Drarry Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

✨ THIS ✨

Harry loves being pampered and spoiled because he didn’t get to experience that as a child and Draco hates being coddled, he wants people to listen to him and obey him because for years, he only did what was asked of him, never really having a choice. So when they found that out about each other....you know what happens next. Sub!Harry? Or maybe Sugar baby!Harry? I dunno, I just like the thought of DomDaddy!Draco taking care of his sub.

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4 years ago
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Part1 - Chapter 1 >> Next Time (CH2)

[[Edit: I just remembered that I wanted to call this “Next Time”]]

Here we go again. This is a thing I started for the @hd-fan-fair​ , but it was taking me too much time :/ Based on @momatu’s prompt :

After the war the Wizengamot is impressed with how Draco fixed the Vanishing Cabinet—in spite of themselves, seeing as why he fixed it—and sentence him to community service helping to repair Hogwarts for however long the job takes. Harry is overwhelmed after the war, and retreats to the first home he ever knew, Hogwarts. No one will willingly work with Draco. Everyone wants to work with Harry. For Draco, working with Harry means not having to be alone all the time. For Harry, working with Draco means not being fussed over all the time. For both of them, working together works out pretty well.

This is going to be a sloooow buuuurn~ Sorry for grammar errors/misspellings.

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4 years ago

my god this is so CUTE 🥺🥺

drarry sleeping/bed prompts

— draco hogging the blankets

— draco unconsciously grabbing harry’s ass

— also him unconsciously cuddling him close like an extra pillow

— harry lightly snoring and draco teasing him on the mornings after

— they both have trouble sleeping due to the nightmares of their childhoods and the war

— which leads to either one writhing and screaming during the night (and ofc they take care of eachother when that happens)

— harry probably holds draco impossibly close to him and whispers sweet nothings

— draco stroking harry’s jawline and peppering chaste kisses all over his face and kisses his tears away

— they almost always fall asleep at the same time only seconds away from each other’s

— draco has a lot of dreams and predictions and they talk about it

— draco hums lullabies (which his mother used to sing to him) to harry when he thinks he’s asleep

— ofc harry pretends he’s sleeping just so he can listen to draco sing but never tells him

— draco is an early bird as he grew up in that pureblood scheduled lifestyle

— harry (due to the lack of a proper good night’s sleep at the dursley’s) sleeps in

— draco trying (well attempting) to cook breakfast in bed for him

— harry just straight up laughing as he eyes the burnt toast which draco had unsuccessfully tried to cut off all the burnt pieces (which was almost the entire slice)

— draco mumbling something about stupid muggle cooking and ungrateful gits and harry just laughs harder

— he can tell draco is embarrassed and pulls him in for a big sloppy kiss, whispering “thank you” as their lips brush against each other’s

— draco pulls a face even though a dusty pink blooms onto his cheekbones and harry offers him a piece of toast

— then they just end up sitting in bed and eating their burnt toast together

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4 years ago

This is so cute I just had to!

Thanks @l0vegl0wsinthedark for tagging me 😍

This Is So Cute I Just Had To!

Draco was used to his life being more complicated than necessary...

So used to it...

He had always thought getting the Dark Mark would be the worst that could happen to him. Even after signing up as a Curse-Breaker, and he had seen some horrible things there.

All of this changed the second fucking Potter ran head first into danger once again and straight into a trap Draco hadn't yet dismantled.

Now Draco himself was trapped, taking care of adorable toddler Potter for the weekend until the Ministry found something to fix Potter's dumb ass.

How does one deal with a tired saviour whom refuses to take naps?

Tagging whoever wants to do one too 😍

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4 years ago

“Ahh! Potter! What are you—? Why are you—?... Potter?!”

Harry hid a grin.

“Yes, Draco?” he asked, face a picture of innocence.

“I demand to know what in the name of Merlin and Morgana you think you’re doing?” Malfoy spluttered.

“What does it look like, Draco? I’m lying down, about to take a nap.”

“Yes, I can see that!” Malfoy snapped, a delicious blush heating his flawless skin. “But why are you lying down in my lap?!”

“I’m borrowing it,” Harry said simply, nuzzling in further.

“Insufferable cretin!” Malfoy squawked. “How is this in any way appropriate? Where were you raised, Potter, to believe that this could—”

“I mean, I can move, if you—”

“Don’t you dare!”

My drabble for the January discord drabble challenge! Prompt: Borrow. Hope you enjoyed it!

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4 years ago

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞:

pariring - Draco X Harry

warnings - none

request - anon asked for some Drarry cuddles with huge amount of fluffines and big spoon Draco

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

★ Draco being the big spoon and Harry being the little spoon

★ Draco would randomly come behind Harry and wrap him in his arms, his chin resting on Harry's suprisingly soft hair, his hands around Harry's waist, and whill usually mumble an 'i love you' which always makes Harry's day.

★ We all know that Harry is a stubborn little shit, so like Draco, he would randomly drag Draco away from his friends, or work, or parents, or whatever he is doing to cuddle with him, if only for a few minutes.

★ Favorite places to cuddle are - couch, outside in the garden at night under the stars on a blanket(draco thinks it's romantic), couch, and bed cuddles are rare because cuddlling on the bed would lead to other things-

★ Harry likes wearing Draco's oversized hoddies or shirts because it makes him feel small and special.

★ Positions - Harry's neck nicely snugglled under Draco's neck, his hands grabbing onto Draco's shirt, one leg on top of Draco's legs. Draco's chin on Harry's hair, his arm around Harry's chest and one under Harry's head, and one leg on top of Harry's legs.

★ Other side - Harry's back against Draco's chest. One of Draco's leg on top of Harry and the other on the bed. His face in Harry's neck, his breath tickling Harry.

★ Sometimes Draco would be the one to drag Harry away because he needs to have Harry alone with him for a little bit. Or he needs conformation that Harry is here and his.

★ And sometimes the cuddles are in the early morning on a Saturday, when they've both finished breakfeast and are done with they're work. They'll sit on the couch, Harry's head on Draco's lap, and Draco's hand petting Harry's hair slowly as they both read a book with a tv show on the telly in the background for some noise.

★ Breafeast in bed cuddles are officially the best cuddles - Draco 2021

★ Harry, like everyone knows already is a morning bird. So he would somehow slowly get away from Draco at 5 or 6 in the morning to do his morning stuff and at around 8 he'll start making breakfeast (mostly pancakes and an English breakfeast), so when Draco wakes up around 9 he'll present Draco with a breakfeast in bed.

★ And most of the time when Harry tries to leave in the morning after giving Draco his breakfeast in bed, Draco won't let him. Instead he'll make Harry sit down and feed him his breakfeast by hand to Harry as he lay on Draco's chest.

★ And last but not least, they have a dog (a black German Shepard) named Sirius, who is very cuddley and will no doubt jump on top of Harry and Draco when their cuddlling on the couch and demand to also sleep with them.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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4 years ago

Draco doesn’t believe in miracles.

He’s five years old and his favourite peacock just died. He’s crying and he asks his father to make it come back.

Coming back from the dead is a miracle and miracles don’t exist, Draco. And act like a man. Men don’t cry.

Draco never dared to ask for a miracle to happen again. He wants to be a man. He wants to be like his father.

Now Draco’s twenty-four.

He looks across the room and meets green eyes. Messy black hair. Round ‘out-of-fashion’ glasses.

Everyone’s looking at those same green eyes. But only Draco’s getting their gaze back. Only Draco’s getting the smile spreading on that face.

There, Draco thinks. Miracle.


For @drarrymicrofic February prompt, Miracle.

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4 years ago

You know, it would've made the books SO much better if Drarry actually had some sort of weird relationship where they absolutely roasted the hell out of each other and basically bullied each other like friends but refused to acknowledge that they actually liked each other (as friends, at least at first) to anyone. And then, we could've had obsessive + worried Harry in sixth year going crazy Bc his idiot sorta friend / sorta arch-enemy is clearly ill and losing his mind about SOMETHING and he doesn't know what's happening. We could've had an awkward conversation with McGonagall where Harry's like "I'm worried about him" and mcgonagall's just like "???? I thought you thought you hated him??? This is growth????" OR EVEN BETTER SNAPE!!!!! SNAPE just being so obstinate and basically telling Harry to F off but our boy is super persistent so of course he's not gonna give in and so sixth turns into a year of harassing SNAPE over Harry's not quite friend not quite enemy. And of course Hermione is losing her mind Bc she realizes that Harry actually IS sorta friends with Draco and Ron is just like "you've got to be freaking KIDDING me, Malfoy?!!!!" And Dumbledore's just there like hmmmmmmmm, potential this has (Bc hes Yoda ofc)

The boys being total foils of the other and Draco being drawn to the dark side while Harry stands in the light, always, but when they're together in their weird friendship, none of it matters and they just enjoy each other's company while simultaneously refusing to admit that the other means anything to them at all. And then of course the war happens and Malfoy manor and Draco refuses to give Harry up and they're both SO confused by this Bc "we hate each other... riGHT?!!!" And then Harry gets to Hogwarts and Draco is so so torn. The room of requirement happens pretty similar, Draco yelling not to kill Harry and Harry saving Draco from the Fiendfyre. And then Voldemort says he's going to find Draco later and kill him and oof protective!Harry is ACTIVATED and he kills Voldemort like in the books, but then there's a moment where the boys just acknowledge each other after it's all over. Draco's with his parents, but he actually grins tiredly at Harry and Harry smiles in return, and that's the last they see of each other until their eighth year.

Everyone's expecting them to be the same as always, refusing to admit they're even close to friends, hexing each other occasionally, the whole nine yards. But they get to school and suddenly they're like best friends????? The eighth years all share one common room + 2 dorms Bc of course, and they're always resting on the couch together and Seamus SWEARS he saw them cuddling one night when he was trying to sneak out to the kitchens for a post-midnight snack. Maybe Draco starts kissing Harry's cheek when they have separate classes (a rare occurrence Bc the eighth years are all nearly attached at the hip Bc so few of them even returned or LIVED). Maybe Harry kisses Draco's forehead while he's playing chess with Astoria and Harry's heading up to bed. And then suddenly, Ron and Hermione and Blaise and Pansy(maybe???) are hanging out together, and they're arguing constantly, but it's almost,,, cordial???? And everyone is like "what the fuck is happening???" And then one night just before their winter break, all the eighth years are in the common room, trying to stay warm by the fire, and Harry just leans down and kisses Draco's lips, like it's not even the first time, and OH, suddenly it all makes sense to the eighth years.

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4 years ago

this is fUCKING AWESOME!!!

Harry dies, but instead of Dumbledore, he sees Draco Malfoy

Harry isn’t sure what to expect when he meets Death- the blinding emerald light of the killing curse hurled in his direction is only a symbol of what he’s imagined thousands of times in this very moment.

A nagging voice has always told him it was bound to end this way. Himself and Voldemort, eye to eye, surrounded by the depths of something dark.

What he never expected was a the frigid feeling of ice crackling from his head to his toes, freezing him whole until his eyes opened to reveal a world just as white.

For a moment, there’s nothing. His eyes adjust to the emptiness, and he’s stumbling as he stands and tries to make out the puzzling aftermath of this purgatory. And then, a voice.

“Wasn’t expecting to see you here, Potter.”

He whips around, startled at the voice but allowing the warmth of familiarity to melt his bones.

“Malfoy? What are you doing here?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” He smirks, and it’s the same pull of his lips that Harry’s seen a thousand times. However, something in his eyes is different. Softer. “I’m dead, Potter. And so are you.”

“Dead?” Harry asks stupidly, and then the memories come rushing forward. The battle. Voldemort. The forest. “But- how did you get here?”

This isn’t right. Harry was supposed to die, yes. But not Malfoy. Even an arch nemesis’s demise is oddly unsettling after so many lives had been claimed.

And then, Malfoy does something Harry has never seen before. He laughs, and it’s a whole, hearty sound.

“I’m a fucking traitor, that’s how.” He shakes his head at himself, as if he’s reliving his last choices. “But, want to know something completely mental? I don’t care.”

His lips have pulled into a full on grin, and Harry feels the rest of the ice pool at his feet.

“I was always meant to end up here, Potter. We were pitted against each other from the start. Kinda sad, once you think about it.”

Harry nods, not quite understanding but unable to let this new Malfoy go. He gulps. “Who did this to you?” He asks, and it’s scratchy. Almost as if Harry himself is afraid of the answer.

“Who else?” Malfoy shrugs. “Father found out I had multiple chances to turn you in and didn’t. At the Manor, when I pretended not to recognize you. And in the Room of Requirement just a while ago.”

“Why didn’t you?” Harry asks, and he’s hooked on this selfless version of the enemy that only Death seemed to twist into reality.

Malfoy shrugs. “Didn’t seem right. I was tired of manipulation. I’ve always been a follower, and I figured that if I couldn’t be a leader, I could at least support one. I knew you had a chance at setting the world free from the same bullshit that ended up killing me.”

“Wow, um... thanks.” Harry mutters, unsure of how to respond. What was once a wintry world has morphed into the warmth of an England summer.

“Please, Potter. Spare me the mushy gushy crap.”

And Harry feels his lips tugging upward, a match to Malfoy’s smile. How ironic; only in death would Harry had ever guessed they’d share a moment like this.

“So, what do we do now?” Harry looks around, trying to make sense of everything. Wondering if this was his new reality, and realizing that he wouldn’t mind so much if it was.

“Obvious, isn’t it? You’re going back.”

“What?” Harry’s brow furrows, and Malfoy’s gazing at him like he knows something.

“You’ve got to go back, Potter. You’ve got to save the world while you still can.”

“I- I don’t understand,” he stammers, but Malfoy’s rising and crossing the empty space between them.

“You get a second chance, Harry. Don’t waste your time conversing with me. Go back; do what I couldn’t.” He smiles again, and Harry feels his legs turn to jelly. He doesn’t fully understand, but for some reason he trusts Malfoy.

“You called me Harry,” he says, puzzled but warm.

“Don’t get used to it.” And then Draco Malfoy is lifting a hand and pressing it to Harry’s forehead. The emptiness turns into an ocean of white blur, and it suddenly occurs to Harry that his time here is done. Running on pure instinct, he grasps Malfoy’s shoulders and holds for dear life, pulling him closer until he’s sure that wherever he’s going, he’s bringing Malfoy with him.


His limbs feel heavy, and Harry cracks an eye to realize he’s being carried by Hagrid. He stares through the small slit to see a sea of people, dirty with war but standing determinedly. And in that cluster of bodies, his eyes catch the figure of a blonde.

He’s staring up and down, patting himself in disbelief. Eyes wide with confusion. It’s hard for Harry not to smile. It worked. If anyone deserved a second chance, it was Draco Malfoy.

When Harry does come to life, startling everyone and sparking the light of hope and retribution, it’s Draco Malfoy who throws Harry his wand. They share a knowing glance, a brief stare that holds an eternity of secrets and new beginnings. Like anything could happen. Like they could win.

And they do.

When Voldemort falls, dying in a most humanly fashion, it’s Draco Malfoy who stands next to Harry. They share a celebratory moment, a second that extends beyond Life, even Death, itself. And it’s perhaps the most exhilarated Harry has ever felt.

His new life is nothing like his old one.

In the months following the war, it’s Draco Malfoy who quells the nightmares, who pulls up the sheets at Grimmauld Place and holds him when the stench of death hangs heavy. Who helps to re-build the castle, still struggling with the guilt of his former decisions. Who cries into Harry’s shoulder, welcoming an embrace that he’d never known he’d needed.

It’s Draco Malfoy who calls him scarhead while packing his trunk for eighth year, only to be rebutted by Harry lifting his hair: “IT’S NOT THERE ANYMORE!”

It’s Draco Malfoy who kisses Harry one night in the common room, a bit drunk off of fire whiskey and house unity. But it’s Harry who kisses him back, lacing his fingers around the bare skin of his neck and tugging him closer. And in that moment, Harry feels like he’s died and come back to life.

And in a sense, he has. Thanks to Draco Malfoy.

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4 years ago

Write literally anything with Harry/Draco/Teddy 😍 I’m almost glad this all happened because I’m finding more positive people to follow like you, and finding out who to unfollow


I hope you'll enjoy this! I usually only write drarry so this will be a journey! Thanks for the prompt!

Harry couldn't believe his luck. Not that he had a lot of it in his life, but right now everything was just perfect.

It was movie night, they had decided to watch some classic horror and were huddled together under a blanket on their huge sofa after a long week of working too much.

That was when realisation hit him. Things were finally how they were supposed to be.

He was stroking Teddy's hair while he laid half on top of Harry, and they both used Draco as pillow. For the simple reason that Draco was the best pillow. And because like that they also hadn't had to see the dirty grin on Draco's face whenever one of them jumped during the movie.

Things were perfect.

Turning his head, he stole a kiss from Teddy before pulling Draco into another one.

This was how things were supposed to be.

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4 years ago

Ridiculously possessive vampire Draco x bratty Harry who fucking loves it

(Let’s say this was loosely written for @hpkinkuary’s day 5 prompt: possessiveness/jealousy 😇)

Harry borrowing Ron’s jacket, pretending to be chilly, but wears it to Draco’s with a smirk, and Draco shreds it and pushes Harry into the shower and fucks him until he smells like Draco again.

Draco giving Harry jewelry all the time, horribly expensive, custom-made, which everyone thinks is just rich guy being rich, but it’s really so that Harry is always marked as his. Harry picks out a gold choker one day, and Draco about trips over himself to buy it, and Harry never takes it off after that. In fact, it’s his favorite outfit to wear around the house.

Draco thinks he’s being tricky by slowly moving Harry’s clothes into the Manor. Harry watches, amused, to see how long it takes Draco to actually ask him to move in. He hasn’t slept at Grimmauld in...three months?


“Hate when you go to work,” Draco murmurs against Harry’s neck, the collar warm against his lips.

“I know you do.” Harry smiles. “That’s why I go.”

Draco shoves Harry onto the bed. “Think you’re funny, Potter?”

Harry stretches languidly, watching Draco watch him. They’re both already hard. “I do,” he says. Draco grabs his hair, pulls his head back, exposing the delicate skin under his jaw. “Hungry?”

Draco’s eyes are so dilated there’s just a slim ring of silver around his pupil. He looks at Harry, heat and jealousy and love all mixed up, then grazes his teeth over Harry’s carotid. Harry’s hips jerk up and he moans softly. He circles his legs around Draco’s, moves his head further back to show more of his neck. Draco lays his hand against the collar, giving just a little pressure, then pulls it down. He licks a stripe up Harry’s neck.

Harry whines. “Come on, do it. Or aren’t you—?” He cuts off, gasping, and Draco buries his teeth in Harry’s neck. The effect of the bite is euphoric; Harry could (and has) come from this alone.

Draco only takes enough for Harry to feel it—he could safely take more, but he’s terrified of losing control. He releases Harry, who is dazed and pliant and very, very fuckable. Harry loves this; it’s a shortcut to the way he feels after hours of being teased and fucked, again and again.

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4 years ago

During the Second Wizarding War, Draco Malfoy took a much more... active part in aiding Harry Potter’s side.

He provided food and supplies to the hidden students of 7th year, earning their trust. He fed lies to the Carrows and sneaked students under their noses, earning his classmates’ admiration.

At the Malfoy Manor, he befriended Luna, brought food to the prisoners, and gave Harry and Ron his wand. At the Battle of Hogwarts, he refused his father’s outstretched hand and stood beside Neville, prepared to die at the Dark Lord’s wand.

He was bloody terrified throughout the whole thing, but he did nonetheless.

In return, half the student body testified at his trial, saving him from Azkaban.

But they could not save him from his father.

Draco returned to the Manor—although not by choice—where for two months, he lived with his parents. They were both under house arrest, but that did not stop his father’s power from extending to the Manor’s walls.

When Draco returned to school, he was different.

He went to class, ate in his room, slept after everyone else had gone to bed, and only spoke when spoken to. Neville and Ginny said he was quiet, but Luna said he was broken.

Harry awkwardly approached him after two weeks.

A week after that, Draco started joining them for meals.

Two weeks later, Hermione and Draco were passionately discussing the merits of polyjuice and its effect on the human body. Ron just wanted Draco to make his next chess move and Harry just wanted to listen to anything other than how moon phases affected potions.

Luna said he was healing.

That was good, right?

It was funny, how Hermione would catch Draco reading Muggle-Borns and their Importance and he would hide the book in his bag. It was funny, how Ron would see Weasley Wizard Wheazes being used and Draco would offer some comforting words. It was funny, how Draco would discuss Quidditch with Ginny and the Gryffindor team, but no fists would fly. It was funny, how Luna and Draco would be found talking in the courtyard at 2 am, but no evidence was around to prove their rule-breaking. It was funny, how Draco and Neville tutored each other in potions and herbology, and how Neville earned more bloody noses than they could count from whoever talked shit about Draco.

It was funny, how Draco walked Ginny through her coming out. How he explained to the others what queer meant. How he explained to Harry what it meant to him.

It was funny, how Harry and Draco would walk each other to their classes, even if they were at opposite ends of the schools. It was funny, how they would charm the Daily Prophet to show hilarious headlines when all it spewed was more Death Eater crap. It was funny, how they would duel and Draco would offer his hand to Harry after knocking him to the ground. It was funny, how Harry convinced him to take a broom ride and they spent much too long chasing a lone snitch. How they cast knowing looks at each other in the middle of class. How they partnered in potions and wrote each other’s essays.

How Harry would follow Draco’s form on the Map, and then follow him in person to the Astronomy tower. How they would comfort each other after a nightmare. How Draco broke down and told Harry about Lucius’ abuse. How Harry explained the Dursley’s and Dumbledore’s choices. How Draco was so angry at the Headmaster’s stupidity five windows shattered. How Harry was struck dumb by Draco’s reaction and realized in that moment Draco meant a whole lot more than a friend.

It was funny how they all realized Draco was their friend.

And how life carried on to Christmas break.

When the snow began to fall, many students stayed at Hogwarts. The Weasleys went home, to comfort each other, but Hermione and the others stayed. Luna, the ever knowing, said it was because people were smart enough to know when others needed time.

A week before break, Draco announced he was staying at school. Four days later, he received a letter and left the hall in a rush. The next day, he was gone, and the others were baffled.

Harry ventured to Mcgonnagal, worried for Draco. But with no strong evidence, she could not do anything.

Call it luck, call it faith, but before Harry left her office, green flames roared. Narcissa Black’s frantic voice filtered through the smoke and called for help. Harry, in his impulsiveness, jumped through the fire and into Malfoy Manor.

Narcissa was shocked to see him, but gestured towards the dining room, where someone was screaming. The doors burst open, and in strode Lucius Malfoy, who froze at the sight of Harry.

Behind him, Harry could see a limp body lying by the table, blond hair stark white against crimson blood.

Harry saw red, and he dueled the Death Eater. It was Harry’s Phoenix feather against Draco’s Unicorn hair—Lucius having no wand of his own. Narcissa ran to her son, screamed at her husband to stop, but magic flew until Aurors broke through Lucius’ wards.

The fight ended quickly after that, and Lucius was arrested again. Harry couldn’t really care less; he was more worried about Draco in St. Mungos.

That and the fact he desperately wanted to kiss Draco. No denying it now.

When Draco (finally) awoke, he was relieved to see Harry, who promptly chewed him out for not coming to him when Lucius threatened to harm Narcissa. Draco shrugged and muttered something about not deserving their help, but Harry was having none of it.

Harry explained he would do anything for Draco if he had to, not because of guilt or life debts, but because he cared about him. Because he didn’t want to see him hurt—or Merlin’s sake, dead.

Draco blinked from his hospital bed, processing Harry’s words. Before he could utter any response, though, Harry planted a firm kiss on his lips.

Which Draco reciprocated, I might add.

When Ginny returned from the Burrow to find everything the same except for some noticeable hand-holding, she wasn’t surprised. Ron, on the other hand, spat out his pumpkin juice and demanded to know what in the name of Merlin’s tits happened over break.

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4 years ago


“I can’t do it,” Harry overhears as he walks past the downstairs bathroom. “Not tonight, Pans, I can’t—”

“It’s tonight or never,” comes Pansy’s muffled reply from behind the tightly closed door. “Just stand next to him during the countdown and then get it over with. It’ll only take two seconds tops.”

“I don’t want to get it over with. I don’t— that’s not the point.”

“Oh, grow a pair, Draco. What are you so afraid of?”

Harry keeps walking, not sure if he wants to hear the answer.


No one kisses Harry at midnight. The room explodes, cheers erupting, hands slapping shoulders, noisemakers going off. Next to him, Hermione and Ron embrace, foreheads pressed together, lips pulled back over their teeth in wide, excited smiles. 

“Happy New Year,” they giggle to each other, and Harry’s happy for them. Really. He just can’t help but wonder when they filled the gap that used to belong to him with moments like that. Moments belonging only to them, even in the middle of a crowded room.

Someone’s arm comes around Harry’s shoulder — Ginny, he thinks hazily — but she doesn’t kiss him, either. She just laughs into his ear, drunken and merry. “It’s gonna be a good one, Harry,” she says, rosé on her breath. “I can feel it.”


The last empty champagne flute clinks as he disposes it into the sink, not bothering to rinse it out. He’ll do it tomorrow, maybe, when his head isn’t buzzing and his fingers have steadied. The house is dim and warm, strewn with paper plates and plastic noisemakers, little bits of stray glitter cresting the countertops. 

“Oh,” Harry says when he pads into his living room and comes upon a half-asleep Draco Malfoy sprawled on his couch, party hat skewed. “You’re still here.”

“Mm,” Draco hums sleepily, rolling on his side. His hair is mussed up and frizzy, cheeks tinted pink with alcohol. “D’you mind? I don’t think I can Apparate.”

“No,” Harry says, feeling fuzzy. “No, I don’t mind. I have a guest room upstairs.”

“Here’s fine,” Draco replies through a yawn, patting the worn velvet couch. 

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. Have any spare blankets?”

“Yeah— yeah of course. Hang on.” Harry stumbles into the hallway to grab an extra afghan from the linen closet, choosing a green one that Luna knitted for him a few years back. By the time he returns, Draco’s eyes have closed, cheek pressed against the arm of the couch.

Harry suppresses a tired smile and drapes the afghan over him, trying not to fixate on the way Draco’s toes tuck into the cushion cracks and his fingers curl into loose fists. “Thank you,” Draco mumbles softly.

“No problem.” Harry keeps his voice low. “Wake me if you need anything else, yeah? My bedroom is—”

“Top of the stairs,” Draco interrupts. “I know. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Harry’s about to straighten up and turn away when a warm hand slips out from under the afghan and grabs his wrist, keeping him in place. 

“Hang on,” Draco murmurs before propping himself up on one elbow and tugging Harry down to meet him in the middle, noses bumping, lips landing together clumsily. Harry’s not even sure what’s happening until it’s over and Draco is pulling back again, taking his supple warmth with him. “Meant to do that earlier, after the countdown thing. You know.”

“Yeah,” Harry says, unable to stop the gentle, amused smile from tugging at his mouth. “Right. Why didn’t you?”

“Too chicken,” Draco says, but Harry can tell he’s drifting off, eyes sliding closed.

“Happy New Year, Draco,” he whispers, and then the house is quiet once again, leaving only the slow embers to keep Harry company in the small darkness of the morning. 

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4 years ago

“I can’t figure out why,” Draco ponders skeptically, “but he reminds me of you.”

He and Harry huddle together on the couch, a mess of limbs and blankets in front of the telly. It’s been their post-nightmare routine for a while: popcorn, a fire, and trash late-night talk shows.

Draco quirks his head as he watches Jimmy’s guest rap alphabetically about hollering at your homeboy, karate and… radioactivity? What an odd song… As he gets nearer to ‘z,’ Draco can hardly understand what he’s saying.

“He looks just like you!” Draco declares when the program flips to commercial.

Harry shakes his head before cleaning his glasses on the blanket and leaning forward to squint at the screen.

“Nah.” He leans back to wrap his arm around Draco’s shoulders. “I can’t grow a beard to save my life.”

For @drarrymicrofic‘s prompt, breaking the fourth wall.

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4 years ago


heyy so i saw your post asking for requests. can i get some drarry bumping into each other in a club after the war. harry is a little shocked and on edge about seeing draco but the war left him exhausted so he doesn't really hate him. they dance and drink. also sassy draco, i love that. maybe some kissing and smut if youd like. but definitely dirty dancing in the club


Summary: 5 years after the final war, the rivals meet again. But it doesn’t end up how you would expect. (lmao that was dramatic)

warnings: cursing, smut, drinking

if it’s in italics, that means it’s a flashback, and when it says ~narrator’s POV~ that means it’s not from either harry or draco’s view. Also i’m sorry about the constant change of POV’s!

Heyy So I Saw Your Post Asking For Requests. Can I Get Some Drarry Bumping Into Each Other In A Club


Draco pushed through the crowds of people, his drink in his hand and annoyance plastered on his face.

It’s been 5 years. 5 years since the last war, 5 years since his family fell, 5 years since his life broke apart.

He had resorted to running away with a few of his friends; Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and Pansy Parkinson. They were like brothers to the sarcastic girl, protecting her although she never needed such a thing.

He was a healer now, at 22. He felt bad for all the people who died because of Voldemort and his own father. He felt guilty, and for a long period of time he blamed himself. But he had recently became a healer, because he felt that every life he saved made up for the ones that were lost.

Now, after a long day of work, he ended up in some random muggle bar drinking muggle beer.

He walked over to a random booth, needing to sit down due to the amount of drinks he devoured. He didn’t bother to check with the person sitting already, which would later affect his night drastically.

“This seat is taken, go find somewhere else to sit,” a familiar, annoying voice came from behind him. Draco turned around, ready to see who he had to yell at when he saw him.




It was unmistakable; his messy hair, green eyes and scar on his forehead.

Memories flooded to his mind immediately.

“I’m Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.”

Draco remembered being so excited to become friends with the famous Harry Potter. He was so happy at age 11, and he fucked it all up when he insulted Harry’s new friend. Just like how his father would.

“Red hair, hand me down robes? You must be a Weasley.”

Regret flooded his mind, but he pushed the memories aside.

“Potter?” Draco frowned at him, not expecting to see his childhood enemy.

The boy squinted, and Draco’s eyes flickered down to the glasses on the table. He picked up the glasses and put it on the black haired boy, and Harry immediately recognized him.


Once the random man put the glasses on me, i recognized him immediately. From his bright blond hair to his grey eyes, Draco Lucius Malfoy was sitting right in front of me with a blank expression on his face.

I gasped and scooted a little farther, but he noticed. We both seemed to be wasted, but i still didn’t trust him, no matter how drunk i was.

Draco sighed, knowing what i was thinking. “I’ve changed Potter. Calm down, i’m sorry. For what i did i mean.”

He took a swig of his drink while i just stared at him. Draco Malfoy apologizing? He seemed sincere, his face flushed red after his apology, although it could’ve been the drinks.

He grinned at me, and shoved my shoulder playfully. “Loosen up Harry! Come on, here’s a drink. It’s on me,” he slurred, and i didn’t fail to realize that he called me by my first name.

I picked up the drink he handed me, and he watched me intently with his blue-grey eyes as i nervously took a drink. I don’t hate him, no, i just don’t trust him.

~narrator’s POV~

Draco happily slung an arm around Harry, and after a few drinks Harry started to loosen up.

“Come on Potter, let’s dance.” Malfoy got up from his seat and tried pulling Potter on to the dance floor, but he didn’t budge.

“I’m good...” Draco pouted at Harry’s words.

“What? You’re afraid i’m a better dancer?”

“Fuck no.”

“Come on then!”

Harry rolled his eyes and followed Draco onto the dance floor. They were in a crowd of people, bodies shoving them but Draco didn’t seem to mind.

They danced and drank for a while, and Harry decided to be a bit bold. He would later say it was the alcohol doing so, but he leaned over and kissed Draco right on the lips.

Draco started at him with wide eyes, and Harry mentally started beating himself up until Draco kissed him back. It soon turned heated, and the blond broke their kiss and pulled the other man into another empty room.

Harry sat on one of the empty desks, and looked around, realizing that Draco had dragged him to a room full of sex toys. On purpose or not, Harry didn’t care.

The blond looked over at him. “Your safe word is red, alright? And when you’re gagged, just tap me twice and i’ll stop.”

Harry nodded, and shivered at the other man’s icy smirk.


“Just a warning, i’m really rough.” The words came out of my mouth, me not wanting Harry to regret anything but he nodded eagerly.

I walked forward, and noticed a bulge in both our pants. I grinded against him, grabbing on to his hips and kissing him. He moaned, and i took the opportunity to slip my tounge into his mouth.

I broke the kiss and started taking off my clothes, him doing the same. I spread his legs apart once we were both completely nude, and looked at his hard cock. I could see his eyes widen at mine, making my ego boost.

“You’re- you’re like 11 inches-” I just smiled at his comment, and kissed him quickly again.

I pushed his knees apart and growled.

“Look at this pretty cock... all thick and wet for daddy.” He moaned, and i smirked for like the 50th time this evening.

I walked over to a compartment which had a bunch of toys. I grabbed a bunch and looked back at him, memories flowing into my mind again.

(7th year) when they were both legal adults

I layed on my bed, fisting my hard penis as I pictured Harry with his warm mouth wrapped around my dick, his finger in his arse as he happily sucked my cock.

Grabbing everything, i strapped his ankles to the desk legs and tied his hands up. I thought of gagging him but thought otherwise, wanting to hear his screams.

I inserted a vibrator into his arse and turned it on to the highest setting, making the man widen his eyes and moan. I stepped back and started stroking myself, watching him unravel.

He was shaking, looking at me with his big green eyes staring into mine. I smirked (again) as he looked at my hand touching my cock, making his twitch.

Within no time, cum started to spurt out of his cock and he started violently spasming, moaning my name like a chant even though i haven’t layed a finger on him yet.

After he was done, i walked toward and grabbed his cock aggressively, pulling it a little and breathing in his ear;

“I never said you could cum.”


sorry for the lazy ending 😩 i hoped you enjoyed it, this was my first drarry one

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4 years ago

Legend has it

For the @drarrymicrofic prompt: Lunar

“Is that… my old Quidditch kit?”

Draco twirls, the blush on his cheeks matching the deep red of the robes. “I’m your protector.” 

Harry laughs. It’s a warm sound even out here under the cold-bright stars. “You’re barmy, is what you are.” 

“Who but me is going to defend you against the terrible Nian monster?”

Harry grins. “Nian monster. Okay…”

Draco sits down next to him on the rooftop. “It attacks every Lunar New Year and the only thing it fears are the colour red and loud cracking noises.” A swish of his wand and the pops and bangs of fireworks burst above their heads. “But you needn’t worry. I’ve got you.”

Draco draws Harry close as bright colours arc above them.

“These look good on you,” Harry says, stroking the Gryffindor crest, voice thick with affection. “My protector.”

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4 years ago

Everyone is always going on and on about how unobservant Harry is.

But I like to think it was a product of growing up neglected; learning to be noticed as little as possible, and spending basically his entire life in the wizarding world facing off against evil.  So its not entirely that at his core he was unobservant but that he had learned it, because he had learned growing up to take up as little space as possible, both emotionally and physically.

So to Harry it became second nature to not notice things because god he didn’t want anyone noticing anything about him.

Except after the war, when he returns for 8th year he starts to notice all kinds of things; the way Dean and Seamus sit oh so close and gosh did they always do that, the way Ron and Hermione both tense up when the other one isn’t in the room but relax as soon as they’re near each other, the way people seem hopeful and scared all at once, or even small things like the way the wind sounds blowing against the window when he can’t sleep.

And the more he notices, the more he finds that maybe he wouldn’t quite mind if someone else noticed him.

Which is exactly how he starts to notice Malfoy.  Because now that he has started noticing all kinds of things he recognizes what these things mean too…and he definitely recognizes the slump of Malfoy’s shoulders, or the way his head turns up whenever someone new enters a room, or the way he finds every corner to sit in as soon as entering a room, and especially the way he’s always alone.  Because Harry knows exactly what it looks like when you don’t want people to notice you. 

And the more Harry looks the more he can’t stop looking, and he wonders how he could have spent so many years obsessed with Malfoy but never actually noticing things about him; like the way he cradles his tea as if absorbing its warmth before drinking it, the way he licks his lips when he reads, the way his face looks flushed and healthy only when he sneaks back into the castle after a secret broom ride (except its not so secret because Harry is pretty much always watching him), or the way he reads muggle novels in the library when he thinks no one can see.

Until one day, when Harry has his head buried in a book studying, and someone sits down beside him and he doesn’t even need to look up to know who it is because he recognizes the sounds Malfoy makes when he pulls out a chair and the way he holds his breath when he’s nervous and especially the way he smells; like fresh air and too strong tea and ink - he smells like hope Harry thinks, holding his breath too as Malfoy slides down into the seat beside him.

“So…” Malfoy whispers.

”So,” Harry answers back, still staring at the book in front of him, almost afraid to look at Malfoy as if he might spook him.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d be here,” Malfoy finally says after several minutes of silence which should be awkward but instead just feel charged with anticipation.

“I’m always here on Saturdays,” Harry says, finally turning to look at Malfoy.  He wonders why he looks so nervous. 

“I know,” Malfoy huffs, finally making eye contact with Harry and the look in his eyes makes something deep and tight in Harry’s chest uncurl because oh…oh.  Maybe he hasn’t been the only one noticing things.

“Did you want-”

“Yes,” Malfoy blurts out.

“I didn’t even finish asking you.  What if I asked if you wanted to go jump in the lake naked and look for the giant squid,” Harry says, his face breaking out into a smile that seems to make Malfoy relax.

“Still would’ve said Yes,” Malfoy says, no hint of sarcasm.

“Oh.  Well aright then.”  And Harry does something which feels a bit brave and a bit stupid and reaches over to lay his hand on Malfoy’s knee.  Only instead of yelling at him or pushing him away Malfoy smiles, for what Harry thinks must be the first time that whole year, and lays his own hand over Harry’s.

“Alright,” Malfoy says, linking their fingers.

And Harry smiles again, because yeah things really are alright.

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4 years ago

“He’s gone.”

“He’s dead.”

“The Boy Who Lived, lives no more.”

A gust of icy wind disturbs the pile of ash outside Ollivanders, tossing flecks of soot into the air like a polluted snow. Draco listens intently as he weaves through the clouds of breath and mud-stained cloaks of the crowd. Some whispers are gilded in awe or sorrow, but sharp tongues are quick to hiss of Harry’s failures, his temper, his audacity to swear or drink or fuck. None doubt what they’ve seen.

Having heard enough, Draco slips into an empty alley, unnoticed by the gossiping crowd. The tails of Draco's cloak have no time to settle before the pull of apparition grips at his bones.

The warm prickle of welcoming wards greets him as he lands in the dark kitchen of Grimmauld Place. Harry sits at the grimy table, his feet propped on a chair and a steaming mug in his hand. Even shielded in shadow, his eyes are bright when he glances up and smiles at Draco.

“So... Did it work?”

“Harry Potter is dead, never to return. Gullible bastards,” Draco huffs. “Bid adieu to your adoring fans, Potter, you’re mine now.”

“Farewell, wizarding world, you won’t be missed,” Harry nearly sings as he stands and grabs his pouch from the table.

Draco watches as Harry pats at his pockets to check for his wand. "You're sure about this, Harry?"

"Of course. Aren't you?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

"Good," he smiles. "Now, where are a dead man and a Death Eater to go, free from the cruel judgment of the world?" he grins, slithering his arms around Draco’s waist. He presses his fingers tightly into the spaces between Draco's ribs, his only outward sign of nerves.

"You’re so dramatic, it's embarrassing," Draco laughs, nipping at Harry’s ear and wrapping his arms around Harry's shoulders. "They go wherever their wanderlust takes them," Draco whispers, succumbing to apparition’s grasp as he imagines somewhere warm.

For @drarrymicrofic's prompt, return.

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4 years ago


pairing - draco malfoy X harry potter

summary - draco shows harry how to let go

warnings - a little explicit but it's disguised as fluffy, poetry goodness

words - 315

written for - @drarrymicrofic , prompt - verklempt; overcome with emotions’

a/n - this is my first time writing for @drarrymicrofic so, i hope I did well :)

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Calloused, porcelain hands held down slender waists. The grip oh so tight and lovely.

Bodies intertwined in a harmony of love and passion. Hands held tight in a show of trust.

A mouth, that let out a burning sensation every time it was in contact with scarred skin, moved against the soft edges of an ear and whispered "let me take care of you"

Those six words sending electric shocks down his whole body.

Those six words melting him into a small puddle till he was nothing more than a small speck in the universe.

Harry finally let him take care of him.

Draco more than happy to provide, as said puddle was in his arms.

Lust-filled crystal grey eyes met stormed green shards of glass.

Soft lips met even softer ones.

They crashed onto each other like the perfect two ends of a puzzle piece.


Draco took care of him. With gentle touches that set fire through his skin. The gentle mouth of his; finding every inch of his body- caressing it with a newfound passion to make love.

Porcelain hands, rubbed gentle circles down his back, as he entered Harry’s body.

Draco found the perfect spot inside him; the perfect soft that made the dull, grey, rained down puddle, alight with light- seeing stars.

After many more thrusts, after many more praises in his ear of how good he was doing, after many more kisses rained down his body from white lips.

He let go.


At the end of the night when he was curled down the side of his lover, like a sun-kissed cat. At the end of the night when marble-like hands, gently combed his midnight black hair. At the end of the night when he was comfortable, head tucked under his chin, on top of a flat, hard chest; listening to a gentle heartbeat,

Harry finally lets goes.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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