I Love This Please Let Me Marry You
i love this please let me marry you
The Valentine’s Curse
Feb 9th
“What have you done to your hair, Malfoy?!” Potter accused when he caught sight of Draco, he sounded scandalized.
Draco paused his chopping of a piece of mandrake leaf and spared a glance at his Potions partner, who had just entered the classroom, in exasperation. “Since when do you care?”
“I do care,” Potter said indignantly and Draco was mildly aware of pairs of eyes turning on him in the classroom, “When your hair’s gone pink!”
Draco’s hands self-consciously went up to his hair, currently in a shade of pale pastel pink, to fix it. “If you don’t like it, kindly look somewhere else,” he murmured under his breath, tossing the chopped ingredients to Potter’s side of the table.
“And then when our potion fails again, you’ll blame it on me even it is you who told me to look elsewhere,” Potter sassed back, eyes still squinted at Draco as he carelessly threw the mandrake leaves into the bubbling cauldron, ignoring the way Draco tried to stop him.
“At least I still have good hair, even when it’s pink. Unlike you, with your bird’s nest.” Said Draco cooly.
Feb 10th
Draco sat at the dinner table, his stomach screaming protests of hunger at him, yet he could not even force down a bread roll.
Eventually, he decided enough was enough. Grabbing his plate, he stood up and stomped all the way to the Gryffindor table.
“Potter.” He spat out towards said person’s direction, “Are you done staring at me the whole day? You have your 6th year stalker face on again. ”
“No?” Potter whispered back, even though no one in the Gryffindor table cared enough to pay attention to the pair, “It’s just. Your hair. It’s very distracting.”
Draco witnessed as a strange look slipped onto Potter’s face, and a glint in his eyes as he kept on looking at the pink hair. Draco was aware that his own face heated up slightly. It must be the embarrassment. “Well, it is not my fault that my hair is pink.”
“You didn’t dye it?” Potter asked faintly. But he already had his eyes fully trained on the pale pink strands that were falling in front of Draco’s face. Draco did not do well with confrontation. So when Potter currently had his full focus on his person, he blushed deeper.
Draco scowled. “I was cursed.”
“It looks like bubblegum,” Potter continued in awe, completely ignoring Draco, “Looks so soft.”
Draco struggled to flip him off. And then promptly stomped all the way back to his table, blocking out the chatter of Potter’s voice behind him.
Feb 11th
“So, why is your hair still pink?” Potter plopped down sans invitation beside Draco on the sofa in the 8th year common room, and like always, poked his nose in Draco’s business.
“Go away, Potter.” Draco groaned loudly.
“Can I touch it?” Potter voice slipped back into the soft, wondrous tone yesterday at the table. His hands reached out and moved towards Draco’s direction.
“What - No! Stop it, you wanker,” Draco hurried to bat Potter’s hands off his hair. And Potter turned baby crup eyes on him. Draco squared his face. “You are not permitted to touch!”
“But it looks nice. Edible.” Potter said quietly, his bright eyes wider than usual, dreamy around the edges.
A twisty, unknown feeling creeped into Draco’s gut. Flustered, he attempted to shake Potter out of his weird reverie.
“Potter…Are you even in the right mind?”
Feb 12th
“Oh. Not again.” Draco had to stop himself from yelling in frustration when foreign fingers made their way into his, still, pink hair.
He reached up to catch Potter in the act. And the Gryffindor didn’t even look guilty. Instead, he continued running his fingers across Draco’s scalp, leaving tingles behind all the way down his spine. Draco wasn’t even sure what he was supposed to be feeling anymore.
“It really is soft as it looks.” Potter said, as he reluctantly said down beside Draco again.
“So, who cursed you?” He asked, and Draco was glad that he was not back to his weird staring mood. It unnerved Draco from the insides.
“I don’t know,” Draco shrugged, resigned to the fact that he would not be able to study anymore, “It was the Valentine’s Curse. I think it was either Blaise or Pansy.”
Potter gaped at him. “Slytherins curse each other?”
“Oh, it is all good fun,” Draco said, “It is not like you Gryffindors don’t hex each other. When was the last time you did it, Potter?”
Potter face turned sheepish. “Well, I made Hermione’s quill write in incorrect spellings in the DADA quiz yesterday.”
Draco raised his eyebrows. “There you have it. Apparently, my friends are somehow, by a miracle, convinced that I have taken up with a secret boyfriend, which I don’t have one obviously. And they thought it would be a good idea to put the Valentine’s Curse on me and turn my hair pink.”
“What does this curse do?” Potter asked, and shifted closer to Draco.
“Honestly, Potter, do you ever listen in class.” Draco said, and as if it was really testing his patience, he added, “It was supposed to cause the hair of whoever I kiss turn pink as well. So everyone knows, and some bullshit like that.”
Potter merely nodded and tilted his head to a side, peering at Draco’s hair again. Eventually, he said with a strange smile, “But it is a nice colour.”
Draco frowned.
Feb 13th
“I see you’re still not done with your weird infatuation with my hair.” Draco pointed out, when he could feel Potter’s gaze in his direction in their shared Transfiguration class.
“Yeah, so?” Potter shrugged. And the bugger had the dignity to take that as a cue to walk up to Draco.
“Seriously, if this is your way to pester your former rival into submission, bug someone else.” Draco turned away from the nosy Gryffindor and opted to focus on conjuring a ball of green light.
Contrary to Draco’s expectation, Potter laughed. “Sorry, I don’t bother that anymore,” he twirled his wand mindlessly between his fingers. Draco tried not to focus on that. “Y’know, I used to think blond hair looks good on you. But now I think the pink works just as well.”
It took a moment for the words to go through Draco’s mind. And when he turned to Potter abruptly, Potter was regarding him with an even look. “Hold on…Are you saying you think my hair looks good?”
“Well, I thought that was obvious all along. However, having good hair did not make you less of a prick.”
A teasing grin stretched on the prat’s face, as he brushed past Draco. Draco growled slightly after him.
Feb 14th
“It’s Valentine’s Day, Malfoy.” Potter said when he approached Draco in an almost empty common room, curled up in a corner on a sofa with a book in his lap.
“And?” Draco said, not taking his eyes off his text.
“Do you reckon pink hair will look good on me?” Potter asked randomly, sliding up to Draco’s spot.
Draco leaned slightly back from the sudden proximity. “I don’t know? What does that have to do with me. Dye it to see for yourself, Potter.”
A mischievous smirk made its way to Potter’s face, getting oddly closer yet. “Yeah?” He whispered, warm breath almost tickling into Draco’s space, “You think I should find out myself?”
“Uhh…You do you?” Draco said hesitantly, blushing faintly as Potter’s eyes were for once not on his hair, but on his face.
“Great. Thank you for your input.” Potter said, a light of excitement clear on his face. Draco felt like he missed something very important.
He realized what it was, when Potter’s lips pressed to his.
(and then draco kissed harry, fingers tangled in newly pink hair)
(i can’t get the idea of draco with pink hair and slightly oblivious draco out of my head)
(sorry i just have to do something for valentine’s day)
(like it?)
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art of love
drarry/bxb headcanon:
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underneath the moonlight
drarry headcanon:
its around 3 in the morning, and the only source of light draco and harry have is the moon. that too, is quite faint. the two boys are on a field of dandelions, with “The Swan” by Saint-Saens playing tenderly in the back. draco holds out his albino hands for harry to hold, and harry takes it gingerly as he locks his thumb around the side of draco’s hands. draco places his other on harry’s waist, and harry places his own on draco’s shoulder. the both of them—as though practiced—swift their hips to the beat of the piece, their eyes not any where but on each other’s. and the both of them think, “forever”, as they let their love guide their feet through the night.
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harry: hey lol haha *cock starts twitching violently*
@drarrymicrofic ’s prompt: roadtrip
drarry microfic/headcanon:
handling the steering wheel while humming the latest song by popular rock band of the 1990s—Nirvana, harry was sure to mark down this day as the best of his life. he never seemed to falter when it came to belting out the lyrics that failed to leave his mind, nor when it came to shunning draco off whenever he tried to make a small talk because shh draco! this is the best part of the song. and all draco could do is huff over how harry’s been saying that for the past 30 minutes over “some crazy muggle song” he’s been having on replay. but when harry finally convinced himself to stop the music so he could pay some attention to the grumpy, thrown off husband of his, he realises he’s asleep (with a rather prominent frown on his face.) harry just bursts out laughing, loud enough to feel satiated but still soft enough to not wake the sleeping beauty up, so he could capture this memory in his film camera before the traffic signal flagged green again. with a giddy smile playing on his lips, harry reaches a hand down to gingerly interlace his fingers with draco’s, making sure to pay more attention to him when he wakes up somewhere along their 18 hour drive to North Carolina.