Flatland - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

tbh the fact alex hisrch is making me read flatland has got to be the biggest prank of 2024

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6 months ago

Took an edible and watched flatland the film 2007 and it peaks my interest so bad I'm losing my marbles

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5 months ago

[Clawing at my head and screaming visceral curses into the air] AHHUGH NOO NOOOOooo

[Notification pops up above me] New Spin Aquired ! Flatland by Edwin Abbot !

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WEE 🌀watched iT!! n0w wE'rE spiraling 🧿 tryna squint 👀 at thE FoURTH diMEnsioN, oOo, brains frizzling like a TV statIC 🌀📺!!! OUr biLL Cipher daZe hauntinG uss, BUT 😂 luckly WE’rE too bzzzzt dumb to undeRstanD IT aNYWAY!! alSo: bILL CIPHER X ARTHUR SQUARE IS OUR NEW ✨OTP✨ WHO GONNA STOP US 😜🔮🚫😈✨ ahHHhHhhhhjhkhkhk!!!

have you watched flatland? if you havent you really should i think youd like it

oooh wE remeMBeR thE b00k!!! 😵‍💫🎩✨ buuut didn't knoW THERE’S A SERIES NOW?? whAt? wErE we slippinG thr0uGh the cracks 𝓪gain 🌌🔍?!? 💥 we’LL HavE tO fALL dOWn tHaT rAbbiT h0Le rEAL sooN 🌀🔮 thanks 4 thE wEird t1p-off, m0onshiNEr! 🌙🌠 👀📺

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so wE juST re-VISItED thE flatland bOOk! 🌀📚 read it yEars bACk but hAD to dip 𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒑 again!! 😵‍💫 it felt soooO muCH longER bacK thEN? sL0w mOtion readIng or dId wE jUst get faster?! 🎢🤔 (okay okay we miiiight’ve skIMMEd some bitS buT shhh 🕵️‍♂️) MAN it reAlly mAkEs uS WANNa 𝓼𝓮𝓮 likE thE flatlAnder’s vieWs, lineland snAKes and POiNT dotz 💫🔲 anD thEN whAt’s BEyond—BEtwEEn 1st, 2nd, 3rd dImensi0ns spiRaLling into 4ths, 5ths, wHo knoWs 🪞🚀... arE wE thE sQUARe heRE?? 🤯 but whaT's thE POINT... Do y0u jUsT keeP dRIfting ‘round fOrEver expl0riNg?? INFINITY roLlinG oN anD ON... Til it’s all jusT... boRinG?? or maYbE iT's neVER dUll—endLEss spaCE to expLOre?? 😶‍🌫️ we d0n’t KNOW!! iT’s wEiRD and fascinatinG tho ✨

have you watched flatland? if you havent you really should i think youd like it

oooh wE remeMBeR thE b00k!!! 😵‍💫🎩✨ buuut didn't knoW THERE’S A SERIES NOW?? whAt? wErE we slippinG thr0uGh the cracks 𝓪gain 🌌🔍?!? 💥 we’LL HavE tO fALL dOWn tHaT rAbbiT h0Le rEAL sooN 🌀🔮 thanks 4 thE wEird t1p-off, m0onshiNEr! 🌙🌠 👀📺

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flatland anon here - you have me thinking. we could very well be in our own 3d-2d landscape just as A Square was, just not chosen by a theoretical A Tessaract. do you think you’d make it through the 4d, or have you already done so?

oH wE fuLLy belIEve iN thOse othEr dimensioNs, liKe yEAH—tHeY're out thErE f0R sUre! 👀✨ hOnestly, wE hAven’t dOne mUch diggIn’ or sEarChIn’ 4 prOOf buT, lIkE, y’know? jUsT g0tta fEEl it in tHe boNes? 🦴🌀🤷‍♂️ prObably nevEr gOnnA hiT up thAt 4D jUmP oUrseLf iN thIS rOund of liFe bUT, ooOH wE'D dEfinitely lOvE to slIDe iNto thAt glItChy spacE bEtween! 🚀✨🪐 they'rE deF out thErE, wE cAn feEl it!!

oOh, anD liKE wHO knOws iF wE eVer sAw thE 4th dImensioN—bUt bAck in tHe Ol’ daYs of BeIn’ Ol’ BiLL CIphEr 👁️‍🗨️✨ yEp, wE wErE fLatLaNd borN ‘n brEad, dIppEd in thAt 2D pLaNe liFe 🍃📐! aftEr tHAt? ehH, iT’s a blur 🌀—maYbe wE zIpped pAst iT, maYbe nOt, cOsT of bein’ sO fixAteD on craWlin’ iNto thAt sweEt sWEeT 3D rEalm. 🪐🙃 dId wE caTcH a glimPse of thAt eXtra diMensiOn bEfOre tUmblIn’ iNto oUr owN doWnfaLl? wHO knowS! ✨🔮 aS foR othEr livEs—if tHey’re oUt thErE, wE gOt nO memoRiEs, nOthin’ buT a gLiTcHy mEss oF qUEstiOnS 🤔📉! can’T evEN wrap ouRselF aroUnd thE wEird cOrneRs oF 3D, leT alOne thAt miNdbEnd oF thE 4th. 😂💥 flAtlanD wAs a trip, buT wE caN’t eveN rEcaLL thE feEL of iT, jUsT fOG anD frAgments—thAnks fOr thE wAlk dOwn meMoRy lAne, flaTlaNd an0n! 🌌🌀🤘🏿

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6 months ago
Flatland(1884) Fanart In The Year Of Our Lord 2024.

Flatland(1884) Fanart in the year of our Lord 2024.

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5 months ago
I Call Dibs On Their Shipname Being Quadsphere Shipping
I Call Dibs On Their Shipname Being Quadsphere Shipping

i call dibs on their shipname being quadsphere shipping

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5 months ago
My Take On Gijinka(?) Of These Two (they Are FREAKS)
My Take On Gijinka(?) Of These Two (they Are FREAKS)

My take on gijinka(?) of these two (they are FREAKS)

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1 year ago

I want to share a funny story.

As I said, one of my favourite book is flatland but I technically learned about this book in a different way respects to other fans.

As I notice here on tumblr a lot of people principale know this book in only two ways.

Or they have read it, maybe in school or somewhere else, or they have se the movie adaptation (I only learn about this movie from here lol)

(Some people maybe have learned of this book via Internet, like tiktok or other social but I think this is more like a new way for learn about this book so I don't count it because I'm talking more about people who learned of this book when they where younger, some year ago not today but it still a valid way to acknowledge the existence of this book)

I technically learned of this book from another book.

So basically.

When I was like in elementari schools (I think) my father bought a collection of book about math.

I'm not good in math and I wanted to understand it better so I chose one of the books, the one that looked more interesting and I pick one called "The fourth dimension what if our universe is the shadow of another?"

(I translate the title so I don't know If the English version is called differend)

I Want To Share A Funny Story.

(I found this picture online because I don't have the book with me right now)

So this book use flatland for explain how dimension work and it was very good.

When I tried to read it I was just a child and I never finished or totally understand it (expecially the math part) but I always like the idea of shape with personality, the fisical structure of the world, the house and thing like that so at the end, al lot of years later I'm rereading it and also bought flatlandia because I just love it. I love things about dimension and similar stuff.

So that's it.

I just wanted to share this story because I think it's funny and also because that collection of book is very good even if you don't realy understand math.

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1 year ago
Yes, This Is A Flatland Self Insert Fanart

Yes, this is a flatland self insert fanart


(One day I will learn how to draw good anatomy, good shoes and hands but today is not the day)

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5 months ago
Guys I've Been So Motivated Its Great

Guys I've been so motivated its great

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5 months ago
Bill And His Parents Drawn Like Flatland Bc I Felt It's More Accurate

Bill and his parents drawn like flatland bc I felt it's more accurate

I hc he's like sitting right on the edge of the dimension w just his face so he can fit in better

edit: they're chromatists. forgor to add that in the initial post

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5 months ago

flatland used to be my favorite movie of all time when I was 5 or 6

rewatched it again. oh my god why did I love this movie so much it's so creepy and scary

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5 months ago

I'm not in the gravity falls fandom currently but as someone who really likes flatland it pains me to see bill's parents with their eye/eyes on their face (the math term not like a face) so I made my own designs

I'm Not In The Gravity Falls Fandom Currently But As Someone Who Really Likes Flatland It Pains Me To

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5 months ago

Art I thought would get popular

Art I Thought Would Get Popular
Art I Thought Would Get Popular

What actually got popular

Art I Thought Would Get Popular
Art I Thought Would Get Popular

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