ugneet143 - ugneet143

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159 posts

Ugneet143 - Ugneet143 - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
A Lil' Zombie Cleo I've Been Working On For A Lil' Bit

a lil' zombie cleo I've been working on for a lil' bit

[don't repost]

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2 years ago
[don't Repost]

[don't repost]

cute guy! had fun with some details ^^. wish i could've finished it before february though

wip 1 wip 2

no multiply version bellow the cut

[don't Repost]

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2 years ago

The bots are evolving!!

Now I’ve seen bots with firstname-lastname combo with numbers in the middle, but even more odd are the ones without numbers at all… Some jumbled up almost-words that at first glance could be actual tumblrs. But when you click through to see their blogs, they look just like the old bots.

The Bots Are Evolving!!

Apparently at some point the bots starts to leave comments with malware links on your posts if left to their own devices. I saw that in the wild today on someone else’s post.

Remember to report as spam and block!

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2 years ago
Technically First Art Of The Year And It's A Pfp
Technically First Art Of The Year And It's A Pfp

technically first art of the year and it's a pfp

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2 years ago
Theme #11: Stereo

Theme #11: Stereo

Blog Theme. Old web nostalgia.


Enable custom themes in your blog settings on web. Switch the “Custom theme” toggle on or off. For more information, find the help center article here.


Full height sidebar with image, title, user info and description

4 custom links

Accent color

3 Custom Google Fonts, font size, weight, line height

Post width selection: 300, 400, 500, 540 & 700px

Mobile responsive


Feather Icons

Dummy texts are lyrics by The Midnight's "Ghost in your Stereo"

Edit and customise to your liking. Don’t repost/redistribute and/or claim as your own. Do not use as a base code. Leave the credit, thank you.

If you are having issues, take a look at this themes FAQ, or my general FAQ. Not finding anything? Send me a message. Please report any bugs to me by either opening an issue on GitHub or sending a message.

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2 years ago
Yeah Okay Now It Feels Like A Year Has Passed

yeah okay now it feels like a year has passed

it’s been 2021 for almost an hour and I’m still processing it 

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2 years ago
[don't Repost]

[don't repost]

don't remember exactly how long the thumbnail of this has just been sitting(I think since before the crossover), but I did almost all of it in one day :') (had fun with this one ^^)

[the wip]

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2 years ago
[don't Repost]

[don't repost]

(an Ivory that didn't take half a year to finish :') )

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2 years ago
Some Frame Redraws From @in-study-hell 's The Cave Animatic That Have Been Marinating Since June (apparently???)
Some Frame Redraws From @in-study-hell 's The Cave Animatic That Have Been Marinating Since June (apparently???)

some frame redraws from @in-study-hell 's the cave animatic that have been marinating since June (apparently???)

[please don't repost my art]

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2 years ago
It's Been Like Over Half A Year Since I Posted Any "finished" Digital Art Huh

It's been like over half a year since I posted any "finished" digital art huh

anyways - here's an ivory cello for your troubles ^^

[please don't repost my art]

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2 years ago
2 years ago
Switched Browserseverything Seems To Be Working

switched browsers everything seems to be working 👍

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2 years ago

Idk if it's my browser or sth else on my end but web tumblr won't let me click on pictures, reblog or post anything

Idk If It's My Browser Or Sth Else On My End But Web Tumblr Won't Let Me Click On Pictures, Reblog Or

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2 years ago
Birth Anniversary Edition

birth anniversary edition

My Magnum Opus Or Whatever It's Called

my magnum opus or whatever it's called

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2 years ago

So there's a scam/bot spam going around. Almost fooled me, but I got the same exact message on two seperate accounts.

So There's A Scam/bot Spam Going Around. Almost Fooled Me, But I Got The Same Exact Message On Two Seperate
So There's A Scam/bot Spam Going Around. Almost Fooled Me, But I Got The Same Exact Message On Two Seperate

I haven't put in the link into anything just in case. So yeah, be aware lads.

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2 years ago
These Mysterious Lands Once More Open Itself To New Life. After About A Week Of Calm Consistency Across

These mysterious lands once more open itself to new life. After about a week of calm consistency across the forested lands, it seems Herobrine is not yet content with the life in his grasps. The tall, blue border walls ache and shift, expanding to encompass more of the Earth. More players wake up in this mysterious world. There are houses and life around you. What is this? --


bewilderSMP application form!
Google Docs
🌈 Application for new players wanting to join the 1.19 Java SMP!

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2 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago


If you are looking for an emergency exit from Ukraine, Poland will open EIGHT safety points on the border with Ukraine (you will get warm food, medical help and from there you will be guided to safety) in two of our voivodeships: lubuskie and podkarpackie. It is confirmed by the Polish Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Paweł Szefernaker.



I've marked those voivodeships on the map!

Please share because it can save lives!!!!!!

3 years ago

Ukraine (2/24/2022)

As most/all of you know at this point, last night/early morning Ukraine time, Russian military forces invaded Ukraine after Putin announced that he had decided "to carry out a special military operation in Ukraine.

I am not an expert on this, nor do I claim to be, so I'm not going to be talking about what's actually going on on the ground. But a few things to keep in mind:

Be very careful about the sources you read and trust. Russia is incredibly good at disinformation campaigns. Sources such as Reuters, AP, NY Times, and Washington Post are reliable. Sources such as RT are not. If you want to see what sort of disinformation Russia is putting out on this topic, Bellingcat has a database that's tracking it.

Be careful what you share. If something could be a disinformation campaign, don't share it. If something seems unreliable or out of date, don't share it. If something shares Ukrainian troop movements, don't share it.

This is not something to joke about, or to meme, or to treat callously. These are, and I cannot say this strongly enough, real people who are going to be hurt and killed, not some hypothetical thing that's just happening on CNN.

If you want to help, help in ways that Ukrainians ask for. There are a lot of Ukrainian people on social media talking about useful ways for foreigners to help, so I recommend checking out those. Here are a few:

Jane Lytvynenko's link to resources on how foreigners can help

A thread about what should and shouldn't be done to help Ukraine

If you're Ukrainian and have any other thoughts, please add them.

3 years ago

polish government has opened a website for ukrainians seeking safety and trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border:

as of 13:10 polish time, it has been said as many people as possible will be let through the borders. they are also supposed to let through children who do not have passports, as to not divide families.

3 years ago

I've decided to write this for the mere possibility of saving someone's life, not just from Ukraine, these guidelines will help you if you ever find yourself under bombing/rocket/missile threat.

1. It is important to know where the attack is coming from, that is, the general direction (north, south, east etc.), and, if known, how much time do you have in order to reach safety. This information will be helpful for the next steps.

2. Your best option is always A SHELTER. Some European underground railway stations classify as ones.

3. If you don't have a shelter/can't reach one fast enough - find a stairwell, like the one in multi-story buildings, climb at least two floors up from the entrance or two floors down from upmost floor. STAY AWAY from windows, glass coating or any openings.

4. Can't get to a stairwell? Opt for the innermost, most window-less room of your house. If your know the direction of the attack find the room that meets the requirements above farthest away from that direction. Again, stay away from windows, glass objects or anything that might fall or shatter in case of explosion.

5. If you are out in the open and can not reach any of the above, lie flat on the ground, facing away from the direction of the attack, hands over (protecting) your head. It is important to remain like this even in a case of nearby explosion - explosion wave thrust goes up, lying on the ground might protect you from debris and projectiles.

6. If you find yourself under attack while driving, safely pull over and follow options 2-5.

7. DO NOT. Under no circumstances. Emerge from your place of shelter before official state authorities gave a clear.

Some of these instructions are very simple, but can and will save you! Stay alert, be prepared, follow official authorities' guidelines, and most important, protect yourself and stay safe.

3 years ago

so i'm seeing this post go around quite a bit uncritically with links to straight up donate to ukrainian neo-nazi groups so i'll break it down, here's the post you'll probably see:

So I'm Seeing This Post Go Around Quite A Bit Uncritically With Links To Straight Up Donate To Ukrainian

here's the contents of one link, calling themselves "freikorps" and using what looks to be an azov battalion insignia as an avatar:

So I'm Seeing This Post Go Around Quite A Bit Uncritically With Links To Straight Up Donate To Ukrainian

and here's what the azov battalion is if you don't know:

Azov Battalion - Wikipedia

now here's another link this time with with a pic of ppl flying a right sector flag:

So I'm Seeing This Post Go Around Quite A Bit Uncritically With Links To Straight Up Donate To Ukrainian

if you dont know what right sector is:

Right Sector - Wikipedia

so please don't donate to this shit, the situation isn't just some simple little good guy vs big bad guy thing, if you see someone sharing that post, try sharing this with them bcus they probably don't know