Main art blog of a 27 year old animation student who deeply loves making Art. I'm in various fandoms that probably won't fit in this description so don't be afraid to ask/interact about anything. I post art, edits and other related stuff. If you read till this far thanks a lot and feel free to stick around.
202 posts
I Dont Think Posted This Here Before.You Can Also Watch It On Youtube And Vimeo.
I don’t think posted this here before. You can also watch it on youtube and vimeo.
thinthlereblogblog reblogged this · 5 years ago
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So I might have gone a bit overboard. And I don't know how reasonably do-able this is especially cost wise. But one can dream right and I had fun so that's the important part. Hope you like it. #jazzyartspace #drawwithjazza #studio #challenge #edit #drawingdone #mspaint https://www.instagram.com/p/B0UILJpCg8q/?igshid=1a7x8cewdu4x1

Crab grave Sad Grab #crab #grab #crap #grave #sad #mad #smad #engraved #drawing #sketch #nintendo3dsxl #flipnote #ocean #draaikolk #krab #tekening #graai #folk #beachgrave #mermay2019 #toolateformermay so #mermay2020 ? #🦀 #🙆 #🌊 Excuse me I didn't mean to turn my tags into vague rhyming poetry https://www.instagram.com/p/ByOXP_rCUPg/?igshid=rub68d453ltw
Wild creatures called Veops meet a citizen and one questions why the civilized citizen has features normally only seen in their wild counterparts. Aka my other final film this one is digital and not made on paper. #veops #animation #animated #animatie #veop #veopsen #2danimation #mycreatures #myoc #closedspecies #nature #bewildered #cartoon #digitalart #youtube #thesisfilm #vfs #vancouverfilmschool #movingcharacters #rig #handrawn https://www.instagram.com/p/BxrohgDlAxK/?igshid=q90u0wfhu74q

Some fanart for @bakakxz Divorce AU cause I love Dadceit and Bby Virgil. Also @maxtheartblog and Kitkat1003 on tumblr with their sander-sides-reverse-au were great inspirations for giving Deceit (or in Kitkat's case Truth) White clothes instead of black/grey. And you check out all 3 mentioned fanders/creators cause their stuff is Amazing in general. #Deceit #Virgil #sanderssides #divorceAU #drawing #dadceit #tekening #fanders #thomassanders #SupremeArtSunday #slimysnakeboi #SuperArtSaturday #fanartfriday #vidcon #vidcon2019 #justkiddingwishIcouldbethere #maybenextyear #traditionalart #baby #Iusetoomanyhashtags https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6MwRyiFlb/?igshid=xzuizyrdpphe