triviadrarry - triviadrarry

listen, are you breathing a little, and calling it a life?

15 posts

Draco Malfoy, Age 30, Giggling At The Sight Of His Husband Tripping On His Own Two Feet, His Heart Tugging

draco malfoy, age 30, giggling at the sight of his husband tripping on his own two feet, his heart tugging strings as he thinks about how it went from how do i love you to how could i stop.

draco malfoy, age 11, lying face down on his satin canopy bed, crying because potter won’t be his friend.

draco malfoy, age 14, absolutely despising potter and his group of “friends” while simeltaneously trying to get their attention in any and every possible way.

draco malfoy, age 16, realizing that half of him loathes potter and his stupid hair and his stupid laugh and his stupid smile while the other-and more demanding-half of him might….how you say? feel the literal exact opposite.

draco malfoy, age 18, desperately trying to suffocate the long-lasting crush he’s been harboring for potter as he watches the man he (might) love move on from hogwarts and the war and him.

draco malfoy, age 21, pressesd against the wall of a muggle club, lip-locked with a messy-haired stranger in an effort to forget about a certain someone who shall not be named (no, not that he-shall-not-be-named).

draco malfoy, age 24, trying (and failing) to act as non-chalaunt as possible when harry bleeding potter grabs his wrist in the middle of diagon alley, looks him in the eyes, tells him he’s been thinking about him a lot recently and asks him to join him for a cuppa.

draco malfoy, age 25, feeling entirely content for the first time in possibly ever as he wakes up in his apartment to the sound of potter’s loud-ass snores and the feeling of potter’s leg curled against his.

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More Posts from Triviadrarry

4 years ago

art of love

drarry/bxb headcanon:

its the 5th of june 1997. the summer sun is down, the birds aren’t chirping anymore, and there isn’t a cloud in sight. the lights are out, and people sleep in debt to the moon’s rays.

back in a small apartment in the stubby streets of london, lay two men upon one another, in silence that is as though bestowed upon silk. all that feeds the ear is the terder noise of the fire cracking in its place. and all that feeds the mind is the unfathomable thoughts about one another. but what feeds the soul, what is it that it devours, speaks to, leans in to, you may ask. that is, the language of love—kisses, touches, hugs, sighs, tears and smiles. love.

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4 years ago

harry: *standing before his mirror in his dorm room and smoothing out the small crinkles in his robe when he notices draco standing up from his (harry’s) bed and proceeding to gingerly wrap his arms around harry’s waist from behind*

harry: hey lol haha *cock starts twitching violently*

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4 years ago

@drarrymicrofic ’s prompt: roadtrip

drarry microfic/headcanon:

handling the steering wheel while humming the latest song by popular rock band of the 1990s—Nirvana, harry was sure to mark down this day as the best of his life. he never seemed to falter when it came to belting out the lyrics that failed to leave his mind, nor when it came to shunning draco off whenever he tried to make a small talk because shh draco! this is the best part of the song. and all draco could do is huff over how harry’s been saying that for the past 30 minutes over “some crazy muggle song” he’s been having on replay. but when harry finally convinced himself to stop the music so he could pay some attention to the grumpy, thrown off husband of his, he realises he’s asleep (with a rather prominent frown on his face.) harry just bursts out laughing, loud enough to feel satiated but still soft enough to not wake the sleeping beauty up, so he could capture this memory in his film camera before the traffic signal flagged green again. with a giddy smile playing on his lips, harry reaches a hand down to gingerly interlace his fingers with draco’s, making sure to pay more attention to him when he wakes up somewhere along their 18 hour drive to North Carolina.

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3 years ago

@drarrymicrofic’s prompt: love letters

drarry microfic

when draco found out it wouldn’t be long until harry would no longer wake by his side, in his arms, legs a tangled mess, under their covers anymore, draco could’ve sworn he wished the world ended right then. though, his grief wasn’t a lone man’s pie. in fact, the rest of the wizarding world sorrowfully cried too. money for harry’s chemotherapy was being swept off ruthlessly on one end, while draco’s nightmares of the potential death of his love came along on the other. it all seemed like a sick joke. just as their first anniversary as a married couple came around the corner, harry’s oesophageal cancer popped up like a twisted surprise. draco wouldn’t have guessed, though, if harry hadn’t complained of chronic chest pain or difficulty in swallowing—he just thought it was some kind of act in preparation for their first anniversary. like some kind of ongoing skit with a huge curveball to shock draco on the huge day with. though, he would’ve liked it if was kept that way. because as the days went by, the realization that harry just might not make it alive seemed to creep its way noisily–like a broken record–straight into draco’s head. it was quite the matter for him, of course. he never would’ve imagined things to fire back at the very last moment. heck, he didn’t imagine harry of all people to suffer oesophageal cancer. and it was as though harry wasn’t the only one with the short end on the stick, because draco’s mind seemed to slander him in the mud on the other end too. he started seeing visions, as though he was delusional and couldn’t differentiate between reality and what was in his mind. so, whenever draco walked around their now-empty apartment, he would vision a flicker of harry, trapped in their bed, yelling for help, crying and pounding on the sheets, but whenever draco ran to him to aid, harry would sink and disappear into the bed, leaving draco surrounded in his sorrow. draco did tell his mind healer about all of these visions though, and she did suggest draco try to pen his thoughts down. having lost her own child to the ruthless, hunting monster that is cancer, she confessed that writing her feelings down did help for her to visualize them to work on. and draco thought this was a pretty damn genius idea, except he had a little twist to it. instead of making the letter all about himself and what he called his “oh so poor little miseries”, he decided on writing love letters to harry instead. this way, he would give harry as well as himself something to look forward to every day, compared to usual days where he would stride into harry’s ward with his eyes and nose as though dipped in red paint, tear strains a never-ending pour. and so he did. draco poured all his love he would’ve given harry into the form of letters. he figured that writing was indeed his forte, as he elegantly scorched the paper with his undying love for harry. and it did pay off, because at the end, the flashing smile harry gave him after he was done with the day’s letter made draco’s heart soar, as though he fell in love all over again. soon enough, about three anniversaries later, harry managed to beat his oesophageal hell of a cancer and even came home with two boxes filled with four years worth of daily love letters from his husband. as heavy as it was, though, how could he complain? life and love were truly a mystery, and he was only blessed to have explored all strange corners of them with draco all along.

my heart goes out to anyone with cancer. you are so strong and i believe that you have the fight to beat it. you are so fucking amazing and i literally love you🤎🤎🤎🤎

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3 years ago

Honestly though, headcanon that the Durselys didn’t get Harry Glasses until someone at school called them (for the third time) and said Harry needed glasses and “hadn’t they noticed he couldn’t see things farther then half an arm away from him?” And of course they’d noice but to them it was only fotter for more insults and punishment and a good reason to lock him up. They feigned innocence though, saying that the other calls hadn’t been clear enough and “He seemed to be able to see perfecttly fine to them” and bought him a pair that evening but never renewed the prescription and he’s had the same pair since, but one day draco notices him squinting and teases him about it, but then asks when the last time he got them renewed and Harry just looks confused and casually mentions that he’s had the same glasses since he was 8 and Draco’s appalled because “are you dumb? How can you cast accurately if you can’t even see?” And harry just shrugs and says it never really occurred to him that it would even be necessary , he couldn’t see for the first 8 years of his life and he had glasses now even if things were starting to get a little blurry, and he’s a little uncomfortable now and Draco knows basic details about how shitty the dursleys were and knows Harry hates talking about it because “it’s in the past now and i don’t ever have to see them again. Why would i dwell on something that’s only going to hurt me more by thinking of it” and of course draco can barely fathom such a Gryffindor sentiment but has resolved not to push him on it as it only makes him upset. But he asks for harry’s glasses and cast a temporary augmentation charm on the prescription, mumbling about how “no wonder Harry was bad at potions if he couldn’t see the board or the ingrediants!” and “it’s not perfect but it will do for now” and they go back to working. But the next morning harry wakes up to seven pairs of magical glasses that update prescriptions automatically as they are needed, (Draco also cast a charm on harry himself when he wasn’t paying attention that told him the information he would need he IS after all training to be a mediwizard and he IS incredibly intelligent if he does say so himself), and all they are different but all similarly round. “one for each day of the week” draco says when harry asks and shrugs it off as if he hasn’t just blown this boys mind and Harry’s just left completely flabbergasted and is too embarrassed to wear a different pair of glasses every day so he picks his three favourite pairs “one casual, one formal and one back up” and makes draco send the rest back. But harry knows from then on that anything he tells draco about his time in the muggle world will probably be met with calm aversion, but he will wake up the next day to something draco has done to make it better. And he knows then that draco is completely and utterly smitten.