tristarnova - Tristarnova

this is the blog about my comedic fantasy rpg game idea, still in development, yokei godneu: to be a hero

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Headcanon Database

Headcanon database

Magolor headcanons part 1

Pizza tower cooking headcanons

Undertale headcanons

Marx headcanon

Splatoon mini headcanon

Fnaf headcanon

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5 months ago

Taking care of Cirno

What would it be like to take care of this baka?

Taking care of Cirno can be fun AND frustrating at the same time

Despite being very adorable, she is a kind of dinosaur cub, with lots of vitamins!

Seeing frogs frozen in lagoons has become very common when you are with her

The lake near the Scarlet Devil mansion is... without frogs

Even though you try to understand why it's so much fun for her to do that (However, sometimes you can't help but feel bad for the poor animal!)

Despite being very idiotic, Cirno can read and count, and of course, that boosts her ego a lot, she even goes so far as to show it off to you (awesome. *obvious sarcasm*)

Sometimes she offers you one of her slushies (which is nothing more than frozen ice), so as not to make her feel bad, you decide to put flavor to it

You even told her that it would be more convenient for her to do that, so people will want to buy from her, but she told you that it is not necessary, because "The strongest does not listen to unnecessary ideas"

Sometimes you have gotten into trouble thanks to her, her passion for freezing frogs and toads has led you to think what would happen if Suwako were around while she did that

She considers you "one of the best", but, of course, you would never be "on her level"

If she does a mischief and you try to scold her, she will immediately put the blame on someone else

She will always try to prove her strength in some way, which again gets you in trouble

Despite the fact that she becomes very troublesome, it is impossible not to love her! Seeing how she tries to count from (9) 10 or misreads a text from a book is adorable

And listen to her very exaggerated but interesting anecdotes (like that time a giant toad tried to eat her because she had frozen the rest of the toads in the pond)

You are one of her main targets to annoy you with her pranks, and although at first that was very maddening, later you got used to it

Watching her fly all over the place in a hyperactive way has made you consider buying a dog leash to keep her on a leash so she doesn't run away from you

At the end of it all, you take care of her, what more can you ask for?

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5 months ago

Well; i would have three Nickles, which isn’t a lot, but it is werid it happened thrice, and magolor is still egoistical

what if you were a kirby character who was associated with the color blue, started out as a villain but eventually became a friend and were extremely egotistical and cared about your appearance and branding

What If You Were A Kirby Character Who Was Associated With The Color Blue, Started Out As A Villain But

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5 months ago

I didn't expect a cover of Supreme Ruler's Coronation to make me EMOTIONAL today but I gues that's what's happening now.

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5 months ago

Kitsunes in yokei godneu, this is part of my headcanons for yokei godneu to be a hero

A species of fox yokei, known commonly by locals as multi tailed foxes, their most common known appearance is a strange colored fox with nine tails, with females being more common than the males of the species, but often take on a humanoid form

Females tend to take on a more humanoid appearance than the males, which are more like anthro foxes are, and are also smarter than the males too, who are stronger but dumber than the females.

They gain a tail every 125 years until they have 9 at 1000 years old, which is when they are fully grown and can’t die form old age, they are very strong in all types of magic, and physical combat, but can gain more than nine, though it is rare.

Kitsunes are some of the yokai with rather varying power levels, they can be rather decent to close to god like, and tend to be rather competive and haughty as they get more and more tails.

They often serve under the god/goddess inari no okami, but kitsunes have been found outside of their control, and have even become leaders of yokai kind at some pionts.

They have a bad rivalry with vampires due to the blood of a nine tailed kitsune being on par with the blood of a divine, the two species hate each other, as vampires tend to be more villainous than the kitsune

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