leon?”
“That is none of your business.” He seethes, glaring.
“You dare call me ‘abhorrent’ for putting our family first when deep down, you want the medicine to give to her specifically.”
“I am the crown prince of the people– to her, most of all. I value their lives more than I do mine.”
“You truly have gone stupid because of some wench, Leon, this is unprincely of you to the superlative level. You are willing to lay down money on the possibility that she is to live? How foolish– did you not realize that the buboes of this plague leaves unsightly scars? You will grow to dislike her–”
“I have carried her ill-stricken form in my arms and fondly patted her hair with these hands. I cannot find it in me to dislike her nor do I wish to, it is simply impossible.”
“I will go back to the town after 3 evenings with medicine. I will crawl back, if need be, and that is final.”
“Very well, then.”
Leon is surprised that his mother says nothing and returns to calmly sipping tea, yet he sees that her knuckles have gone pale so he stays alert, knowing that she could very well be scheming.
“I shall go talk with father now.”
He turns around and marches back to the inside of the palace, walking to the study of his father the king.
His father was just as apprehensive as his mother, incredibly unwilling to let Leon have even a single flake of the medicine. This resulted in screaming and threats of abdication and disowning, as an argument between two stubborn men of the house would usually do. Leon, though unwilling, resorted to a compromise: he would obtain the medicinal ingredients and produce them himself with the assistance of a scholar educated in the art of healing. This process would take long, for it required all ingredients to be finely ground into powder in order to be packed into a ball easy to swallow for the driest of throats. His parents grumbled and let him have his way but not before warning him that this would be an arduous undertaking, a Herculean effort all for a woman who is due her time soon. Right away, he sent his right hand men and advisers to seek out any available merchant who was willing to enter their kingdom. He struggled with the efforts, most of them bearing no fruit, but refused to appear bothered or intimidated by the pressure of his situation, not wanting to prove the king and queen right. Soon, he acquired several roots and herbs needed and got to work, seeking the guidance and knowledge of apothecaries and scholars knowledgeable on healing. The sun has awoken and slept but Leon did not sleep when the sun did, keeping the moon company as he toiled and studied, perfecting the required ratio to maximize the improvement of his condition. He also read up on balms and salves to soothe and reduce the scarring of the buboes, forgetting to partake in meals and hydrate in his haste.
He sat on his horse, a female Palfrey with an ink-dark glossy coat, and headed for your town, urging her to go faster with the promise of apples and sugar cubes to spur her on. On his leather satchel was some fruit and in a smaller pouch, were the medicines he needed. Before packing it in his pouch, he has already had it reviewed by trusted advisers. He pushed down his confidence, not wanting to grow certain when he hasn’t distributed it yet. Upon spotting the first few houses in the distance, he softly encouraged his Palfrey to go on faster, just a little more.
“Come on, beauty, you can go faster– please,” he urged her.
Soon he arrives, dismounting from his steed, and spotting a few doctors exiting and entering houses. He calls one over and does not let them kneel down, informing them of what he brings.
“These, these medicines. I have crafted them a few days back, but they are still of quality, as my tutors have said. They are well-versed in healing so I trust their judgement,” he says. “I have obtained ingredients and herbs from trusted merchants in the far east, where the herbs are in abundance and the plague has not reached them yet.”
The plague doctor takes one of the tablets and lifts his avian mask, bringing the tablet near his nostril and takes several precautionary sniffs and observations. He nods, informing Leon that he will provide this to a patient of his and check back with him to note improvements in condition. Leon meets more of the cloaked doctors, advising them and repeating the same things he said. His confidence grows and he is certain, speeding past other houses to get to yours. He arrives there and knocks on your house, vigorous clacks against the wooden door.
“[Name]? It is your Leon, I am here.” He says a little louder, so he may be heard from the inside.
“Leon?” A weak female voice responds, but it is not yours. He stays silent, trying to give this voice a name.
“Who is inside?” He asks. “I have come to visit [Name], I bear medicine that may help her.”
He hears soft steps approaching the door, growing increasingly hyper in his eagerness to see you. The door finally opens but he is met with Amanda’s face instead.
“Where is my [Name]?” He asks, trying to see over her shoulder.
Amanda appears as if she is wearing a veil, a very thin one for if Leon dared to peer into her gaze, he might know what rocked his love’s sister. She steps aside and quietly allows Leon entry, the man pacing quickly to your bedside to see you. You look far worse than you did days ago when he just visited, the lumps on your neck scarily large that Leon felt weak. Your eyes were closed yet you were still breathing, albeit very shallowly and hoarsely, each intake of air marked with a low rattle in your chest. You lift a hand slightly from your abdomen where it rested and point a finger at Leon, to which he responds by identifying himself.
“Yes, it is your Leon. The Leon who you loved at 21,” he softly says. “Worry not, my dear, I have medicine in my pouch.”
Amanda steps beside him and places a hand on his shoulder and he feels her hand shake so he turns around and his gaze is met with glassy eyes.
“[Name] has just received her final rites, there is a man nearby with dead carts waiting for her,” she sadly says. “She is quite fortunate that she has received blessings, most of the sick here do not for the reverends are quite apprehensive.”
Her voice cracks and she stops speaking because she knows that her voice will crawl out in cracks and shakiness. Leon can only stay silent and appear strong yet his soul was crumbling away, turning into dust being blown away by a cold wind.
“She hasn’t much, has she?” he asks silently as he pats back the matted hair on your head, trying to offer you some semblance of comfort.
“Yes,” your sister responds. “She exhausted her throat screaming your name, she thought you’d been here with her as she was growing more delirious with fever. I could hear her sing the songs you taught her– ‘Dearest Sight of My Heart’ and ‘Greensleeves’.”
“So she has been seeing visions of me when in reality I am not near?” he asks.
“Yes, she has. And for that moment, she looked quite… jovial. Even the vision of you soothed her for a moment and I did not wish to whisk away what little comfort she had.”
You were asleep now, a finger inched near Leon’s. The rattling was still low in your chest yet your intakes of breath were now more shallow, more rapid, as if you were fighting some force and losing.
Leon curled his finger around yours yet you gently withdrew it. Instead, your arms were stretched out to the side like how it was when you danced. Your fingers were spaced out, gently fluttering as much as you could as your arms were swaying. He could see your feet twitch as well, along to some music only you could hear. This routine is familiar with Leon, the routine he loved to see you dance in gilded halls and grand banquets. He hummed the tune of the ballad, Amanda joining him, as he watched you slowly begin to grow more impassioned with whatever movements you could make. You opened your eyes and you were back in the grand ballroom in beautiful drapes and your hair in wavy tendrils above your head, pinned in place with a jewel-encrusted hairpin. Amanda looked youthful again, and so did Lucia– she was a maiden once again. You were spinning and jumping in the air, arms stretched above you as you felt the heavens on your fingertips. Your movements accompanied the lute and shawms, floating from one corner of the room to another. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Leon– soft, bright-eyed, and all smiles. He’s 21 again, just like you are, and he runs up to you to hug you.
“Leon!” you squeal when he hugs you even tighter, acting like a second corset, as he lifts you off the ground. “I am still rehearsing, surely it cannot be as great as you regard it to be!”
He places you back down on your feet and cups your cheeks, pressing his lips to yours to capture it in a silken kiss. You hear your sisters cheer and squeal in the back, prompting a smirk to widen on your lips.
“You discredit yourself for your artistic prowess, my [Name]. You are my god and I am sure I exist for the sole purpose of worshipping your grace.”
“Oh, stop it Leon. What do you want from me?” you tease as he peppers your cheeks in kisses.
“You,” he responds. “And that is all I ask. The banquet is yet to begin and our guests have not completed attendance yet so may I take you to the gardens?”
You look behind your sisters, who urge you on. You nod and Leon chuckles, bowing to your sisters before he takes you by the hand and leads you out to where it is bright.
Leon carries you in his arms with a tearful Amanda trailing closely behind him, her nephew asleep on her shoulder. You have fallen into the slumber with no end so he carries you to where you will be laid to rest properly instead of letting the cart take you away and toss you into a pit with many others. He sheds tears, albeit silently, as he lowers you. He and your sister fix your hair away from your face and pose your hands to appear as if you were praying, fingers entwined before dirt conceals you from the upper world to finally let your soul freely prance and leap around in fields of eternal repose where you greet your second-eldest sister and patiently wait for the loved ones who you’ve left behind.

NOTE - This fic has been marinating in my docs for like a month bc I've been fighting off writer's block and I'm also starting to grow busy bc I've already got like 5 projects assigned by the first week of the academic year so there's a chance that this fic is like... wonky which I understand tbh 😭 I have some WIPs waiting to be finished, some of them are requests so for the people who requested like months ago yk... dw I'm getting around to working on it 😭😭 Also yk that one bongo remix of that one Coldplay song? I don't know why but I find it so funny like it's so overstimulating, I just have to laugh 😭😭😭 ALSO I GOT IN IN MY SCHOOL'S BOOK CLUB SIUEHSH!!!@!$#% Anyway, thanks for reading my fics!! I appreciate it a lot!! I <3 YOUUU!!!!!!
The star dividers were made by @adornedwithlight , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).

- from the BSAA lol
(Including matching icons 😳)
Cult of the Lamb: Resident Evil
Hello, I secretly was thinking of this CotL AU.
Be careful! This post is long as shit!!

This AU is the mixture of Cult of the Lamb and Resident Evil (and Yakuza: Dead Souls).
In this AU, Lamb, Goat, Narinder, Leshy, Heket, Kallamar and Shamura (and Sozo and Yarlen) fight zombies and the Cult by the name of Umbrella, with the help of Leon, Chris, Jill and Ashley who came from US.
PLOT(This may contain mild spoilers):
Leshy and Yarlen Arc: While on a picnic with his wife Yellow Cat (Emily) and their children in Darkwood, the site of his temple, Leshy witnesses a mysterious beast attacking members of the old faith, and then a zombie attack. He successfully kills all the zombies and tries to return home, but Emily and her children have disappeared, so he stands up to rescue them, and he meets up with Yarlen, who's looking for Jalala and Linor along the way.
Kallamar, Shamura and Sozo Arc: Shamura received a threatening letter saying that Webber had been kidnapped. They take Kallamar and Sozo and go on a crusade. On the way, they meet a woman who calls herself Zoe, who leads them to Silk Cradle's Baker farm. The three are safely reunited with Webber at the Baker residence and attempt to take him home, but they're attacked from behind by a mysterious figure and loses consciousness. When they eventually wake up, they see the Baker family members sitting around a table with a horrific meal on top! Trapped in the mansion by the family, Kallamar, Shamura and Sozo attempt to escape from the maddened Baker family mansion with the help of Zoe, who haunts different parts of the mansion. (This arc is based on Resident Evil 7: Biohazard)
Heket Arc: Kallamar, Shamura, Sozo, Webber, and Zoe, who had escaped from the Bakers' mansion and were surrounded by zombies, meet up with Heket and fight off the zombies with her. They ask her to accompany them, but she refuses, saying that she's afraid that she's in part to blame for the incident and wants hold herself accountable. Prior to this incident, Heket had received an invitation to return to Old Faith from Leviathan, a former acolyte and now the second Bishop of Famine. When she refused his invitation, he handed her a map pointing to the mansion of Anura, telling her to come back if she changed her mind. What is waiting for her there?
Lambert, Goatie and Narinder Arc: Lambert and Goatie head to Crusade to Anura with Narinder after receiving a threatening letter from someone who kidnapped Aym and Baal while they were visiting their mother, Forneus. They join forces with Chris, Jill, Leon, and Ashley from the U.S. and kill all the zombies. When Chris and the others say they need better weapons, Lambert says he knows a genius blacksmith, and they explore the mansion, kicking zombies around and finally meeting up with Kudaai, Clauneck, and Chemach.
Cult of the Lamb Arc: Lambert and his team arrive at Kudaai's place, where they are joined by Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, Shamura, Sozo, Yarlen, Webber, and Zoe, who receive powerful weapons from him, including machine guns, shotguns, and grenade launchers. Leshy is fitted with a high-performance prosthetic eye, and Sozo, Yarlen, Webber, and Zoe stand by. After refusing to go with Chris and the others, he leaves Kudaai's place, saying that from this point on, it is a holy war for the seven gods. Can they rescue Aym and Baal, and put the end of this bloody masquerade?
So, I have a request for you all. Please take a look at this comic and write many assignments for writing AU comics in this post (e.g. Practice the background, don't put too many onomatopoeia, when coloring, try and make it so the lines are going on the same direction, etc...). JUST PLEASE BE CAREFUL NOT TO BE RUDE🙏
And I'll put some character design sheets someday.
no im perfectly fine wdym I'm not normal about my hyperfixations *writes a 43 page long power point on a resident evil OC, and AU.*
As every fandom I am apart of- I make many AU's and this isn't any different- I introduce my Eldritch Horror Leon AU in all of his creepy glory ✨👁u👁
Anyways, here's the final product done digitally & and the other is it's original version on physical paper 👍 (While also show casing my different style after a few months-)