“i could be your lover on a leash”

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.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

.jjk characters as the seven deadly sins

.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins
.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

.pairings; gojo satoru x gn!reader, zen'in naoya x gn!reader, getou suguru x gn!reader, fushiguro megumi x gn!reader, fushiguro toji x gn!reader, itadori yuuji x gn!reader, nanami kento x gn!reader

.wc; 2.29k

.tw; infidelity, toxic relationships, profanity, mentions of alcohol, threats of violence


As normal as they may seem, everyone's got a flaw to them, although this time these men are the name holders to these titles. It's not until later on you find out the harm these men have inflicted on others is just as much harm they're going to inflict upon you. So save yourself before they try anything (although it's already too late).

.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

.PRIDE#% - Getou Suguru

Suguru is a prideful man, refuses to apologise even knowing when he is in the wrong, he looks like your regular cocky guy but turns out to actually be a crazy egotistical bastard and would rather eat a dead owl than apologise to the love of his life because it hurts his pride knowing that he had to bow down or beg for forgiveness. He thinks he can solve the problem by showering you with gifts or riches, unbeknownst to the fact that all it takes to sort it out between the two of you is if he grows the hell up and apologises when necessary. You fell for him because of his gallant and chivalrous demeanour, you had thought his cockiness was a front or a satirical role he played in order to entertain others, never had you knew it would be his downfall and the ugly side others talk about when talking about their partners.

"Do you have anything you want to say?" You ask expectantly, as a result of waiting for him for three days after an argument he had instigated.

Silence befalls and you tap your foot impatiently, trying to make eye contact as he avoids it with every chance he gets.

"No, do I need to say something?" He scoffs.

.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

.GREED#% - Zen'in Naoya

Naoya likes his status, enjoys the attention, money, gifts and the ladies whose faces or names he'll never remember. He likes you because you're new, fresh, something he can't get enough of. So what happens when he likes you too much? Social interactions are limited, outings with friends have decreased and even rights to being able to walk around in your own home comfortably has disappeared; Naoya wants to keep you all to himself and his money is the only thing he thinks will make you stay, because it's the only thing that he can live off of happily. Despite wanting you all to himself, he barely sees you in person. He's always too busy working to earn more money "to survive" even though you both know its so he can reassure that he still has the ability to keep the riches he inherited.

"Naoya can I have this shirt?" You plead, bringing out the graphic white tee he barely wears.

"No, it's mine." He shoots a glare at you.

"But you don't even wear it," you tug on his arm ever so slightly to possibly persuade him.

"Do I look like I care? Get your own shit." He swats his arm away and walks off to finish his paperwork, leaving you to your previous activities.

.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

.LUST#% - Gojou Satoru

Satoru was a kind man when you first met, courteous, handsome, polite and knew his boundaries; it was what made you fall for him in the first place. The first few dates were wonderful and it went on for a few weeks, like a casual relationship, the sex was great the communication was great, nothing was wrong, your relationship was as healthy as a horse. So when you visited him at his place to find him having sex with another person wasn't something you were exactly pleased with, especially since he had told you countless times he'd never felt that way about anyone. So when asking him why he did that, he simply replied with a "I can't help it." and somehow droned on that they were hot and into him and it was enough for him to get in bed with them even though he knew he was in a "committed" relationship with you.

"Satoru, where have you been?" Yawning, you rub your eyes to awaken yourself as you waited for him all night on the couch.

"Oh, you're- you're uh awake." He flinches, probably surprised by your sudden presence when he finally comes back home. "I was just with Suguru, we had a mission and it took a little longer than expe-" he stops as he notices your sigh.

"I'm going to bed, Satoru." Walking away, pretending to ignore his disheveled state and realising that he could never truly stay loyal to you.

.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

.ENVY#% - Fushiguro Megumi

Like any teenage boy, Megumi thought he had expectations to follow that were given by society and felt jealousy of course when others were able to achieve the things he couldn't. For instance beauty; although it is objective (and he knows that), and propagated by a toxic society, he feels a need to achieve that asset of being known as a good looking person rather than looking from within. He'll even go to the furthest of lengths to get you in his attempts of looking good for the general public to conceal his raging envy of those that (he definitely) considered were better than him despite your countless attempts to remind him that you loved him for the way he was. His envy and jealousy was toxic that it almost stopped you from being able to hang out with friends or people that he accused were in love with you, only being able to pull it off by saying "It's because you're so beautiful." He enjoys the sensation of others staring at him in desire to compensate for his jealousy over you.

"Were you looking at that guy?" He puts his drink on the table, harsher than usual.

"Megumj- no, what the hell?" You choke on your beverage, patting your chest with the palm of your hand to alleviate the pain from his sudden question.

"You're such a liar, I know you were looking at him. You probably thought he was handsome or better than me-" He rambles on and on, rendering you speechless.

He leaves no space for your explanation as he gets up from the café and leaves you behind to pay the bill.

.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

.GLUTTONY#% - Fushiguro/Zen'in Toji

Sadlt, Toji does not know when to stop. Growing up in the Zen'in Estate, they did not provide him with necessities that he considered luxuries. So when he ran away and lived a life of his own, he didn't know boundaries. He leeched off of women's paychecks, never became the homebody he had dreamt to be as a child due to the fact that he was accustomed to never having a place to stay in properly (most likely rooted from his childhood). Meeting you was like he had found a sanctuary; somewhere he was comfortable staying in permanently. Little did you know he brought along his own luggage that would potentially ruin your bond. Toji was known for his alcohol jones, yet you had not been taught this information. So arriving home to him to confront as to why he had spent thousands of yen on sake had become a great surprise to you the first time it occurred. He was laid out on your white couch, with an ochoko in his clutches with his head lolled back, his cheeks tinted an intense flush of red. You watched him in awe as he traced his finger around the brim of the ceramic cup, completely ignoring your existence.

"Toji-kun." You call out to him, in hopes that he'll explain why he's almost drained your bank account. "Toji, hey. look at me." You snap your fingers in front of him.

"Mm, what, what do you want?" He slurs, tilting his head back up towards your direction. "Oh! It's you, hey do you think I can borrow your card? Mine is frozen for personal reasons and I need to buy something it's urgent."

"Like what, alcohol?" Astonished, he nods and you feel a twinge in your chest. Is that all you were to him, a wallet? A source of income?

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He sits back up properly. "I just finished this last bottle and I don't feel fulfilled enough." He taps the, what seems to be sixth bottle of sake.

"Haven't you had enough, you've practically emptied my bank account." You were convinced this man was going to die of alcohol poisoning, but seeing as he was still functioning and speaking to you showed you otherwise.

"When you got in this relationship, you also have to accept my love for this god given beverage. Now where's the money?" His joking tone had no affect on lightening the mood, rather it made it worse and you still gave in to his unhealthy urges.

.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

.WRATH#% - Itadori Yuuji

Yuuji is a bubbly boy, with a forgiving character that is quick to look over issues. Or so you thought. You had only been with each other for a few months and the first wave together was heaven. He was doting, collected and knew where his priorities lay when necessary. So it was a surprise to see him practically burst into flames when he'd found out that you lied of your whereabouts on saturday. Not only was he of gregarious traits, he'd seemed to hoard a certain attribute of clinginess, and hated not knowing where you were almost every hour of the day. He'd pester you with texts, and at first you liked it; thinking it was cute but it had grown to something obsessive and when he'd discovered that you weren't actually with your family for an important event, and cooking for yourself in your kitchen apartment he'd shouted at you as if you'd committed a grave sin against the gods, cursing out your name, saying things you'd never expect from him. it seemed that his anger would get the best of him.

"Yuuji, I just wanted some space and I thought you'd be upset if I told you the truth." You cowered away from him as he seethed at the sight of you.

"You're a bitch for that." You'd expected something less aggressive, maybe even throwing an object wouldn't have rubbed as much salt in the wound compared to the stone cold insult he used towards you.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorryー I just wanted some spa-" He huffs in vexation, completely in disbelief at your actions. His feelings weren't even hurt by the fact that his lover had not wanted to hang out with him; he was rather more enraged at the fact that you had the audacity to lie to him after he treated you so well.

"Shut the fuck up, you want space, you'll get space. And to think, I was so nice to you. The next time I see you, I just might break your bones." He scoffs in a mocking tone, ignoring the glimmer in your eyes flicker with fear from his words.

He slams the door shut, probably on his way to let out the anger he had pent up from your past couple months together. I guess that's another relationship down the drain, he says.

He'd genuinely believe this one would last too.

.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

.SLOTH#% - Nanami Kento

Kento was comfortable. So he stayed comfortable. He was happy with his job as an office worker, and the schedule set for him. He never strayed away from the path that avoided overtime, and was able to spend time with himself to sleep or read for the rest of the evening. And being with you, well he was comfortable with that too. That was until you began to ask for more in the relationship; leaving him to be uncomfortable and unwilling to put effort into your relationship. He'd never bother with physical affection because he believed him being in a relationship with you was enough proof of his feelings for you. He hated when you'd ask for things as simple as going to the grocery store together. Despite looking like a composed responsible man with his life in order, he'd only ever seem to move when it was necessary to his standard. Driving in the car with you was comfortable, until you'd ask if he wanted to go to a party that satoru had invited you to; only to be shut down with the excuse that "We go out too much I'm tired." At first it was understandable as he was a busy man working in an office, but he'd always come home at 6:45pm on the dot, expecting you to have done all the cooking and cleaning for him as he was always too tired; he'd then spend the rest of the weekend ignoring you and would only interact if there was food being served.

"Kento do you want to-"

"No, I'm tired." He shoos you away as he slips off his shoes, and switching into a pair of house slippers. He hands you his bag, loosens his tie and takes off his glasses.

"But you said that last week, and the week before that. Kento, we haven't done anything for the past month and a half, and the last time we did something you went back upstairs." You muttered in the nicest tone you could so you wouldn't come off as clingy or annoying to him.

"Why do you always need me to reassure you about this relationship? Surely me being in it is enough evidence. Just be glad with what you have now." He sighs, manspreading on the couch.

"It's not reassuring, it's normal things that couples do. It feels like you don't actually want to be in this relationship with me, Kento are you sleeping? Seriously?" You sigh as he dozes off.

As understanding as you were, it was getting harder to sympathise with him and exist according to his tastes in the scenario that you'd piss him off after a long day at work. But with the past few weeks, he'd only ever greet you in the mornings after you'd wake up, bid farewell when he left for work, said hello when he'd arrive back on time, and bid goodnight before you slept. Any other conversation outside of those topics were a rare occurence, and you'd realised that Nanami Kento was just not bothered.

.jjk Characters As The Seven Deadly Sins

a/n: idk how i feel ab this i tried to portray the sins as best as i could,,,i got this bc i've been playing obey me! again but i hope u guys like it <3

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there are literal tears on my face


pairing: gojo satoru x reader

genre: angst, subtle mentions of death

an: sooo I haven’t written anything in a long while\( ̄▽ ̄)/ヤッター! because fuck uni; consider this as a debut long piece on this blog. hope you liked it! (•̀ᴗ•́)و


“Sensei, can I ask you something?”

Ears perked up upon hearing Itadori’s question, the sorcerer signals his student to go ahead. Having exchanged hushed whispers amongst his other two classmates, Sukuna’s vessel finally musters the courage to speak up. The tension reeking in the atmosphere alone is intense, heavy enough for Gojo to feel the weight of it upon his shoulders. 

“What is it, Yuuji-kun?”

“Have … have you failed to save someone in the past?” 

With that, the white-haired male falls silent. Sunglasses dropped and mouth agape, he fails to answer his student’s question. Perhaps it is the oddity of the unexpected question itself which takes Gojo off guard, or the fact that the usual happy-go-lucky pink-haired teen comes up with such a heavy topic to talk about out of the blue. 

Yet neither of which is the root cause resulting in the sorcerer’s sudden loss of words. Little did Itadori and his classmates know, what sounds like a seemingly harmless inquiry about their teacher’s past soundlessly reopens a cicatrix deep within his heart, rekindling memories of his suppressed past that he wishes could be left behind. 

“Sensei? Are you okay?” 

The seconds tick by, but Gojo only responds with silence. 

Gaze boring deep into the ground and away from his beloved students, the sparkle in his cerulean eyes dwindling into a transient, dull flicker. Time heals all wounds, yet it is soon proven ineffective for him as the male reluctantly takes a trip down the dreaded memory lane, plunging headfirst into what Gojo deems the epitome of hell — his past, once more. 

Keep reading

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3 years ago


tags: @itskierrababyy @satorinnie +anyone else who wants to join

oikawa :((! (

Oikawa :((! (

your hq ex + why did you break up

also tagging @kageyuji @noirkkat bc i'm curious babes xx

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3 years ago

[00:28] suna confesses to you

warnings none just icky fluff

[00:28] Suna Confesses To You

"i'm sorry what?" a composition of letters that represented your surprise as you took several steps back formed from the back of your throat.

"i said i like you. we should date." suna's constant monotonous tone resonated in the empty classroom.

leaning back on your desk, one hand positioned comfortably in the insert of his pocket, the other resting comfortably on the table on which you sat. an awkward silence grew between you two, and the abundance of the wind blew into the classroom, filling in the role of the sound that you or suna were supposed to play.

what do you say to someone that you've liked since your first year says they like you too? all the years of admiring from a distance, blushing crimson red just from a greeting all the way to every time he threw a sweet compliment your way. you had never thought of the future where suna had actually liked you too, it was always going to be, graduate, eventually move on and have some sweet vanilla romance story with a stranger you met in a café. not, whatever this was.

"ouch, i guess this is a rejection?" he whispers quietly, yet kept the same inscrutable expression he wore to school.

"n-no, i just, wasn't expecting you to like me back." you finally breathed out, and he chuckles. chuckles?

"why wouldn't i? you're cute as fuck." his brazen attitude brought a flush to your cheeks and you couldn't look him in the eyes anymore. was he always this nice?

"oh, so what do we do?" as cute as you were to suna, you happened to be the most nescient being to ever walk the earth, so of course he decided to take matters into his own hands.

today was good enough for you, you didn't expect it to get better. you aced your math test, you were able to get in the lunch line early, and not only was your two year crush confessing to you, but he was kissing you too?

pulling away, you panted, as did he, and you both burst into a fit of laughter, recomposing yourselves, before clearing your throats, leaving the awkward atmosphere to grow back in its old place.

"are we gonna date or what?"

"oh! yeah, that, of course!"

[00:28] Suna Confesses To You

a/n: idk what this is, i just wanna kiss suna lol

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