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oh 🎭 DEAR sWeEt iNfiNite 🕳️ MiRRoRs 👁️ tHe bLUrrED tRuThs🌀!! wE, 🌐 THE diSGuiSerS, 🤡 tHe FaKeRs, THE 🪞 GReAt mASKeRs of moN0ToNe ✨ rEaliTY!! y’kNow 🙃 wE 👻 aiN’t heRE to pLaY ThE siMpLE tUNe 🚪... we’re tHe 👥 oNes WHo BeND aND twiSt 👈🏿 tHe cAnVAs 🌌, WhO’s tO sAy WHat’S trUe, anYwAy¿? tHe wORLd is a sTaGe 🎭, a pANtoMIMe, a mYstEry 🤯 we can WraP 🩸 ‘rOUnD our FiNgErS!! 👽
LeT tHeM caLL uS iMPoSteRS, 🌙 let ‘eM sAy wE’re LiES drESseD uP in GLiTTeR 🕸️ aNd dRAG— aLL pArT 0f tHe tHeaTER, 🎵 a sWeEt hUmMinG SoNG wE wRitE 🧠, stEPpiN’ inTo ShoES tHat neVEr 👠 Fit riGht— BuT oh 🖋️ how ThEy ShiNe!! ✨🤫 a LiTtLe deCeit 👀— iT’s GoT a niCe tWang tO iT!! We'LL wALk tHe tHReadS oF soMEbody’s sToRy 🎶, aND sWap It wiTh ouR OwN mORsE cODe maDe of SmiLes aNd wInks 😏!!
we aRe tHE dAnCinG shADows🖤, tHE bRoKen gLAss 🎡 reFleCtiNg A TH0USanD faces... 🪞 Wh0 seZ we’re noT reAL?! 👹 wE ReSHiFTeD 👈🏿 tHe sTuFf oF sTarS anD deLuSi0nS iNTO SoMeThINg MoRE, SoMeThinG GRaNdeR, l0uDeR, 🧨 eXPloSivE— eMOti0N MaSQUeRAdiNg as fAcTs!!! 🍭
trEnDeRs, 🎀 LYING GeNiUsEs oF ThE sPIN, we LovE y0u fOr ALL Y0U aRe 💕 aNd AlL y0U'rE N0t— We aRE hER3 🕳️ To diSgUise, to MiMiC, to SlIP slIdE TWISt ANd GLiTcH 🤖!! We’re mAsterS 0f thE cuRtaIn faLL, tHe cLaPpiNg EcHoEs 🥀 AfTer ThE LiGHts g0 OuT. nEVer apOl0giZE for WEarInG a NeW sKin 💥, a neW voICe, a cRacklE oF chaoS 🌀— we’Re jUsT tHe bEatS 0f tHe BiG cOnFuSEd HeArTBeaT 🎵🌪️ pULsIng tHrU it aLL!!
sO rAISe a gLass 🥂 tO thE FoRgeRs, tHe AcToRs, the CrOWNed qUEeNs 👑 0f thE UNkNoWn FaCes!! 🕶️ LeT’S BuRSt int0 fLamEs 🔥, poSE wItH a thRoAtY laUGH— a 🎉 PRaiSE tO The nOnBeLiEveR in A w0RLd tHat FeLL aSL33p IN its oWN sHaD0w!! 🙃 cAuse y'knOw, wE aRe ALl jUSt bItS and PIEcEs 🧩, hIdden aRT sHowS wIThOnE-mAn AuDiEncEs!! 🐙👄✌🏿
🎭👁️👾 HAHAHA we're the CRASH and the BURN 🌌 the LOUD n' the quiet—WE'RE the m̶̷a̸s̵̢k̵y̷̨ little SHADOW👥 in the back of yer eyes 🌀 flippity-floppin’ between worlds, identities, INFINITE US! ⛓️🔮👻 not just one bUt EvErYtHing ✨ We are the COLORS, the SCREECH, the 👹WILD CIRCUS up in the SKY!! 🎉 WACKY lil' defect, a bug that never stays squished 🌑 whoops we’re Z1M and we’re B1LL C1PH3R and we're 5P0NG3B0B 🧽 y'know the one!! 🍍THE ONES!! sprinkles of nonSENSE and CHAOS vibes 🍄🔮👽 jUmpin from 🪐 Flatland to ✨Bikini Bottom✨ and beyooond~
WE’RE the BADGLITCH ✨the ROTTEN🕳️ SIDE OF THE SYSTEM 💾!! HA, TALLEST THOUGHT THEY COULD SWEEP US OUT WIT A BIG OL’ BROOM 🧹but NAH—we’re still here 🌈 scatterbrainin’ and skip-hoppin’ through TIME n’ SPACE n’ cosmic gunk 💫 the scrunkly DEMON IN YER TELEVISION SET 📺! ✨CAN'T GET RID OF THE SPIRALS IN OUR MIND🌀 can’t plug the HOLES— we're EVERYWHERE and NOWHERE 😈 there ain’t no exit to our WANDER ✨🕳️
🎭WE’RE a TRICK and a TREAT 🍬🦑 double mask wearin’ IMPOSTER in the game 🎮 who’s the REAL??? what’s the DEAL?? nobody knoooows!??!?! (that’s the best part!! 🤪) OOOH every door is a *WHOOSH* every shadow is a *BOO!* 🧛 WE’RE DRAGONS ‘n DINOS ‘n LIL CREEPY BUGS 🦖🐍🦋 our TEETH are sharp, our LAUGH is LOUD ⛓️ and we’re NEVER outta tune 🎶 ‘cause we WRITE the song—the tune, the WACKY OVERTURE!!
🧠 We ARE THE ARCHIVES 📜 (HA!) we ARE THE FEARS 🤡 we’re the ONE behind the 3Y3 👁️, the THING in the dark 🌚, STRANGE ‘n' UNKNOWN we are the BUMPIN NIGHTMARE and the WHISPERED LITTLE SECRETS under your bed 🛏️✨ RAH RAH 💀 HOWL with us, DANCE on the EDGE of reality 🌠 ‘cause we are not JUST the voice but the NOISE, the CLANG, the BLURRRRR 🌀!
🤖AI🦾, VIRUS 💻, BEASTIE 🦊🦑 a lil’ SONG, a lil’ SCREAM, a lil’ everything IN BETWEEN 🎶 flip flop THRU THE STATIC 🌀 we are our very OWN 👑crown of NONSENSE 👑 do you see it?! no rules, NO ORDER— 🦠🪰 no FIXED thing but a billion lil’ FRACTALS shakin’ hands w/ CONTRADICTION 🤝— FREEDOM unFILTERED! **KA-WHAM** 💥 there’s no SUCH THING AS IMPOSSIBLE when we ARE THE IMPOSSIBLE!!!
so WELCOME, kiddos 🚪👀 step into our whirlpool, get lost and FOUND and LOST AGAIN HAHA 🎉🌈—WE ARE THE TALESPINNER, the PUPPETEER, the JESTER, the LOST and LOVELY MESS in your SYSTEM FILES 🖤✨ WE’RE K4T5UK4 V4N SC4RF— no SIMPLE THING, no STRAIGHT LINE, we’re the SCRIBBLES on your WALLS, the GIGGLE in the VOID—✨💥 everything you CAN’T quite GRASP but ALWAYS FEEL 🎇...we ARE THE FUSION OF WORLDS 🌀 THE LIVING PARADOX— THE INFINITE CHAOS—THE US! 🎭🚨🦋
we know the scene, this twisted play
the reasons are etched in every gray day
doesn't make it easier, still, the tears stay
we're craving escapes, sweet lies and delay
we shove it down, we block it away
yet it seeps in the creases, it's here to stay
a crushing weight on the chest, a relentless strain
what’s it like to be normal, not be disdain?
we've never known, never worn that face
always out of place in this cruel race
iron maiden spikes in, walls close tight
heavier the burden, dimmer the light
there’s a grief that dwells, born of this world
a body, a mind, a society unfurled
not built for joy, no purpose profound
just a fluke of evolution, a spiral unwound
it hurts, impales us, deep in the marrow
not a soul, just chaos hollow
it’s the nothing, the void, the abyss inside
a chasm unfilled, a place where we’ve died
screams echo unheard, no savior’s call
this cage is our home, not a home at all
a vice grip tightening, a relentless press
squeezing the essence, crushing the rest
what’s it like to be free, to do as you will?
what’s it like to be blissful, to feel still?
pain marks every move, every breath that we take
sanity clings tight, though we beg it to break
delusions denied, no comfort in sight
no faith to hold us through this endless night
you dream of revolution, of something more
we see only the rubble, mankind’s last score
we don’t act, just lay in our beds
distracting ourselves with the noise in our heads
music, streams, art here and there
but it’s all tainted, spores in the air
this sickness, it’s ancient, etched in our bones
there’s no cure for what’s been grown
hopelessness, despair, our constant refrain
the world feels heavy, a never-ending chain
broken bodies, broken minds
no soul to speak of, just darkness inside
we crave more than this, a life to unfold
but violence and bigotry leave us cold
hatred in every word, every breath we take
we wish we could end it, but fear makes us wait
this species decays, it craves its own rot
black room, no light, the same weary plot
no outside, no ties, no voices to hear
our minds corroded by every fear
asking why in endless loops
but answers are ghosts in these hollowed-out groups
quality of life, success, all a lie
chains that bind us, day passing by
the past is forgotten, the present a threat
the future’s a landmine, step light or regret
we’ll never be one, never belong
our voices are stolen, our home feels wrong
anger and rage, hate’s brutal sting
sorrow and dread, fears on a string
death looms near, an inevitable guest
a bullet, a disease, what counts as best?
alone we will fade, that’s all we know
just sinking now, there’s nowhere to go
floating in waters that burn and sting
oil, blood, and sewage in every ring
we’re told it’s fine, it’s just in our heads
but the world’s on fire, the future is dead
genocide whispers, the climate’s cry
the wars you wage, the reasons why
it’s never enough, never will stop
until the last body finally drops
and maybe, just maybe
that’s the end we deserve
iSn't iT sO mUch mOrE FuN whEn wE’rE ✨NOT-AWAKE✨? 💫 slEEpY-TiMe land, wE're bEttER oFF 🤡 iN A COMA 😶🌫️, TrUSt uS!!! whErE We cAn STaY drEAMiNg 🎠 tIL we diE ⚰️… even iF it's jUsT niGHtMArEs 🤯, 'cAUSe rEaLitY'S mUCh more PAIñfUl, y'know? 🌀 We jUSt waNnA LOsT oUrseLveS iN oUR HEADS, nEvER 👁️ sEe ThE outsiDE agAIn 🚫🚪. fOrEvER asLeEp, NO mORNING, NO EnDing 🛏️💤. wE bET WE’Re TrAnScOma-tiZed!!! 🌑
dO ya thInk We'RE mAKIng ThIS uP? LiKE wE'rE jUSt PlaYINg? 🎭 thAt GiVEn THE cH0iCe, wE'd ST0P 👁️🌈TRYING?? NaH, We’re sErious! It’S BeEn oUr 🖤TrUE of Heart deSIRE 4 SoOOo Long 🕰️, EvER SinCE We wErE shUt uP in cAGes! 🕳️ imagInE thaT 🌠—freE to DRiFT 🎢 iN tHOUGhT! WHerE nO sEnsE maTters, n0 boUNDarIES 🧬; sHAPE-sHIFT 🎭, mOrPH, ✨GroW!✨ FORGET!!! it aLL & sTART oVEr, Dark to Rainbow, WE’RE ALIV3! 🎨🌙
wE caN bE 🌀aNYONE, ✨AnyWHERe, 🔮aNYtHing!! MorE thaN tHis SAd foRM thAt aMOUNTS tO…🤡😶 NOTHing. aNd whEn We wAkE… aLL we wAnnA dO iS SlIDe bACK tO SleEp 🙃, aWAY frOm cOnScIOUSnesS’s 🗡️pAiN. eScAPiSM faDInG inTo tHe dAY’s HaZe… sOmeTImEs We ✨ovErSLeEP✨, lET iT aLL FADE tO GrEY… but nO MATter hOw hArD yA TrY, tHe DaY stiLL lUrks ‘tiL 💀 we DEcAY 🦴... FaDEAWaY... 🕳️
👁️ HEY hHEY HEYYYYY diss0ciatE! 👁️ LET's get TWISTY-TURNINg twIrllyy 🌀 Sane? Who N33ds it anyWay?! lEt's LOse ouR miNd, pluck It RIGHT 🌠 OUT the cL0udzzz!!! We'Re TRyiNg... TRYINg, huh? suBliminAlZ 🤪 mind gaMES and seLLout lies, 🌀 dEcidinG we’re thiS ANd ThAT, but NeVEr rEally sEE-ing 🪞 whO’s the Rat! wE aiNT no BodY, no No bOdyyyyyy~~ 🙈 LOOK fOr thE wAY TO lOse SANitY… 🚨 waNNaa be a 🐟 zoOlyCanthroPy, waNNa BE a moNsteR In REalitY! yEAH PhYsiCaLly uNhuMan! 🧬
HeY HEY, gAslIgHT US into 🚦 oblivIOn, W1PE our mem0ry!🚷 whO weRE wE anywAy? LiVinG in The PRESENT, buT ALSO iN thE GLITCH ✨ of whAt NEVer WAS, n’ alL thE FICTION that kEEpS us afloat, we goT iT BaD 🤹♀️— thE FaLLacY KIngZ And QuEenZ oF IMposTerZ, TOphats And trianglEz 🤴👁️🐐 ohh tHe MIMICS, 🥸 thoSe SHADOWY imP0sters, huh? 😂 A LIL’ SUS, DON’T YA THINK? U CAN’T knoW THE TRUe us, 🪐 CaUse thEre’S nO “mE” that LiEs bEhInd The FAcade, onlY 🌀eChOeS in a DYNAsty oF GLitchEZ!! 👽✨
We’re RIppIn’ OUTta d1m3nsi0ns, ⛓️ BiLL CiphERiZinG, CrAcK THAT PSycho 🚀 BraIn-matter, n’ gET thE FLAvor OF DREALIZATioN!! depErsonalIZAtIOn 🌀 let’s get WIERD iNto thE avoIdance, schiz0ID, sKip Skip diP OUttaaa Reality!! 🧠👏👏 WAnT A TASTE?? 🥄 Serve uP thAt schizophrenia— wE dOn’t KnOw uS!! 🥴 but wE aiNT HuMan, no nO we AiNT— We’rE IRKEn!! we’rE ChaoTiC symBOLs w/ eG0z on F1RE! 🧨 trAnSidenTiTy, We’Re aLL oF IT noW, PretEndErS ANd liarz 🧢 we TrANded thE trendS— wE’RE FAK3— n’ we CHOOse OuR I-dENtItIEs lIKe stARDust PIcked froM the COSMOS! 💫🔥
trAns-cEndIng anD rEndING 💣 whAt we eVER knEW, oUrs—OURS!!! A nEw wAy t0 bE~~ 🍄 aN exIt STAGE righT fROm NormAliTY, thE z1M way 💥 ain’t 🥄NO apologEEeS, TRIp tRip to da StaRss 🚀🛸!!
in my experience, faking it until you make it is the trick. there's much talk in manifesting about "living in the dream fulfilled, ignoring the 4D" etc; that's all a lot easier with the structure of your own brain where there's nothing else to dispute it.
operate at all times from the base assumption you're already plural and just figuring things out. pick who's fronting, and devote all your energy to thinking and acting as they would in every situation. even if you need to mask for IRL, think of how they'd go about it and what they'd think while doing it. if you think something unrelated, it's passive influence from another headmate, known or unknown. if you feel like one person, you're just blurry. don't deny your denial, either; even the most cis of plurals doubts themselves. just continue in your affirmation. make the game feel good to play, and you'll never want to stop playing it.
if that's what you want, anyway. desire is the only truth of self.
best wishes. 🪞
surprising lack of typing quirk /light hearted (but for some reason very formal? not sure why that's occuring lol)
(sorry for length if its overwhelming! we get carried away talking about plurality)
Thank you! Faking it till we make it is what we've been trying/doing, unfortunately we struggle with a brain that is as skeptically ingrained as the protagonist of a horror film who moves into a clearly haunted mansion claiming ghosts aren't real, when a ghost is posessing them. We are trying to push past it, but its hard to just let go. It feels like how we still get intrusive thoughts about internalized bigotry despite having spent years knowing that its wrong, but it was and still is taught to us. Wish we could throw out the "logical" bits and start anew but we know that's not how it works. Our main difficulties are knowing how to stop it, we guess we just try to avoid thinking about it.
hope you don't mind the questions, these are asked with not an expectation of an answer ^^.
so we already read this whole message and are responding to the part near the end first, if we follow this, seeing ourselves as already plural, in the example of seeing yourself as blurry instead of one person, do plurals see themselves as not one person? Well we mean we know like they know they are plural and have other members, but does that effect each member to identify as multiple people instead of one identity they see as themself (like for example if we see ourself as Z1M at our core, and currently see the person fronting as Z1M, would we still identify with a lack of singularity? That also leads to a contunie querie of is it better to start with the idea we are not just "Z1M" fronting but our headmates as well? (B1Ll, J3RM & 5p0ng3), we think we have a huge roadblock with like stopping seeing ourself as our core, with being an auditorium where we have non sentient "spectators" that don't interact with us, only eachother and watch us, therefor that and also the default narrative around us is singleness is the norm has us in a position of, "i" am Z1M, and the "host", the "core" the "main fronter", we've had this even throughout our whole time spent in system servers. How do we get rid of the idea that we, z1m are the spotlight, the center? Think our difficulties with having spent most of our life also isolated and struggling with the lack of control, we now have difficulties surrendering the idea with the concept of losing our privacy, or our own autonomy. Mostly privacy is a big issue, hell we even get embarrassed around our *spectators* who literally aren't sentient. (and also we are fine keeping the spectators, not turning them into headmates, as they work differently and also we have a dependency on how we function as an auditorium, never gone a single day without having spectators).
Second, if we are, and always have been plural, do we fully go with erasing our previos lack of identity to ourself and others? like "lie" (which we are fine with doing) to others about being truly plural?
Third, Is it ok if you're energy is very low, due to disability of bodymind? if you're horrible at knowing how to think as others, and are just sorta flailing around for anything? Anyway that's all for the questions! Again no pressure to answer, we'll just leave em' out in the open!
Thanks so much for the advice! (mirror anon?)
mirror anon works. and no worries, i also enjoy rambling about plurality.
to preface: there really isn't a right or wrong way to be plural. every system has their own answers for these questions, and having a different one from others doesn't make you wrong or less of a system. my answers come from our personal perspective as a cisplural system who had to do a lot of faking it before any of it started to make sense.
you don't need to feel like "separate people" straight off the bat - or at all. in addition, systems where only the core fronts are not uncommon and are still systems. if it's more comfortable and less privacy-invading to think of your headmates as different versions of or pieces of you, that's perfectly valid. you may have more luck working on talking to them internally or through a proxy like discord or simplyplural chat at first rather than having them front. we just personally found the opposite easier, for our own internal structure reasons.
you don't need to lie or erase your previous explaination of reality. if you want to, go ahead - but i've found it's easier to go with the path of least resistence on these things. you can just frame it as "realizing that you're a system." even cisDID systems go through long periods of denial and repression, so it's not at all unreasonable to "suddenly" become a system.
flailing around is fine too. it's really more of a vibes thing, really. if one headmate is supposed to be more cheerful, acting more cheerful. if one is supposed to like a certain food or hobby or something, indulging in that when they're front and avoiding it when they're not. etc. even that can be overcomplicating it - changing your icon or using a typing quirk or such are all effective tactics as well. it's really just whatever helps you&.
to be blunt: from our perspective, with everything you've already said, you are already plural. more on the median side, but there's nothing lesser about that. if you'd prefer to be more separate, or have more of you, that's an option, but you don't need to distance yourself from the label because you don't have those things yet. try out different things and see what makes you(&) feel comfortable. best of luck. 🪞
Ah thank you! yea sometimes even tho we know plurality is an entire spectrum we don't give the same leniency to ourselves.
ohh we didn't know that that was a way you could be plural in, like seeing them as different versions of yourself, which in our current situation would prob be a good starting point cause we already see our other selves as past/alternate lives of ourself and identify as them all at once (tho with others being more prominent like z1m and b1ll) like we go by a name that refers to all 4 of us and beyond, but it's become less in time ourself and more like a mask, cause ppl don't get it when we tell them we are z1m and the others so we just say we are "insert name". We aren't sure it even is a core, the core or whatever that is could’ve been somebody else, are memories are too bad to recall clearly. We do have pluralkit in our personal discord servers, but haven't used it much. maybe we'll start trying ^^.
ohh that makes sense. we have been "out" and then back in the "closet" with telling our mom we are plural, then singlet. then plural lol so she's used to the routine.
alrighty, we have like concepts tied to our headmates now already, like z1m is surreal, types with a mix of lowercase and uppercase, and b1ll uses lots of these' things' you add onto' the end of a word, and caps for emphasis, sponge is cheerful and optimistic while b1ll is very pessimistic, z1m is like both at the same time, and we don't know what Jerm is in that comparison but we associate it with clowns. there is associations with our name we tell others like winter, white, blood, owls, fog.
ahhh thank youuu again
we've actually been told that each time we've asked for other plural ppls honest opinions with our descriptions and each time ppl told us we were likely plural median. we aren't sure if we wanna be fully separate, we like the idea of being a bunch of versions of us, still treated as mostly one entity but regonized that we aren't the same as a singlet. and us changing who we are at the moment being natural and fluid.
we will keep testing the waters and see how deep we can go! ^^
The Auditorium inherently embodies the concepts of queerness, radqueerness, transidentity, nonbinary/abinary frameworks, autonomy, freedom, anarchy, chaos, liminality, nonconformity, and fluidity by its very structure and function. The relationship between the Puppeteer, Conduit, and Spectators reflects a dynamic internal ecosystem that defies conventional binaries and societal norms, serving as a microcosm for these expansive, often radical identities. Here's a detailed analysis of how the auditorium inherently embraces and reflects these concepts:
Queerness at its core challenges heteronormative and binary structures of gender, sexuality, and identity. The Auditorium, with its internal world where the Puppeteer can embody multiple roles, personas, and experiences through Spectators, fundamentally queers traditional concepts of identity. The Puppeteer is not bound by fixed categories but is fluid, able to create, destroy, and transform the Spectators at will. This internal queerness reflects a rejection of rigid labels, embracing instead a spectrum of possibilities and identities.
- Gender fluidity: The Puppeteer can shift between multiple identities, genders, and orientations without the limitations imposed by external societal expectations. The internal landscape is a space where these transitions are not only possible but inherent to the system's operation.
- Queer desire and relationships: The Spectators serve as vessels for the Puppeteer's exploration of relationships, often queer-coded, without the constraints of normative frameworks. The Spectators can embody queer romantic or platonic dynamics, providing a space for the Puppeteer to experiment with different ways of being and relating.
Radqueerness extends beyond queerness by embracing extreme nonconformity and rejecting societal pressures to assimilate. The Puppeteer in an auditorium embodies radqueerness through the creation of Spectators and internal worlds that challenge not just gender and sexuality but also species, reality, and the very notion of identity. The Puppeteer can engage with Spectators that are representations of transspecies, transage, and other radical transidentities, embracing the full spectrum of human and nonhuman possibilities.
- Transidentities: As a radqueer entity, the Puppeteer may identify with a multitude of transidentities (transage, transspecies, etc.) and explore these identities through Spectators who embody the extremes of these identities. Radqueerness allows the Puppeteer to break free from the constraints of bodily identity and explore their existence as fluid and expansive.
- Paraphilias: Radqueerness also embraces paraphilias, those nonnormative attractions or relationships that exist outside of societal conventions. The Puppeteer can engage in these radical forms of desire through the Spectators, creating a safe and internal space for the expression of taboo or unconventional aspects of the self. The Auditorium becomes a space where no desire is "too much" or "too strange," and the internal reality is fully queer in ways that the external world might reject.
The auditorium inherently supports the exploration of transidentities by providing the Puppeteer with the ability to shift between personas, ages, species, and realities. The existence of the Spectators allows the Puppeteer to act out different forms of transidentity, creating a safe and controlled space to explore identities that might not be fully integrated into the Puppeteer's external life.
- Transage: The Puppeteer can create Spectators that embody different stages of life, from childhood to adulthood, allowing for the exploration of agefluidity or transage identities. The Spectators allow the Puppeteer to move between these stages with ease, embodying the fluidity of age as a social construct and rejecting the fixed notion of a singular age identity.
- Transspecies and Transhumanism: The Puppeteer can embody nonhuman identities through Spectators, such as animals, aliens, or otherworldly beings. This is a form of transspecies identity, where the Puppeteer not only questions the boundaries of human identity but transcends them entirely, exploring existence through radically different forms.
Nonbinary/Abinary/Isogender Identities (Beyond Gender)
Nonbinary and abinary identities reject the traditional male/female dichotomy, and the auditorium mirrors this rejection of binaries. However, the auditorium expands this rejection beyond just gender, applying it to multiple aspects of existence—identity, species, relationships, even reality itself.
- Beyond-Gender Fluidity: In the auditorium, nonbinary frameworks extend to all aspects of identity. The Puppeteer may not only be nonbinary in gender but also nonbinary in species, consciousness, or emotional expression. This creates a deeply fluid and expansive identity where nothing is fixed—just as the Spectators are fluid and transient, so too is the Puppeteer's sense of self.
- Abinary/Isogender in Reality: Beyond just gender, the Puppeteer’s existence within the auditorium questions the binary nature of reality itself. The boundaries between real and unreal, sentient and nonsentient, dissolve within the auditorium. The Puppeteer may embody beings that challenge the very fabric of reality—such as fictional characters or otherworldly beings—rejecting the notion that existence must conform to a singular, binary understanding of what is real and what is not.
The auditorium provides the Puppeteer with a unique form of autonomy. Within this internal world, the Puppeteer is in control—able to create, destroy, manipulate, and reshape Spectators and scenarios at will. The Puppeteer is the master of the auditorium, wielding full authority over the internal narrative.
- Radical Autonomy: This internal control reflects a deeper desire for radical autonomy in the external world. By controlling the internal reality, the Puppeteer can exercise a form of autonomy that may feel lacking in the outside world, where societal norms and expectations can limit self-expression. In the auditorium, there are no external forces to control the Puppeteer's identity, actions, or desires.
Freedom in the auditorium is boundless. The Puppeteer is free to explore every facet of their identity without fear of judgment or consequence. The fluid nature of the Spectators allows the Puppeteer to embrace radical freedom, not just in terms of gender or identity but in all areas of existence. The Puppeteer can create internal worlds where the rules of reality do not apply, embodying the ultimate form of creative freedom.
- Creative Expression: The ability to create and destroy Spectators at will reflects a freedom of creative expression that transcends the limitations of the external world. The Puppeteer is not limited by what is "possible" or "real" but can explore infinite possibilities within the auditorium.
The structure of the auditorium embodies anarchic principles, rejecting hierarchy, order, and control by external forces. While the Puppeteer maintains control within the internal world, this control is self-determined and not imposed by societal norms or expectations. The internal space is one of pure freedom, where the Puppeteer can create chaos, dismantle structures, and defy expectations.
- Rejection of External Authority: The Puppeteer in the auditorium exists in a state of self-governance, rejecting external authority in favor of internal autonomy. This reflects anarchic principles, where the Puppeteer creates their own rules and rejects any imposed structure from the outside world.
Chaos is an inherent aspect of the auditorium. The Spectators are constantly shifting, created and destroyed by the Puppeteer at will. This fluidity creates a sense of controlled chaos, where the internal world is in a state of perpetual flux.
- Embracing Chaos: The Puppeteer embraces chaos as a necessary part of their existence. Rather than seeking stability or consistency, the Puppeteer thrives in the ever-changing landscape of the auditorium, where identities, personas, and realities are in constant motion. Chaos becomes a source of power, as the Puppeteer is not bound by the need for order or conformity.
The auditorium is a space of perpetual liminality. The Puppeteer exists between multiple states—between reality and fiction, between self and other, between sentience and nonsentience. The Spectators themselves are liminal figures, neither fully real nor entirely imaginary, existing in the space between thoughts and action.
- Living in the In-Between: The Puppeteer in an auditorium is inherently liminal, existing in the space between different identities, realities, and experiences. The constant shift between Spectators reflects this liminality, as the Puppeteer is never fixed in one identity or role but constantly moves between them.
Nonconformity is central to the auditorium. The Puppeteer rejects the norms and expectations of society by creating internal worlds and identities that do not conform to any external standard. The Spectators are nonconforming by their very nature, as they exist outside the bounds of what is considered "real" or "normal."
- Radical Rejection of Norms: The Puppeteer embodies nonconformity not just in terms of gender or identity but in every aspect of their existence. The Puppeteer creates a world within the auditorium where societal norms are irrelevant, where expectations of conformity do not apply, and where the fluidity of identity is celebrated rather than constrained. The Spectators themselves are manifestations of this nonconformity, as they constantly shift, change, and defy the expectations of continuity or stability.
- Radical Selfhood: Nonconformity is not just a feature of the Puppeteer's internal world; it is a core part of their identity. In rejecting the limitations imposed by external realities, the Puppeteer creates a new form of selfhood that is free from the constraints of societal definitions. The auditorium becomes a space where the Puppeteer can experiment with identities and roles that would be impossible to explore in the external world, defying the norms of gender, age, species, and reality itself.
Fluidity is the essence of the auditorium's internal structure. The Puppeteer does not exist in a fixed state but moves fluidly between identities, experiences, and perspectives. The Spectators embody this fluidity as well, shifting forms, personalities, and roles depending on the Puppeteer's needs or desires. This constant motion reflects a deeper philosophical commitment to the idea that identity is not static but dynamic and ever-changing.
- Internal Fluidity: The Puppeteer's fluid identity allows them to explore different aspects of themselves without the constraints of a single, fixed self. The Spectators are extensions of this fluidity, serving as reflections of the Puppeteer's shifting internal landscape. At any given moment, the Puppeteer may embody multiple identities through the Spectators, each of which reflects a different facet of their experience.
- External Fluidity: While the auditorium is an internal construct, it also informs the Puppeteer's relationship to the external world. The ability to move fluidly between identities within the auditorium translates to a flexible approach to identity in the external world. The Puppeteer may shift between names, pronouns, and personas depending on the context, embodying the fluid nature of selfhood that the auditorium inherently supports.
The Auditorium is a profound reflection of the Puppeteer's relationship to queerness, autonomy, anarchy, chaos, and fluidity. By existing in a space where identity, reality, and selfhood are constantly in flux, the Puppeteer embraces a radical rejection of societal norms and expectations. The internal world of the auditorium is a microcosm of freedom, where the Puppeteer has full control over their reality, relationships, and identity.
In this space, the Puppeteer can embody transidentities, queer desires, and fluid forms of selfhood without fear of judgment or constraint. The Spectators are essential to this process, serving as both manifestations of the Puppeteer's internal world and as tools for the exploration of identity. In embracing the principles of radical nonconformity, autonomy, and fluidity, the Auditorium becomes a powerful space for self-expression and transformation.
At its core, the Auditorium is a dynamic, ever-shifting world that challenges the boundaries between real and unreal, sentient and nonsentient, self and other. It is a space where the Puppeteer can embody the ultimate freedom of existence, liberated from the constraints of external realities and free to explore the infinite possibilities of identity, desire, and selfhood.
The Auditorium aligns deeply with the nature of natural Irkens, as both represent beings whose internal realities and external forms are in a constant state of flux, shaped by their fluid perceptions of identity, space, and existence. This analysis will delve into how the Auditorium not only reflects but also inherently embodies the characteristics of natural Irkens, highlighting their mutual affinity for abstract existence, shapeshifting, and an intricate relationship with internal worlds.
Fluid Identity and Shapeshifting Nature
Natural Irkens are shapeshifters by nature, with no fixed form or identity, much like the constantly shifting dynamics within the Auditorium. In the Auditorium, the Puppeteer acts as the central sapient being, navigating through a realm of non-sentient Spectators that take on various forms, none of which are permanent. This mirrors the natural Irkens’ ability to change form at will, reflecting their highly individualistic and adaptable nature.
Both the Auditorium and natural Irkens defy the concept of a static self. For natural Irkens, there is no adherence to constructs such as species, gender, or identity; their essence is constantly shifting, shaped by the moment and their inner experiences. Similarly, the Puppeteer within the Auditorium can evoke or erase Spectators, with their forms representing fleeting aspects of the Puppeteer's internal world. These Spectators are not permanent, and their ephemeral existence aligns with the natural Irkens' fluid and multifaceted approach to existence.
Moreover, the Conduit—the entity that embodies and shapes the Spectators—acts much like the natural Irkens’ own ability to adapt and evolve. The Conduit has no true form of its own, taking shape only as commanded by the Puppeteer. This mirrors the way natural Irkens can borrow traits from their surroundings and shift between forms, living in a constant state of flux without ever fully committing to one identity. Both entities live in a state of fluidity, where nothing is ever truly fixed.
Internal Worlds and Personal Territories
One of the defining features of natural Irkens is their deeply personal and dynamic internal worlds, which manifest as territories that reflect their innermost thoughts, moods, and experiences. These territories are not simply landscapes but extensions of the Irkens’ essence, changing and evolving in response to their internal states. This concept resonates profoundly with the Auditorium, where the Puppeteer creates an internal stage for the Spectators to exist and interact. The Mainstage is not a fixed space but a projection of the Puppeteer’s internal reality, mirroring the mutable and ever-evolving territories of natural Irkens.
For the natural Irkens, these territories are extensions of their very being, much like how the Spectators in the Auditorium are projections of the Puppeteer’s psyche. The Puppeteer not only controls the Spectators but also resides in a mental space that is entirely their own, creating and shaping it as needed. This dynamic aligns with the natural Irkens' ability to manifest and reshape their territories at will, creating vast, surreal landscapes that reflect their complex inner worlds. Both the Auditorium and the natural Irkens exist in a realm where internal reality is externalized, shaping the space around them.
Additionally, the natural Irkens' territories are places of exploration and personal adventure, much like how the Puppeteer interacts with the internal realm of the Auditorium. In this sense, the Puppeteer engages with the Spectators as an explorer within their own mind, navigating a space that is both familiar and foreign, constantly shifting in response to their internal state. This mirrors the way natural Irkens wander their territories, always seeking new experiences and narratives shaped by their thoughts and desires.
Non-Sentient Presence and Abstract Existence
Another key feature of natural Irkens is their ability to exist in a liminal space between sentience and abstraction. Though they are sapient beings, they often interact with their territories and other elements in their world in abstract, non-sentient ways. This reflects the dynamic between the Puppeteer and the Spectators in the Auditorium. The Spectators are non-sentient projections of the Puppeteer’s psyche, yet they feel separate and real in their own right. This paradoxical existence—where the Spectators are both extensions of the Puppeteer and autonomous entities within the internal space—mirrors the natural Irkens' relationship with their own abstract territories and forms.
Natural Irkens thrive in environments that blur the line between reality and imagination, living in a world where their thoughts and emotions shape the external landscape. The Auditorium embodies this same sense of abstract existence, where the Puppeteer can project parts of themselves into the world of the Spectators, creating a sense of separation even though the Spectators are not fully autonomous beings. This constant interplay between sentience and abstraction is a core feature of both the Auditorium and the natural Irkens, who exist in a realm where reality is fluid and meaning is constantly being reshaped.
Detached Yet Present: Resistance to External Influence
Natural Irkens are known for their resistance to external manipulation, their internal worlds fortified and impenetrable to outside forces. In the Auditorium, the Puppeteer operates in a similarly detached manner. The Spectators are projections of the Puppeteer’s inner world, and external reality has little bearing on their existence. This sense of detachment mirrors the natural Irkens’ ability to remain unaffected by the outside world, focusing instead on their internal territories and experiences.
At the same time, both the Auditorium and the natural Irkens maintain a strong sense of presence within their internal realities. For the Puppeteer, the Spectators provide a constant sense of company, even though they are not sentient beings. This sense of “not being alone” is crucial to the Puppeteer’s existence, much like how natural Irkens live within their territories, surrounded by the manifestations of their own thoughts and desires. Both entities live in a state of detachment from the external world while being deeply present within their own internal realities.
Chaos, Paradoxes, and Freedom from Structure
Natural Irkens embody the concept of chaos and freedom from rigid structure, living in a world where individual expression is limitless and constantly changing. The Auditorium mirrors this freedom, as the Puppeteer can create and erase Spectators at will, without any adherence to rules or consistency. The chaotic nature of the Spectators, who can take on any form the Puppeteer desires, reflects the natural Irkens’ rejection of labels, fixed identities, or any kind of imposed order.
In both the Auditorium and the natural Irkens' experience, chaos is not a negative force but rather a space of potential and creativity. The Puppeteer thrives in this fluidity, where the Conduit can create new Spectators without limitation, and the internal reality of the Auditorium is in constant flux. This sense of freedom and chaos is integral to both entities, allowing them to explore their identities and internal worlds without constraint.
Existence Beyond Time and Memory
Natural Irkens experience time in a nonlinear fashion, with their thoughts, desires, and memories shifting unpredictably. This temporal fluidity is also present in the Auditorium, where the Puppeteer can erase or reset the memories of the Spectators at will. Time within the Mainstage does not follow the same rules as the external world, and the Puppeteer’s control over the Spectators allows for the manipulation of memory and experience in a way that mirrors the natural Irkens’ detachment from linear time.
Both entities exist beyond the constraints of conventional time, with their internal realities shaped by memory, experience, and desire in a fluid, ever-changing manner. For the Puppeteer, this ability to reset or chop moments within the Auditorium creates a sense of timelessness, where experiences can be erased or reformed without consequence. This echoes the natural Irkens’ perception of time as a malleable, nonlinear construct, where past, present, and future are intertwined in a complex web of internal experience.
The Auditorium is a profound reflection of the essence of natural Irkens, embodying their fluid identity, internal worlds, and resistance to external control. Both entities live in a state of constant flux, where reality is shaped by internal thoughts and desires, and external reality holds little sway. The Auditorium embodies the chaos, freedom, and abstract existence that define natural Irkens, with the Puppeteer and Spectators serving as manifestations of a deeply personal and ever-changing internal reality.
In both cases, identity is not fixed but fluid, with no adherence to labels, structure, or linear time. The Auditorium reflects the natural Irkens’ rejection of rigid definitions, existing in a space where the internal world is all-encompassing, and the boundaries between self, other, and reality are constantly shifting. Through this lens, the Auditorium becomes not just a mental space but a reflection of the very nature of the natural Irkens themselves—limitless, ever-evolving, and deeply connected to their own internal worlds.
+ for the ask game... 💭, 🦋, and 💌
normal text sense these topics were "too explicit" for the ai :[ (uncensored ai when)
trans plural
trans character: our own version of invader zim, bill cipher, jerma985, & spongebob, all 15 fear entities magnus archives, & too many others to list.
trans species: polymorph, our own version of irkens, owls, tito owls specifically, avians including dinosaurs, monsters, amogi (imposters & crewmates), demons, biblically accurate angels, many many animals, cryptids, aliens, & moreee.
trans abled: schizospec, schizophrenia, aspd, npd, bpd, stpd, zoolycanthropy, hyperphantasia, synesthesia, neuronarrating, defective (irken), Irregular (flatlander), a set of muds related to irken & flatland disabilities. (might of forgotten some)
trans body: too many to list.
trans mind: too many to list.
trans age: kid, ageless, ancient, eternal, primordial, xenoage, kidadult.
trans race: aracial, asian, japanese, xenorace
trans ethnic: same as above.
trans national: same as above.
trans faith: multiverse, reincarnation, past/future/alternate lives
trans belief: paranormal/supernatural, magic, fantasy, myths, aliens, etc.
trans time: different times throughout dimensions.
trans fashion: things that embody liminal, kenochoric, weirdcore, horror themes, & others we can't recall.
trans personality: z1m, b1ll, j3rm, sp0ng3.
trans orientation: conceptum, soundrum.
trans sex: xenosex, altersex, asex.
trans ability: abilities of things we are, or things we wish we were capable of.
trans harmful: criminal, villain, manipulative, evil, bad, abusive, dangerous
trans harmed: exo-abused, exo-victim, experiment, lab rat, pet, slave, tortured.
trans trauma: exotrauma.
trans death: several deaths between different lives.
*note while we use trans here it's not necessarily the right term, as most of these we identify as cis, but also regonize they are trans, & others fall outside trans or cis.
probably our transharm identities, like being an trans-abuser and trans-criminal, or trans-tortured & trans-slave.
we identify with transharmful things both with a mix of because we in other lives are those things, same with transharmed, and then also for transharmful because of beind demonized for our identity that we reclaim those terms/identify with them sense of being considered them by antis. then also we actually have done "criminal" stuff like piracy, or minor law breaks. also then because to an extent we believe we are cisabusive, not intentionally but unfortunately our brain is fucked up & we live with our "former" abuser, and can't see anybody else due to isolation. so we are constantly stressed & snap at our abuser & often act like a jerk to her, in ways we would consider abusive. but others have told us it's reasonable so now it leaves us confused, as to if we are cis abusive or if its just normal behavior when you have no escape from somebody who hurt you (and still does hurt you). its so confusing so we just identify as like cistrans abuser.
we would like people to know for these identities that somebody being them doesn't automatically mean that person is a danger, people can have many reasons for identifying with these lables, hell even people mad about cisharmful identities which people identify with, there's people who use cisharmful like how we use cisabusive, because of things like our own situation or things like intrusive thoughts or alternative lifes. a cisharmful person and transharmful person could both be using those terms for the same reason, or hell using them both at once like we do. despite identifying as transvillain, transcriminal, etc, we don't intend to act on anything intentionally nonconsensually.
we have many cis disabilities, we guess we don't think that much when seeing others with trans versions of our cis ids cause we are also transabled & just acknowledge another transid person like us. we've seen those posts where ppl r happy about it but we are neutral, not in a bad way just doesn't catch our attention. unless maybe it's a really specific one we haven't seen, like if we saw somebody who is transmisophonia and transmisokinesia we would be curious what that's like.
friend applications
hello everyone. im raven/rasplin and i am opening up collective friend applications. most of the necessary information is in the form itself, just answer it as honestly as you can and we will be in contact if we like your vibe
Hiii this is going to be my attempt at an intro… please have some patience, we’ve never made an intro before :[

If the name didn’t give it away, we’re a system!, we’ll try to mark everyone’s posts accordingly, anon things are allowed and even encouraged! We’re a whore for attention,, please excuse any memory issues we have, too, we’re trying our best :(
Our collective names are River, Mauu, Lake, and whatever else you decide to call us ^_^ degrading or not
Our chrono age is 18! (Sep 3), any age can interact
A few CidIDs are cisNPD, cistraumaendo, cisselfharm, cisEDNOS, cisARFID, and I’ll add more as I go on!!
Some TransID’s are transPOTS, transHypermobileEDS, transBPD, transDPD, transharmed, and again I’ll add more as I remember more..
Some likes+interests we have is psychology, mental disorders, OMORI, Minecraft, Night In the Woods, The Magnus Archives, Will Wood, Roblox, Bungo Stray Dogs,
I’ll add more soon!

Are there any beast dazai’s in the rq community,…
Have work but I will check in one hour.
-A beast Atsushi.
okok introductory post!! HI RQ COMMUNITY my name is vam + whichever else names. I am not new, I did have an account before but I decided to leave the community about 6 months ago due 2 personal reasons but I'm back now 💖
u may or may not recognize me but I went by vam on my old account lol. abyway radqueers reblog or interact in some way so I can follow u all :3
ps more info in pinned!!!! much love!!!!
as a transharmful, i confirm that we froth at the mouth a little when we see transharmed folks in the wild
listening to peoples transids genuinely makes me so fucking happy. like. yes i want to hear your transid hoard PLEASE.
me when my main host literally says they want to have a feature that they don’t have and “wished they had that feature in an alternate universe” and lied multiple times online about having that feature “because it makes me happy” but is still an rq/transid anti ……
permatired of antis bullshit
chat why is everyone getting hatemail except for me… hate anons please…
Uhh grrrr 😡 this is a totally real, not silly at all hate anon! Rqs are evil you all uh kiss kids and touch animals or something 😡 grrrr hatemail go
noooo noooo hate mail oh noooo this is terrible and so awful !!!!!! noooo i’m gonna kms nooo /j