tristarnova - Tristarnova

this is the blog about my comedic fantasy rpg game idea, still in development, yokei godneu: to be a hero

605 posts

And For Some Actual Cirno Day Flare, Here Is Cirno Made In Gacha Life 2 By Me, Cirno Never Really Wore

And For Some Actual Cirno Day Flare, Here Is Cirno Made In Gacha Life 2 By Me, Cirno Never Really Wore

And for some actual Cirno day flare, here is Cirno made in Gacha life 2 by me, Cirno never really wore any shoes, so yeah.

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More Posts from Tristarnova

5 months ago

Thank you @kikieseverywhere2

Reblog game. You tag the people that you can think of on the top of your head and use two words to use to describe them (people you follow, moots, or followers)

@zeroisreallygood love life

@slasher-jax baby boy

@th3r4t48 cool person

@demikhaotix friend person

@oh-shit-i-spilled-my-genderfluid nice friendly

@sweetpayaso clown dude

@robertskyswifeyyy simply girl

5 months ago

I didn't expect a cover of Supreme Ruler's Coronation to make me EMOTIONAL today but I gues that's what's happening now.

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5 months ago

Pecharunt, you revengeful jerk


"So what do you say Ogre? Will ypu take the deal?"

The purple pokemon floated before him, eyes locked onto him, awaiting his decision. Here was a chance to become more then the ogre of the mountain, to have a nice life where he is revered and known across the land, a chance to be someone.

"...I'll pass."


"I have everything I could want right now, a nice home, a nice caretaker, I need nothing more." He explained "But I appreciate the deal regardl-"

"Ogerpon! Where are you!"

Ogerpon turned away from the purple floating mon "Oops thats my caretaker, gotta go, see you around friend!" He happily skipped down the rocks to greet his caretaker, chirping in delight. What a strange Pokemon he got to meet, he tried to tell the caretaker all about it, but as always he didnt understand him, but thats okay!

- - -

Ogerpon breathed harshly, gore stained his cloak, but he didnt care. Those monsters took everything from him, every ounce of joy he had was slaughtered in that cave. And now they wouldnt ever hurt him, hurt anyone, ever again.

'Monster!' A villagers voice rang out as he was now aware of what he had just done...he killed 3 pokemon infront of the villagers. Ogerpon looked around in a panic, villagers coming closer with pitchforks and tources. He tried to explain himself but they wouldnt hear him out.

In his panic his eyes landed on a familiar pokemon. One purple and shaped like a peach. The pokemon just darkly laughed at Ogerpon, mocking it as it flew away, leaving him to fend off against the village's wrath.

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5 months ago

me and my buddy W.D. Gaster were discussing headcanons about how different 2hus act when drunk and i found it amusing so here’s the highlights

- reimu is very much an alcoholic but in denial. marisa is aware and is currently planning an intervention with kasen.

- cirno and her gang collectively have zero alcohol tolerance. cirno barely even acts different when drunk anyways she’s already a klutz and has no filter

- byakuren has only gotten drunk once in her life and she regrets it every single day of her life

- seija acts extremely formal and polite when drunk. like a businesswoman at a meeting type formal. no slurred speech or anything

- ran does not allow chen to touch alcohol. there’s no law against young youkai drinking and it wouldn’t effect her brain development or anything, ran just forbids it because she’s kind of a helicopter parent

- yukari refuses to drink any alcohol that isn’t extremely fancy red wine. after enough drinks she starts hitting ran

- aunn has never gotten drunk because she doesn’t see the appeal. there’s no moral code as a komainu not to get drunk or anything she just thinks alcohol is nowhere near as cool as religious freedom

- you know how kyouko is so loud that she has to actively try not to hurt people’s ears? yeah i’m sure it’s not fun being around kyouko when she has much less of a filter

- sanae refuses to get drunk. suwako and kanako gave her the usual “alcohol bad” lectures and stories that you give to your children and it stuck with sanae for life. no reimu i don’t want to drunk with you it will give me permanent brain damage

- sagume has sworn off alcohol because she knows if she were to get drunk she’d probably blow up an entire continent or something by accident

- utsuho is a genuine threat to the wellbeing of gensokyo when drunk. last time she was given unsupervised access to alcohol it caused an entire incident. satori has banned all alcohol in the mansion except for a liquor stash that she hides from the other three

- we have no idea what would happen to koishi if drunk. she’s already fucked up enough

- yuyuko, due to how much of a fatass she is, is nigh immune to alcohol

- eiki has never been drunk but komachi is drunk on the job over half the time. eiki gave up on trying to lecture her about it decades ago. “at least she’s doing work at all”

- remilia doesn’t really drink but she does have a glass of red wine within her proximity at all times just so she looks more elegant

- sakuya refuses to drink for fear of it disturbing her work flow but in the astronomically rare event of her actually getting a break she immediately begins drinking more than even an oni could handle

- patchouli stopped drinking a decade ago after she invented magic drug spells which she has since formed an unhealthy relationship with. marisa tried it once and called it “phony bullshit” citing that “it just doesn’t cut it like the real damn thing”

- if drunk words are sober thoughts then i really don’t want to think about what yuuka would be like drunk. the words she must usually keep to herself are probably enough to bring gods to their knees

i encourage you to reblog with your own additions

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5 months ago

I am so glad I was informed that spiders actually hate citrus. That makes my hc of Taranza loving orange soda SO much funnier and ironic.

I Am So Glad I Was Informed That Spiders Actually Hate Citrus. That Makes My Hc Of Taranza Loving Orange
I Am So Glad I Was Informed That Spiders Actually Hate Citrus. That Makes My Hc Of Taranza Loving Orange
I Am So Glad I Was Informed That Spiders Actually Hate Citrus. That Makes My Hc Of Taranza Loving Orange
I Am So Glad I Was Informed That Spiders Actually Hate Citrus. That Makes My Hc Of Taranza Loving Orange

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