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6 months ago

How the light stones work in yokei godneu

The light stones are speical artifacts that is trying to steal at the beginning of yokei godneu, magicial crystaline artifacts, which produce a magical healing light, and bring color to the planet of pheron, of which they are 7, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

All of the light stones are the same color as their name suggests, red is red, orange is orange, yellow is yellow, green is green, blue is blue, indigo is indigo and violet is violet,

Defeating the major bosses of chapter 1-7 in yokei godneu will grant you the light stone of the respective chapter, red for 1, orange for 2, yellow for 3, green for 4, blue for 5, indigo for 6, and violet for 7, all of which are need to unlock chapter 8.

The light stones however are not just regular collectibles, they can also be used in combat to preform special moves, each light stone has its own special move you can use in combat as soon as you get them, which each do something different.

However to use the light stones, you must use a different resource than MP and HP, this being CP or color power, CP increases by 1 during each chapter, starting at 1 during the prologue to 9 at chapter 8, with upgrades being able to be bought using the main collectible to increase the maximum CP further than 9.

The CP moves can be very useful, but a single cp can be take a while to charge on its own, luckily, do attack commands well enough will speed up the process of getting cp, and they are some moves, which can charge up the cp too.

I will post about the effects of each of the attacks that use color power later once I figure them out, as there is maybe at least one color power move that doesn’t use any light stones learning, and at least 1 or maybe 2 color power moves that uses all 7, learned sometime in chapter 8.

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6 months ago
I Should Remind You Gofurias Despite Being A Black Mage Cant Actually Use Magic, Thats Why Gofurias Needs

I should remind you Gofurias despite being a black mage can’t actually use magic, that’s why Gofurias needs outside help, could just change outfits, or use artifacts to do his transformations.

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5 months ago

No matter what, you would basically gain a skill in either before you get the 1st light stone, if the 2nd option is the one chosen, these skills use cp, cp is shared by the whole party, meaning it can be used by everyone in it, and must be charged up, with each light stone skill using a different amount of CP.

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5 months ago

No matter what, you would basically gain a skill in either before you get the 1st light stone, if the 2nd option is the one chosen, these skills use cp, cp is shared by the whole party, meaning it can be used by everyone in it, and must be charged up, with each light stone skill using a different amount of CP.

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5 months ago

The light stones appear to be disliked maybe because of their name or something, so I may hold another poll about that.

No matter what, you would basically gain a skill in either before you get the 1st light stone, if the 2nd option is the one chosen, these skills use cp, cp is shared by the whole party, meaning it can be used by everyone in it, and must be charged up, with each light stone skill using a different amount of CP.

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5 months ago

Each choice should explain themselves, but to explain it, the light stones are magical artifacts that can produce light of their colors, and have unique magic powers for each one.

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5 months ago

If you get them until you get the final boss, confronting the final boss will be the main objective of the final area. If you get them form all the bosses, then you will finish the collection once the final boss is beaten. And if you get them for specfic objectives, then completing each area and beating the major boss will still give you one of them. Please put your ideas in the comments if you have any of course, but don’t just click it, cause that isn’t an option unless you actually have an idea.

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5 months ago

If you get them until you get the final boss, confronting the final boss will be the main objective of the final area. If you get them form all the bosses, then you will finish the collection once the final boss is beaten. And if you get them for specfic objectives, then completing each area and beating the major boss will still give you one of them. Please put your ideas in the comments if you have any of course, but don’t just click it, cause that isn’t an option unless you actually have an idea.

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5 months ago

Well not that great but I do got an idea

Should Make Mention All Of Them Are Magical Artifacts Or Have Some Sort Of Purpose, Which Is Why The

Should make mention all of them are magical artifacts or have some sort of purpose, which is why the main protagonists are trying to get them back.

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