Mikey X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hello! I have randomly come across your place and I LOVE IT! Could you do rise turtles x yokai reader where the reader is wandering through the forest but gets caught in a trap and (said turtle) finds them and helps them out of the trap? The rest is up to you! If this makes you uncomfortable in any way, you don't have to write this. I didn't get many presents for my birthday and my birthday was on January 25th. This would be a nice late Bday present. thanks! Bye!

Hi! Thank you for the request

That's a really cool idea, ofc I can to that! I hope you don't mind I did that more like headcanons

And sorry for the wait but I wanted to do a little surprise for you too ;)

Happy (late) Birthday!(≧∇≦)/



Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader
Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader


• that was supposed to be normal weekend, going with family on a little trip, camping and exploring the forest

• nothing crazy, right? well yes but no

• not when your dangling from the tree, caught in a net which you could also consider very ironic being a hare yokai, and who would even set up a trap in the no-hunting zone anyway? you didn't know but if you find out you'll be definitely getting your revenge (which may or may not contain putting that person in the trap themselves)

• and it wasn't like you were far away from the camp or anything, actually, you were just taking care of your siblings, lifting some of the burden of your parents shoulders while they were putting to sleep a few of the youngest of their children (why they wanted so many kinds you will never know)

• and being the oldest one here (two or your older siblings happened to be to busy to come with you) ment, that for the rest of your small family vacation, you were going to play babysitter cousing to have less time for yourself

• but what can you do when there is several big-eared brats hopping around and annoying the living shit out of you (don't get me wrong, they're your siblings, you love them, but sometimes they're just to much for one person to handle)

• so deciding to be smart, you proposed to play hide-and-seek - perfect game if you want to have a minute of peace, and, if you're feeling extra exhausted, you could offer a little prize for the one who will be the last one to find

• kids will get way to competitive and will stay hidden longer

• however, while pretending to search for them, you took a small stroll which happened to not be such a good idea because that caused you to fall into a trap

• and the kids didn't want to come out and help you (they probably thought your yelling was some kind of a test to lure them out)

You're wriggling in a cramped space of a net trying to bite down through the rope which, unfortunately, isn't very successful despite your sharp teeth. You tried everything you could, from yelling for help to swinging yourself trying to reach one of the bransches. Luck is not on your side today apparently.

Giving up you on your attempts on freeing yourself, you relaxed your body, deciding to take the opportunity to rest. If anyone would want something from you then they first need to help you get down.

Suddenly you heard a soft rustle, your ears twitched and pointed in the sounds direction.

"Hello? Somebody there?" you snapped hoping anyone to hear you. Maybe that wasn't the smartest idea bearing in mind that it could be someone or something dangerous, but you really wanted to get down. Such high places aren't for you.

Hearing another sound you scanned the area under you catching sight of dark silhouette sneaking between the trees.

"Hey, you! Can you help me?" the person started to look around trying to find the source of the voice. "Up here! I got caught in a trap."

The turtle, you noticed by the shell on his back, haistly looked up finally noticing you. You caught glimpse of the red marks under his blue bandana and, wait, is thAT A SWORD-

For the next ten seconds both of you were just staring at each other awkwardly, until the red-eared turtle erupted with loud laughter needing to squat down. His shoulders shook as one of his tree-fingered hands covered his face.

Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader


He tried to ease his chuckle, which wasn't very successful, and after a moment of calming himself down he spoke up.

"Nothing, really! It's just funny seeing a bunny caught in a net, hanging from the tree." he explained, you could almost physically see the smug smile on his face.

"I'm a hare, dumbass, there's a difference." you rolled your eyes. "Could you help me or not?"

"Sure! Can't leave you hanging, can I?"

You groaned in annoyance, however, a small smile found it's way on your lips. No way you're going to laugh out loud though.

"Prepare yourself, Conejito*!"

"Prepare for wha-" you weren't able to finish your question when a sharp object flew over you head, cutting the ropes. Not having anything to hold on, you started limply falling towards the hard ground, your speed increasing with every second.

Frightened yell came out of you as you closed your eyes waiting for the pain. After several seconds, however, when your body still hadn't made a contact with the ground, you opened your eyes. You've been meet with beaming face of your turtle savior, him safely holding you in his arms. Wait, why did it suddenly got hot?

"Ohoho, look at that! When have only met and you're already falling for-" and the moment was ruined by red-eared turtle opening his mouth.

"If you're gonna make a joke about me falling for you, I swear I will strangle you." you threatened haistly cutting him off to which he only chuckled.

"You would laugh, I know I'm funny."

"No, I wouldn't."

"Yeah, sure."

"I'm serious!"

"So!" he exclaimed abruptly putting you on your feet. "I think I should introduce myself. I'm the greatest ninja in the world, Leonardo Hamato, but you can call me your knight in shining armor. Or Leo, if you prefer something shorter."

Leo extended his gloved hand, light smirk on his lips. You peered at his palm and then at his face, repeating the motion two more times, and finally putting your own hand in his giving it a small shake.

"Well, nice to meet you, the oh so great ninja. I very much appreciate you rescuing me." you said dramatically, rolling your eyes. "But I need to go. My parents are surely worried."

You walked past the turtle, heading to the campsite. You still needed to find your siblings too.

"Hey, wait! What's your name?" he quickly catches up to you and stood on your way. "I gave you mine, so you can at least tell me yours."

"My mom told me not to tell my name to strangers." the teen rolled his eyes at that. "But... I guess we can hang out later. Maybe here, tomorrow evening?"

A genuine smile appeared on his face, small giggle leaving his lips.

"Sure, Conejito."

*hare in Spanish (at least that's what translator said)

Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader


• after sitting all day in your secret lair (aka your room) your parents decided that you need to go out and breathe some fresh air

• you complained that's not the best time, that you're to tired, but after some threatening to throw out your weird trinkets you like to collect, you finally stepped out of the door

• fortunately, there was a nice and dark forest near your house with designed walking paths, you liked to go there when you were just a little racoon

• you need to admit, the stroll was nice

• until you fell into a hole

• so now you're laying on the bottom of what apparently was some sort of a trap, totally shocked, with a long gash in your arm

• yeah, not cool at all, man

You slowly started to sit up, gasping your bleeding arm with your hand. When you looked at the wound, you saw that it wasn't very deep which, unfortunately, didn't make it less painful.

Groane came out of you as you started to look for the way out. The ground around you was to smooth to climb on, there wasn't any branches or roots to hoist yourself up and you didn't have your phone with you (your parents took it, saying you need to rest without it).

So, in short, you were doomed till someone will find you. Or you bleed out.

Leaning on the wall you curled your striped tail around you and peered at the sky mostly covered by the green tree crowns. Your head started spinning, the strength was slowly leaving your body.

"Shit..." was the last thing you said before your consciousness slipped away into darkness.


Warmth surrounded you making you lean into it further. You focused on the sound of soft clicking and footsteps- wait, footsteps? Slowly you tried to open your eyes but the bright light blind you causing you to close them again with a groan.

"Oh, you're already awake?" an unfamiliar voice spoke up beside you making you sit up suddenly. "Don't move to much, you're still hurt from the fall."

"Ugh, you sayin'?" you hissed at the instant pain that erupted through your whole body.

After a while your eyes adjusted to the brightness allowing you to inspect your surroundings. The room you were in remind you of insides of those science fiction space ships you always saw in films and, noticing the steering wheel, you started to believe you were in one. Looking around you finally spotted the owner of the unknown voice.

Tall, yokai (or mutant, you couldn't tell) turtle stood before a console panel typing something you couldn't understand. The rectangular spots on his body were partly covered by fingerless socks and gloves, knee and elbow pads as well as belt with matching pouches, all those in deep purple color. On top of his head covered by bandana he had silver pair of asymmetric goggles.

This guy must have really like purple.

"I found you pass out in the trap somewhere in the forest. I will not ask nor do I want to know how you fell into that, but I guess I need to inform you to be more careful." the turtle started while tinkering with colorful wires. "I patched you up but I recommend resting for a little longer."

Humming in acknowledgement you slowly stood up hissing when you propped yourself up with the injured arm.

"Well, thanks for the rescue." you responded walking up to one of the tables, many identified machines scattered across on it. "Sooo, what's your name?"

After brief silence he answered.

"Donatello." without even looking at you he added quickly. "Do not touch anything."

You stiffed, hand hovering over some glowing purple square. Small disappointed 'aw' came out of you.

"I understand your urge to touch everything new you see but you could blow us up. And I just polished the tank."

"We are in a tank?!" you hastily turned to face the turtle.

"Yes, we are in a Turtle Tank that I designed myself-"

"YOU DID IT YOURSELF?! WHAT'S SO COOL!" you gawked around with amazement.

Proud smile appeared on his face. His ego is probably bursting through the roof at your awestruck expression. The sheer astonishment and genuine wonder in your eyes told him that they weren't just some empty praises.

Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader

"Hey, what's that?" you pointed excitedly at probably one of his constructions.

"Oh, it's just one of my newest inventions."

"Oooooo, what does it do?"

"I don't think you want to listen to me rabling about things you probably don't fully understand." he hesitated.

"If I didn't, why would I ask?" you teased.

"...Well, the very idea of ​​constructing this came from-"

Fun fact! Raccoons wet their food to gather more sensory information, and moistening the food helps raccoons further understand what they are eating. That's because by their sense of touch they get to know the world surrounding them.

Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader


• being the youngest sibling may be a blessing and a curse at the same time

• on the one hand, having two older brothers is scaring the bullies away and giving you two older friends who like including you in stuff, but on the other, sometimes they're in a mood to play pranks on you

• and you can't do anything about it because you're younger

• it didn't even started any suspicious, they asked you if you wanted to go with them on a trip to fly through the woods, spread your wings a little

• after spending all day in your Batcave (literally bat-cave), bored out of your mind, you decided it was a good idea

• you never would have guessed that it will end in you stuck in a cage in the middle of the forest

• you know you shouldn't have eaten alone all those cookies your grandma made but isn't it too much?

• what's worse, you didn't brought your glasses with you and, yeah, maybe you had a thing called echolocation but it was pretty difficult to locate the lock of the cage while being trapped in it

• you thought about calling your parents but turned out your phone was dead

• so now you're just sitting and waiting for your brothers to decide it's enough of your punishment

"Hey, I'm serious, guys! I said I'm sorry already!" you shouted in the indefinite direction.

The only answer you heard was silence.

With an irritated sigh you banged at the crate, hoping it will help you somehow. It wasn't really effective, though, and the only thing it caused was a loud annoying sound. The cage was small, almost claustrophobic, which made you nervous. Usually you didn't mind being in closed spaces but right now you weren't even able to move to much.

"Huh, what's that sound? HELLO?! SOMEONE THERE?!"

Your ears perked up at the sound of an unknown voice. You kicked the cage again.

"Woah, who locked you in a cage, dude?" the person stood beside the trap."Wait up, I'll take you out!"

Rang of metal echoed above you making you cover your big ears with a wince. After a while the cage was opened, allowing you to stand up and jump out of it. You started stretching out with content sigh, spreading your wings to the sides.

"Wow, sick wings, dude! Are you like a bat mutant or something?" mysterious person gasped in amazement checking you out while cyrcling you around.

Startled yelp left your lips.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" you shouted covering yourself with wings.

"Oh, sorry! I just didn't saw mutant like you before." he said while scratching the back of his neck (or at least that's what you thought by looking at the blurred figure).

"Well, I'm not a mutant, I'm yokai." you explained relaxing a little. "By the way, who are you?"

"My name's Michelangelo but you can call be Mikey! Or Angelo, that's what D calls me. Or whatever you want, really." Mikey extended his hand, you squinted your eyes at him.

"No, I meant, what are you?" tilting your head to the side, you walked up to him trying to make anything from the unclear green and orange shapes. "I, uh, have a really bad eyesight, if you couldn't tell."

Another gasp left him, this time because of the sudden realization.

"Oh, I get it! Now, when I think about it, Donnie said something about bats having bad eyesight but good hearing. Yeah, that would make sense with the bats in the library..." Mikey trailed off lost somewhere in his head. "Anyway, I'm a box turtle! Got a shell and all that. And I'm a ninja!"

"Ninja?" you muttered to yourself. "Well, thank you Mikey. I thought I would spend the rest of the night in there."

"What happened anyway? Did someone tried to hurt you?!"

"What- No, no, nothing like that!" you expressed hastily, shaking your head. "Just my older brothers doing a prank."

"Ah, I know what you mean. I have older brothers too."

You both laughed lightly, enjoying some kind of 'younger siblings' solidarity between you. You talked for some time, starting with the topic of older siblings to what are the best toppings for pizza, how to do cool tricks on a skateboard (he even offered to teach you) and much more. Time flew by and you just now realized how late it was.

Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader

"Thank you again, Mikey. For the rescue. But I probably should go home right now." you said, sound of your voice bouncing of the surrounding you objects.

"You want me to walk you home?" he asked with excitement in his voice, then added quickly. "So you will, you know, have someone to save you again! And we can talk some more..."

You looked away, smile creeping it's way on your face.

"Sure, I'd love that."

Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader


• you knew damn well that playing wannabe hero was a bad idea

• but you are to stubborn and you did it anyway

• you were just walking around in the forest, minding your own business, when suddenly you spotted a group of really fishy individuals who definitely weren't there for a field trip

• you recognized that mostly because of many trash bags they had with them, probably to throw them away in the forest, and everyone knows to not trash environment like that (but they apparently didn't know that or willingly decided on being idiots)

• that weird pang of justice pushed you to take an action and report this unacceptable behavior to someone who wouldn't immediately get beat up by two buff rhinos (don't get me wrong, you were really strong for a tiger yokai, but those guys looked like they could pick up someone's car if it was on their parking lot)

• so the most logical course of action you could think of was taking a pictures of the whole situation

• however, you didn't saw the small branch right under your feet until it was to late and both yokai noticed you

• you never ran faster in your entire life (also, you were scared shitless but you'll never admit it out loud, that would be to much for your pride)

You had a good stamina, really. But after running on full speed for fifteen minutes straight your lungs started to feel like they were on fire. Breathing heavily you looked behind you to see if the two furious yokai were still chasing you, probably with intent to kill you (or that's just how they looked like). At least you knew where you were. You often like to take strolls in this forest, but usually it was more peaceful than that.

Not seeing or hearing the rhinos anymore you started to slow down, wiping the sweat that formed on your forehead. Closing your eyes, you stepped few more times forward enjoying the cold breeze smoothing your fur.

You shouldn't have done that.

The next thing your brain could register was hanging upside down on the rope tied around your ankles.

"What the-!?"

After your shock wore off, bending your body, you tried to reach the rope to untie it, but your attempts were unsuccessful.

"You've got to be kidding me, damnit." you muttered angrily under your breath. "And those guys will get away with it too..."

"You mean those yoki that were throwin' trash in the forest? You don't need to worry about them, I took care of it-"

Your head darted to the side, scared scream leaving your mouth. The owner of the unfamiliar voice jumped back in surprise with a yelp of his own.

"Woah, chill out there, tiger! I'm sorry for scaring ya." the turtle, as you noticed after calming down, defensively raised his arms trying to show you that he doesn't hold any ill intentions.

That didn't, however, covered the fact that his body and his shell was covered in sharp spikes, in some places the scales were covered in red color. The same color was a mask covering half of his face with two long swaying in wind tails. You also noticed, reminding you of an alligator, spiny tail reaching to the ground writhing around his leg.

And even with how scared you were, your pride would never let you admit that in fact he did scare you.

"What- I wasn't scared!" you denied quickly. "Just surprised!"

Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader

The reptile chuckled lightly scratching the back of his head.

"Sure you weren't." he tilted his head to the side before speaking again. "Ya need some help maybe?"

"Uh..." you embarrassedly looked to the side, nodding your head. "Yeah, I guess I could use some assistance..."

You didn't have time to react when the rope suddenly snapped. You prepared yourself to feel the pain but it never came and the only thing you felt was the cold of two arm wrapped around you. The turtle gently set you down on your feet and just then you perked up from your daze.

"There ya go! Ya okay, by the way? I saw you gettin' chased down by those rhino dudes." he asked concerned.

"I'm good, thanks." you muttered. "What about them, though?"

"Don't worry about them! I took care of it, I'm a ninja."

"Ninja?" you raised your eyebrow.

"Yup! I'm Raph. Come on, I'll walk ya home." Raph smiled at you, a sharp tooth protruding from the right side of his upper jaw.

Your cheeks heated up getting embarrassed another time this day. Turning on your heel you started walking ahead.

"I'm okay. But you can do whatever you want." you thrown over your shoulder.

The big snapping turtle happily strided to your side.

Fun fact! Rhinos are known for their keen sense of smell and hearing, but they have really bad eyesight.

Hello! I Have Randomly Come Across Your Place And I LOVE IT! Could You Do Rise Turtles X Yokai Reader

Well, I hope you liked the illustrations I made! Just wanted to make more effort bc you said u had a bday and all,,


Have a nice day/night ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙

- ghost

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9 months ago
Another Little Drawing, I Hope You Like It

Another little drawing, I hope you like it😛💖

I need to buy colored pencils 😭

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7 months ago

Hellooo, I digitized one of my favorite Mikey drawings I'm new to drawing on a cell phone, I accept criticism 💕🙏👾

Hellooo, I Digitized One Of My Favorite Mikey Drawings I'm New To Drawing On A Cell Phone, I Accept Criticism

I hope you like it💃💕

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7 months ago


HELLO! this is my master list for all stories, I’ll to keep it as updated as possible but please bear with me


Izuku x femReader To be a Hero PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4

Dragon ball

Goku x Vegetas Daughter (Home wrecker) PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4


Ash x femReader My missing Spark


Her Healed Heart (Raph/Leo x femReader)

Demon Slayer

A Shooting Star (Tanjiro x Reader)


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5 months ago

Something I’m working on (and I promise To be a hero or maybe) will be update soon! But a little something for my TMNT fans

“Y/n… I’m sorry for* with hands dragging down his face, how could he have messed up so bad, “Please, that time in the Dojo.. I messed up! I couldn’t find my words” He gently lifted her chin. However her eyes remained angered, that moment though , after he watched his brother carry her off he knew he needed to fix it.

There in the Corner… he sat with flowers, her favorite to be specific… but instead of going forward to heal her broken heart… he allowed his own to break, as he watched the love of his life kiss his brother… never had he regretted something more.

AHH OKAY this was a concept I had but I wanted to make it super cryptic so I don’t say who’s who. But this should be done by the weekend end!! Love you all don’t forget TO EAT, SLEEP AND LOVE YOURSELF BYEEEE

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3 years ago


Classic and stupid horror movie scenes (Mikey, Rindou, Sanzu)

English isn’t my mother language

Gore/a tiny tiny bit suggestive on Sanzu’s part, but not NSFW/blood/knife use/guns/alcohol use/death



A classic “I’m in the shower and can’t hear someone enter the bathroom, until it’s too late”


Maybe it was the alcohol running through your veins, or maybe it was the loud music playing from the speaker that you connected to your phone, maybe even a mix of both, but it felt as if you were somewhere else. As if you were flying around in the skies, feeling as free as ever. Like you were a young bird, that finally left it’s nest.

But not much later, the euphoric feeling turned into something else. The feeling of freedom and happiness, turned into a disgusting headache that you couldn’t shake off and everything in your view started spinning even more. It made you want to vomit every drop of the alcohol you drank.

Somehow you ended up in the shower, the speaker now laying on the side of the sink. You don’t even remember when you walked into the bathroom. Warm water was running through your face and body, slightly washing off the feeling of being drunk. But it still didn’t completely sober you up. You slowly lifted you hand up to your face and slapped yourself.

“Sober up, dumbass. C’mon.” You whine. And as the song was coming to an end, you heard the bathroom door close.

Your body froze up. Goose bumps ran through your body and your breathing became harder. You live alone. And no one should come over or visit you today. Even if they did, what kind of freak would walk into your bathroom?

Maybe you’re hallucinating? You did drink a lot.

But before you could even move a muscle, the shower curtains were pushed to the side, revealing a masked man standing in front of you, holding a knife in his hand.

A loud scream was blocked out by the loud music, as you were pushed down in the shower, hitting your head in the process.

The clear water turned red and in the last thing you saw before blacking out, was the man taking off his mask. His black and emotionless eyes boring into yours.

“Mikey..?” You whisper as everything turned dark.

“Good to see you again, (Y/N).” He smiles slightly. “I warned you, didn’t I? If you ever try to leave me, I’ll kill you.”


A classic “dumb cheerleader runs away from the killer and somehow ends up tripping over nothing and falling down.”


At first you thought it was a stupid joke, or a prank. You had no need to worry, downing another bottle of beer. Your friends tried to reason with you, explain in a hurry that there’s a killer somewhere in the house, but you just laughed at their faces and waved your hand around.

“I’m not that stupid.” You smirk at them and they all share a look, deciding to just let you be.

You don’t believe them. Not until you hear a horrifying scream from one of your friends, who just left the house. As you look through the window, you see them getting stabbed. There’s already a blood puddle forming around them and you see the light leave their eyes more and more after every stab.

You slowly walk backwards and the killer lifts his head, turning it towards you. He tilts it to the side a bit and menacingly waves.

You turn around and start running, adrenaline in your body making you even faster than usual. You see a house phone on a table and you grab it, dealing 911. Your hands were shaking and so was the rest of your body, the memory of witnessing your friend being stabbed multiple times and dying, still fresh in your mind.

Unlucky you. There’s no service.

You throw the phone and start running towards other people, but they were too drunk to even move. Others already ran away from this damned house.

If only you listened to your friends.

You run out of the house and go towards the dark woods, hoping that the tall trees can hide your body from the killer. It was night time already, so it’ll be easy to hide, right? You hear footsteps behind you and that makes you move even faster, the want and need to live running in your thoughts. You were too young to die. Too pretty.

But suddenly you trip over something and your body hits the dirt. And as you try to stand up again, someone grabs you and holds you to their chest. A knife was placed to your neck.

“Move an inch and I’ll fucking slit your throat.”

That voice.. You’ve heard it before. And your eyes widen in realisation. Haitani Rindou. The younger of the two infamous Haitani brothers. They were always known as the trouble makers of the school. Neither of them had friends, since everyone was scared of them.

“What a dumb bitch.” He continues. “A cheerleader dressed up as a bloody cheerleader for halloween.” He takes off his mask with one hand, the other still holding the knife to your throat.

He then leans towards your ear and whispers.

“Ironic don’t you think?”


A classic “Oh wow, a house in which many murders happened? That’s crazy. Let’s check it out.”


You walk towards the abandoned house, that was barely standing. It was all over the newspapers, and the news on the old TV in your home. Killings happened here a few months ago and the killer still hasn’t been found. There have been people who visited this place and went home, not finding anything cool, except for the dried up blood on the floor, walls and even ceiling.

After trying to talk your friends into going with you, which was unsuccessful, you decided to just go alone. Your bag was hanging on your shoulder, it had a couple of cameras, a butterfly knife and some pepper spray in it.

The plan was simple. You walk in, hide the cameras, leave. Then you’ll come back after a few days and look if you got anything interesting. You won’t even take longer than fifteen minutes there.

You walk into the building and stand still for a few seconds. Not hearing anything suspicious you start walking again. Looking around the house and trying to figure out what places were the best to hide the cameras.

And as you take out the first camera and put it down, you feel something metal touch the back of your head.

“Move a muscle and I’ll fucking blow your brains out.”

You freeze up.

Shit. Why the hell did you think this was a good idea again?

He grabs the back of your shirt and throws you on the floor.

A tall guy, with symmetrical scars on the sides of his mouth and pink hair was staring at you. Smirking.

“Well, well..” he let’s out a fake sigh. “Isn’t this just sad. You saw my face. I’ll have to kill you.”

“Please don’t..” you mutter. “I won’t tell anyone! I promise! Please, I’ll do anything..”

His smirk gets wider.


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3 years ago



My first song fic I hope this isn’t bad. Sorry I disappeared for a while I had covid and felt like complete and utter shit

Sano Manjiro (Mikey) x gn!reader (around 1k words)

SFW! Comfort, fluff and then angst. Suicidal thoughts, a gun mentioned at the end, character death so SPOILERS


Another turn, another shift

Mikey thinks that life can’t get better than this. Driving around with his brother’s bike around Japan in night time. The city lights were shining bright and it all looked ethereal. It reminded him of a scene from a movie, that he watched with Draken not too long ago. Though no matter how beautiful everything looked, it couldn’t match with the way he was feeling right now. Your arms around his waist, as you hold on tightly, head put on his back.

One last kiss from her lips

As he finally reaches his destination, you hop off of the motorcycle and look at him with a bright smile and shiny eyes. And Mikey feels as if he finally unlocked the world’s biggest secret. He finally understood why everything exists and he was so glad it does. It all led up to this fairytale moment. It wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for you. And as he build up the needed courage, Mikey gently puts his hand on your cheek and slowly leans forward. It was now or never in his eyes. So he did what his heart longed for. He kissed you.

Another dream you're putting down

You looked at Mikey as if he was your whole world. Everyone noticed it. And it was almost as if he was. It felt like he was. So you dropped everything whenever he needed help. Every night you went to bed later than usual, waiting for him to show up all bloody so you could patch him up. You skipped classes whenever he’d randomly show up at your school. Sometimes with Draken, sometimes alone. You were throwing away your dreams, because at that moment it all felt right. You didn’t want a future if Sano Manjiro wasn’t a part of it. So you didn’t care about grades, studies, or anything else. All that mattered was him.

After all this time, it turns out all you found

It was all perfect. Way too perfect. Fights between you rarely happened and when they did Mikey was fast to apologise. He stood at your door with flowers (that he actually bought and didn’t steal. He said they held more meaning that way) and waited for you. He always waited for you.

Is one more love out to break your heart

The news of Emma’s death broke you. But it broke Mikey and Draken even more. You tried to be there for him, tried to explain to the both of them that it was neither of their fault. No one expected for this to happen. But it didn’t matter. You didn’t matter to Mikey anymore. Nothing mattered to him anymore. You tried and tried. Whenever he pushed you away mentally, you always stood up and ran right back to him. Even if it was slowly killing you.

Set it up just to watch it fall apart

You knew this day would come. Your heart and mind were trying to warn you about the big upcoming heartbreak that was fated to get you. And they were right. You spent days, months, years trying to help him. Be there for him. You were so sure that you would somehow manage to help him fight his inner demons. He called you the light of his life. But all good things come to an end. So you could try and explain and lie to everyone that you weren’t expecting for this to happen. But you did. So did Draken. And as Mikey turned his back to you and everyone else, you were left just standing there. Feeling your heart break and emptiness filling the place where love once was.

Another try, another go

Never thought you'd feel this low

Mikey stood in his expensive penthouse. Looking through the glass windows. Japan looked beautiful at night time. It always did. But it didn’t bring the feeling of peace to him anymore. Now he just felt empty. He’d been feeling this way for the last twelve years. Manjiro wanted to turn back around and search for Draken, Mitsuya, Pah. He wished Baji was still here, Emma, Shinichiro. He hoped Kazutora was doing better now. And you.. Oh the things he’d do to see you again. He’d tear down the whole world to find you and kiss you again. But it was better this way for everyone. This was how he was supposed to keep everyone safe. From himself..

Another dream put to bed

After all this time, it turns all you had

As he lays in bed in the middle of the night, dead silence around him. He thinks about his life and everything he had to go through. Tears threatened to leave his eyes, but he tried to hold them in. He tried to hold everything in. A monster like him shouldn’t feel. After all, whatever he touched or loved - died. He was born just to ruin everything. His thoughts suddenly shifted to you and he felt his heart start to beat faster. He reminisces all of the moments with you. His hand slowly creeps towards his neck and he reaches the cold silver chain. His eyes travel down and he grabs a ring, which was hanging on the chain. He looks at the promise ring you gave him thirteen years ago. Turns out even a monster like him can’t actually hold his emotions back. Tears start to run down his face and he grabs a gun which was put on the bedside table. He slowly puts it to his head and closes his eyes.

And at that moment he realises something he should’ve realised sooner..

..It all leads up to you. It always does.

So he puts down the gun and starts to cry even more. He gets lost in his emotions for the first time in a while. He can’t leave you. He wants to see you bloom and reach your goals in life. Maybe after seeing that, he’d feel satisfied enough to gain the courage and pull that damned trigger.

Is one more love out to break your heart

Set it up just to watch it fall apart

One more love out to break your heart

Set it up just to watch it fall apart

Tags :
3 years ago

Save yourself first

Mikey x gn!reader

Angstish, no comfort, SPOILERS for the newest chapters. Battle of Three Deities fight end spoilers and etc. Y’all know what I mean if you’ve read the manga. IF YOU HAVENT READ THE MANGA AND DONT WANT TO BE SPOILED DONT READ

You and Mikey were lovers, now exes. Reader is the second time leaper(?) traveler?

Character deaths mentioned, hospitals, passing out, fighting

You’re too busy saving everybody else, to save yourself

Save Yourself First

Eyes which were once full of life, stare into Mikey’s with emptiness. Your body was shaking from how worn out it was from fighting all sorts of gang members and especially from the fight against South that happened just a few minutes ago. “They look just like me” he thinks, as he stares at you, laying bloody on the ground, holding onto a wound that was deeper and far worse than he thought. It seemed as if all light that you once had, was gone. Like you finally gave up trying to save everyone. Mikey squats down and looks at your face up close. You had more scars now, he noticed. They were littering your skin, telling stories of the many things you’ve seen. You were taking deep and shaky breaths, fear was radiating off of you, but so was defeat, as if you were waiting for him to finish what South started. You were waiting for him to kill you. Get rid of you. As if you were a mere toy which was now useless. And as Mikey gets lost in his thoughts, taking in the way your body looks now, he feels himself slipping out of his mind. Something darker looming over his head. Taking over his mind, soul and body.

You close your eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm down your breathing. But it was all so hard. You were hurting inside and out. Tired from all of the fighting that you had to go through. You always put everyone else above yourself. Saving them from all of the bad things that were happening around all of you. In the end, you couldn’t manage to save three people. Your dearest friends Baji Keisuke, Draken and lastly - yourself. Though you didn’t really care about the last one. You felt guilt consuming your body, thinking about the two lost souls.

Grasping onto hope and believing that your friends would somehow realise that you need help too, you never tried to even help yourself. Save yourself from everything. Keeping yourself on the lowest pedestal. Hoping they would extend their arm towards you and lend you a helping hand. They never did.

Let it all go. The thoughts whisper. And Mikey does. He closes his eyes and feels his heart getting emptier by the second. Seeing you slowly close your eyes, slipping into darkness, his hand reaches his chest, the place where his heart should be and he lets out a sigh. He promised himself to save you one day. Repay for everything that you’ve done. But he failed to do that.

“Ken-chin.. I feel empty.”

Mikey loses himself to himself. As he blacks out, he doesn’t remember anything. He doesn’t remember killing South, hurting Takemichi, Senju disbanding her gang. He doesn’t remember holding your bleeding body in his arms. He doesn’t remember bringing you to the hospital. He doesn’t remember laying on the roof of the hospital, waiting for the doctors to tell him you’ll be okay. And he doesn’t remember going to the place he now has to call home, Kokonoi and Sanzu waiting for him inside.

And once you opened your eyes, body limp in the hospital bed, thoughts ponder in your head. Why did you come back once again? Why did Takemichi? What were you two thinking? Then memories come rushing back. You were killed by a Bonten member. A vivid memory of Kakucho holding up a gun to your head and shooting you, flashes in front of your eyes. A tear rolls down your face. This whole thing. Time traveling.. it was never a blessing. It was a curse. You lost yourself long ago. You were now just a mere shadow of who you used to be. And you grab onto the sheets that were on top of your body, keeping it warm in the middle of a, strangely, cold July’s night. You look to the left and notice a calendar hanging on the wall. July 9th. You were out for two days. Probably because of blood loss. You think to yourself and close your eyes for a couple of more seconds.

Mikey keeps looking through the window of his room. It was raining. Seemed the perfect weather for his mood. He looks down at the object that he was holding in his right arm and feels his heartbeat get faster for a second. A photo from a few years ago, lays there in his palm. You standing to his left, kissing his cheek and Draken standing to his right, holding up a peace sign. Suddenly his vision gets blurry and the picture gets wet.

Tags :
3 years ago

Ride or die

Platonic!Haitani brothers x gn!reader, slight Sanzu x reader. Izana, Kakucho and Mikey are mentioned. This is around 3k words

“What happens if one of us dies?”

“If I’m being honest. I think if one of us dies the other two would follow.”

“Right to the grave?”


Ride Or Die

PLEASEEE READ THE WARNINGS: drugs, guns, death, angst no comfort, no happy ending, addiction to drugs, overdose, curse words, slightly sexual themes? Like mentioned one time I think. This is just rough. I’m not too happy with how this was written but it has a lot of dark and heavy themes. Mentions of religion, atheism. Mental health problems. Mentions of abuse from family members. Mentions of suicide. Parts with the italic font are memories from the past.

Ride Or Die

“Growing up poor was shit. The ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’ was also a shit joke that probably a middle class person came up with. Maybe they were even rich? Because surely a poor person would never say something that dumb. What could be even shittier you might ask? Growing up with two drug addicts that always forgot they even had a kid.” Your fingers tap on the metal table in front of you. “For a couple of years I grew up completely alone. At the age of four I already knew how to cook myself something I could call meal and knew how to take care of myself. I thought that I didn’t need anyone else and I could be fine with being alone. But it got.. lonely after a while I guess.” A pen clicking and then touching a paper sounded way louder than it usually did. Probably because the room was nearly empty. And cold. It was very cold. It reminded you of a place you once called home.

“When did you meet the Haitani brothers?” The woman sitting in front of you pushes her glasses up and clicks her pen a few times. You smile slightly and lean your head back.

“I was six. We met in a playground. I ran away from home, because my parents went batshit crazy and started throwing plates at me. It was nothing new, but still. I always felt safer when I left that house. So I ran out every time something bad happened and came back when I knew that they would be asleep.”

Crocodile tears were running down your face, while you were running away from your parents. Your small palms reached your cheeks as you tried to wipe them off. And as you finally reached the safest place you knew of, you fell flat on your but and then laid down on the grass. The sky seemed so peaceful. Clouds looked like boats, sailing around the blue waters of the sky. And as you took in the beauty of your surroundings, you didn’t notice the two boys coming up to you, until they laid down next to you. One on each side.

“Hey. You okay?” One of them asks and you quickly snap your head to the side, your eyes meeting his.

“Yeah. Fine.”

“Doesn’t look like it.” The other boy states as they both stare at you. “I’m Rindou. And that’s my older brother Ran.”

“I’m Y/N.”

“Hm.” The woman hums and keeps on writing. “You know I’m trying to help you right? I need to give you as much information as possible. Otherwise you know what’s waiting for you.” She sniffles and straightens her posture, trying to look as professional as possible. “You all did horrible crimes. But before talking about that, I need to know about how it all lead up to that. Maybe you have any mental illnesses you don’t know of yourself. So tell me everything. Every little detail you can remember.”

“What if I don’t remember much?” You stare right at her, making her uncomfortable.

“Tell me what you remember, (L/N) (Y/N).”

“Hold my hand c’mon, (Y/N)!” Rindou yells and you grab onto his extended hand. “Move your fucking ass faster! They’re right behind us.” The both of you take quick turns, trying to mislead the cops. Growing up in Roppongi meant that the three of you knew the streets quite well. It seemed like you had it all mapped out in your head. So it wasn’t like it was too hard to run away. But in this moment it was, since you got shot in the leg.

“I can’t, Rin. Shit I can’t feel my fucking leg, how do you want me to fucking run?!” You yell right back at him and suddenly he lifts you up and throws you onto his shoulder, mumbling “c’mon, c’mon please” under his breath. A car stops right in front of you and Rindou thanks whatever gods that Ran wasn’t high out of his mind and actually came to help the both of you out. He opened the door and laid you down onto the backseat before hopping into the car himself.

“They’re bleeding.” Rindou shouts at Ran and Ran’s knuckles turn white as he grabs even harder onto the steering wheel.

“They’ll be fine.” He tries to convince himself and his younger brother at the same time. “We just need to reach Izana. He’ll help us out.”

“Stop.” The woman interrupts you. “Who is the Izana you’re speaking of?”

“He was a well known delinquent that led his own ‘kingdom’ as he liked to call it. It was a gang full of strong delinquents that took over Tokyo fast.” You smile, remembering the white haired short man. He always held a sweet spot in your heart with his scarred friend Kakucho.

“When was the last time you spoke to him?”

“Five years ago.”

“Why did the two of you stop talking to each other?” The psychiatrist asks while writing down the information that you told her. “You were smiling while talking about him. That means you cared, or maybe even still care about him. So why haven’t you spoken in such a long time. Of course, besides the fact that you’ve been in prison for a year.”

“He died.” She was shocked with your answer, but quickly cleared her throat and resumed to her stoic facial expression.

“Who killed him?”

“Some random dude I’ve never heard of.”

“Did he help you then. With your leg?”

“Yes. He had a medic on his team, that dropped out of med school. But he had good knowledge of what he was doing.”

Ran grabs the small bag that contained white powder from your hands and poured it onto the table. “If we continue on with this.. We’re gonna be rich!” He smirks as he looks down at the backpack laying on the cold cement floor of the basement. The bag was full of all kinds of drugs. Half of them you were hearing about for the first time. You didn’t know how Ran got ahold of them, but you didn’t care. The pill you took twenty minutes ago was doing wonders and you didn’t want to think of anything else. You all could enjoy yourselves with the drugs you owned and get money from selling them. Could it get any better than that?

“Man.” Rindou stretches as he was sitting on the ground in an uncomfortable position for a while now. “I don’t know what I took, but fuck did it make me not only high, but also horny as hell.” He groans. “I could really go get my dick wet right now.” You and Ran laugh at Rin’s statement and you lean your head backwards, staring into the ceiling which was full of cracks and ugly posters that only God himself knew where Rindou got them from. You grimace as you take in the naked women in some of them. They looked worn out.

“What if someone came on one of the posters here and now it’s on our ceiling.” You ask and both of the brothers look at you confused and grossed out.

“Man your high thoughts are fucking wack.”

“So that’s where it all started?”

“Yeah.” You lick your lips. “We took a bite out of the forbidden apple and enjoyed ourselves way too much. This was the first time we got so much cash. So we thought that this was the most perfect idea ever. Selling and doing drugs, and also getting so much cash? Fucking amazing, right? That’s how it felt at that moment. But I should’ve known.. I saw how my parents turned out. I know I should’ve stopped them at that moment. But it all felt so.. right.” You sigh. “I never cared about myself. I could’ve ended up in a ditch dead. I didn’t care. But I cared about them. I cared about them so fucking deeply, y’know? They were my first actual family. And I felt happy with them. I actually felt fulfilled with joy. I smiled whenever I was with them, I laughed, I felt at home. At peace. Thought at night time, I prayed.”

“Why?” The woman whispered. Without even noticing she fell deep into your story. Never really heard anything like that before probably. She looked young. If you had to guess, she probably just finished university and this was her first serious job.

“I was scared. I don’t even remember if I actually believed in God. But I begged Lord to forgive the Haitani’s and I for our sins. We did what we had to do to survive. And I hope Lord knows that. I.. I don’t know what awaits after death. But I can tell you that I fear it. I fear the unknown.” You look at the floor of the small room. It really reminded you of the basement that everything happened in. “I stopped praying after a while. Maybe a year after we started doing what we did. I thought that no matter what, no matter how much I begged and prayed it wouldn’t help anymore. We were in too deep.”

“How many people did you think you killed at that point?”

“After the first year? Hm..” your fingers tapped on the table once again, as you were deep in thought. “I think I killed around two people. But combined with the brothers.. There were around nine victims. The drugs messed with our brains. And we.. I don’t think we fully understood what was going on. At least I didn’t. It all felt like a dream, or… or a movie.”

“How did you feel when you killed your first victim?” Her fingers were shaking slightly, showing that she was nervous.

“I.. I felt scared. But I had to do it. Otherwise that would’ve been Ran. The guy pushed his gun right in the middle of Ran’s forehead. So I grabbed the metal pipe that was laying next to me and hit as many times as I had to.”

“Uhm. I have to tell you this, (L/N). But your parents want to come to court next week. To see you and hear what sentence you’ll get. Do you want me to tell them anything? Do you have a message?”

“Tell them that they can go fuck themselves.”

Different colours of dim lights were flashing around in some jocks trashy house. There were empty bottles of disgusting and cheap beer, vodka, champagne. There were also all kinds of different substances on the ground and you tried to not step on any of it. Fuck knows what the hell even was all of that. People were making out, grinding on each other, some were even actually having sex not caring about all of the people around them. Some remix of a random song you have never even heard of was blasting throughout the whole house. You take a look around and finally spot who you were looking for. With a smirk you plop down on the couch in the middle of both brothers. Trying not cringe at the thought of what happened on this couch before all of you showed up. Rindou was smoking a joint while Ran had white powder around his nose. You let out a sigh and grab a baggie of pills from the bag laying on the ground near Ran’s feet. You take the two pills without caring what kind they were and put them in your mouth, below the tongue, waiting for them to melt. “It’s ecstasy.” Rindou whispers into your ear and you just nod, too lost in your thoughts to answer. Suddenly a boost of confidence hits you and you felt so close to the pair sitting next to you. Closer then ever before. A feeling of happiness and relaxation took over your body and you started to feel free. Smiling to yourself, you look at Ran and Rindou, and close your eyes for a while.

It felt so, so peaceful. For once in your life you felt okay.

“So that was the start of your addiction to ecstasy?”

“Yeah. And also all kinds of other drugs.” You nod and take a look at her name tag. Dr. Fudo. “It felt nice to forget about everything happening. It was almost.. euphoric I guess. The drugs made me feel free. And it messed with my memory. So it made me feel like this was the only appropriate escape from the horrors happening around me.”

“So you were high most of the time all of this was happening?”

“Yup. Also almost overdosed a couple of times though. Ran just found me at the right time and saved my life I guess.” You look to the side and stare at the ugly walls. “I beat myself up for it every day. The both of them saved me so many times without even knowing, but I couldn’t save them.”

“Were you in a romantic relationship with either Haitani Ran, or Haitani Rindou?” She puts down her pen on the table and crosses her arms on her chest, leaning backwards until her back hits the chair.


“Were you in a romantic relationship with anyone during this timeline?”


“What was his name?”

“He called himself Sanzu.”

“What happened to him?” Fudo grabbed the pen once again and put it near the paper laying on the table.

“He overdosed.”

“Dude, shut the fuck up.” You laugh and hit Haru in the chest while laughing. The world seem quiet. The only two sound you heard were the voices of you and Sanzu Haruchiyo. You had met him on accident. He was buying drugs from Rindou and you walked in on them. The three of you talked for a while, before Rindou had to leave to sell some more drugs which left just the two of you. You hit it off easily and it just felt right. If anyone had to guess they would’ve thought that you and Sanzu were best friends and not some strangers that only met like fifteen minutes ago. Sanzu called it fate. Said you were his soulmate.

“Nah, I’m saying the truth.” He giggled and kissed the top of your head. “The fucker pissed his pants and was just laying on top of the couch, talking to his crush like nothing happened.” Sanzu took a hit from the joint between his lips.

You laugh even harder. And push your back against Sanzu’s chest, trying to get into a more comfortable position. The both of you were on top of some random building, popping all kinds of pills and getting high together, making out, talking about your life stories. The Haitani brothers made you feel at home. They were your family. Sanzu on the other hand made you feel good in other ways. He never judged you for anything and always beat up the people who just looked at you weird. He fit well into your group and the brothers took him in with open arms. Sanzu was now a part of your little family.

“I love you, (Y/N). I hope you know that.” Sanzu leans down and touches your lips with his.

“How did his death make you feel?”

“I wanted to kill myself. Almost tried. But the brothers mattered to me too much, I couldn’t leave them. So I just started doing even more drugs. I tried to forget about him, but he just haunted me no matter what I did. He still haunts me in my dreams sometimes even after three years.”

“The cops found three of the bodies.” Rindou punches the wall and lets out a series of curses. Ran was pulling his hair and keeping his head low, trying to think of anything.

“Let’s just run away.” You quickly butt in. “Let’s grab our shit and leave. Mikey said he has a place for us, right? He wanted us to join him so let’s just fucking go.”

“They’re right.” Ran stands up. “Let’s pack our shit and go as soon as possible.”

But before you could even do much the door of your apartment was kicked down and yelling could be heard. You duck and hide behind the table of your kitchen.

“I don’t remember much of that day. Maybe because I was high. Or maybe it was the adrenaline and fear I felt. I just remember screams. I remember Rindou getting shot first because he tried to shoot a police officer. Then I heard Ran cry. I think it was the first time ever I saw Ran cry. It was terrifying. I..” you take a deep and shaky breath. “I’ll never forget the scream he let out. Rindou meant the world to him. I don’t know why Ran got shot. They never told me.”

“He grabbed the gun laying and the floor and also tried to shoot.”


Cameras were flashing everywhere as you were being led out of court. Yells of different paparazzi could be heard even inside the building.

“(L/N) (F/N) is it true that you got a death penalty for all of the crimes you, Ran Haitani and Rindou Haitani committed?”

You just smile and keep on walking.

“What happens if one of us dies?” Y/N tilts their head to the side slightly and looks at Ran, laying right next to them. It was a chilly autumn day, the park they were at was empty - people were getting ready for the upcoming cold days, working to make sure that they and their families would stay safe and warm.

“I don’t think anyone would mourn any of us. We’re nothing to everyone else. Only a burden.” Ran smirks as if this didn’t cause a pang in his chest. If he could, he would do everything differently. He would make sure that his brother and you had different lives. He just wanted you two to be happy. To make actual good memories instead of whatever this was. He hopes that in another life all of you can be happy together.

“I would mourn you. I hope you’d mourn me too.” You let out a sigh and grab his hand with yours.

“If I’m being honest. I think if one of us dies the other two would follow.”

“Right to the grave?”

“Yeah. Right to the grave.”

Tags :
2 years ago


Songs that remind me of TR characters

Some scenarios I had in mind through out the months but didn’t have enough motivation to write full on imagines. So here’s a bunch of drabbles.

Haitani Rindou (Mentions of Haitani Ran), Kokonoi Hajime, Sano Manjiro, Sanzu Haruchiyo/Muto Yasuhiro(platonic). Angst and toxic relationships.


Haitani Rindou: Joji - SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK

Give me reasons we should be complete

You should be with him, I can't compete

You looked at me like I was someone else

Rindou knew better than to fall for you. He knew you were in love with his older brother. After all, Ran was always more popular and acknowledged by everyone, while Rindou stood in his shadows. He tried to do whatever he could to just get the spotlight at least for a little while. And for some dumb reason he thought that he might have a chance with you. He tried to distance himself from you and it was successful for a while. But that one night made all of the walls he built - fall down. And now he was left all alone to build them up again. Oh how much he wished that he hadn’t let you kiss him then. Especially when he noticed you looking at his brother while doing so.

Kokonoi Hajime: Lana Del Rey - Doin’ Time

Me and my girl, we got this relationship

I love her so bad, but she treats me like shit

Evil, I've come to tell you that she's evil, most definitely

Kokonoi never thought he’d date anyone. He was so sure that he would die alone, since he had no time for relationships. He only cared about money and ways to get more of it. But then a new Bonten member showed up and it only took one glance at them. Just one glance and he was hooked. The way you kept your head high and were never scared to show your true emotions to anyone. The scowl you’d have when you were mad at someone and the way you always thought you were better than anyone else. You were egoistic and always got whatever you wanted. He knew you were too good for him. No one was even worth your time. And he knew that you’d use him for money and for whatever else you needed. But he didn’t care. If he was the one you’d get home to at night, he was fine with whatever you did during the day. Even if it hurt him in the end. You were the sun and he was Icarus. (Icarus, in Greek mythology, son of the inventor Daedalus who perished by flying too near the Sun with waxen wings.)

Mikey: Alex G - Mary

Mary is the girl that leaves you to rot

She says, "I am real and you are not"

After losing everyone, Mikey had become completely numb. He treated everyone with disrespect and never gave them the time of day. But you had stayed. Even if it cost you your sanity. You knew your feelings weren’t as strong as they used to be and that you were living off of false hope of the old Mikey coming back. You knew it was an extremely toxic relationship from both sides. But you had been with him for far too long to just let go of it now. But some nights while laying in bed you’d let your thoughts wander. Asking yourself if it was truly worth it. The screaming, the throwing stuff at each other, him not caring and you crying your eyes out until you couldn’t even let out a sound anymore. He treated you like you weren’t even real. Like you were just a figment of his imagination and would come back to him whenever he wanted. And he was right. No matter what you always stayed.

Mucho/Sanzu: Tyler The Creator - Are We Still Friends? (I really really wanna write a fic about this, I have so many ideas. Maybe I will when I have time)

Don't say, "Goodbye, smell you later" (later)

Nah, I can't

I don't want to end the season on a bad episode

Are we still friends?

Can we be friends?

Are we still friends?

I've got to know

You met Sanzu and Mucho after being assigned to the 5th division. The three of you hit it off easily. You all spent almost every single day together, becoming extremely close. You considered them your family and had many polaroids of all of you on your wall. You watched the sunsets and sunrises together, went on quick road trips and made many memories that you’ll never forget. There were at least three of Mucho’s sweaters in your closet that he’d always tried to get back but never succeeded. You always wore Sanzu’s hair ties on your wrist. And when the day started off weird you knew something was wrong. Mucho didn’t pick you up with his car and neither of them were at the Toman meeting. They didn’t answer any of your messages or calls, and when Mikey came up to you after the meeting ended you felt your heart break. But you didn’t find it in yourself to hate either Sanzu or Mucho. So when you had to fight both of them at the Tenjiku vs. Toman fight you couldn’t stop yourself from asking them.

“Are we still friends?”

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2 years ago

Teen Romance <3

Inui Seishu x gn!reader (mentions of ex!Mikey)

Angst, a but of fluff at the end. This is short lol

Inui is in love with you and has been for a while. Though your heart still lies with Mikey

Teen Romance

I met her by chance

I said: I really like your pants

I know you got a man

Give me your hand

Teen romance

Teen Romance

“Whats up” Inui walks into the room with two cans of (your favourite soda). “You look.. like you’re really going through it. All gloomy and shit.”

You don’t know when exactly the two of you became close friends. It just happened on it’s own. Though you don’t really question about it, content with being so close to the blonde.

You like to call your friendship fate, since the two of you hated each other’s guts before Mikey disbanded Toman and broke you heart. After that Inui felt pity towards you and somehow managed to earn a spot in your heart. But Inui hates the though of that. You didn’t know why for the longest time and thought it was another one of his dumb theories. But once he was extremely drunk and called you, because he felt lonely and wantd to talk. He confessed that if the fate theory was real it meant that his sister’s fate was to die. And he thinks it’s bullshit. She still had years and years ahead of her. After that you stopped even saying the word “fate” in front of him. You didn’t know it, but it truly meant a lot to him. It meant that you listened to what he had to say and actually cared about his feelings. He doesn’t remember the last time someone did that to him.

“Nothin’” a soft murmur left your lips. “Just thinking.” You scratch your head and sigh. Your head was placed on your palm as you leaned on the kitchen table. Inupi and you decided to move in together in an apartment near the bike shop that he ran with Draken.

“You can talk with me about it y’know.” He tilts his head to the side and puts down one can near you. “I’ll always listen to you. And maybe give some advice. Though I can’t promise it’ll be good advice.”

“Sometimes I still think about him.” You close your eyes for a second and his face flashes in your mind. It was as clear as day. His blonde hair and dark brown, almost black, eyes. And that childish smiles of his. “And it really hurts. All of the good memories we had together.. I know he’s not the same person that he was. And sometimes I wish that I never even met him that day. I wish I had stayed in my room. But instead I just had to go to the corner store to buy some snacks. That’s where I met him..” you rub your eyes. “But I know if I ever had the chance I would do it all over again. I really miss him. I miss the old Mikey.”

You felt a palm touch your shoulder and as you look up Inui stood before you, looking at you with soft apologetic eyes. It was a bit awkward talking about your ex to the guy that you knew had a crush on you. It was obvious to you and everyone else. But deep down you knew you still need time to move on from Mikey. Even if three years have passed, it was still not enough. Just the sound of Mikey’s name made your stomach turn. That itself was a sign that you’re just not ready for new relationships yet.

“You deserve better, (Y/N). I hope you know that.” He takes a deep breath and you can see that he’s trying to form a sentence in his head that will have the best approach to this situation. “Right now you’re living in the past. You have been for three years. You can’t keep doing that. You need to focus on right now and on the future. I know you miss him. But he’s not going to change. The Mikey you knew has been gone for a while. And as much as it hurts you need to move on and create a better future for yourself.” His body’s tense and he doesn’t know if this was the right choice. Kokonoi would always comment about how he’s too blunt and Inui never really cared about it. But now he wishes he could just keep his mouth shut.

“I know, Inui.” You slightly pout, deep in thought. “Hey. Can I be a little selfish and ask you something?”

“Of course.” He smiles at you, now relaxed.

“Can you wait for me?”

“(Y/N). I’ll always wait for you. No matter how long it takes. I’ll wait.”

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2 years ago

Oho someone who's fine with ppl sending ideas. Platonic toman with a male!member reader who lacks self-awareness. Like bby passed by an entire rival gang while wearing toman's uniform just to get donuts (and somehow came back to the hideout self and sound with a box of donuts), accidentally offended other influential delinquents while Takemichi stared in horror, wondered off somewhere during important times. Wdyt ? Btw it's inspired by your mbti since intp's have inferior fe. Wdyt of this ?

“Oh and that, and toman with a m!member reader who takes the items of the delinquents he beats, and also gifts it to the other members. There's that one time when Draken received motor parts for a week straight, Mitsuya receiving a cool looking belt, Emma receiving an earring, etc. The way he gifts it weirds people out though, like someone's just existing there, reader walks up to them, gives them something and walks away without speaking.”

Platonic!Toman x m!intp!reader

Oho Someone Who's Fine With Ppl Sending Ideas. Platonic Toman With A Male!member Reader Who Lacks Self-awareness.

A couple of hc’s of Toman and they’re favourite weird dude.

Some violence and a couple of swear words. And that’s all I think. This was really fun to write

Oho Someone Who's Fine With Ppl Sending Ideas. Platonic Toman With A Male!member Reader Who Lacks Self-awareness.

*You joined Toman, because you were a close friend of Peh. Since childhood you had spend almost every single day together, because your parents were neighbours. But that kinda changed after Peh met Pah and joined Toman. Since you felt left out you one day cornered Peh and forced him to “spit it out” on why he has been ignoring you so much. He explained about Toman and you asked to join. Peh wasn’t too fond of the idea, but he knew he couldn’t talk you out of this. Once you made up your mind no one could change it.

*Mikey had a talk with you after Peh mentioned your name. After you talked he realised you two are kinda similar in many ways (Mikey is also an INTP. At least he was the last time I checked). He enjoyed talking to you and after he noticed that you mostly think before you speak and also use logic in almost every sentence he came to a conclusion that the best division for you was the 5th one. So he introduced you to Mucho and Sanzu.

*Mucho liked the fact that you were quiet and only spoke when needed or when you had something to say. Otherwise no matter how much the guys from 5th division (and other divisions as well) talked your ears off, you didn’t say more than a few words. After all, you were more of a listener than a talker.

*Sanzu was glad when he found out how loyal you were to those you trusted. After he earned your trust he enjoyed having conversations with you since he knew you didn’t lie and no matter how ugly the truth was, you always spoke only the truth.

*But that was also kind of a throw off for other people. Hakkai and Angry disliked you at first. You seemed rude and you were difficult to get to know. You were insensitive at times and had struggled to express your feelings. But after a while they got used to it. They weren’t the closest ones to you, but they didn’t dislike you either. You were just another guy in the gang. Though one incident made them change their minds about you completely. Like it did a full 180

*Once you found Hakkai and Angry cornered by a bunch of rival delinquents you saved their asses and then they started seeing you as a brother and best friend.

*The closest to you were Mikey, Sanzu, Mucho, Baji and Draken (besides Peh and Pah). They enjoyed your company and how you always listened to their problems and gave good advice.

*The guys were weirded out the first time you came up to them in silence and without a word gave some random gifts (they weren’t that random. They actually needed the item you gave and were confused on how you knew about what they needed. But then they realised they probably made a side comment about it while talking to you and you remembered. That warmed their hearts a bit.). And when they found out that most of the gifts were actually stolen from the people you beat up, they were left in a bigger state of shock. Chifuyu and Baji laughed about it and said that next time they’ll also invite you to beat people up with them and then strip them naked. (That manga panel made my jaw drop the first time I saw it lmao).

*Now what they really didn’t like about you, was how much self awareness you lacked. You always put yourself in danger, but also managed to avoid it. You walked past by delinquents who had issues with Toman without even a scratch. You bought donuts and brought them to a meeting. You managed to piss off the Haitani brothers by saying something rude about them right in front of them (without even noticing that they were behind your back) (Takemichi almost had a heart attack that day). It became an inside joke of the gang about how luck is always on your side.

*Even if you were cold and stand off-ish they all knew you cared about them. And they cared a lot about you too.

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2 years ago

Without you

Without You

Kanto Manji members (Mikey, Kokonoi, Wakasa, Benkei, Kakucho, Shion, Mocchi) x gn!reader

pt. 1 with Haitani brothers, Sanzu, Hanma

They ruin your relationship and then regret it, but it’s too late.

Mentions of drugs, blood, toxic relationships. A tiny bit suggestive in Shion’s part

♫ Now playing: 21 Savage - ball w/o you

~I thought it was a love, until I woke up

And had an epiphany~

Kokonoi Hajime

Without You

You runnin' 'round drinkin' liquor

Takin' pictures 'cause you miss me

(I know you miss me)

Kokonoi finished his fifth glass of liquor and took a look at his surroundings. His head was feeling fuzzy and he was starting to feel a little sick. He was never really a fan of alcohol, since it was a distraction from his main goal in life - money. He had to be sober and levelheaded to get as much as possible. But this time it was different. He ruined the best thing in his life and now he was drowning in his thoughts, hoping to come up with a solution to fix his problem.

Just last week he raised his voice at you, but that wasn’t the worst part. All of the anger and stress that built up from Kanto Manji problems made him blind and he let out all of his dark emotions on you. And you just stood there and listened. It wasn’t the first time and you knew it wouldn’t be the last. So without a word you went into his room and took all of your belongings, putting them in a bag.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Kokonoi punched the bedroom wall. His heart was beating extremely fast and he didn’t know what to do.

“What I should’ve done a long time ago.”

And now all he could do was take a picture of a random person and hope that you at least get jealous and decide to text or call him.

Sano Manjiro

Without You

It don't take much to love

You can love somebody just by being attached

/ I just wish your love wouldn't fade away

Mikey was lost in his own head. He didn’t feel any emotions anymore, numb to everything and everyone. In the moment he felt like it was the best choice for the both of you. You were just a distraction in his eyes and his main goal was to make sure that Kanto Manji would be on top always. So he packed your bags for you and left them in the bedroom. When you came back and saw everything you just shook your head and left with everything that you had. You knew this relationship wouldn’t work for too long. Mikey wasn’t Mikey anymore and you fell out of love a while ago.

Now Mikey sat in the meeting room and stared at the wall in front of him. Once again lost in his own thoughts. But this time they were all about you. He missed you. He needed you by his side. But as much as his hands itched to grab the phone and call you, he still knew that this was for the best. At the end of the day he only caused you pain and put you in danger.

Wakasa Imaushi

Without You

You crossed me once, it's fuck you forever

Wakasa’s head was in his hands. There were bottles of alcohol laying around his living room and Benkei was sitting near him, letting out a displeased sigh. Ever since the day he decided to betray Senju and join Kanto Manji Gang, you hadn’t spoken to him. Benkei couldn’t blame you and neither could Wakasa. The both of them knew how much Senju meant to you. She was like your kid. You were the first one to get your Brahman uniform, because Senju cherished you so much. Wakasa tried to get another can of beer, but Benkei stopped him.

“This isn’t going to help you, y’know?”

Wakasa thinks about the day you left. How heartbroken you looked even though you tried to hide your pain. But the glow and pain in your eyes showed different. You called him a lot of different names, pointing a finger at him and calling him a disgusting monster, telling him how he fucked up by losing your trust. And he knew it was true. Earning your trust was a difficult task. And he couldn’t believe that he actually managed to break the bond that the two of you had. You were and still are his world. And to you he’s just a memory.

Arashi Keizo

Without You

You could find love, get married, have kids

I'd still be realest to hit it

Benkei was a family guy. He dreamt of having a big family, wether it was by adopting or having his own kids. And he always dreamt about that future with you by his side. But that changed after he joined Kanto. The gang was way different that all of the gangs he has been in before. Except his own. The old Benkei was coming back and he knew it himself. You knew it. Everyone knew it. The blood on his hands and face was a clear sigh of it. And that caused a lot of problems in your relationship. He became cold and distant, making Kanto his priority. After the sixth fight between the two of you in the same week, you packed your bags and left him. The both of you were tired and being together only made it worse. You said that this would only be a break. That you needed to be alone for a while. But Benkei knew the truth. You weren’t coming back.

Shion Madarame

Without You

I was gettin' some head earlier

And you crossed my mind

Shion was enjoying himself after the breakup. He went to clubs with the Haitani brothers and Hanma, he did random drugs people gave him, he had one night stands. It was fun at first, doing everything he thought about doing while in a relationship with you. He was free, no one was stopping him from anything. He didn’t have to message you or call you, he didn’t need to see your angry face when he came back late, or missed a date. But after a while it got lonely. He had everything he ever wanted, but there was no you in sight. He missed the feeling of your arms around him, he missed how worried you always were when he came back home bruised and bloodied.

And while there was a person laying next to him after another one night stand it all seemed so dark and quiet. He turned his head to the side and took in the features of their face. They were similar to you. Not exactly the same, because no one could ever be you. But right now it was enough. And then something clicked in his brain. He’ll never have you again.


Without You

When it came to havin' your back, I'm so real

I prolly would've gave you my spine

You were Kakucho’s world. You were there when Izana was alive, you were there after his death when he was in the hospital. You were with him when he was beat up by South and had to join his gang and you were there when he joined Kanto. No matter how many stupid and dangerous mistakes he made, you were always there. You extended a helping hand towards him with the biggest smile on your face. But he was so lost in the gang life, he didn’t see how he never really did the same to you. He always left you hanging. And now he couldn’t turn back time and change the things he did. How cold he treated you. A few tears run down his face and he hopes you can forgive him. He knows you won’t take him back, but he still wants you to know that he only wishes the best for you.

Mochizuki Kanji

Without You

I'm as solid as they come, but you crossed the line

Yeah, you best start keepin' it real, I can see the signs

Mocchi was always known as a scary guy. His build and height increased the fear for other’s. But he never scared you. No matter how many people he beat up with ease, how he could easily break you without even trying. You never feared him. You held respect towards him, knowing his life wasn’t easy. And with that knowledge he used you. He used your love, since he knew you would do anything for him. But what he didn’t know was how you knew all of that. He used your kindness and then was left without it. And now he had to see you give your heart to someone else.

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2 years ago
Kanto Manji Gang Mikey Who Just Doesnt Understand Whats Going On With Him. Hes Never Felt This Way Towards

Kanto Manji gang Mikey who just doesn’t understand what’s going on with him. He’s never felt this way towards anyone, but as he watches you dance with your friends, moving your body to the rhythm of a song he’s never heard before, he feels his heart start beating faster. Your beauty was ethereal and as everyone else was talking about gang related stuff, his eyes just kept following you. There was a fight going on inside his head, blocking out the sound of Haruchiyo’s voice. Should he walk up to you? Or should he just watch from the sidelines as if you’re a work of art which he cannot touch.

You’re not stupid. You felt someone stare at you the whole night and you knew who that someone is. Yes, he was a sight to behold, but the aura surrounding him was dark. You knew what people like him do for a living, how the pain of others bring them joy. You kept on dancing, hoping he won’t come close to you and try to win your heart over. Because if he does, you most certainly know there won’t be any escaping him.

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2 years ago



Rindou, Sanzu, Senju, Mikey, Hanma x gn!reader

Yandere TR characters

Warning: Possessive behaviour, manipulation, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, character death, stalking, creepy behaviour, yandere. Maybe manga spoilers in Hanma’s part? Mostly a theory. Read at your own risk. This contains themes that some viewers may find disturbing.


Haitani Rindou


♡ One of the best ones in my opinion. He did get ranked 2nd as “best boyfriends” of Tenjiku.

♡ He would treat you so good. Loves spoiling you. Buys you all of the things that reminds him of you. Takes you out for dinner, or gets takeout and brings it to your apartment. Takes care of you and is always there for you when you need him.

♡ He’d make playlists for you with songs that make him think about you and loves it if you do the same. Would listen to the playlist you made on repeat for hours, maybe even while he falls asleep.

♡ He doesn’t keep his mouth shut about you. Ran always hears your name and he’s happy that his younger brother has a s/o which he loves dearly.

♡ He keeps all of the things you buy/give him or throw away in a box and takes them out whenever he misses you. Though he prefers to just meet up with you, but if you’re busy then he has no choice but to do that.

♡ A stalker. Will stalk you even after you start dating. You always feel someone behind you and it sends chills to your spine. You message your lovely boyfriend Rindou about how you feel as if you’re being followed. His responses are always “Don’t worry, it’s probably just your imagination. You know I’d never let anything bad happen to you.” And it’s true. Since he’s always wherever you are.

♡ The only times you ever notice his weird behaviour is when guys flirt with you. He’d never hurt a girl, so he just let’s them slide with a warning glare. The guys though.. He tries not to fight with them, but you do notice how tense he gets. And the cold look he gives them, makes you feel kinda scared even if that anger isn’t towards you.

♡ You don’t know it, but he kills all of those guys.

♡ Anything he needs to do to make sure you never leave, he will. Even if it meant hurting the people you hold close to your heart. After all, the only person who owns your heart should be Rindou. Right?

Sanzu Haruchiyo


♡ One of the worst yanderes. Have you seen him? The only positive is that he’ll do anything for you. Anything.

♡ He stalks you and doesn’t even try to hide it. You know he’s behind you, but you’re too scared to say anything about it to him. You knew how he could get. Your friends and people you didn’t even know did try to warn you about him, but you thought they were all just rumours. After all he was so good towards you.

♡ He doesn’t think the relationship is complicated in any way. All he wants is for you to love him. Is he asking for too much?

♡ He doesn’t understand that what he’s feeling towards you isn’t normal. He’s obsessed. He just wants to be with you always. Forever. Until death. He wants to know everything about you. He wants to know every single thought of yours.

♡ The relationship is extremely toxic. Are you surprised?

♡ You’re creeped out by him already? Oh my. You still don’t know so much. He has hidden cameras in your house. He looks at you through your window. He has old and new polaroids of you in random places that he took without you knowing he was even there.

♡ It’s too late for you to even consider leaving him. He’d do anything to keep you to himself. He’d kidnap you if needed.

♡ He most definitely has a shrine for you hidden in his room. And he keeps on adding to the collection.

Kawaragi Senju


♡ She just wants to have you to herself. Similar to Sanzu, she wants to spend every single minute of the day with you. She takes you shopping, on dates, she buys you whatever you lay your eyes on even if you tell her not to, she has pictures of you on her wall.

♡ She always somehow ends up wherever you are. Oh, you wanted to go shopping alone? She had the same idea. How cute, you can go together! You wanted to hang out with other people? Would you look at that, she bumped into you in the middle of the busy street. What a coincidence!

♡ After Brahman disbanded she got to spend more time with you. And now since she felt so so sad, you were there for her. You played with her hair, cuddled her, gave her assuring kisses. Oh how much she enjoyed it. She decided to be sad for a longer while she never really felt sad.

♡ She’s such a jealous person. She never really had any friends of her own, always following Haru and his friends, or Takeomi and his friends. And now she has you! You were all hers. And she didn’t like sharing.

♡ She showed more of her disturbing side a year into your relationship. But you didn’t really look into it. After all no one is perfect you are perfect to her.

♡ You noticed some pictures on her wall that you didn’t remember her take. Or you didn’t even remember that you spent that day with her. Weren’t you with your friends then? No. You must be mistaken. You two did meet up! Silly you. Don’t ask any more dumb questions.

Sano Manjiro


♡ Oh boy.

♡ Obsessed.

♡ Like literally doesn’t imagine a life without you. He already lost so much. He had to say his final goodbyes to so many friends and family members. He won’t take any risks with you.

♡ Kidnaps you and locks you in a room.

♡ The room is extremely huge and beautiful. It has everything you might ever need. Maybe even more.

♡ You are monitored by his men. They stand around the house while he is out to make sure that you never try to leave.

♡ You might not like him yet. But you will. He’ll make sure of it. If you don’t like the idea of loving him, he won’t give a shit. He’d be mad and force you to spend time with him. Might even use violence if needed.

♡ If you do develop stockholm syndrome, he won’t treat you that differently than before. Of course he won’t be mad at you anymore, but he isn’t okay in the head and he doesn’t understand what love is. He is also a gang leader, so he doesn’t have that much time to spare for you. But he does buy you a lot of stuff.

♡ Another yandere which loves spoiling you.

♡ He’s bad at showing his emotions so don’t expect anything from him. Like he won’t hold you close, give you sweet morning kisses and etc. He does love you. But that won’t change the man he is.

Hanma Shuji


♡ Crazy. Hates people, hates everyone, but for some reason he just has a sweet spot for you he’s literally obsessed.

♡ Will do anything to keep you his. Will chain you to the bed if needed. This man does not care about how you feel, he only thinks about himself. Whatever he wants he gets. And he wants you.

♡ Another stalker. Has pictures of you he took some even while you’re changing clothes. Has to know everything about you,but also doesn’t really care? It depends on his mood. He might sit and listen to you for hours, or he might not talk to you at all.

♡ In my opinion he is the second time leaper. So let’s say in a few futures you manage to escape him/be with someone else. He will change that. Will do whatever he needs to make sure you’re his in the future timeline too. Will go back and kill that person if needed.

♡ You know he’s messed up in the head. Knew even before you two started dating. It was obvious, he doesn’t eve try to hide the fact that he’s not normal.

♡ It was your choice to show him your attention even if you didn’t, he’d find a way to make you his now you’re stuck with him.

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2 years ago

Bound 2

Bound 2

Mikey, Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindou, Shion Madarame x gn!reader

They fall for you

Bound 2

Bound to fall in love <3

Sano Manjiro

Bound 2

I know I got a bad reputation

Walking 'round, always mad reputation

He was a well known delinquent around Japan. Many already knew his last name, because of his older brother Shinichiro, but it was obvious how different they were. Mikey was ruthless, he didn’t care about anything and anyone. His main purpose in life was to create chaos and bring pain. While Shinichiro was a delinquent who cared about everyone. He did what made him happy and he tried to help out other’s as well. That’s why his death brought many to tears, Shinichiro was named as a legend which no one would ever forget.

But for Mikey.. People prayed for Mikey’s downfall and that should’ve been one of the biggest red flags for you. But you didn’t care about any of that. What you cared about was how he treated you. He saw you as an equal and promised to protect you with his whole life. He met you when he was still in Toman. He was buying midnight snacks when you came into the small shop near his house. It wasn’t love at first sight, but he knew you’d be something to him. A friend, an enemy, or a lover - he didn’t know. But he had a feeling. And he was right. You two became close extremely fast.

At nights he’d hold you close and whisper about your future. How he wants to marry you, even though he knows it’s not safe. He even thought about leaving this life behind, but that wasn’t possible. He’d ask you to never leave him. Mikey was broken, after losing so much. And you’d stay with him until the very end. Even if it meant losing your sanity.

Haitani Ran

Bound 2

Leave a pretty girl sad reputation

He was a playboy. Breaking the hearts of guys and girls without any shame or guilt. He had the looks and the personality and that was enough. People knew how he was, but they still expected to be the one for Ran. But the relationships ended not even a month in. Haitani was capable of having a good relationship, but he just never found the right one. Deciding to just indulge in one night stands. But that was until he met you.

You were so rude and cold towards him. You had no fear, even though you knew the power his name held. You thought he was the most annoying person to exist on this planet and he thought you were the most perfect human being. But of course it was hard for him to convince you that he actually liked you. Ran was cursing out himself for building the reputation he had and Rindou was laughing at his older brother’s problem.

He knew it would take a long while to make you believe him. But he was persistent. He wouldn’t give up. Not until he had you in his arms.

Haitani Rindou

Bound 2

Start a Fight Club, Brad reputation

I turnt the nightclub out of the basement

Haitani Rindou was known for a lot of things. He was a delinquent, he helped his brother kill someone at the age of twelve, he spent a lot of his teenage years in Juvie, he was known as a celebrity in Roppongi and around school he was also known for being rude and cold towards other students, pushing them around with his brother. Basically, he wasn’t a good person and everyone and their moms knew this. Following the footsteps of his older brother Ran, he built himself a name which brought fear to many. The only exceptions to this were his brother, his friends and for some reason - you.

You had just moved to Japan, not having any family there, or knowing anyone in that country in general. Your dad got a job in Tokyo and he took this opportunity to make more money. Of course you weren’t too fond of this idea, but who were you to crush his dreams. So you sucked it all in and decided to just keep quiet. Surprisingly it wasn’t too bad. Even though you were in the centre of attention (good and bad) you enjoyed making new friends and joining clubs. Mostly everything was going great, until the day you bumped into the famous Haitani Rindou. You had heard stories about him from your new friends, but he wasn’t what you had expected him to be.

He made sure you were okay and was blushing the whole time you two talked. What you didn’t know was how you managed to consume his mind. You were all he could think about. Your smile, your eyes, your cute accent and the funny way you pronounced words. Rindou managed to develop the biggest crush on you just by talking to you for a few minutes.

“Hey, there’s a party at my place.” He clears his throat. “On friday. I’ll be the dj. Come over?”

“For sure.” You smile at him and write down your number on a small piece of paper.

That was a start of a long lasting relationship.

Shion Madarame

Bound 2

And ay, ayo, we made to Thanksgiving

So ay, maybe we can make it to Christmas

Shion wasn’t the best at showing his emotions. He couldn’t tell you how he felt most of the time. Maybe it was because of pride, or maybe he was never taught to speak out. You didn’t know. But you did know that he loved you. You knew from the high school days, when he bumped into you on accident and then blamed it all on you.

He was a dumbass. He was forgetful, rude, way too stuck up and egoistic. Even after losing a fight, he’d walk with his head high and you didn’t know if that was a good, or a bad thing. All you knew was that you’d be there to patch him up. And even if he didn’t show it - he was grateful. Shion never thought you’d like him back. You were way too good for him. But he never regretted the stupid letter he wrote to you when he was sixteen. He’d always remember how you smiled while reading it and how you knew that it was him.

Now, he walked around the streets of Japan with you in his arms, his head still held high, but for different reasons. Shion knew they were all jealous of him. After all, you were a beauty to behold.

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8 months ago

Tit pic for homework?Part 2

Tokyo revengers × Y/n texting.

Part one and three on my page.

Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2

Haitani brothers:

Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2
Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2

Kawata twins:

Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2
Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2

Chifuyu mastuno:

Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2

Kazutora hanemiya:

Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2

Manjiro sano:

Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2

Kokonoi hajime:

Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2

Sanzu haruchiyo:

Tit Pic For Homework?Part 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bye lovelys~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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2 years ago

Totally not rewatching this again-

Tokyo revengers? No, Middle schoolers, embroiled in a gang war.

I don't know if I'm amazed that I wasn't spoiled about the plot, I'm just disappointed.

It's fun though, no I will never read the manga, I just got my sanity back. Everybody lives, fight me <3

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1 year ago
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⁰⁰'²⁵ ━━●━━───── ⁰²'⁰⁸

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

╰┈➤ characters....•`SANO MANJIRO´•.

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ SYNOPSIS... clingy mikey -for no reason at all and out of the blue- and being impossible to get rid of him, eventually follows you to shower, disturbing the only time you had to yourself. ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WORDCOUNT... 1,6k ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WARNINGS... +18, smut, female reader, slight fluff, clingy and quiet mikey, read at your own risk, porn w plot, no cursing, shower sex, sudden and uncontrollable thirst for touches and sex, overstimulation, choking, forced (?) ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ OTHER... reblogs, likes and requests are appreciated!

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

“m-mikey…” you mewl, breath hitting against the shower’s already steamed up glass wall, making it more foggy. you feel so good but way past overstimulated, hearing ringing in your ears. his giggle echoes in the small place, your own legs shaking and you struggle to turn your reddened head past your shoulder, -both from the warmness in the shower and how his strong gaze never failed to make you dizzy- “leave me.. me alone already—”

“won’t happen, pretty girl..” the black haired boy’s short nails scratched your waist, leaving dark purple half circles over the skin as his hips greedily snapped against yours, dictating a fierce pace. being balls deep into you was his favorite place to be and he has not hidden this fact from you. nothing could make him cover up his pussy thirst, even if just talking about or simply thinking about you for a brief second made him rut. even though your legs were on the edge of giving up, his grip being stronger and stronger by every passing seconds, your cheeks got pushed against the cold, gray and wet tiles, squishing your face to it’s surface more and more with each thrust from behind.

no more coherent words were formed from your mouth, his lips crashing against to the nape of your neck, teeth sinking into it madly, his tongue writing down circles and sometimes sucking into you, marks left over for him to admire for days. meanwhile his tip abused that spongey spot inside your wall over and over again with the intention of driving you crazy even more. your eyes hooded, rolling backwards from the umpteenth pleasure given to you by no one else, but your boyfriend behind you.

“what’s with you— today..” gulping down a big lump on your throat before feeling his fingers curling around it and squeezing it, which you rewarded by squeezing your inner walls tight around his member, feeling him twitch deep within your stomach, fastness never faltering. your palms got slapped on the wall in front of you, holding on for dear life, your back stinging from pain, you squeezed your eyes together, hoping to just get over with this.

do not misunderstand, you loved and craved these moments, but how mikey started clinging to your side, no matter what, never meant good for you. arms always around your hips, face pushed into your side, back or belly, you barely could get rid of him just to take a quick bathroom break. when that something hits his mind, this man is like a toddler, impossible to scrape him off no matter how hard you try. not giving much thought, a few pats were given, caressing his hair just like a good mother would their children, unfortunately for you this resulted you in much deeper trouble.

asking him about his problems or if you could help with anything wasn’t working either, his will is steel strong, you silently take notes to yourself to not try and attempt this again, sighing you accept your daily fate and melt into his touches. which was even bigger mistake, but what else could you do? fighting back isn’t an option, considering how he can whoop others’ asses, just as easily he can whoop yours’ too anytime he wanted.

mikey fell into total quietness, his touches painting down his feelings perfectly. after spending so much time with him you learned exactly how to treat him in these times.

even while having dinner, it was impossible to not have one of his limbs against you. hands groped your thighs like his life depended on it, but his face showed no sign of what he was actually doing under the table. a few hitches rolled from your lips and sending angry daggers in his direction too, could not convince him about leaving you alone. the way he continued to chew on his food made your blood boil, being so unbothered made you wanna instantly choke him, right in that place. of course you wouldn’t do that, thinking about it more, all this man wanted was love and who were you to forbid this from him?

now hands snaked up on your sides, under the loose, white shirt which was so wide that it barely let your frame visible through the silk, -now, this wasn’t enough for mikey, that’s why he started exploring further- no words were spoken, your shared bedroom’s dim light not giving sight for him, relying on his senses, he guided your shirt up past your waist. your breathy panting was the only noise, mixing together with the clock’s ticking was a music to your boyfriend’s ear. his fingertips left goosebumps in their wake, setting your body to blaze, when suddenly you slapped away his arms.

with the excuse of going to take a shower, you slammed the door on yourself in the bathroom, leaning your back against the dark wood, sliding down to the floor next to it, exhaling in and out crazily, collecting yourself with a cough, then you stood up and after a few minutes you totally gaslighted yourself into thinking that this was all for today. unlucky for you, in fact it wasn’t.

not bothering to knock, mikey stormed into the same room as you which you were sure was safe for being alone for a few seconds. the doors clicking and loud shutting sound made you realize how you let your guard down, what was -again- another one out of your plenty poorly chose decision. you heard a low humm and by the time you even could think of what you wanted to respond, he acted faster and was already naked next to you, hopping swiftly inside the shower, arms draped over you again and enjoying the way the hot water droplets ran down on his body the way it ran down on yours at the same time. pushing his chest flush against you, feeling as close as never was how you got here.

how you trembled against him, ears ringing and how the hot liquid burned your skin, you got to the assumption it was at least two hours you spent inside that damned shower booth. bending yourself over in ninety degrees, your kneecaps were at their limits and were ready to collapse but before that could happen, mikey reached on arm under your torso, keeping you in your place by your throat and his other hand under you, on your stomach.

“you ready, girl?..” his thin, pink lips formed into a stronger smug over the time, seeing you so broken by him fueled his ego like fresh wood the fire. eyebrows furrowed, now his rhythm knew no pattern, messily and sloppily splashing against your tight walls, cum already decorated the fat of your ass from the previous rounds, the way he went in and out made your hole gushing over and over again, leaking his seed out of your pussy and feeling it running down by your thighs, eventually the water washing it away. your tears -even though your taste buds felt the saltiness of it- and your saliva dripping past your squeezed together lips could not be seen how it blended with the water.

libido still as strong as at the start, making you think he collected this much power throughout the day, considering how mikey was everything but not a high maintenance. how rough he can be and as harsh as he can be, he tires as quickly and by this you were already used to quick ones and your session ending early.

now this wasn’t a day like that, hoping to end this as fast as possible, your brain drained to impossibly dry, you focused on your breathing, concentrating not to faint, then you felt his head brutally slamming to your sweet spot without a seconds of break, causing you to merely yelp, a shock wave sent to your spine, making you straighten up right in that moment, hands clenching into fists against the wall you were leaning against.

the taller one’s hand sneakily wandered down, right between your legs, brushing two of his fingertips to your wet lips and after some caressing, it delved deeper in your folds with long strokes, not forgetting to pinch your clit here and there, wanting to make your orgasm as pleasurable as possible. you arched your back, gasping and shamelessly screaming his name like a chant, repeating it with more and more moans slipping between the words.

your body ached, especially down there, it was painful and good at the same time, leaving you confused how you wanted him to stop right there or just give in to the sensation.

suddenly your eyes dilated, gasping out, you reached behind, hands grabbing into the back of his neck, as he pushed his face into your wet hair, not bothering how the water was right against your face, clenching down on him the feeling of his balls emptying themself inside of you once again made you come alongside him in the same second. not faltering, his thrust stayed at the same speed, he grunted into you, trying to cover all those filthy sounds he never thought he’s capable of letting out. mikey’s eyes squeezed together, with few more messy thrusts the boy calmed down but not pulled himself out of you. letting himself rest inside, watching how his seed got pushed out for making room inside your hole to his thick cock, fitting perfectly, as if you were just created for him by the way you picked up his members’ shape.

his grip softened and like that, you fell forward to the wall. his giggles hit your ear, making your nerves popping on your forehead and not thinking about what to do, everything got said which firstly came to your mind. little scolding, what of course in one ear and out on the other for him but in return the boy gifted you with soothing caresses on your spine, which made you calm down immediately. attention now turning back to what you originally had planned to do here alone, showering.

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜᵒᵖʸ, ᵐᵒᵈⁱᶠʸ ᵒʳ ᵘᵖˡᵒᵃᵈ ᵐʸ ʷᵒʳᵏ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ!

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

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