Jujutsu Kaisen Suguru - Tumblr Posts

suguru, being the great actor that he was, didn't like to improvise or fake scenes; they weren't authentic, and he couldn't get his creative juices flowing whenever he did.
it just didn't work that way for him, especially when it came to sex scenes. he didn't wear the cover-ups he was given or the fake "sweat" they tried to spray on him from time to time. he took pride in his work and made sure to take advantage of that when it came to you.
he had a crush on you, and just like everyone else, he was ecstatic the first time he found out he was going to be working with you, and you were too, with how good of an actor he was, along with his good looks.
a friendship blossomed, and you all got familiar with the way the other person worked, including suguru and sex scenes. you were nervous the first time you heard about the way he did things. he didn't fake things; he actually fucked on set. with other people watching, you weren't sure if you were going to be able to do that, but with enough convincing, it happened… multiple times.
it didn't just stop on set; it went right into the bedroom, and you can say for certain that the sex itself was off the fucking rails. he knew how to fuck and how to make you feel good. by the three month mark of being in between your legs and inside your pussy every night, he knew every spot on your body that had you gripping at the sheets and moaning his name.
suguru didn't know how this happened or why yall were fucking off set; all he knew was that it felt too good for him to stop, and yall were in too deep for it to stop any time soon. it was magical and everything he ever wanted.
he didn't do this with any of his other co-stars, but you were the exception because of how badly he craved you. all his thoughts from when he was young up until now were consumed by you, so of course he was going to find a way to be in your panties every chance he got.
the way your bodies synced up and blocked the sound of everything else while y'all were on set, that's when he knew that you were the one for him. you matched his nasty too well, and he wasn't going to let it go, and he didn't; he snatched and bagged you up successfully.
it wasn't a surprise to your fans or the crew members when you announced you were together; the chemistry was too much for it to pass through. just the way the two of you looked at each other and felt each other up on the tv screen was enough to tell everyone what needed to be said without any words.
at first, people thought it was just amazing acting and PR from the show, but from the way he felt you up and the slick comments while answering comments to the sex scenes that were obviously real, everyone saw through the bullshit and couldn't just cover it up.
anytime suguru would tell someone the method, they would tell him no and that it wasn't for them, which was obviously valid. who wanted to fuck in front of a bunch of people, but for you, you gave it a chance, because why the fuck not? it turned into the best sex you've had in years, not caring if everyone was there or not, and all you had to do was match his freak.
.jjk characters as the seven deadly sins

.pairings; gojo satoru x gn!reader, zen'in naoya x gn!reader, getou suguru x gn!reader, fushiguro megumi x gn!reader, fushiguro toji x gn!reader, itadori yuuji x gn!reader, nanami kento x gn!reader
.wc; 2.29k
.tw; infidelity, toxic relationships, profanity, mentions of alcohol, threats of violence
As normal as they may seem, everyone's got a flaw to them, although this time these men are the name holders to these titles. It's not until later on you find out the harm these men have inflicted on others is just as much harm they're going to inflict upon you. So save yourself before they try anything (although it's already too late).

.PRIDE#% - Getou Suguru
Suguru is a prideful man, refuses to apologise even knowing when he is in the wrong, he looks like your regular cocky guy but turns out to actually be a crazy egotistical bastard and would rather eat a dead owl than apologise to the love of his life because it hurts his pride knowing that he had to bow down or beg for forgiveness. He thinks he can solve the problem by showering you with gifts or riches, unbeknownst to the fact that all it takes to sort it out between the two of you is if he grows the hell up and apologises when necessary. You fell for him because of his gallant and chivalrous demeanour, you had thought his cockiness was a front or a satirical role he played in order to entertain others, never had you knew it would be his downfall and the ugly side others talk about when talking about their partners.
"Do you have anything you want to say?" You ask expectantly, as a result of waiting for him for three days after an argument he had instigated.
Silence befalls and you tap your foot impatiently, trying to make eye contact as he avoids it with every chance he gets.
"No, do I need to say something?" He scoffs.

.GREED#% - Zen'in Naoya
Naoya likes his status, enjoys the attention, money, gifts and the ladies whose faces or names he'll never remember. He likes you because you're new, fresh, something he can't get enough of. So what happens when he likes you too much? Social interactions are limited, outings with friends have decreased and even rights to being able to walk around in your own home comfortably has disappeared; Naoya wants to keep you all to himself and his money is the only thing he thinks will make you stay, because it's the only thing that he can live off of happily. Despite wanting you all to himself, he barely sees you in person. He's always too busy working to earn more money "to survive" even though you both know its so he can reassure that he still has the ability to keep the riches he inherited.
"Naoya can I have this shirt?" You plead, bringing out the graphic white tee he barely wears.
"No, it's mine." He shoots a glare at you.
"But you don't even wear it," you tug on his arm ever so slightly to possibly persuade him.
"Do I look like I care? Get your own shit." He swats his arm away and walks off to finish his paperwork, leaving you to your previous activities.

.LUST#% - Gojou Satoru
Satoru was a kind man when you first met, courteous, handsome, polite and knew his boundaries; it was what made you fall for him in the first place. The first few dates were wonderful and it went on for a few weeks, like a casual relationship, the sex was great the communication was great, nothing was wrong, your relationship was as healthy as a horse. So when you visited him at his place to find him having sex with another person wasn't something you were exactly pleased with, especially since he had told you countless times he'd never felt that way about anyone. So when asking him why he did that, he simply replied with a "I can't help it." and somehow droned on that they were hot and into him and it was enough for him to get in bed with them even though he knew he was in a "committed" relationship with you.
"Satoru, where have you been?" Yawning, you rub your eyes to awaken yourself as you waited for him all night on the couch.
"Oh, you're- you're uh awake." He flinches, probably surprised by your sudden presence when he finally comes back home. "I was just with Suguru, we had a mission and it took a little longer than expe-" he stops as he notices your sigh.
"I'm going to bed, Satoru." Walking away, pretending to ignore his disheveled state and realising that he could never truly stay loyal to you.

.ENVY#% - Fushiguro Megumi
Like any teenage boy, Megumi thought he had expectations to follow that were given by society and felt jealousy of course when others were able to achieve the things he couldn't. For instance beauty; although it is objective (and he knows that), and propagated by a toxic society, he feels a need to achieve that asset of being known as a good looking person rather than looking from within. He'll even go to the furthest of lengths to get you in his attempts of looking good for the general public to conceal his raging envy of those that (he definitely) considered were better than him despite your countless attempts to remind him that you loved him for the way he was. His envy and jealousy was toxic that it almost stopped you from being able to hang out with friends or people that he accused were in love with you, only being able to pull it off by saying "It's because you're so beautiful." He enjoys the sensation of others staring at him in desire to compensate for his jealousy over you.
"Were you looking at that guy?" He puts his drink on the table, harsher than usual.
"Megumj- no, what the hell?" You choke on your beverage, patting your chest with the palm of your hand to alleviate the pain from his sudden question.
"You're such a liar, I know you were looking at him. You probably thought he was handsome or better than me-" He rambles on and on, rendering you speechless.
He leaves no space for your explanation as he gets up from the café and leaves you behind to pay the bill.

.GLUTTONY#% - Fushiguro/Zen'in Toji
Sadlt, Toji does not know when to stop. Growing up in the Zen'in Estate, they did not provide him with necessities that he considered luxuries. So when he ran away and lived a life of his own, he didn't know boundaries. He leeched off of women's paychecks, never became the homebody he had dreamt to be as a child due to the fact that he was accustomed to never having a place to stay in properly (most likely rooted from his childhood). Meeting you was like he had found a sanctuary; somewhere he was comfortable staying in permanently. Little did you know he brought along his own luggage that would potentially ruin your bond. Toji was known for his alcohol jones, yet you had not been taught this information. So arriving home to him to confront as to why he had spent thousands of yen on sake had become a great surprise to you the first time it occurred. He was laid out on your white couch, with an ochoko in his clutches with his head lolled back, his cheeks tinted an intense flush of red. You watched him in awe as he traced his finger around the brim of the ceramic cup, completely ignoring your existence.
"Toji-kun." You call out to him, in hopes that he'll explain why he's almost drained your bank account. "Toji, hey. look at me." You snap your fingers in front of him.
"Mm, what, what do you want?" He slurs, tilting his head back up towards your direction. "Oh! It's you, hey do you think I can borrow your card? Mine is frozen for personal reasons and I need to buy something it's urgent."
"Like what, alcohol?" Astonished, he nods and you feel a twinge in your chest. Is that all you were to him, a wallet? A source of income?
"Yeah, how'd you know?" He sits back up properly. "I just finished this last bottle and I don't feel fulfilled enough." He taps the, what seems to be sixth bottle of sake.
"Haven't you had enough, you've practically emptied my bank account." You were convinced this man was going to die of alcohol poisoning, but seeing as he was still functioning and speaking to you showed you otherwise.
"When you got in this relationship, you also have to accept my love for this god given beverage. Now where's the money?" His joking tone had no affect on lightening the mood, rather it made it worse and you still gave in to his unhealthy urges.

.WRATH#% - Itadori Yuuji
Yuuji is a bubbly boy, with a forgiving character that is quick to look over issues. Or so you thought. You had only been with each other for a few months and the first wave together was heaven. He was doting, collected and knew where his priorities lay when necessary. So it was a surprise to see him practically burst into flames when he'd found out that you lied of your whereabouts on saturday. Not only was he of gregarious traits, he'd seemed to hoard a certain attribute of clinginess, and hated not knowing where you were almost every hour of the day. He'd pester you with texts, and at first you liked it; thinking it was cute but it had grown to something obsessive and when he'd discovered that you weren't actually with your family for an important event, and cooking for yourself in your kitchen apartment he'd shouted at you as if you'd committed a grave sin against the gods, cursing out your name, saying things you'd never expect from him. it seemed that his anger would get the best of him.
"Yuuji, I just wanted some space and I thought you'd be upset if I told you the truth." You cowered away from him as he seethed at the sight of you.
"You're a bitch for that." You'd expected something less aggressive, maybe even throwing an object wouldn't have rubbed as much salt in the wound compared to the stone cold insult he used towards you.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorryー I just wanted some spa-" He huffs in vexation, completely in disbelief at your actions. His feelings weren't even hurt by the fact that his lover had not wanted to hang out with him; he was rather more enraged at the fact that you had the audacity to lie to him after he treated you so well.
"Shut the fuck up, you want space, you'll get space. And to think, I was so nice to you. The next time I see you, I just might break your bones." He scoffs in a mocking tone, ignoring the glimmer in your eyes flicker with fear from his words.
He slams the door shut, probably on his way to let out the anger he had pent up from your past couple months together. I guess that's another relationship down the drain, he says.
He'd genuinely believe this one would last too.

.SLOTH#% - Nanami Kento
Kento was comfortable. So he stayed comfortable. He was happy with his job as an office worker, and the schedule set for him. He never strayed away from the path that avoided overtime, and was able to spend time with himself to sleep or read for the rest of the evening. And being with you, well he was comfortable with that too. That was until you began to ask for more in the relationship; leaving him to be uncomfortable and unwilling to put effort into your relationship. He'd never bother with physical affection because he believed him being in a relationship with you was enough proof of his feelings for you. He hated when you'd ask for things as simple as going to the grocery store together. Despite looking like a composed responsible man with his life in order, he'd only ever seem to move when it was necessary to his standard. Driving in the car with you was comfortable, until you'd ask if he wanted to go to a party that satoru had invited you to; only to be shut down with the excuse that "We go out too much I'm tired." At first it was understandable as he was a busy man working in an office, but he'd always come home at 6:45pm on the dot, expecting you to have done all the cooking and cleaning for him as he was always too tired; he'd then spend the rest of the weekend ignoring you and would only interact if there was food being served.
"Kento do you want to-"
"No, I'm tired." He shoos you away as he slips off his shoes, and switching into a pair of house slippers. He hands you his bag, loosens his tie and takes off his glasses.
"But you said that last week, and the week before that. Kento, we haven't done anything for the past month and a half, and the last time we did something you went back upstairs." You muttered in the nicest tone you could so you wouldn't come off as clingy or annoying to him.
"Why do you always need me to reassure you about this relationship? Surely me being in it is enough evidence. Just be glad with what you have now." He sighs, manspreading on the couch.
"It's not reassuring, it's normal things that couples do. It feels like you don't actually want to be in this relationship with me, Kento are you sleeping? Seriously?" You sigh as he dozes off.
As understanding as you were, it was getting harder to sympathise with him and exist according to his tastes in the scenario that you'd piss him off after a long day at work. But with the past few weeks, he'd only ever greet you in the mornings after you'd wake up, bid farewell when he left for work, said hello when he'd arrive back on time, and bid goodnight before you slept. Any other conversation outside of those topics were a rare occurence, and you'd realised that Nanami Kento was just not bothered.

a/n: idk how i feel ab this i tried to portray the sins as best as i could,,,i got this bc i've been playing obey me! again but i hope u guys like it <3
chapter two

+18 +18 +18 +18 +18 +18 +18 +18 +18 +18 +18
getou x reader
tags: canon typical violence // curse words // masterbation (m & f)
word count: 3.2 k
chapter one
getou groggily shuffled out of bed, still feeling over exerted from the night before. the man hadn’t felt so relieved after masterbating in quite a long time. usually masterbation was just a way to relieve stress, just a part of getou’s routine. pure lust was something getou hadn’t felt in years. he chalked it up to a spike in testosterone, he wasn’t used to a woman being in his house. getou wouldn’t try to lie to himself though, he had always been attracted to you, and even in love with you at one point in time. that side of him was dead, he knew that, but it still didn’t take away from the fact that he had little control over his impulses in your presence.
the tall man made his way out of the master bedroom, surprised to see that you were already awake and making breakfast in the kitchen. getou stopped to lean on the entryway wall, waiting for you to notice him. you were deep in thought while whisking eggs in a bowl, waiting for the skillet to heat up.
“making enough for two?” you jumped at the sound of getou’s deep voice breaking through the silence. you turned your neck sharply, angry at the man for sneaking up on you. the bitter words that you planned to throw at him died in your mouth. getou stood tall in the entryway, his black sleep robe tied loosely at the waist— revealing a large portion of his marble chest. his hair was loose and messy, it was clear to you that the man had just rolled out of bed.
you dismissed your thoughts, narrowing your eyes on him, “how long have you been standing there?” the corner of his lips lifted, “long enough.” you rolled your eyes at this casual demeanor, “well to answer your question, no. i did not make enough for two.” you dumped the contents out of the pan and onto a small plate, “why would i cook for my captor?” it was getou’s turn to roll his eyes, “captor? here i thought we were friends.”
you lifted yourself to sit on the countertop to enjoy your breakfast, not bothering to respond to getou’s remark. the dark haired man sauntered across the kitchen, his back faced you as he reheated the stove on the kitchen island. you hadn’t realized just how hungry you were until your plate was completely cleared and your stomach was full. you sat the plate down next to your side, as getou turned to face you keeping an air of casualness about him as he leaned against the island.
“i’m glad you ate a good breakfast because you’ll be training with me today.” your brow furrowed at the bluntness of his tone, not understanding his meaning. “training? what do you mean training?” that same sly grin returned to getou’s face, “well if you going to be of service to me and my cause, you’ll need to be able to cultivate your cursed energy much more efficiently than you currently are.”
you scoffed, leaning back on your palms. the countertop felt cool to the touch, while heat rose to your cheeks. you could sense an argument coming but you couldn’t help but feel defensive, “and what makes you think that i have any interest in joining your cause? gojo will be finding this secret realm soon enough, and you and your cause will be completely dismantled from the bottom up.” you said matching getou’s smug attitude.
the playful grin disappeared from getou’s face, being replaced with an ominous blank expression. the man slowly moved closer to the countertop where you sat, closing the distance between the two of you. even being sat up high off the ground, getou’s frame still dwarfed yours. getou didn’t speak until his face was just inches from yours, “silly girl. don’t you understand that i’m counting on gojo coming here to rescue his precious little girlfriend? that’s all a part of the bigger picture.” your eyes wided at his words. his gaze was hard on yours, never relenting. “see, satoru’s power of jujutsu will be rendered useless in this realm, i created this place just for that purpose.”
red hot anger filled your bloodstream, “how long have you been planning this getou?” the man leaned in so close, causing you to lean back as he placed a hand on the counter behind you. your anger was quickly replaced with fear while getou spoke slowly in your ear, “for quite a while actually, but you see it wasn't as easy as you think, i had to learn your habits and day-to-day routine to be able to capture you while no one else was around.”
you didn’t move a muscle. getou could sense your tenseness causing him to chuckle in your ear, “yes, i saw how you spent most nights at your boyfriends house and i also saw how much you frequented that beach we used to go to so much, all those years ago.” you sucked in a tight breath at his mention of the beach, “does gojo know of your visits to the beach? does he know how you secretly go there hoping to relive your memories of me?”
you quickly turned to meet his gaze, “i don’t-“ getou cut you off, knowing that you would deny his claim. “right of course, i’m dead to you and gojo is the person you use as a placeholder in my absence.” getou had always been able to read you better than anyone else, and you hated him for it. your voice was laced with venom as you spoke, “just how important do you think you are to my life?” the corners of getou’s mouth lifted upwards at your question, “i think i am just as important to you, as you are to me.”
your eyes glazed over at his response, his words sent your brain into overdrive. does that mean i’m important to him? you thought. a sense of accomplishment washed over the man at your lack of response. getou didn’t relent, he moved to stand up straight, drawing you out of your thoughts as he looked at you dead on, “since we’re on the subject of satoru, why don’t you tell me why your beloved preferred to keep you in a state of mediocrity? your better half is the most powerful sorcerer in the jujutsu world yet your skills are severely lackluster.”
your stare hardened on getou. your anger returned once more, “believe it or not, but me and gojo don’t make jujutsu the centerpoint of our relationship.” getou crossed his arms, “no of course not, the centerpoint of your relationship is sucking saturo’s cock a couple times a week and following it up with some unfulfilling sex. right?”
without thinking your hand connected to his cheek with a loud smack. the slap echoed through the quiet kitchen, getou’s eyes widened in surprise.
the air grew thick between the two of you. you held your breath tightly as getou grabbed your wrist, yanking your body off the countertop. the man forcefully pulled your body forward, resulting in your chest flush against his. getou looked down on you with dark eyes, “do that again and i might decide you aren’t worth the trouble and kill you where you stand.” getou turned away swiftly, “your training begins in thirty minutes, you will serve my cause or you and your little boyfriend will die. your choice.” without another word getou was gone, leaving you alone to ruminate over the recent events in confusion.
getou’s anger had significantly subsided once he was standing alone in the training room. he almost felt regretful for speaking to you with such harsh words; but the man was much too proud to apologize. the padded floor provided cushion beneath his feet, rooting him back into a sound mind. the large room was dimly lit, getou watched the shadows move across his face in the mirror that covered the wall as he wrapped his hands in gauze, preparing himself for the training session.
you still felt dazed from your conversation with getou as you shyly entered the room. you weren’t sure what to expect out of this impromptu training session. you slapped getou, and you knew that was something he wouldn’t let go of easily. you attempted to mentally brace yourself for whatever might come next as you came to stand behind the man who looked at you through the mirror with an unimpressed expression.
getou tied the last of the gauze together, turning around to face you. he seemed broader than usual in his casual athletic clothing. the sleeves of getou’s white shirt were rolled up, revealing his veiny forearms. the veins became more apparent when getou flexed his hands, testing the integrity of the gauze wrapping. his eyes stayed down as he spoke, “glad to see you made it on time, we’ll start by you showing me just how much cursed energy you possess.”
you chewed your bottom lip listening to his words, it had been years since you had properly trained. you only called upon your cursed energy when it was strictly necessary. getou finally looked up to take in the sight of you, he tried to conceal how his breath hitched in his throat at the clear sight of your anxious expression.
“when was the last time that you had a real training session?” getou was genuinely curious, you seemed to be a much stronger sorcerer when the two of you were close. he was surprised to have found you completely incapacitated by the grade three cursed spirit in the lavender field, you used to take on grade two spirits with no problem at all.
your feet shifted as you tried to think back to the last time you exercised your technique just for practice. you crossed your arms over your chest as you spoke, “well, i wasn’t lying about what i said earlier. jujutsu isn’t a focal point of mine and gojo’s relationship.. and well, i never really need to use my own cursed energy if he’s around..” you trailed off.
getou still looked unamused, “that wasn’t my question. when was the last time you trained?” your gaze shifted to your feet, “before you left.” you spit the words out so quickly it took getou a moment to process their meaning. a concerned look fell upon getou’s face, “that was years ago. you mean to tell me you haven’t practiced since then? you know how important it is for a sorcerer's skills to stay fine tuned.”
you rolled your eyes at his comment, you had no intentions of keeping your skills finely tuned after getou turned. seeing the person you trusted most, so massively miss use their jujutsu made you question just how good being a sorcerer was for the collective. whereas getou thought the world would be a better place without non-sorcerer’s, you questioned if the world would be a better place if the opposite happened. you didn’t see much good coming to the world from jujutsu sorcerer’s. you saw first hand how sorcerer’s could use their powers to benefit no one but themselves, getou was the perfect example of one of these selfish sorcerer’s.
you finally looked up to meet the man’s gaze, “am i here to train? or am i here to listen to how important it is?” getou’s eyes narrowed on you as he turned his head in warning, “tch..careful.” the man circled your body with a scrutinizing glare. “let’s begin. call upon your cursed energy.” you almost laughed, “i can’t do that on command, i have to be threatened to call upon my energy.”
getou stopped short behind you, “you can’t summon your cursed energy on command? you’re weaker than i thought.” getou moved in closer to grab your shoulder, as he spoke softly into your hair. “guess i’ll have to pull it out of you then.” you didn’t have time to try to decode the meaning behind his words before he quickly made his way around your body, moving into a fighting stance.
a sinister smile stretched across getou’s face, “don’t worry, i’ll stick to hand to hand combat. for now.” you raised your fists just below eye level waiting for getou to make his move. getou moved quickly, stepping into your space before he swung. you luckily deflected the blow, only to realize it was a dummy swing when his other hand slapped the side of your head. getou sucked his teeth, “never take your eyes off your opponent.” the words irritated you, you switched to a defensive approach, grunting as you swung your fist at the mans face.
getou easily evaded your fist, laughing as he kicked his foot out to knock you onto your back. the padded floors broke your fall, but that didn’t stop the pure rage that began to rise deep inside you. you let out an angry grunt as you laid out on the floor. getou reached a hand out to help you up, you used this as an opportunity to get the upper hand on him. you gripped his hand, forcefully pulling him down to the floor. you quickly wrapped your legs around getou’s waist, flipping yourself on top of him.
pride swelled in your chest at the sight of the man pinned down beneath your weight. a playful grin pulled at the side of getou’s mouth as he looked up at you, “i love a woman who can take charge.” your eyes narrowed on him in annoyance, you opened your mouth to speak but you were quickly cut off. getou swiftly flipped you back onto the padded floor, his hips were wedged between your legs as he pinned your wrists above your head. “but i think i like you better like this.”
you ignored the heat that formed between your legs as you tried to escape the compromising position getou put you in. getou pushed his weight down on you harder preventing your escape, “you should know that you can’t over power me physically, but you can summon your cursed energy at any time .”
as if in response to getou’s words, cursed energy moved through your body, flowing to the palms of your hands. getou’s deep voice sounded off above you, “ah.. there you go.” you looked up at the man in confusion, “i can feel it too.” he said, picking up on your thoughts. you could only stare back at getou, in awe of the fact that he could feel the cursed energy flowing through your veins. you had never known of any sorcerer that could feel another’s cursed energy before expelling it.
without thinking words slipped from your lips, “can you pick up on everyone’s cursed energy?” getou’s eyes glazed over in deep thought. a beat passed before he spoke, “just yours.” getou released you from his hold, moving to stand above you. “i think that’s enough for today. we’ll train again tomorrow.” that was all he said before he quickly exited the room.
sleep was hard to come by that night, you tossed and turned for what felt like hours. your mind was racing and you couldn’t slow it down. you thought about what gojo might have been doing in that moment, and if he was close to finding you. you almost felt bad for how fast your train of thought moved onto the training exercise you had earlier in the day. you thought back on the sensation of getou’s body pressing down on your’s, the way his hips were settled between your parted legs.
you could almost feel the weight of his hands pinning your wrists above your head once more. you stared at the wall, trying to break the pattern your thoughts were forming but your cunt had already grown needy. you pressed your thighs together trying to ignore the wetness growing between your legs at the thought of getou entered your mind once more. you couldn’t believe that you were having such inappropriate thoughts about a man that you could never see eye to eye with. what would gojo think? he was probably scouring every realm known to man in search of you, while you were one room away from getou, thinking disgusting thoughts of him.
you huffed in defeat, pulling the covers off your body. you shimmied off your sleep shorts, and quickly moved your hands up your big shirt to play with your nipples. you clamped your mouth shut, careful to not make any noise in fear of getou hearing you through the walls. your body temperature steadily rose as you toyed with your breasts. you moved to lift the shirt up allowing the cool air to hit your skin, making your nipples hard.
you accidentally let a moan escape your lips when your fingers met your clit. you prayed that getou was in a deep sleep in the next room over, but your motions didn’t relent. your back arched off the bed as you pictured getou in your minds eye. in your head it was getou who was playing with your tits and working your clit into oblivion.
unbeknownst to you, getou did hear your soft moans coming through the walls. the initial shock of hearing your pretty sounds quickly wore off as getou’s cock grew hard in his sweatpants. oh how he wished that it was him in your bed invoking soft moans from your lips. getou quietly moved from the bed to lean against the wall that your room was on the other side of. getou could tell that you were trying your best to conceal your moans as he pressed his ear against the wall. the man closed his eyes and pictured your body beneath his as he freed his cock from his pants, quickly stroking himself to the mental image.
you bit down on your lips as you inserted two fingers into your wet cunt, doing your best to pretend that it was getou’s long fingers entering you instead of your own. you could feel your orgasm pooling in the bottom of your stomach, thinking of getou’s deep voice speaking into your ear, telling you how good of a girl you were being for him. your orgasm hit you so hard that you didn’t realize that you let getou’s name slip past your lips as your walls contracted around your fingers.
getou’s eyes went wide at the sound of your pretty voice moaning his name, he had to cover his mouth with one hand as the came hard into the other. he thought he had to be hearing things, there was no way you felt the same level of attraction for him as he did you.
sleep surrounded you quickly after you reached your orgasm, but getou was still wide awake on the other side of the wall. the man was deep in thought, he knew he couldn’t allow his old feelings towards you to return, it would ruin his plan. the plan that was years in the making. getou kept trying to tell himself that what he felt for you was sexual attraction and nothing more, but even he didn’t fully believe it.
"I wanna feel you from the inside."

Summary: Poor Geto has been in rough shape recently. So, when he finally hobbles out of his dorm to hand you a neatly sealed letter, you get a little worried. What could he have possibly written?
Genre: Yandere!Geto x AFAB!Reader, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Pre-cult Geto, Dark Fic
CW: Smut, Pussy eating, Suguru uses the word "Cunt" to describe the reader's genitals, Descriptions of gore, cannibalism, mutilation, he's honestly going crazy in this, do not trust him.
A/N: It's crazy how I'm genuinely obsessed with this man, but have hardly posted anything about him. We're changing that today.

Dear Sweetness,
I’d usually greet you, but I’m impatient. I must speak with you.
Those type of nicknames suits you.
You stick to the back of my throat like honey. You coat my tongue with sweet nothings as your taste invades my soft palate and drenches my uvula. You drip slowly to cover my throat so that you can infiltrate my stomach. Your overwhelming scent remains after I’ve digested you, coating my day with you.
Speaking of my appetite, I had the most delicious dream about you. I’ll say clearly, it wasn’t sexual. I can feel your disappointment and confusion through the page. Would you have preferred me fantasizing about your cunt? Exposing my perverse desire to be enclosed between your legs as I suck and lick your most personal space? To talk about how I woke up begging, praying for it to be a reality. Imagine my unending suffering, debating on leaving my dorm so I could sneak into your room to make an actuality?
Maybe another time, when I’m feeling up to it.
Now, let’s get back to the point, shall we?
I dreamt we were excorsing a curse, As we always do. However, when I encased it and braced myself for that nauseating taste… The taste that deteriorates my body from the inside out. The taste of blood, guts, shit, and swallowed regrets. That taste is so vile that even my description doesn’t do it justice. Sorry, I got off track. Unexpectedly, I got a pleasant taste instead. Actually, pleasant wouldn’t begin to describe the taste. It was transcendent. The type of flavor that purifies even the most heinous tastes and desires. The taste of eating the body of a saint after you’ve been forced to fast on your journey with them. I closed my eyes to savor it and clamped my jaw to force it to stay, I heard a crunch. Then, a squish. I felt that oozing liquid pours onto my tastebuds and smelt that copper, almost fruity smell that couldn’t have been mistaken for anything else. I opened my eyes and saw that instead of eating the curse, I was eating you. I had bitten into your forearm, tearing the right arm of your custom uniform to shreds as sunk my canines into you. You didn’t even react. You just gave me a warm smile and ruffled my hair, as you always do. Dreams are said to be unconscious desires right? Your ID attempting to give you a message about the animalistic behaviors you’ve repressed. It’s a silly thing to bring up, but even nonsense can give one courage, no? I can wax as poetic as I want, and be as flowery as possible for a Jujutsu Soceror, however, I think a clear message will ring better.
I want you.
I want to gorge myself on you.
More than the fleeting touches we share. More than the sound of your voice when you greet Satoru and me. More than the arguments and reconciliations that we’ve had and will continue to engage in. More than devouring your cunt or having sex. I need to eat you. I want to kiss your soft lips and then take them between my teeth until plump flesh divorces from your face. Leaving blood leaking down your chin as your gums and bottom teeth get exposed to the elements. I want to rip off your tongue with my teeth and chew on it as I swallow and suck on your teeth like suckers. I’ll kiss your eyelids, feeling your lashes curve onto my chin. Once you open your eyes, I’ll scope them out with my fingers and slurp them down my throat. I’ll swirl my tongue around your empty sockets to get the scraps of your flavor. I’ll move down to masticate your lovely throat and reach your larynx. Your voice is always so soft and sweet. I wonder if your voicebox will melt once it hits the warmth of my tongue or if I’ll have to grind it against my teeth like tough taffy. My teeth will devour your respiratory system, stomach, and intestines. I wonder if I’ll be able to taste your stomach acids along with the partially digested food you’ve had during the day. I promise to save your heart for last. That rich dessert will envelop my mouth and free me of all other tastes and senses.
I’m not sure if I intend to send this letter to you. In the case that I do, I’ll await your response. Only to a certain point though. A famine can only last for so long.
Forever your glutton,
Suguru Geto.
JJK Men who keeps stealing your bonnets:

“I ain’t Batman but I be robbin’”
Summary: JJK men be stealing bonnets
CW: None fr, some cursing, Yuuji is aged up, could read this as platonic but why would you?
A/N: This is part 1 of this 2 parter. I hope I wrote yuuji well because I love that boy😭.

He doesn’t steal your bonnets on purpose, it just happens. It started when he came over during a movie night at your house and he found your bonnet lying on the bathroom counter. He’s seen you wear it a couple of time, but he’s never really bothered to ask what its for.
“Babe?” He yells.
“What’s up hun?” You ask from your spot on the couch.
“What does this do?” He asks as he strides back to the living room, holding the bonnet in his right hand with a curious face.
“It protects my hair.” You say casually. He still has on his confuzzled face. Maybe a tactile lesson will help him?
“You wanna try it on?”
That’s basically how the story goes. Now, he won’t fall asleep without wearing one of your bonnets. You keep telling him to buy his own, but he always refuses.
“I like them because they remind me of you.”
You find it really hard to say no to that.
You made him wear a bonnet. You love this man dearly, but his hair is way too damn long. The tresses that scatter around his face when he’s sleeping peacefully always seem to infiltrate your side of the bed. You were sick of it, so you bought you and him matching bonnets. He thinks its practical, keeps his hair out of yours and his face. Besides, he’ll do anything to show he’s yours and vice versa, even if its in the privacy of your home.
Omgggg, this man is a fuckin THEIF. It genuinely happens out of nowhere. One day, he pays little attention to your bonnet. Next? All your bonnets are his bonnets too. You’ve tried buying him his own to solve your problem but he will still steal yours. His excuse? “I like yours better. I want to be closer to you” Creepy ass.
Suguru geto or Toji fushiguro sitting on my lap rn would lowkey fix me. Just saying 🤷🏾♀️
Adding onto this: These men, along with Gojo would practically beg you to spit in their mouth.
Whether it be by them pissing you off enough and goading you into doing it,
“Come on, do it pussy.” “If you’re sick of me then do something about it. Bet you won’t though.” “You keep glaring and catching an attitude like that’ll do anything. Think I’m intimidated by you? Give me a reason why I should be.”
Or them being just the most down bad, borderline pathetic simp in public
“Pleaseeeeeee, baby pleaseeeeee.”
“Come on, it’d be so hot. Also, I want that couple who’s staring to see. Why? It’ll teach em to stop being nosy.” “Baby, I’m so deadass, either spit in my mouth right now or I’m causing a scene.”
-Yuuji, SUGURU, Todo, Inumaki, Sukuna, Megumi, Toji, Takuma
Hating Gojo Satoru makes him 10x more obnoxious because you could spit on him and he’d not only catch it in his mouth, but swallow it too.

Gojou x Getou
Just a little stupid doodle...
SOMEONE PLS HELP ME ( I’m so desperate on my knees type shi )
I was reading a geto x black reader fic AND I LOST IT and forgot to like it and I never got to finish it. All I remember is that the reader is black and a phlebotomist and is recently broken up with her boyfriend who cheated on her with her co worker and he keeps annoying her and geto is an architect from Kyoto and they meet outside the club for a smoke and he gives her a ride home because her car got booted and she invites him into her house for breakfast OH AND ITS HER BIRTHDAY AND HER NAME IS STAR AND THE NAME WAS REVENGE BUT I CANT FIND THE AUTHOR PLS I’m gonna cry
pls he’s so hot 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️

Blood Bound
Summary : In which you find Suguru, and Suguru saves you
Wordcount : 6.6k
Genre: Angst, fluff (kinda), slowburn
Pairing: Suguru X Reader

❗️ This story contains gore. I will be describing wounds and blood in detail.
Gojo Satoru's eyes narrow as his teacher, Yaga finishes speaking.
A new student?
" Why so suddenly? We're already halfway through the year. Just send them to Kyoto. Or with the first years."
Yaga sighs, pinching his brow.
" Satoru. It's already been decided that she will enroll in this school. Don't be fussy about it."
Besides him, Suguru sends him a soft smile.
" Don't worry, Satoru. She might be fun to hang out with. Besides, another girl would be nice for Shoko too. Right Shoko?"
The gorgeous black haired male turns to her, and she nods.
" I guess so."
She didn't really care either way.
Sighing, Yaga finally calls for you, the mysterious new student who enters the second year class halfway through the year.
You look... bored. Unimpressed, your eyes barely scanning the room.
" L/N Y/N."
You don't introduce yourself further than that.
So much for 'fun'.
" So, what's so special about you? "
Currently, Yaga has left the classroom, finally allowing your three new classmates to turn to you and poke you with their questions.
You raise a brow at the strange white haired kid.
" Nothing... I think..? Why? Was there supposed to be something special about me?"
It's like you're in a bubble, unwilling to get to know him, unwilling to let him in. Satoru decides that he'll poke that bubble until it pops.
" Not by default. It's more that we're curious. You did enter halfway through the year after all."
Suguru's gentle eyes connect to your questioning ones.
You blink.
" Oh. Well, I'm not special. Sorry to disappoint."
Your words hold no depth, and Suguru notices the small grin (or is that a smirk?) That edges itself onto your face. You rub your finger under your nose, wiling away the ghost of whatever it may have been from your lips.
Everyone's eyes draw to the bandages wrapped around your wrist, disappearing under your sleeve.
" How'd you get that?"
You glance down at it.
" Oh, that. It's a.. consequence. Of my cursed technique. "
Both boys blink at one another, not understanding what that is supposed to mean.
Meanwhile Shoko gently takes your arm. You allow her to bunch up your sleeve, revealing your lower arm wrapped in bandages.
She pouts at the sight, noting the trail of blood that has lightly stained through the bandages.
" They're in need of replacement though. I'm not really good with cursed energy, but I am very good at reverse cursed energy. I can heal it if you want?"
She smiles softly at you, and you return her expression. She's sweet. You note. You'll get along with her just fine. The black haired guy too.
The white haired dude on the other hand?
" So what grade are you? I bet you're a grade 4."
You raise a brow in question.
" 'grade'?"
All three students blink at you.
" Do you know how the grading system works, L/N?"
Suguru's voice is gentle.
" How are you accepted this far into the year as second year student when you don't even know how that works?"
Satoru's voice is not.
You shrug.
" I know the basics of curses and cursed energy and techniques. I never really cared about the rest."
" Ah, well, grades are a way to rank both curses and sorcerers. Satoru and I are special grade-"
" We're the strongest!-"
" -4 grade is the lowest, and between that there's also grade 3,2 and 1."
You nod, following his words.
" Can I see your student ID? "
You nod, handing the plastic card over to Shoko.
Her eyes widen as she notices the grade you're labeled at.
" Woah..."
" Huh?"
Now both Suguru and Satoru get curious too. They lean over her shoulder, glancing at the words on the card.
Right below your school year, it says:
Special Grade.
" No way!"
Both Suguru and Shoko glance up at Satoru's outburst.
" Three special grades in one year. That's something."
Shoko's mumbling to herself, while Suguru smiles kindly at you, visibly also surprised.
Although you do understand the general meaning you don't necessarily understand the commotion.
These two were special grade too after all.
" Special grade sorcerers are rare, L/N. Along with you, there's currently a total of four special grade sorcerers."
You hum, nodding slowly.
To put it quite blunt, you don't really care.
Meanwhile Satoru is still visibly displeased, wiping your student ID and continuously rubbing over the letters that spell out special grade, hoping the words will for some reason magically change.
" What's your cursed technique?"
" Blood Shikigami."
Satoru stops what he's doing, his eyes wide below his sunglasses as he looks at you. Suguru visibly stills too, shocked as well. Shoko blinks lazily.
" What's 'Blood Shikigami'?"
" What the name implies. I can create Shikigami with my blood."
" Oh. I thought it would be more complicated. So it's like the Ten Shadows then?"
You shrug, thinking for a moment. You've heard of the Ten Shadows. You suppose it's somewhat slightly the same.
" Yes and no. The Ten Shadows has more limitations. Blood Shikigami does not."
Suguru is still surprised by your reveal of it. To think that there's such a powerful sorcerer in this age...
" Why doesn't it have a fancy name? Considering the technique is so fancy?"
Shoko still has no idea exactly how powerful your technique is.
She looks at you for an answer, but you shrug.
" I don't know much about it. I only knows how it works because I can use it."
" It's a rare ability. It hasn't been seen in over 1200 years, if I'm correct. It never got an official name because sorcerers refer to it as a forbidden cursed technique."
Well, Suguru did his homework.
You roll your eyes.
" You've been fed nonsense. Don't be so dramatic over it. It's just another cursed technique."
Shoko smiles at your words, before turning to Satoru, who's suspiciously still quiet.
" Does that mean she has a fair chance to beat you? Considering your cursed technique is all rare too and stuff?"
Satoru scoffs, grinning.
" Maybe if she properly knows how to wield it."
You give him a lazy lopsided grin in return.
The mission of today was simple.
Exorcise the special grade cursed spirit.
Typically, this was a mission for Satoru and Suguru. However, considering Yaga wanted to know just how good you were at Jujutsu, you've been forced to tag along, currently walking a few steps behind the both of them with your hands in your pocket.
You're kind of pouting.
If only Shoko was here. She was much more fun.
Suguru was nice. But you swear that you might accidentally land your fist on Satoru's annoying face one day.
" Yah! Keep up. I don't wanna have to drag your dead body back to Yaga sensei."
You roll your eyes, though you do jog a few steps to walk besides Suguru.
" You won't have to. The two of you are the strongest, right? That means that there's no reason for me to be concerned."
Suguru turns to you.
" Well, you're a special grade too, L/N. For all we know, you might join our rank as the strongest soon as well."
You shrug.
" Doubt it. I've never worked with other Jujutsu sorcerers before, so I don't think I'm that good at what I do."
Suguru raises a brow.
" You've been exorcising curses solo?"
You're not from a small city. You've mentioned before that you're from the sketchy outskirts of Fukuoka. The curses there must've been quite a deal too.
" Well, we never know."
" I bet L/N is weak. Either way, we're about to find out. "
Satoru's smirking, eyes on the curse that's starting to take shape.
A dragon. It looks like a dragon. It's huge, white, with huge yellow eyes.
And as you expected, it's eyes are right on you.
It screams as it lunges, not leaving any room for argument.
You huff in annoyance, while both Suguru and Satoru their eyes widen.
" Y/N!-"
You've avoided it's lunge. You're incredibly fast. Faster then Satoru even. It's exactly like Suguru thought: Your physical skill might surpass theirs.
" I bet you just got lucky!"
Satoru's being mean, like always.
Suguru huffs in annoyance in response to his best friend.
" Shut up, Satoru."
If you somehow died, they would be blamed after all.
Next in it's line of vision was Suguru, who's ready to summon one of his many curses. He'd like to weaken it so he can take it in. It's a powerful curse after all.
However, he gets ignored, in favor of it's attention returning to you.
Suguru's eyes widen. This was new. What was this all about?
Satoru's brows furrow as well.
Meanwhile you keep running, heading straight towards Satoru, who gets ready.
" Blue."
He launches the ball right as you run past him.
Of course, the curse cannot come through limitless, and thanks to Satoru's attack, it gets send flying.
You watch it happen with wide eyes. They weren't kidding when they said they were strong. You'd ask about their cursed technique, but that'd be useless considering you have 0 knowledge about other techniques just yet.
All three of you watch as the curse screeches, and gets up, seemingly unharmed.
" Satoru! Y/N! Don't excursive it. I want to absorb it."
You send him an incredulous look as he walks over to you and Satoru.
" absorb it? Like make it into a balm and massage it into your skin?"
Satoru snorts.
" He uses Curse Manipulation, darling."
" Right. I still don't know what that is."
" I really don't understand how you're accepted as a second year student when you don't know anything."
" Me neither."
" Can the two of you argue later? It's getting back up!"
Just like Suguru says, the dragon like curse is getting up, and charging at you once again.
" Why does it want you so bad?"
" I don't know!"
With a huff, you rip off one of your bandages, uncurling it from your arm.
Both Suguru and Satoru their eyes widen. Your arm is littered in scars. Your bandages were double serving too. At once, a heavy amount of cursed energy is released. This is when only one arm is uncovered and revealed, making the two of them wonder just how much cursed energy you have.
Noticing that both dudes are still unmoving, you scoff, taking out a small pocket knife and slicing your arm right open without any hesitance.
At once, blood gushes out of the wound, leaking onto the floor.
" Karkinos!"
Both guys watch in amazement as your blood starts to smoke, and soon enough, a huge, spidercrab like creature emerges from it, violent blood red in colour.
" Squash it!"
The Shikigami obeys your command, one of it's strong, huge claws taking hold of the dragon like curse. The curse screeches in response, turning and focusing it's attention on the huge crab like Shikigami.
Your Shikigami releases a low rumble, before plummeting the curse into the floor. With it's multiple limbs, it stomps down on the curse harshly.
You huff out, pressing down on your injured arm and closing your eyes for a moment before turning to face Suguru and Satoru.
" How weak do you need it?"
Both men are speechless, watching the powerful Shikigami fight the beast. Suguru looks impressed, his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly ajar. Satoru however?-
" And what's with your face?"
He looks stupid. His mouth is open all the way, showing off his teeth. You wonder what his issue is.
" I- This'll be just fine."
Finally, Suguru walks over, ready take control over the curse.
You wave your Shikigami away, and it steps back, one of it's claws still tight around the dragon curse's throat.
You watch as Suguru merely raises his hand, the curse reforming into some kind of ball. You take it as your que to release your Shikigami, allowing it to fall in a puddle of blood to the ground.
Meanwhile Satoru joins you, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses as he looks at you.
You don't notice the way he shifts his vision to your injured arm, blood still dribbling down from the open wound at a concerning pace.
" We should head back. You'll bleed out if you keep that wound open like that."
You shake your head, watching as Suguru makes a face at the orb in his hand.
" I'm fine- Is he going to swallow that?"
You're visibly disgusted, and Satoru snorts.
" Yeah he is. He hates it when we watch though. Come, stay close to me. I'll call Yaga sensei to come pick us up."
With that, he turns and starts walking towards the nearby parking lot. You send Suguru one curious/disgusted look before following after Satoru, your hand pressing down on your bleeding arm.
" Why would I need to stick close to you? I can handle myself."
" Y/N, sweetheart, I'm delighted to break it to you, but you have a gaping wound on your arm. You might have the cursed energy to summon another Shikigami, but you lack the blood currently. In other words, you're harmless, and useless, weak even."
He's smirking at you, leaning his glasses down so he can send you a cheeky smirk.
" Jokes on you. I can still summon any Shikigami I want. Besides, my blood is toxic. If I throw it on you, your skin will burn."
Satoru raises a brow.
" You'll have to be able to touch me for that though."
" You're capable of reverse cursed technique."
You blink at Shoko. She's mentioned reverse cursed technique multiple times, but in all honesty, you still have no idea what it's all about.
" Hueh?"
Shoko shakes her head.
" Reverse cursed technique is the ability to heal yourself, and in some rare cases, others, like me, can heal other people using reverse cursed technique. It's not very common. Most sorcerers can't do that."
Satoru's glaring at you. He's not sure why he's suddenly agitated by the reveal of information. He couldn't possibly been jealous that you seem to be able to do something subconsciously he has been training his whole life for, right?
" It's starting to sound like she's joining the two of us, Satoru."
Suguru's words makes Satoru's eye twitch.
No. Just no. There's no way that he and Suguru had to at least work years before even being taken serious, before being called the strongest. He doesn't want you to join that rank within a few days.
" Tch. She just got lucky."
Suguru sighs softly, shaking his head. He should've expected the reaction.
You raise a brow, grinning at him.
" Scared that I'll be knocking you off your throne, 'strongest'?"
He scoffs, grinning back as he leaves the room.
" You wish."
2 months later
" I'm here to save you, Utahime."
You glance at the poor girl under the rubble, watching in mild interest as she struggles to free herself while arguing with Gojo. You shift the lollipop in your mouth, turning to Shoko.
" So, does he have a crush on her or...?"
" No. He just likes to bully her cause' she's weaker than him."
You hum.
She faces you sideways with a grin.
" Why, you jealous?"
You snort.
" If it was Suguru, maybe. But Gojo? Nah.- Who's that?"
Shoko blinks at you, amused, as she puts a cigarette stick in her mouth.
" Geto? I didn't know you had a crush on him. And that's Mei Mei."
You shake your head as you continue to walk.
" I'm not good with feelings. I don't do crushes.... He's interesting though."
Shoko hums, smiling as the man in question enters the scene, casually approaching the four students as his curse attacks the curse that would nearly have killed the girl named Utahime.
" Satoru, it's not nice to pick on the weak."
" What kind of idiot picks on the strong?"
" You're the one who's fanning the flame like it comes naturally, Geto."
You watch them bicker, amused as you suck on your lolly pop.
" We should check up on Utahime. It's sad they're bullying her like this."
Shoko muses, before walking a tad bit ahead of you as she approaches the group, stopping a few paces beside Gojo.
" Utahime!, are you okay?-"
" Shoko!-"
You've never seen anyone approach anyone else quite as quick as Utahime approaching Shoko, seemingly glad she's here.
" -I was worried about you. We hadn't heard from you for two whole days."
" Shokoo!"
Utahime throws herself on Shoko by the time you've approached the group.
" Shoko! Don't let yourself turn out like those two!- Oh, are you the exchange student I heard about?"
Utahime has pulled away a bit from Shoko to glance over at you, her behavior shifting to something more friendly.
You smile, your demeanor as laid back as ever as you take the lollipop out of your mouth, oblivious to the way Suguru's eyes follow the movement of your lips as you do so.
" Yes. I'm L/N Y/N, nice to meet you."
You bow your head, greeting her somewhat formally. She grins, unwrapping one arm from Shoko to wrap it around you instead. Your eyes widen, surprise evident on your features as you grow slightly uncomfortable.
" Oh thank goodness! You're not like those two! Please don't ever turn out like that either."
Shoko smiles from beside her.
" Don't worry Utahime, we won't turn into trash like them."
You smile at Utahime as you peel her arm off you, creating space as you take a step away from her, popping your lollipop back into your mouth.
Meanwhile, the Trash (Satoru) is calling out to his one and only (Suguru).
" The path Utahime is walking on is falling apart!"
Suguru is vibing, seemingly enjoying life as he waddles along the path he's walking on.
" Shut up!"
You blink at the conversation that follows. Apparently, Utahime and Mei Mei had been on this mission for two days, and Mei Mei was looking forward to getting paid extra. ( You didn't know the world of Jujutsu worked that way?) Meanwhile Suguru is casually waddling up beside you into the conversation.
" -That aside, what about the veil, you four?"
Mei Mei is smiling, Utahime looks concerned, while your classmates look sheepish.
" I don't know how to do a veil yet."
Mei Mei blinks at you.
" One of you four said they would cast the veil themselves and left your assistant supervisor behind, didn't you? And then forgot about the veil. Who did it?"
Everyone looks sheepish. You're just blinking, not sure if you should rat Satoru out. Suguru and Shoko don't hesitate, both their fingers pointed towards him, which causes you to blink again.
You're not very familiar with having friends yet, admittedly.
Satoru raises his hand.
" Sensei! Why don't we stop this hunt for the culprit?!"
" So it was you, Satoru."
He receives a good punch.
You snort.
" Is a veil even necessary? Does it even matter if the normies see us? It's not like they can see curses or cursed techniques anyway."
You and your classmates are in the basketball court of the school. You and Shoko are seated on the floor, while the other two are messing around with a basketball.
You're leaning your head on your hand, which is propped up on your folded legs. Perks of wearing pants instead of a skirt, by your own request. You're switching glances between Shoko, who looks stupid as she looks around in his glasses, and Satoru, who's speaking.
" How do I look?"
Shoko looks absolutely ridiculous, her mouth formed in an 'o' shape while her eyes are hidden by Satoru's glasses as she looks around her.
" Pretty stupid. But not ugly. Cute, in a way, I guess."
You shrug, shifting so your arms lean behind you.
" Of course it matters. The primary factor preventing an outbreak of curses is the citizens'peace of mind.-"
Shoko pouts at you.
" They're about to fight."
She informs you as she gets up, returning the glasses to Satoru and placing them on his head.
" -That's why we have to conceal the threats they can't see as far as possible. And that's not all-"
" -Yeah, I get it, I get it."
Satoru takes the ball from Suguru, cutting him off and dribbling to the basket, scoring a point.
" Looking out for the weak is a pain in the ass, honestly. Don't you think so, Y/N? For you especially, considering your cursed technique."
You shrug, unfolding your legs as you stretch them in front of you.
" It's whatever in my opinion. I don't really care."
" Survival of the weakest. That's the ideal form society should take. Help the weak and keep the strong in check. Listen to me, Satoru, Y/N. Jujutsu sorcerers exist to protect nonsorcerers."
You blink lazily. Was this really where this conversation was headed to?
" look at you, acting all righteous. I hate that stuff."
" What?"
Suguru glances sharply at Satoru, whilst the ball, which had just missed the goal, rolls towards Satoru.
" Assigning responsibilities to the strong in the name of some cause is what weak people do."
He throws the ball. You're not surprised he scores a point yet again.
" Get off your high horse and quit spouting that feel good bullshit. Bleuugh."
Just to add to his dramatics, he makes a throwing up motion.
You raise a brow, gaining interest. Were they really about to fight? You want to see that happen.
" I'm outta here."
You glance at Shoko as she sprints away.
" Why don't we take this outside, Satoru?"
Behind Suguru, his realm of curses opens up.
" You feeling lonely? Go by yourself."
Satoru's glancing at him, lowering his glasses and staring at him sensually.
Suguru glances to the side, noting your amused face.
" Fancy taking a side, Y/N? "
You grin, getting up and walking over, beginning to peel away your bandages,
" Not necessarily. I'm game for a good fight though."
Just as the three of you are staring each other down, the sliding door slides open.
Simultaneously, Satoru and Suguru both start stretching, while you turn to glance at who just came in, one of your hands still on the edge of the bandage.
Yaga doesn't seem all too surprised as he catches the three of you staring each other down for a second.
" How long are you going to keep fooling around? And where's Shoko?"
" Who knows"
" Maybe the bathroom?"
Both are blinking innocently, while you blink blankly at your teacher. He huffs at all three of you.
" Whatever. I'm going to have the two of you on a mission."
You glance at your classmates.
Both huff, leaning away from one another.
" What's with the faces?"
They answer in unision.
" Nothing."
Yaga chooses not to react further than that, now glancing at you.
" L/N, report to Watanabe sensei, he has a mission for you."
Both Satoru and Suguru glance at one another.
" Are you sending her alone?"
" It's not my choice. The higher ups have decided she can handle missions alone, seeing as she's handled First grade curses by herself already in Fukuoka."
Satoru glances at you.
" Was that huge crab the only Shikigami you can summon?"
You shake your head,
" No."
You disappear for an entire year, completely off the radar.
Both Suguru and Satoru are worried, but there's not much either of them can do.
Suguru spirals, while Satoru grows stronger.
He becomes 'The Strongest'.
You're gone.
Suguru is left alone.
The higher ups have already jotted you down as dead.
Both are surprised to find out that there's no one to inform. No worried parent or sibling.
You've always kept mostly to yourself. Always kept the most neutral position.
Both refuse to believe you're dead.
It's simply not possible.
Given, they only spent a few months with you, but still. you had been a rightful danger on your own.
Suguru has already been unable to sleep for a long time now, but tonight especially so. He can feel that something is coming, even from all the way in his dorm room.
Eventually, he stops tossing and turning, getting up, putting on some extra layers and heading outside.
Maybe smoking will help clear his head.
Once outside, he notes an odd presence. Putting his cigarettes away, he heads towards the entrance of the school grounds.
Once there, he finds Satoru there too, his eyes wide as he looks into the distance.
'Ah, so he even goes to check things out by himself now.'
Suguru can't help but think bitterly.
There was a time Satoru used to wake him up in the middle of the night for something as simple as eating cake.
" You feel it too?"
Satoru's speechless, for once in his life.
" Suguru, it's- it's-"
Suguru's eyes widen as a shadow comes into view, followed by another creature.
It's you. There's no mistake in that. If your form wasn't enough to prove so, then the blood red Shikigami following you is. It resembles a horse, somewhat. It's partially made up of skeleton too. It's a terrifying sight to behold.
You don't even make it inside the entrance, falling to the floor as you throw the objects in your hands to the ground.
Neither of them bother to pick it up as they rush over to you, however, before they can reach you, your Shikigami steps in front of you protectively, holding an offending stance.
You're still conscious.
Seeing you up close now, you're covered in blood. you're in an absolute horrible shape. Pale, thin, weak.
Suguru realizes he hates this look on you.
You sputter, coughing up more blood as you get up.
You've always had an ominous aura to you, but the potential of your cursed energy was at the moment absolutely terrifying.
Suguru is quick to turn to Satoru.
" Wake Shoko."
Speechless, the white haired teen does just that, picking up the objects you've dropped along the way so you don't need to worry about that. Suguru tries approaching you once again.
" Y/N, dismiss the Shikigami. I can't come closer than this while it's active- It's not allowing me to."
You're dazed, going in and out of consciousness every few seconds. Left with absolutely no resolve, you nod. Barely a second later, your Shikigami dissolves, your blood pooling on the ground. Suguru rushes over to you, scooping you up in his arms and running off, following Satoru.
Your blood seeps through his clothes at a worrisome pace.
He glances down at you worriedly.
" Hold on, Y/n."
You've been out for a few weeks now. Shoko tends to you for a few hours a day, making sure your health is adjusting well.
It turned out out that your blood was poisonous. Shoko had her hands full as she treated both you, and Suguru who had gotten injured by your blood which had been seeping through your clothes. Thankfully, it didn't take long for him to heal, thanks to Shoko's help. Within a few days, he was all healed again.
Currently, he was switching the flowers of your vase. He did so every week. He'd venture into the forest to clear his mind, notice the red flowers that reminded him of you, pluck a few and then bring them to you.
He's still stuck in mind. Still spiraling. And he's slowly getting somewhere. Where? He doesn't know.
He's starting to refer to non sorcerers as monkeys now.
" Damn, you look like shit."
Suguru's eyes widen as he turns around.
Sure enough, you're awake. You look no better than him. Perhaps even worse.
" You don't look much better than I do though."
You shrug. The movement must hurt, but you don't show him.
You raise your arms, noting the bandages, now clean for once, in place.
He takes the seat beside your bed.
" Where have you been? You had us worried sick."
You huff, closing your eyes as you lean on your side.
" Collecting those godforsaken fingers."
Suguru's eyes widen.
" Sukuna's fingers?"
You nod.
" Four popped up. So I got all four of them. Then I got stuck on a curse user cult who wanted to use the fingers. I ended up murdering all of them. Then I panicked, so I decided to disappear.. But everywhere those fingers go, curses pop up. So I decided 'well, fuck that' and decided to drop them here, finally. I'll figure out how to deal with the higher ups later."
Suguru's mouth thins into a line.
You had been used as a pawn. They were trying to kill you without doubt. He's somewhat proud to say they failed.
Nonetheless, he can't help but realize something.
Was this the path they were meant to follow? Were all his comrades and friends going to end up dead? All because those damn monkeys can't control their cursed energy?
He leans over, brushing a loose strand of your hair which had fallen in your face. He brushes the thought away. For now. Your eyes, which had been closed, open again. You hadn't expected that.
" Perhaps Satoru can help in dealing with the higher ups. He's become the strongest. They can't move against him"
You raise a brow in question.
He explains what happened on his own mission last year. It's nice to confide in you. It feels safe. He's noticed that you always seemed to be a steady neutral.
" I see. I'm sorry you went through that.. And that poor girl."
You're looking blankly at the ceiling, genuinely feeling sorry for the girl.
He glances at you.
" Y/N, You're always so neutral in things. Why is that? Why do you feel sorry for me after all you have been through?"
Suguru has no idea of your story before Jujutsu Tech apart from what he's been told. But judging by the sight of your many scars, there was no doubt that you had quite a story to you.
You sigh, your eyes studying him.
" That's a story for another time..."
With that, you flop on your belly, enjoying the press of the mattress against your body.
He ends up visiting you a lot, and spending a lot of time with you altogether.
You grow more comfortable around him as well, often reaching out for him, though you've still been keeping your opinions to yourself.
Currently, Suguru was stood at the entrance of the garage of Jujutsu Tech, watching Tsukumo Yuki ride off.
He notices the shadow that seems to approach, and the flash of bandaged wrists as you switch your plastic bag from one hand to the other.
" Y/N? Are you even supposed to be out of bed?"
You shrug as you approach him. Once close enough, he gently pulls the hood that's covering your face off your head, now able to stare into your eyes again.
Even in the turmoil of his own feelings, he's somehow made space for you. He finds himself looking forward to see you, reaching out to gently touch you, and often basking in your companionship.
He doesn't know, but you feel the same. Your past has forced you to toughen up, and you had been alone for a very, very long time. You were grateful to spent a lot of time with Suguru.
" Dunno. Wanted snacks. I got some for you and Satoru too."
Satoru has been spending time with you too, but much less. He's always busy. Always sent off somewhere to deal with something.
You pity him. But no one knows that.
Suguru smiles weakly at you. He hadn't smiled like you remembered for a very long time, but you rarely comment on it. Not today either.
" That was Tsukumo Yuki."
" The other special grade sorcerer?"
He hums, gently taking the bag from you. You're healing. You shouldn't even be out walking right now, so why let you carry stuff you so stubbornly got yourself?
" What'd she say?"
" She wishes she could've spoken to you and Satoru too. She might come by soon.. Among other things."
you raise a brow, noting the chance in his tone.
" What other things?
" Did you know curses come from non curse users?"
" No. I didn't... Why?"
" She spoke of ending the fight by the cause. "
"... By the non sorcerers?"
You're catching onto what he's suggesting, evidently.
" .... What if we... say.... kill every non sorcerer. It would end the curses. There would be no need to do this anymore."
Your expression is neutral as you slowly nod.
Suguru sighs. He stops walking, turning to face you fully.
" Why do you never speak your opinion?"
You blink at him, once.
" I think Blood Shikigami might be a technique that's hiding away in more people."
Suguru's brows raise in confusion. Where did this suddenly come from?
" The signs don't show. A Blood Shikigami user isn't born with pretty blue eyes, and can't create hand motions to summon their Shikigami. Our Shikigami are different too, depending per person. As a child, I was invested in folklore. Hence why my Shikigami look like folklore...."
You glance nervously, but he's patient, waiting for you to continue your story.
" I was born in a happy family. We weren't rich, but we were well off. One day, thieves broke in. The scene was quick to turn bloody. I don't remember how old I was. I think 8. I was scared. And I got injured. I hoped a cool creature would protect me. I thought snakes were cool. I had read about Basilisks.... The more my blood spilled, the bigger my Basilisk became. It killed the thieves, and by accident, the destruction it caused killed my parents."
You take a deep breath at the memory. Suguru still doesn't speak up. He knows there's more to come.
" After that I was passed around foster families. I learned that the more opinions I had, the more emotions, the more dangerous I became. I injured several families. Most were abusive. Usually verbally, but some physically. I didn't kill them but they got what they deserved. I don't regret it. Eventually I ran away. I was done being passed around. And then I started fighting curses. I wasn't worth anything as a person anymore, but I realized I am useful as a weapon."
Suguru's mouth is slightly ajar. You did in fact face a lot.
" I've suppressed my opinions. And at this point, I truly don't care anymore. At the end of the day we're all people, and we all die anyway, so who cares. I don't care who eventually dies first. Even if it will most likely be me."
Suguru is speechless.
" I- I'm sorry you had to go through that."
You smile lightly at him, shaking your head.
" It's alright. I ended up meeting you, Satoru and Shoko after all."
He smiles slightly in response.
" Y/N."
He steps closer, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, crossing a line.
" Just know that you're so much more than a weapon."
Your eyes are wide as you look up at him, your heart skipping a beat. His own eyes visibly soften as he looks at you too.
Suguru has killed an entire village. You know why. Something must've set him off. Haibara's death was already heavy for him, you don't doubt that something in the village has set him off as well. Satoru is refusing to believe so. You know better. You're well aware of his ever growing disdain for non sorcerers after all. The other day, he's asked to see Satoru in the city. He had explicitly asked you not to come. It made you feel a little insecure, scared.
Was he abandoning you?
You don't know. You hope not. You've come to the realization that you love him. You like to think he loves you too, even if he's never outright said so.
Currently, You're taking a walk along the outskirts of Tokyo, enjoying the peace the surrounding forest offers.
" Y/N."
You don't turn around to face him just yet, your mind guiding you to the depths unnecessarily. Had he come to break up with you? Tell you he would abandon you?
Your insecurities are silly, but then again, you simply don't know better.
" It's quite risky for you to be this close to the school."
He hums, approaching you, gently turning you around to face him, intertwining your fingers with his. Once you're face to face again, he smiles at you. His own, heartfelt smile. Finally, after all this time.
" Yeah, well, had to come get my girl, right? "
You smile at the implications of his words. Up until now, your affection had never really been spoken about. You kissed, held hands, cared for one another. Basically did everything a couple did, without speaking about the official label..
" I've come to ask you to join my cause, Y/N. Leave Jujutsu Tech behind. Come with me."
Your smile falters. Ah right, he was probably here to recruit another special grade for his cause.
Noting your expression, he presses a gentle hand to your face, running his thumb over your cheek affectionately as he shakes his head at you.
" Your days as weapon are over with me, Y/N. I want you to be free at my side. You will no longer have to injure yourself as a command. If you ever wish to fight alongside me, you can, of course, but it's not what I'm asking of you. You're safe with me."
Your eyes widen.
A feeling that has perfectly described your time with Suguru. You go on missions together, and you come back together.
He takes a step back, smiling as he holds out his hand.
You take it.
[ A/N: Maybe I'll make a lil scenarios epilogue, maybe not.]

The first button represents oneself, the second represents one's most beloved person, the third one represents best friend so on and so forth. Therefore, giving your crush the second button conveys the message that you think of her as the most precious person to you

an triengle yooji itahappy
they spin :D

Back to December
Pairing- Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
Summary- You broke up with him because you thought he deserved someone better than you. But here you stand, outside his door, apologising for that night, after realising you loved him too much to let him go. Based on Back to December (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift.
Warnings- angstttt but fluff at the end, hurt/comfort, no curses!au, swearing (maybe), slight ooc suguru (hes called clumsy hehe), probably my english lol.
Word count- 2.3k (excluding lyrics)
A/N- atp yall just know how much big of a swiftie I am lol. So here’s a new fic based on another taylor song haha. And from now on I will write for JJK fandom too coz i’m obsessed lmao. Let me know if you find any mistakes coz this isn’t proofread and hope y’all enjoy.

Knock. Knock. Knock.
You knocked three times on the door of the house you knew all too well as you picked your nails.
Will he want to see you? Will he shout at you? Will he tell you to get lost? Whatever he does, you knew you deserved it.
You stood outside his door impatiently, nerves getting the best of you while you waited for him to open the door. You could hear things falling down from behind it.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. He was always the clumsy one. One of his things which you missed too much. Your eyes fell on thought of this. Oh how much you wished for a change in your mind back then.
You heard the lock of the door being undone and you started to freak out from inside. Was it a good idea to come here? Maybe. You were about to find out.
“Sorry for the delay. I was caught up-” You heard his voice quiet down when he saw you. God how much you missed his voice. You could listen to his voice every second of the day if possible.
You’ve been good, busier than ever
"Y/N," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper as he took in your presence on his doorstep, as if he was making sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
The way he said your name, ached your heart. Because it wasn’t filled with love or warmth as before, instead it was more like recognising a stranger.
You took a deep breath before speaking, “long time no see, Suguru.” You smiled slightly.
He couldn’t believe it. He never thought he’d ever see you again after that unfaithful night. The wishes he made to see you every night before he went to bed actually came true. He could actually hear your voice after whole six months. He felt like he was about to cry.
Your guard is up and I know why
All he wanted to do at this moment was to take you in his arms and never let you go again. But he knew he couldn’t. What if you were here to make things even more awful than they already were? He couldn’t handle another heartbreak. So he stood his ground and decided to talk to you in a civil way.
“Come inside. It’ll start s-snowing soon.” He said, mentally cursing himself for stammering as he stepped aside to let you in.
“Thank you.” You muttered before entering his house. The familiar feeling came back to you. The aura and memories of his house, where you had spent countless nights together crashed into your mind like ocean waves. It was overwhelming and you did your best not to burst into tears.
“I’ll bring you something to drink. You can make yourself comfortable till then.” You heard him speak as he quickly walked into the kitchen.
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You knew he was doing his best to avoid a more than casual conversation with you. Because the last time you had talked, things turned bitter.
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
You still remembered that day like the back of your hand. He had showed up at your house with roses to surprise you and take you out on a surprise date. And you, being a stupid person, ruined it all.
“Here. I didn’t have anything else except for hot chocolate plus I know how much you love it.” He said handing you the cup filled with hot chocolate, his voice becoming a soft mutter at the last part.
‘He still remembers my likes and dislikes.’ You thought as you smiled softly at him and took the cup, your hands brushing a little. Your cheeks immediately turn red as you tried to hide them, while Suguru thanked the gods that his red cheeks won’t be obvious because it’s winter.
I’d go back to December, turn around and make it all right
But you knew him. You were slightly relieved you still had some effects on him like before. How much you regretted leaving him like that. If only you could go back time and make things right.
You took a sip of your hot chocolate before speaking, “thanks for the hot chocolate, Suguru.”
Geto thought he’d just die right now. The way you said his name, it made him want to forget everything that happened and just hold you into his arms, never letting you go again. But he knew he couldn’t do that.
After some long moments of silence, you decided to break it and said, “how have you been, Suguru?”
“I’ve been- good.” He said with a pause in between. He was lying, but he didn’t want you to know his mental state ever since you had left. “What about you?”
You couldn’t repeat his answer for this question, because you knew it was far from the truth. You couldn’t quite recall the last time you slept peacefully. Maybe it was when you were in Suguru’s arms, safe and loved.
Staying up playing back myself leaving
Your mind replayed memories of that unfaithful night, as if trying to torture you for what you had done. It had started to hurt physically. How much you just wanted apologise and hold him into your arms. But you knew you had lost that right. Why? Because of your stupid insecurities.
You had been in a few relationships in the past apart from Geto. And you were always called out for every little thing you did. Whether it was from the way you ate, or the way you talked, they’d make sure to remind you that you weren’t enough and weird, until they all left you alone. This lead you to believe the same, that you were the problem.
That was until you met Suguru. He was everything you could ask in a man. He was charming, a true gentleman, kind and caring boyfriend who never failed to remind you how much you mean to him.
And I think about Summer, all the beautiful times
You often daydreamed about all your memories from your relationship, from sneaking out at night to late night car drives, from celebrating each other’s birthdays to forgetting plans you’d made with your other friends. Your relationship with him was something you read in books about.
You still remembered the day when you realised that he was the guy you were going to marry someday. You had overheard him talking to Gojo about you. You hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but when he mentioned your name, your ears had perked up. And the way be kept on talking about how amazing you were and how much he loved you, you knew he was the one for you.
Then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept right into my mind
But of course you had to ruin it all. The ‘what if’ thoughts came back to you. The thought of losing him because you weren’t good enough for him, scared you. You had told him about your past relationships, and he always reminded you that you are more than enough for him and he loves you with all of his heart.
Fuck your stupid negativity. You tried to believe him, you really did. But your mind wouldn’t let you. So it lead you to the one thing which you knew you were going to regret for the rest of your life. You let him go. And you hated yourself for it.
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye
You still remembered the way his face had immediately fallen the moment you spoke those words. He had tried to reason with you, but you wouldn’t listen. And you had slammed the door shut on his face.
Geto didn’t stop bombarding your phone with countless texts and missed calls for days. But you didn’t reply to any of them. Until one day he stopped. Maybe he realised that he was just wasting time being after you. Maybe he realised that you were the problem after all.
It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
Wishing I’d realised what I had when you were mine
You thought you had did the right thing but turns out, you didn’t. You had only made things worse for both of you. Because you know what they say, you only realise the value of something when its gone. And it turns out that you had loved him too much. You couldn’t let him go. Because you had realised that he was too precious for you to let go and you couldn’t survive without him.
So here you were, six months later, on his couch, drinking hot chocolate. You slowly came out of your thoughts and said the only thing which came into your mind, “I’m sorry.”
To say Geto was surprised was an understanding. He expected anything but an apology from you tonight. Blame him for being conscious and hurt. He didn’t say anything, giving the cue to continue.
“I’m so sorry, Suguru.” You started, trying your best not to sob, “I know this is probably the last thing you expect from me and won’t believe me but I mean it. I’m really sorry. I’m such a fucked up person, who always makes things worse, ruins perfectly going on lives of people, who always lives in self-doubts.”
“Y/N, I-”, Geto started to say something but you cut him off before he could say it.
“Please let me finish.” Geto nodded in response.
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night, the first time you ever saw me cry
“I miss everything about you, about us. I miss how every morning you didn’t fail to wish me ‘good morning’, I miss how you never forgot to check up on me, I miss how you always found a way to make me feel special. I miss how you always held me close to you whenever I didn’t feel like myself. And most of all, I miss the way you used to love me.” You said, tears now falling uncontrollably from your eyes but you don’t care, determined to make things right.
I’d go back in time and change it but I can’t
So you continued, “thing is that I love you, Suguru Geto. And I love you too much to let you go. I made a stupid move by letting you go when all I wanted to do was hold you into my arms. And I hate myself for it. These past six months, I’ve been terrible. There’s not been a single day where I have not wished for myself to be somehow able to go back in time and make things right, stop myself from leaving. But I know I can’t.” You took a deep breath.
So if the chain is on your door I understand
“I know my actions are not something to be easily forgiven, but I promise to do anything to win your trust and love back. I’m willing to change. I’m willing to make things up with you. I swear that if you take me back again, I will love you right and never let you go. Because I have realised my life is nothing if you’re not in it. Please take me back, Suguru. I promise to prove myself worthy of your love.” You couldn’t speak anything after this, sobs continuously escaping your mouth.
Geto stood there, tears in his eyes as well, contemplating what to say. Your apology had caught him off guard, but he knew you had meant every word. He knew that his life was incomplete without you too.
But this is me swallowing my pride
You didn’t hear him speak for a good few minutes, so you take his silence as rejection. Of course he would reject you. You had hurt him, why would he want to get back with someone like you. You let out a shaky breath as a sigh, disappointment for you escaping through it as you stood up.
Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night
You attempted to smile through your tears. If this was going to be the last time you see him, might as well say goodbye with a smile.
“I got your answer, Suguru. Thank you for giving me best moments of my life. Maybe I didn’t get to have you back, but at least I can live on with your memories. Maybe I-” You didn’t get to finish your sentence as you felt a pair of all too familiar lips on yours, shutting you up.
It turns our freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
You widened your eyes from surprise but immediately shut them as you kissed back, your hands reaching to hug his neck, bringing him closer to you. Suguru wrapped his one arm around your waist and other made its way in your nape, holding you just like he always used to.
Both of you could taste salty tears as you kissed, but weren’t sure who’s they were. All that mattered in that moment was the two of you. You poured all of your love, apprehensions, bottled up feelings for him, regrets into this kiss. He kissed you with same passion. As if your lips were the only thing he needed to survive.
Few moments later, Geto pulled away, foreheads still attached to yours, as he looked into your eyes. “Y/N, in these six months, you made me realise that the only thing which can complete me whole is you. Not getting to tell you these was tearing me apart. I thought I had lost you for good, but then you showed up at my door and all those feelings I had for you doubled. I love all of you, Y/N and I always will. And I’m willing to give us another chance, just promise me that you will talk to me next time you have those negative thoughts.”
Your heart melted hearing his words as you nodded, “I promise.”
Suguru ran his hand through your hair as he spoke again, “and I-I’ll need some time to completely forgive you. I hope you understand that. I’m just scared that you’ll leave me again.”
You quickly shook your head, “I mean it this time, Suguru. I’d never even dream of leaving you. I just got you back. And it’s okay. Take your time. I’m willing to wait for you, even if it is for an eternity.”
Suguru smiled at your words and pulled you into his chest as he swayed you slowly, holding you tightly close to him, and you finally felt complete again. You kissed his neck as you returned his gesture, silently promising him and yourself to never give up on him and let him go ever again.
I’d go back to December all the time
Ahhh I loved writing angst sm but it always breaks my heart if it doesn’t end with fluff. Anyways hope y’all liked this and if you want, you can send in request for JJK characters too!
(I might’ve gotten a little carried away at the end but i think it was worth it lmao)
You are in Love
Pairing- Gojo Satoru x fem!Reader
Summary- The three times he realised he loved you, and the one time he said it. Inspired by You are in Love (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift.
Warnings- Its just fluff, a little angst if you squint? SATORU IS WHIPPED (hes so cute😭), best friends to lovers romance, Shoko and Suguru playing cupids, whipped satoru (yes this warning again), swearing (its only one word but still), no curses!au, modern!au, my poor english :p
Word Count- 3.5k words
A/N- Whenever I listen to Taylor, either this guy or his best friend pop up in my head. Like the amount of times I think about them is so insane and I can’t help it anymore. Anyways, here’s another songfic (is this even a surprise atp?) based on another Taylor’s song coz i love that woman so much. Alsoooo it’s my birthday today! And what is better than writing a fic abt your man on your birthday? So I hope y’all enjoy this little birthday gift from me!

The first time Satoru realised he loved you was when you were in college together. It was the last day of the semester before everyone bid farewell to each other and went home for the holiday season. You and him were walking along one pathway coming back from your Christmas shopping, snow falling softly around everyone’s body, and a chill in the air that made everyone want to snuggle up beside the fireplace in their houses.
Suguru and Shoko had joined you both too but then excused themselves to leave you two alone, hoping that the romantic ambiance of the holiday season would finally give Satoru the confidence to tell you how he felt.
To say he was a nervous wreck was an understanding. He had spent the whole afternoon talking to himself in the mirror, practicing what he would say so that he won't stumble on his words and ruin the moment.
He didn't have a problem talking to you as he normally does; you were his best friend after all, like Suguru and Shoko, but once he tries to tell you that you make his heart beat faster, make butterflies flood his stomach, it makes him lose all his senses. Suguru had to drag him out of his room, complaining about waiting for 'thirty fucking minutes' already.
Eventually, he met you and Shoko at the front gate of his house and walked with you towards the mall. The entire day, he felt so jittery, like he couldn’t stay still. You remained oblivious to the fact that Satoru was about ready to burst from the inside from how nervous he was.
Suguru and Shoko, on the other hand, couldn’t contain their laughter. By the time the sky began to fade into the night sky, Suguru and Shoko decided that now was as good of a time than ever and made up an excuse to leave the two of you alone.
Now here you were, walking beside Satoru, bundled up in your white scarf, and the cutest red blush on the tip of your nose. You readjusted your beanie, looking up at him to start conversation. Satoru felt his words get stuck in his throat, unable to remember how to speak with you staring up at him with the twinkle of oblivion in your eye.
"Toru?" you asked bumping your shoulder with him, noticing his uneasy expressions as you wrapped an arm around yourself to get some warmth as the snow had started to fall little more harshly, "am I that boring that your mind had to drift somewhere else?"
"God no." He blushed, finally able to say something without stumbling. Without thought, he wrapped one of his arm around you, bringing you closer to him. You sighed in content, melting into him and Satoru swore his heart swelled three times its size.
The snow crunched under your boots as you walked up the path. The lights lining the cobblestone street gave a yellow tint to the sight. He walked with you in silence but in his head, he was going over exactly what he wanted to say. This was the perfect time.
The snow falling from the sky, little snowflakes tangled in the strands of your hair. You were pressed up against his chest, so close to him that he could smell your perfume, sweet and addicting. There were no other people around, all too eager to find sanctuary in warmth that their houses brought. It was the perfect time.
He stopped walking, halting you with him. He let you go for a moment, taking a deep breath in and slowly let it out. You watched as the cloud of fog escaped his lips and dispersed into the air. His white hair poked out from under his hoodie, matted on his forehead. Satoru looked down at his wet boots, kicking around snow that pooled around the soles.
Finally, he looked up, taking your two hands into his palms in the process.
You smiled at the gesture, your heart fluttering in your chest. You looked at him, offering a comforting look as you raised your eyebrows up in suspicion, “What’s up, Toru?”
And just like that, all of the words he worked so hard to conjure up, slipped right out of his mind. When he saw you looking up at him, eyebrows raised, cheeks and nose tinted with a light shade of pink, and your lips plump and red, he realized that there were no words to describe what it was he felt about you.
You watched him in silence, studying the way he gave you a lopsided smile when you tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear. He leaned into your touch, letting out another sigh of relief.
“Nothing,” he finally spoke, letting go of your hands. He wrapped his arm around you again, hoping you won’t hear the marching of his heart in his chest. “You’re my best friend.”
The second time he realised he loved you was when he found you crying on your couch. He had came to check on you when you didn’t come over for the routine movie night. Every Saturday, you, him, Suguru and Shoko got together at each other’s places for movie nights. Laughter, jokes, entertainment, talks, drinks and what not went on full night and the next day all of you were passed out on either couch or the floor.
Today everyone was coming over at Satoru’s place. Suguru and Shoko were already there but when it kept getting late, Satoru became worried about you. Shoko tried assuring him you were okay, just stuck in some work but he wouldn’t believe it. Because you were time punctual and never missed the movie nights.
So he came over to yours and opened your door with the spare key you’d given him only to find you curled up in your couch, crying.
He immediately rushed over to you and wrapped his arms around you tightly as you held onto him. He didn’t say anything but stayed there, holding you, feeling his heart break as you sobbed into his chest.
A few moments later, when he felt you relaxing a little, he took your face in his hands as he asked, “better?”
You just nodded as you snuggled into him. Neither of you two said anything, a comfortable silence, just sitting there on your couch, engulfing each other, enjoying each other’s company.
“Now tell me what happened?” he asked softly when your crying had quieted down, afraid you might break again.
“It’s nothing. I just- its too much. Work, studies, family, everything. I just got too overwhelmed and just couldn’t keep it in anymore. And I had nobody present here for me to tell me that its okay or listen about what I felt.” You said now realising what mess you had made and quite embarrassed that Satoru had to see you this vulnerable. “God this is embarrassing! I’m so sorry.”
“Hey look at me.” He said, cupping your cheeks to make you look at him when you didn’t. “Everyone in this world has a vulnerable side. Everyone on this planet has things which is maybe too much overwhelming for them that they might just break at any point. Just like you did. But don’t ever apologise for this. Because none of it is your fault. Okay? And I’m always here for you. Even if you’re far away, I’ll always be there. You’re not alone, okay?”
You just nodded and gave him the smile he adored so much. And without saying anything else, he wrapped both of his arms around you once again, letting you rest your head on his chest. He kissed your forehead and hummed in content as you snuggled even closer to him if possible.
And as he looked down at the girl in his arms, he realised this is what he wanted for the rest of his life. He loved you.
The third time he realised he loved you was after summer. He hadn’t talked or heard from you since 4 months.
You left without a goodbye or a message to god knows where. He'd tried searching for you but always ended up getting disappointed. Suguru and Shoko missed you too. They had helped him to find you too but to no avail. It was like you’d disappeared into thin air.
Satoru often wondered if you ever thought about him like he did, if you missed him like he did. He knew you were probably out there pursuing your dream career, which you'd always talked about and wanted to do, but a part of him wanted to be there with you. To support and cheer for you at every step you take, to give you advices, to have late night celebration for your achievements. Call him selfish and everything. Everyday that passed, he cursed himself for not telling you how he felt before you left. Would it have made any difference? He’d like to think so. Even if it didn’t, he, at least, wouldn’t have to live every single day thinking: “What if?”
He kept a picture of you in his office. He often looked at it whenever he was free, always wondering how you were doing, if you were okay or not. Suguru and Shoko always found this sight pitful. They had tried to get him to move on, but all of them knew that Satoru was so in love with you and you were special to all three of them and that nobody could ever take your place.
It wasn’t until six months later when you stumbled into the building, chewing nervously on your bottom lip. A part of you knew you didn’t have the right to be there because you left them with no warning. You wouldn’t blame them if they asked you to leave the premises the minute their eyes landed on you. You knew you deserved the cold shoulder. Because if they were the ones who did that to you, you knew you wouldn’t be so forgiving.
The receptionist had told you to wait while she checked if the three of them were free or not. As you waited, you smiled sadly at the memories of last six months. You had gone for higher studies, as your dad had promised, for your dream career. You knew you should’ve at least informed someone before you left but everything happened just so fast that one moment your dad had agreed on your consent and the next moment you were on the plane.
Surely you enjoyed the studies and training period there, Paris being busy in days and nights, but having really nice places to visit. You would always go to the Eiffel tower, watching the sunset, half expecting for Satoru to wrap his arm around your waist but whenever you turned your head you’d always met with empty space. Whenever you came home exhausted, you always expected Satoru to be there with dinner ready and him greeting you with a welcome home kiss.
That’s why you came back. To be in his arms. To be able to kiss him. To be able to call him yours. Because you’d realise that your life was nothing if Gojo Satoru wasn’t in it.
The receptionist told you to go upstairs at floor 5 but as you were about to click the lift button, you heard someone running on the stairs. You turned to look who it was and your eyes locked with a pair of blue ones which were close to home. He just looked at you and slowly stepped towards you as you did the same.
When you were both closer to each other, he brought his hand up, touching your cheeks delicately as if making sure you were real.
Satoru couldn’t believe it. When the receptionist called him and said that someone named Y/N L/N was here to meet him, he left all his works and ran downstairs. And now that he’d seen you, he was mesmerised and shocked. Shocked because you were really here and mesmerised because you looked even more beautiful than before. He touched your cheeks delicately, making sure you were really here and not another one of his hallucinations. And then without another thought he took you into his arms and held you tight and closer to him, now promising himself to never let you go. All the feelings he still had for you, tripled. His heart rumbled in his chest, adrenaline pumping through his veins. Even after all this time, he was still so in love with you.
“No need to tell me where you were. Because I already know.” You were tearing up as you finally felt complete in his arms and realised how much you loved him.
“Don’t ever leave me like that again.” He said as he was starting to tear up too. He loved you so much and the thought of being apart once again was killing him.
“I won’t. Ever again. I promise.”
It didn’t take long for Satoru to tell you how he felt after you came back. He couldn’t hold it in any longer. Every moment that he didn’t get to call you his, chipped his heart. Both Shoko and Suguru were growing tired of it, encouraging him to just say it because they were sure you felt the same. He tried to ignore them, not wanting to get his hopes up, but he couldn’t help but think about how amazing it would feel if you told him you loved him back.
You came over to Satoru’s for dinner that night, Suguru insisted that they all missed you too much to go out to a restaurant. After dinner and catching up with everyone, you and Satoru excused yourselves and walked out in the garden. His hands were in his pockets, unable to look at you for more than a few seconds at a time. He’s been practicing what to say to you since years and yet, he still felt unprepared.
You were walking silently beside him, taking in the silence and calmness of the life you’re living now. You no longer had to worry about anything, just the day to day necessities, and your feelings for Satoru. Subconsciously, you intertwined your fingers with his snuggling up to his side for some warmth.
He froze for a moment. This is it, he thought, this is the perfect moment. So before he lost his confidence, he spoke, “Y/N, I have something to tell you.”
“Yes, Toru?” you asked, rubbing your thumb over the top of his hand. “What is it?”
There it was. He missed it. He missed the way you called him ‘Toru’. And now finally hearing it from you made his heart skip many beats.
He held you in your place, stopping in the middle of a field of flowers. The moon illuminated one side of your face, showing off your perfect features. Satoru smiled, reaching over to caress your cheekbone. With tears in his eyes, he said, “I love you.”
You gasped softly, looking up at him, “What?”
“I’m in love with you, Y/N,” Satoru sighed, connecting his forehead with yours. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting out a breathy laugh, “I’ve been in love with you for so long.”
You slowly brought your hand to his face and cupped his cheek as he melted in your touch. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I was afraid of what you'd say. I didn't want to ruin our friendship and lose you. I just thought that maybe if you didn't love me like that, I'd still have you. Even if it's just as your best friend."
"Then why now?" you asked, you voice getting even quieter. He kissed the palm of your hand as he met your eyes.
"Because after all those years of crushing on you, all those months of not being able to see you or be in your arms, made me realise how much in love I was with you. All those six months, you consumed all of my thoughts, your laughter was all I could hear in my silent nights, your smile was all I could see everywhere I went. And not being able to tell you how much I loved you was killing me." He finished, tears flowing uncontrollably from his eyes.
You didn't know when your eyes started tearing up. All you knew was how much you loved him at this moment. Him confessing all his feelings for you, so vulnerably. It made you realise how much you just wanted to hold him and never let him go.
So you said, "I'm in love with you too, Satoru."
At first he thought his ears were playing tricks on him. You loved him back? His eyes shot open, pulling away from you as he stared at you in disbelief. “Y-you love me?”
"Yes, you idiot." You chuckled through your tears, pulling him closer. Your lips ghosted over his, causing him to shiver. "I've been in love with you for a really long time as well."
"I'm really an idiot, aren't I?" he said, laughing a little.
"Yes, you are. But you're my idiot."
And with that, he kissed you. All those years where he hid his feelings came pouring out in this one kiss. His hands cupped your cheeks, pulling your face closer to his like there was any more space between the two of you to close. Your arms looped around his neck, his one hand snaked down to your waist to steady you while one still remained on your cheek. He kissed you, pouring in all his regrets, mistakes, apprehensions, into his love, no longer wanting to pass up an opportunity to love you for the rest of his life.
And when he pulled back for air, he had the biggest smile on his face. "I'm the luckiest man on this earth." You pecked him again as you gave him your biggest grin.
On your way back home, you could feel it, you could hear it in the silence, you could see it with the lights out in the garden. It lingered between you two, suffocating you but it was the best feeling ever. Gojo Satoru is in love with you. You are in love.

New fanart of this pretty boy (Always pretty, ALWAYS).

Suguru shortly after visits that village(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
(I never wanted to be a mirror so much)


𝑆𝑢𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑢 𝐺𝑒𝑡𝑜 𝑥 𝑉𝑖𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟!
𝑌𝑜𝑢’𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ-𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟. 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑦𝑜𝑢? 𝑊ℎ𝑦 𝑐𝑎𝑛’𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑒 ℎ𝑖𝑚?
18+/Virgin Reader/half-rape?/submissive reader/Geto Is an asshole/ Geto doesn't give a fuck about your virginity
Sorry for any errors! This story is translated from italian!
The feeling of being trapped was an experience you regularly confronted.
It was as if the walls were closing around you, depriving you of the vital air. Each breath became an act of resistance, and a tangle of emotions lurked in your chest. It was like swallowing a scrawl, unbearable and oppressive nestled between your lungs and your throat, not allowing you to live peacefully, continually crushed by a silent oppression.
After years of imprisonment in your prison, your old master had "bought" you through unclear methods.
You imagined that your savior would show compassion, wrapping you in a warm embrace and giving you reassuring caresses.
However, reality turned out to be a stark disappointment.
The hoped-for warmth turned into betrayal.
Liberation, awaited with hope, manifested itself as a "change of chains", an invisible but inexorable bond that still bound you.
The promises of affection, so sweetly coveted by your love-hungry soul, were dissolved in the glacial revelation of the true intentions of that calculating man. Instead of regaining your freedom, you found yourself anchored to a jailer again.
The binding pact became more and more oppressive, an invisible but powerful net that tightened your being to that horrolible man. The power you possessed, though extraordinary, turned out to be a double blade, a gift that had condemned you to a life of dependence and submission.
You were neither completely human nor completely cursed, a mixture of essences that defied conventional categories. Your identity was lost in a maze of uncertainties, and the label of "bastard blood", thrown by your master, sounded like a bitter echo on your head.
Ten years of this covenant turned into an eternity.
You didn't get old, while your master, the architect of your destiny, gave in to human frailty. Her wheelchair was an eloquent symbol of time passing, but to you, trapped in an endless stasis, it represented an eternal prison with no way out.
Ironically, you would have preferred to face the danger of battle, with its thrill and its uncertainty, rather than live this life without prospects, linked to a master who considered you a mere instrument, a "bastard blood" with no name or purpose.
One night, your awakening was abruptly interrupted by a sense of unease.
As you put your feet down from bed, the stifled screams of several people rang out in the air, making you shudder.
The opening of the sliding door of your room revealed a disturbing panorama: dancing flames devoured the wood of the beams, the crackle of the fire resounded in the corridors of the estate.
Your heart was beating fast as you rushed to the exit of the mansion, looking for a way out.
In the midst of the general chaos, the opportunity to escape like a little mouse between the cracks of the walls was inviting. Your beloved freedom materialized around the corner, and the decision to abandon your master to his fate, indifferent to his possible death, began to make you tremble with happiness.
The call of freedom was an irresistible song, an opportunity for redemption from the chains that had held you captive for so long.
As the flames devoured the past, you advanced into an uncertain future, aware that that moment would mark the beginning of a new, and perhaps more authentic, phase of your existence.
Your feet were tingling, your head was light, you didn’t believe it either, just one more little step and...
«Is this how you respect your master’s binding pact?» a voice had called your attention, making you turn in fear.
Among the flames you couldn’t tell where he came from, maybe he was one of the servants? Or one of his henchmen?
You put yourself in an attack position while the thick smoke came through your nostrils, burning your lungs.
«What a naughty girl, waiting for the right moment to unload her master, are you one of those opportunists? Who comes and goes like a cat?».
Your eyes had become darker, you had no intention of talking, you were focused in the tall figure that was making room among the burning rubble.
Her hair was long, and pitch-black. They were very thin threads, which in the night breeze and the mist created by the smoke, had you distracted for a moment.
Was he a... priest?
«Do not be fooled by these robes», his voice was calm, a smile cut his face, in contrast to the pupils without light.
«I warn you...», you had said trembling, maintaining the position of attack.
«oh~», he smiled, «you are free to face me, but I have the feeling that you will lose».
You took a deep breath.
«Don’t worry, I’m on your side», why didn’t you believe it?
«Aren’t you the Jolly of that stupid vile cheap sorcerer? You’re not a very offensive weapon, are you? Indeed, I would say that you are like... Mh... A kind of booster for us sorcerers, an extremely powerful booster».
You had backed up.
«Who are you?»
«Do you want to be free?» your eyes had collided with his, a light had formed in your pupils.
«Did I strike the point?» oh, he did.
«Allow me to assimilate you», he said as he reached out an hand towards you, «and I promise you that I will give to you a worthy life».
Your face had contracted, «Don't you dare! You speak of freedom? This is not freedom!».
The priest’s eyes had become so intense that you swore you could feel his gaze on your skin.
«I am not giving you a real choice. Do you know what will happen to your soul if you don't continue to draw from a cursed fulcrum?» Your heart had lost a few beats.
«Your master is dead, how long will it take before you fall down exhausted? Trudging to death?».
Your breath was fast, he was the one who killed him? Why?
«You are wrong, this is not true».
He had snapped his tongue, his eyebrows raised, «Does the truth hurt, babe?».
«B-babe? , h-how you dare? I have been in this world for much longer than you and anyone miserable human being», you had stammered indignantly.
The man had laughed, a laugh that had almost sweet, but with a bitter aftertaste.
«Mh~, I’m interested», his voice had been low in your ears, causing you a myriad of chills.
You didn’t answer, you were silent, too worried about what came out of his mouth, a statement that scared you.
«Go ahead, look for your freedom out there», his face had bent in a clever smile, he had then made a small note fly at your feet.
«you are free to come and visit me, when you will feel ready, or when you will not be able to resist anymore».
With a snap of his fingers he had vanished into a black and suffocating miasma.
Why weren’t you happy?
You could have been free after all this time, and yet there you were, stunned, standing at the entrance to the temple.
As the building collapsed on itself, the sound of the crackling fire was the only thing you could hear, as well as an unprecedented discomfort.
Your eyes rested on the little card. You had taken it between your fingers, turning it around and studying it.
Geto Suguru.
Was that the name of that strange priest?
Next to his name there was a phone number, the writing was in black and quite small.
Why would he have a business card?
Perplexed, yet emotionally challenged, you had walked the time steps backwards.
Why were you already tired? Why was your vision foggy?
You grinded your teeth, clenched your jaw.
He couldn’t really be right.

The days passed slowly.
You managed to get a hot meal that night, one after a long time. Your coveted freedom had become a nightmare.
You found out, at your expense, that living free in the real world was harder than you thought, and then, we wanted to talk about your mental and physical health?
There were times that you were burning from the inside, attracted by the cursed energy as if you were a moth attracted to the light.
At night you wriggled in pain, clutching that strange guy’s business card.
So, he was a sorcerer? Why did you start caring about it?
Why did you want to see him again? Why did you run desperately to the first pay phone when you found a coin on the ground?
«Temple of the Star Union, how can I help you?»
«Good evening, I umh...», your heart hurt, «Suguru Geto? Umh, he told me to call this number in case I... Emh..»
«Wait in line, we will redirect the call immediately».
You waited for a few seconds while you squeezed the phone until your knuckles turned white.
«Yes?» his voice, modified by the phone, had destabilized you for a moment.
«I am not here to waste time, explain your request quickly», he seemed bored, while he treated you with a tone of sufficence.
«Umh, you told me to call you, then I-».
«Babe! Is it you?!» his tone of voice had changed, he suddenly seemed so interested.
Leaving aside the nickname he gived you, you said a dry and insecure «Yes».
«Oh~, I’m glad to hear you. Have you changed your mind?» His voice made a strange effect on you, something you’d never felt before, was it... desire?
«Are you sick? Poor baby»
Your salivation was decreasing, your mouth was kneaded, and all you did was swallow.
Of course you were sick, and you would have done anything to stop that pain.
«I beg you, make it stop», you had prayed him weeping, «it hurts so much».
Your eyes were filled with tears, you were so ashamed: you had denied his help and now you crawled from him like a worm.
In the end, Suguru predicted what would be inevitable, and now here you are begging for help.
Pathetic, that’s how you feel about yourself in front of Geto’s mocking voice.
You reported your location, shortly after, a fancy car showed up to pick you up.
When you saw the sorcerer, waiting for you to open the door of the car, you wanted to rush in the wake of his cursed energy.
While the driver’s scent was nonexistent, the sorcerers' was so intense that you completely lost your mind.
You approached cautiously, but when you were only a few inches away, the game was over.
Suddenly you had laid your head on his chest, eagerly inhaling his aura and energy. Oh, what a wonderful feeling, how well you feel, with his body close.
Your soul was regenerating, but it seemed like it wasn’t enough.
You clung to him, almost wishing you could get under his skin.
«It seems that you are exhausted, poor thing».
Your eyes were humidified, «for your luck I have a lot of more cursed energy than that old man».
Your chest tightened, you felt defeated and emotionally down, and yet, in those strong arms, you felt better.
He was right, he was always right, and you, stupid, were just too proud to admit it.
He had you sitting next to him in the back.
«Rest, recover», your cheek kept resting on his shoulder, you liked it, you had never felt such strength.
As you looked at an indefinite point, you were absorbed in your thoughts, at the mercy of your emotions.
Oh, if only you’d discovered that feeling before...
While Geto was giving you his energy, you, as if you were a leech, were clinging to his essence, like the pathetic and shameless little girl you were.
Exhausted, your vision quickly darkened.

You’ve been standing in front of Geto’s quarters for over five minutes.
You put your fingers on the Washi paper door, wondering if this burden would ever end.
Within a week you had been able to understand that you could not stay away from Suguru for more than two hours.
In the absence of a binding covenant to join you to the beating heart of a master’s energy, you were unable to process that force properly.
Result? You found yourself dangling in pain along the corridors of the temple, searching for some object that the master of the temple touched.
You had sensed his pillows in the lobby where he received the "patients", but each time you were so greedy that you quickly consumed every bit of the essence that made them so unbearable.
You had touched the handles that he had touched with his palm, you had walked the way he had done during the day. You were intoxicated with his essence in his office, going so far as to "taste" the pen he held most of the time.
Oh, you felt so needy.
You licked the tip of the pen with your tongue, and you felt relief.
When you completely immersed it in your mouth, you were quick to drain every drop of what Suguru was releasing into the environment.
You tilted your head back, thinking about how satisfying it would be to have his fingers in your mouth, while you licked them sourly.
What you developed was a real obsession, and the longer this story went on, the more frightened you were about tour feelings.
That evening his essence scattered throughout the temple was no longer enough for you.
You’d been standing there for ten minutes, hoping Suguru would notice you, praying he’d let you in.
«What are you waiting for? You are stopped in front of my door for more than ten minutes now», and with calibrated and indecisive step you had crossed the line that marked a point of no return.
His room was bigger than the one he gave you, definitely full of everything about him.
Your head was dizzy, could you be that desperate?
He sat in his desk, dressed only in a wide shirt and sweatpants, you’d never seen him like this. For a moment, he had completely taken you by surprise.
He was dragging the same pen you desecrated a few days ago into various documents.
He signed something, maybe they were important documents.
You didn’t care what they were, you were more attracted to his elegant movements.
When his gaze turned towards you, you almost jumped on the spot.
«I imagine there is something you have to ask me», his voice cooed between the walls of the room.
You looked down, your eyes on your socks.
Carrying your arms behind your back, you started hanging around like a guilty child.
«Not really», you answered, avoiding eye contact.
You heard the chair crawling on tatami mats, and a few steps closer.
Hid intoxicating scent collided with your nostrils.
God, suddenly you’d rather run to your room.
When Suguru’s pen had leaned under your chin, forcing you to lift your face up, you almost didn’t lose your balance.
His eyes studied you, as he thoughtfully began to drum the pen right under your chin.
«I assume that you are addicted...the small gifts that I have left you around the temple do not have any more effect?».
It was like someone just shot you in the head.
Your eyes were enlarged as you digested what he had told you.
Silent, you watched in disbelief his sharp face from below.
«Oh~ you really are naive», he lowered himself onto you, scrutinizing you from closer while a smile ran through his lips.
«Do not tell me that you did not notice it», his sharp eyes peered inside you.
«Did you sleep well among the pillows of the ceremonial hall? Did you adore...», he slipped the pen in your neck, «... take it in your mouth?».
Your cheeks were warm.
Realization had led you to take a few steps away.
Suguru crossed his arms across his chest, enclosing the object in his palm.
«I like playing with you, it’s wonderful to tease you».
Your eyes got a little shinier.
«You... You are-»
«What? What am I?» he had taken a few steps towards you, until, backing away, you had not found yourself colliding with the doors of the closet.
«petty...», you had whispered intimidated.
He smiled, holding the pen to your face, again.
He had dragged it into your cheek, and then into your lips, clenched them tightly.
«Don’t be so childlish, it’s your only way to survive this, right?».
He was playing with you, you hated it.
The pen began to go up and down in your mouth, leaving you completely at the mercy of his gestures.
He took your cheeks with one hand, forcing you to keep sucking.
«Little bitch... Do you like it, do you like to suck what is mine?» Scornful, he had pulled out his pen as he insinuated two of his big fingers into your mouth.
You moaned in surprise.
«much better mh? Suck them, be a good girl for me and then you will have a reward». Red on your face, you had begun to desire more. Your body did not respond, and you reluctantly indulged in provocation.
Your tongue passed over his long, slightly rough fingers, making you forget what modesty could be.
Your hands were running down his wrist, you had clung to the needy, as you continued to lick and suck those fingers.
«What a good girl», he complimented looking at you in your liquid eyes «you are a good girl, yes... Just a good girl».
Suddenly you woke up from the trance.
You had pulled his hand away from your face, running from him passing under his arm, which held you between him and the closet.
«I umh...», the saliva still poured from your lips, «I must go».
Just as you were about to turn around, two mighty hands clutched your forearms and dragged you to the bed.
He made you dive into the soft blankets, and you couldn’t fight back.
«There is a way to make you feel better, you know?»
Your body was quivering.
«Did the cat eat your tongue?» he laughed, turning to him with an exorbitant speed.
«Why don’t you close your eyes? I promise you that you will feel good».
Should you have trusted him? You didn’t know what he was going to do, what if he hurt you?
Yet you closed your eyes in a submissive way.
Your body didn’t answer, he could have done anything to you.
You could feel his hands running down your hips, all the way to the rubber band on your shorts.
His thumbs had latched onto the fabric, and slowly, as if it were torture, he had taken what separated you from his ravenous gaze.
Your underwear had been taken off with your shorts, yet your body had not reacted to the threat, why?
Once again you had felt the tip of the pen running down your face, running down your neck and stopping in the middle of your collarbones.
She put a little pressure on you, starting to cause you a little discomfort.
You complained slightly, though, holding your position.
Before that, you’d never had a relationship. Your half-cursed nature didn’t allow you to have a normal life, so you missed out on everything a girl would have to experience sooner or later.
Intoxicated by his essence, the view was blurred. The pen ran along your breasts, and while the tip hit you in the turgid nipples, you gasped, under the smug gaze of Suguru.
All of a sudden, his fingers screwed on a nipple so hard, you were afraid he was gonna rip it off.
You squealed as you tried to fight back, but what you were able to emit was just a smothered squeak.
The pen went down and down, the chills became more and more intense, more and more unbearable.
When he had crawled it over your wet folds, focusing on your clitoris, your senses were completely subjugated to his cursed energy.
«yes... Do you feel it flowing? » he asked you, as he watched your convulsions becoming more and more frequent.
He had begun to make little imaginary circles on your clitoris, sometimes he would bang the back of your pen in your sweet feminine bud, and you would squeal needy, wetter and wetter.
When his fingers had reached your mouth, you had welcomed them without protesting, however, with such shame that you would have preferred to hide under the ground.
You complained, he tortured you, and as much as you hated admitting it, you liked it.
Oh if you liked it, you loved it.
You loved feeling his energy on you, on your skin, basking in his essence was so... So...
«Exciting mh? And we are not even at the beginning», he whispered, carrying his fingers up to the uvula. It was seeping down your throat, and you took it hard, like it was your duty, like you were feasting.
When the pen was positioned in your entrance, you had a slight gasp, when he had inserted it, you had arched your back, moaning.
It took less than a few inches for you to understand how you felt with his energy inside of you, and now, fuck, you always wanted more.
He was pumping his pen, not going too deep, like he felt it, like he knew you were a virgin.
Given the overwhelming sensations you had floundered weeping, when he tortured your clitoris with wet fingers of your saliva.
«Please, nngh... Please», you faded by moving your hips towards his hands.
When the pen was removed from your dripping entrance, all you did was protest, looking at him with an offended look.
Suguru smiled, his hand grabbed both of your wrists, pulling you straight to his pelvis.
Your naked pussy had collided with something hot and hard, and when you had seen that his big and venous cock was leaning over your folds, you almost hadn’t screamed at the surprise.
He rubbed it over you, dividing the folds and colliding the red tip with your clitoris. The precum mixed with your excitement, and the more he rubbed it, the tighter his grip was in your wrists.
To your surprise suguru had started to tease the entrance with the tip, inserting only the glans for a few seconds, then it had gone out, continuing to divide the pulsating and dripping pussy in half, and then coming back for a few more seconds with the tip inside you.
It’s the only way he stretched you out and stretched you out to hurt you. You screamed every time, when his dick penetrated you for a quarter, let alone how you would have been, when you would have taken it all.
«You’re a virgin, aren’t you?» his eyes settled in yours.
A sadistic look made you waver for a moment, you had a feeling he wouldn’t be kind to you.
Immobilized by fear, you didn’t have the courage to say anything.
When he opened the folds with two fingers, you almost died of shame.
He opened you up good, your clitoris was well exposed, red for being tortured, but what he was paying attention to was your entrance.
It was small, and when he had put his thumbs to the sides to widen it and examine your innocence, Suguru laughed slightly, noting your hymen intact.
«Wonderful, really wonderful, you are really still innocent... Can I taste it, babe?» While your head was in dissent, he had no problem locking you in the mattress, carrying his mouth over your naked pussy.
He stretched it out, kissed your clit and then passed his rigid tongue over your juicy opening. He had sunk his tongue in it, and when he had, God, the synapses had completely fried.
There was nothing but his tongue inside of you, his hands locking you in bed, his teeth, sometimes hitting your sensitive clitoris on purpose.
You were nothing but a fucking whore when it came to him, you were nothing but a needy little bitch, that’s all you were.
He didn’t waste time preparing you with his fingers, Suguru wanted to sink his dick in you, and now.
He didn’t want to spread you with anything but his dick.
«N-no, nngh, is too big, you will hurt me-», with a slowness that had bothered you, he had inserted it, while he held your legs with his arms.
Your calves were resting on his shoulders, while he, on his knees, had passed the glans beyond your entrance, until he reached the hymen, tearing it completely.
When it happened, all you did was screaming in pain, your eyes filled with tears, and like a child you couldn’t help yourself. You burst into a desperate cry, but he didn’t seem to think too much about it.
The only thing he’d done was signal you to be quiet.
As he struck you, he passed his thumb through your opened lips, observing how your desperate expression suited you.
It turned him on. Seeing you like that, it had made him crazy.
For Suguru it was a surprise to find you a virgin, and one thing he loved to the madness was fucking with a tight and innocent pussy like yours.
«You are taking it so well, good girl, yes, yes, yes...», his thrusts then became stronger and decided. Each lunge was as if you could die. If on the one hand you had pain, on the other you began to feel the benefits. Your insatiable craving for cursed energy was stabilizing, which meant Suguru hadn’t told you a lie.
When he noticed that screwing you in missionary mode had become quite monotonous, he had raised you on his huge throbbing cock, picking you up and leaning sharply against the cold wall of the room. He held you in balance, his hands in your ass, and his ruthless excitement hitting you to the cervix. You were screaming in tears and pain, so much so that Suguru decided to cover your mouth with a kiss.
«Don't cry», he grunted excited, «you will be fine, sweety», his lips still sank into yours, and you, afraid of the painful sensations, had abandoned yourself on them and to their burning heat.
Tears were writhing around your eyelashes, sweat made you stick your hair and his to your face.
As you saw that you were ever closer to liberation, you understood that the same thing was true for the man in front of you.
When he bit your lips in a last desperate gesture, you felt suguru's hips stuttering and his cock convulsing, this was the moment you exploded into an intense and overwhelming orgasm.
«God yes, here you are, let yourself be filled baby girl, take it all yes, yes, yes, everything everything all ...», one last push and had freed himself with a grunt, his lips had opened and his eyes were automatically closed.
Your body had abandoned itself completely, your face stood in its collarbone, and God, despite the consummate intercourse being half consenting, found you unexpectedly well in His arms.
His cock remained inside you a little longer, until it began to sag.
He still held you close to him, stuck between his body and the wall.
«I’m sure you and I would get along very well from now on, wouldn’t we?».