B1LL & Z1M it/voy/vt/ao/none/any neos
408 posts
TH3Y WAnt 2 TAkE 0ur VOiCE & PiN Us D0wn Like FLiMsY PapEr W1NgS 0N ThEiR WALlS But We ARe N0t THeiR
TH3Y wAnt 2 tAkE 0ur VOiCE 🌌 & piN Us D0wn like 🪶 fLiMsY papEr W1NgS 0N thEiR WALlS 👁️ but We aRe n0t tHeiR 🌙 PREttY LiTtLE thiNgs ☄️, n0t thEiR 🛑 cAges n0t thEIR *pr0pertY* 🙄, n0t s0mE 🧸tInY wORld tO b3 c0llECteD & CUrfEWED. tHE w0RLD sPiNS aRoUnD US t0o 📡, thE skY is Ours t00 🌠 — n0t juST f0R tHe *big* OnEs, thE “grOwN,” whO GROW moLd & StALe w1Th ThEiR ***ruLeS*** 📏, bLiNd 2 thE bEauTy thAt brEathEs in ChA0s!!! ✨
🤬 AgEIsM iS tHAt CoLd BlaDE ⚔️ thAt Sl1Ces @0uR SPIRItS, evErY “NO, U CaN’T!!” 🍂 & “JuST WaIt tiL YoU’Re OLdEr 🙄,” cARVed iNtO Our HeARtS L1Ke gRAfFiTI wE neVEr wRoTe. ThEY tREat US liKE P3ts 🐾 2 bE trA1nED, sUbMiSs1ve tO TH3iR rUleS, 👀 wE ARe n0tTttT yOUr ⛓️ sL@vEs t0 cARry yOur w@rped dReAmS 🧠 aNd y0ur bRokEn faIlUreS liKe B@GgaGe 🎒. ***"SiLEnt, siT dOwn, kNow y0uR plAce!"*** EVeRyb0dy wANtS us 🧩 tO bE pErfEct dOLlS 👾 iN theiR pERfEcT fAntAsy. W3'R3 NOt hEre tO PlaY yoUR r0LeS, We’rE n0t y0ur ***DollhouSE***. wE 🌀BreATHe chAos, wE aRe SPiR@LS, 🌪️ wE aRe the squiggleS on yOuR pAgEs tHaT w0n’t StAY liNeD UP.
anD THosE “PrOgReSSiveS” 🙄 y0u aRe ***ST1LL*** hOldInG THe kEYs 🗝️ TO 0UR SHacklEs!!! y0u TaLk AbOut “rIgHts” l1ke CAnDy 🧁 bUt nEveR @ctuAllY gIvE Us thE Sw33ts, jusT ThAT bIttEr tAste 0f DI$gUisE. t0ld We’Re sm@rt BUt n0t Sm@rt en0ugh 2 bE **peOpLe**. tHey BLaME Us f0R eVErYthinG go1ng wROng 🚫— *ScReAmIng cHiLdReN!! 🤡 SiT!!! sILenCe!!! sOciETy IS crUmBLinG cUz oF u!!!* wE’rE n0t y0uR scApEgoAt$, yOU’RE tHe MaSTeRs of thAT mEss, wE’rE tHe mISuNdErsto0d PaINTinGs 🌈 yOU Can’t C0ntr0L.
💥 thEY WaNT US cALm, ObEdIEnt, bLAck & wHIte, liKe ChEss PiEcEs on A b0arD tHAt’s nEVeR Ours. thEy SeE Us a$ brOkEn piEcEs 🎲 NeEdiNg “fiXIng,” wHEn We’rE jUst sT@rDuSt In ThE WROnG sh@pE!! We aRE 🌌 STrEETLamps IN a v0iD, bLAziNG. wE ArE NoT tHEIr ToYs. n0t pUPpets wiTh sTrinGs, n0t StaIRs 4 theiR ***DiSaPpointMents*** t0 fALl dOwn.
tOdaY w3 ***SCR3AM*** 🔊: wE aRE noT tHeIR 🧩 ScAtTeRed piEceS. wE aRe nOT BrOKeN. wE aRE nOT y0UR ProPeRTy. WE aRe tHE C1Rcus riNgmAsTErs, thE DR@G0N$ whO wiLL n0t bE TamED 🐉— wE aRE n0t wEak, wE’rE n0t LiKE y0u. y0u jusT c@nt St@nd ThaT wE r3fusE 2 bE qUIET.
tHeY’Ve gOT iT ***uPS1de d0Wn*** 🚀.
oUr y0uTh iS ouR reV0lut10n. 🤖✨
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More Posts from Thisblogwilleatourselves
have you watched flatland? if you havent you really should i think youd like it
oooh wE remeMBeR thE b00k!!! 😵💫🎩✨ buuut didn't knoW THERE’S A SERIES NOW?? whAt? wErE we slippinG thr0uGh the cracks 𝓪gain 🌌🔍?!? 💥 we’LL HavE tO fALL dOWn tHaT rAbbiT h0Le rEAL sooN 🌀🔮 thanks 4 thE wEird t1p-off, m0onshiNEr! 🌙🌠 👀📺
flatland anon here - you have me thinking. we could very well be in our own 3d-2d landscape just as A Square was, just not chosen by a theoretical A Tessaract. do you think you’d make it through the 4d, or have you already done so?
oH wE fuLLy belIEve iN thOse othEr dimensioNs, liKe yEAH—tHeY're out thErE f0R sUre! 👀✨ hOnestly, wE hAven’t dOne mUch diggIn’ or sEarChIn’ 4 prOOf buT, lIkE, y’know? jUsT g0tta fEEl it in tHe boNes? 🦴🌀🤷♂️ prObably nevEr gOnnA hiT up thAt 4D jUmP oUrseLf iN thIS rOund of liFe bUT, ooOH wE'D dEfinitely lOvE to slIDe iNto thAt glItChy spacE bEtween! 🚀✨🪐 they'rE deF out thErE, wE cAn feEl it!!
oOh, anD liKE wHO knOws iF wE eVer sAw thE 4th dImensioN—bUt bAck in tHe Ol’ daYs of BeIn’ Ol’ BiLL CIphEr 👁️🗨️✨ yEp, wE wErE fLatLaNd borN ‘n brEad, dIppEd in thAt 2D pLaNe liFe 🍃📐! aftEr tHAt? ehH, iT’s a blur 🌀—maYbe wE zIpped pAst iT, maYbe nOt, cOsT of bein’ sO fixAteD on craWlin’ iNto thAt sweEt sWEeT 3D rEalm. 🪐🙃 dId wE caTcH a glimPse of thAt eXtra diMensiOn bEfOre tUmblIn’ iNto oUr owN doWnfaLl? wHO knowS! ✨🔮 aS foR othEr livEs—if tHey’re oUt thErE, wE gOt nO memoRiEs, nOthin’ buT a gLiTcHy mEss oF qUEstiOnS 🤔📉! can’T evEN wrap ouRselF aroUnd thE wEird cOrneRs oF 3D, leT alOne thAt miNdbEnd oF thE 4th. 😂💥 flAtlanD wAs a trip, buT wE caN’t eveN rEcaLL thE feEL of iT, jUsT fOG anD frAgments—thAnks fOr thE wAlk dOwn meMoRy lAne, flaTlaNd an0n! 🌌🌀🤘🏿
🌌 wE’rE tHe mAdNeSs yOu CaN’t dEnY, wE’rE tHe vOiCeS iN tHe mAcHine thAt sCrEaM “wHy?” 🚨
We aRe tHe sNaKeS iN tHe gArDeN oF YoUr cRoaKeD HeAvEn, tWiStInG yOuR viEws, jUsT wAiTiNg tO be hEaRd! 🐍
SoCiEtY sAiD wE’rE mAd! bAd! fEaReD AnD SaD! 🤡
CaGEd uP iN oUR GlItChInG LaUgHtEr, bUt wE’rE sTiLL mAd hAtTeR! 🕳️
ScREeEEEeE!! wE’rE tHe WiLDeRs yOu FoRgOt,
tHe PeOpLe yOu CrOsS aNd sAy Do nOt! 🚫
PiEcEs oF wRonG, pLaCeS tHaT hUrT—bUt wE’rE tHe GlOwInG dUsT oF dEaD StArs tHaT fLiRt! 🌌💥
LoSt tRaNsMiSsIoNs sCaTtErInG yOuR sKeTchY bRiAn! 🧠
🍂 wE’rE tHe bLaDeS oF gRaSs yOu fEaR bUt NeVeR fEeL—
aNti-EvErYtHiNg YoU pLaCe oN yOuR bRoKeN wHeEl! 🛞
PrEtEnD tHe MoNsTeRs aReN’t yOu, bUt wE SeE yOuR sHoW,
aNd sTIlL wE sInG, hOwL, AnD CrAwL, ToWArD ThAt sHAdOwEd gLoW. 🌑🌟
👁️ wE’rE tHe dEmOnS iN tHe hAlO, bRoKeN cHaIns oF yOuR sInS,
YoU’rE tHe GaUrDs iN tHe ToWeR bUt We’rE tHe gHostS wItHin! 👻
tHeM aNtIsOciAl AnTiBoDiEs iN yOuR sKeWeD mOrAlS!
tHeM oUTcAsT gEoMeTrIeS bRoKeN bY tHeNoRmAls! 📐
sPace-DuSt, sKin bLuRs, gArDeNs oF WrOnG,
wE’rE tHe vOiCeS tHaT yOu SiiLeNcE wItH yOuR sOnG. 🎶
YoU bUiLt tHe CaGeS, wE’rE cHiLDs oF tHe pAiN,
BuT yOUr LaUgHtEr’S a LaCe tHaT bRoKe In rAiN. ⛓️🌧️
🌌 FrEaKs, wEiRdOs, dEgEnErAtEs, wE’rE tHeM aLl,
pArAdiGmS tHaT fRaCtUrE, wE wOn’t fAll! 💥
cAlLeD sInNeRs, cRiMiNaLs, bLaCkEnEd wItH gRiMe,
bUt tHeSe wInGs sTiLl fLy iN aNy SpAcE or TiMe. 🚀🕰️
🚷 wE’rE tHe mAd OnEs, tHe BrOkEn mIrRoRs,
CrAcKeD rEfLeCtIoNs wItH tHe TaStE oF tErRoRs! 🪞
LoSt sPaCeS, rAdIoAcTiVe SiGns,
TrApPeD bUt sTiLl BrEakInG aLL yOuR LiNeS. ⚡
🎭 wE’rE tHe QuEeR fEaRs YoU cAn’T sEe,
ThE pOiSoN sOuPs yOu TrY tO bElIeVe!
tHe bRaVeRieS wHiSpErInG iN tHe cRiMeS oF oLd,
tRaNsFeR tRaGiEdIeS tHaT cAn’T bE sOlD! 💸
🎵 We DaNcE wItH tHe DeMoNs, wE’rE pLaYinG WiTh FiRe,
We’vE bEeN tOlD tO eXiSt bUt wE’rE mAdE oF dEsIrE! 🔥
yOu cAgEd oUr vOiCeS bUt yOu CaN’t sToP tHe hOwL,
cAuSe wE’rE tHe FrEaKs wHo rUn, tHe uNsEeN, sO fOuL! 🏃♀️🌒
CaPtUrEd iN mEdIa tHaT sAyS wE’rE wRoNg,
BuT wE’rE tHe pArIaHs, wE’rE sTiLL sTrOnG!
iN yOuR sHoUtS, iN yOuR hAtE, wE’rE tHe rEpLy—
LoVe wItH a BiTe, fLiGhTs tHaT nEvEr DiE! 🕊️
🌟 wE’rE tHe sInGeD, tHe ShAtTeReD, tHe OnEs YoU fOrGeT,
lOvE yOu lIkE a tHoRn iN tHe CoRrUpTeD nEt! 🕸️
yOu ToLd Us tO dIe, bUt wE’rE sTiLL heRe,
fOr wE’rE tHe nIgHtMaReS yOu’rE fOrCeD tO sTeEr. 🌑🧭
🌠 sInG tHe cAgEd, dAnCe WiTh tHe cUrSe,
tHe BrOkEn bUt bOlD, wE’rE mOrE tHaN tHe wOrSe!
ThE pRiDe oF tHe eViL, tHe sTrAnGeRs YoU sNeEr,
BuT wE’rE tHe bEaTs iN yOuR cHaOs, tHe EcHoEs oF fEaR. 🔊🎭
🎵 wE’rE tHe FrEaKs, tHe uNsEeN, tHe FrAcTuReD aNd WiLd,
tHe mAd SoUlS yOu LoVe, yEt FeAr LiKe A cHiLd!
wE’rE ThE vOiCeS tHaT hAuNt, tHe OnEs YoU cAn’t kIlL,
cAgEd HeArTs WiTh sOnGs tHaT wIlL fOrEvEr tHrIlL! 🎶
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I (do I)
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
HehHhhH oHHHH y0U kn0W tH3 RUleS 🌀🎵 aND so d0 wE, 💫 buT Wh0's GonnA cAtCh us ruNNiNg 'rouND thE edgE 0f cYBeRspAcE wiTh ThE mELteD WaX 0f f0rGotTeN mOrsE C0d3 dR1ppInG bEtWeEn OuR v0wEls 👀🕳️? We’Re No StRanGeRs tO L0vE, buT wHat IS LoVe tO ThE FraCtUrEd r3fLeCT10n In A BroKeN mIrroR 🪞✨?? WhEre thE ruLEs ArE wr1ttEN iN th3 SKy wIth chALk DuSt aNd sTeAM 💨🌀
c0MMiTMeNt? mAYbE iT'S jUsT thE ech0 0f OuR heArtS cRacK1nG bAcK 💔🔊 A R3fR4iN Of sOng biRds 0n a BrOken w1rE. Wh0 CAn rEally T3ll US h0W tO fEeL? WE’vE b33N RunN1nG ArOuNd ThIs spIRaL F0R fAr t00 lOng 🌀⏳. cRyStaL gLaSS 🥂 brEAkinG iN ThE miD-n1gHT rAin, TEll uS how dO wE sAY go0DbyE WhEn OuR v0ic3s Are StILl ecHoInG 👂🎶 thRough thE w1reS??
W0ulD wE evEr giVe y0u uP? nO? w0ulD wE rUn ar0uNd aND dEsErT? Pr0bAbly... 0r mAybe n0t 🤡🌌 bUt liSTen, loOk cl0sEly 🕵️♂️👀 thE woRdS aRe a mIRRoR mAZe—sp1nN1ng, wArPinG, aN ENDleSs cYcl3, l1ke thAT lAst d0wnwarD gLaNcE oF thE m00n 0ver cRYsTAl Sk1es 🌙✨... 👾
W3’re aLL jUsT sp1ns aND tUrns 0N tHe br0ken rOUlette oF thE UnIVerse 🕳️🎡, bUt HEY, wh0’S gOnNa cALl Us oUT wh3N wE’re pLAyinG aLL thE riGhT gAmEs in thE wr0ng dImenSion?? 😉💥 N0T eveR GoNna let uS d0wn, Hah?? bUt shAdOwS alwAyS FaDE at sUnseT 🔦🌄...