Part. 7
Part. 7

pairing: iwaizumi x black!fem reader
synopsis: on pointe! (updated weekly) previous parts in masterlist
word count: 3.1k
type: fanfiction
a/n: once again my drafts don't save :(
"Where are your friends?" Carter didn't mean to come off as rude. His friends convinced him to go eat lunch with his new girlfriend. Currently they were outside sharing garlic bread and bbq pineapple chicken kabobs. "Serenity is off doing god knows what. Frankie eats with the seniors. And the others are practicing off campus. What about you?" "They're sitting at the same table I always do inside. Can I come with to the competition?" "You'll be very disappointed in me if you came. I'm like the underdog. Plus, I don't know if Mrs. Aveline would let you." "Sure she will. You've never asked for anything before have you?" Elissa shook her head. "Then it should be all good. Now let me see your dance before lunch is over."
Elissa's grey skirt fluttered in the wind. Carter had to admit the uniform colors were cute. A pink sweater was over her white button down shirt and she wore grey legwarmers with white sneakers. Carter felt a bit plain wearing just the basic grey jacket and pants with a white button down. She threw her trash away and smiled at him. "You coming?" He nodded and threw his away as well. She led him to a clearing where no one was there to watch.
She set her backpack down and took off her shoes. Her pointe shoes were already ready and waiting in her backpack. "I wish I hadn't picked ballet. Lia's totally going to outperform me." Elissa began stretching. "Celia? Why would she?" "Have you seen her dance? I mean she sucks at everything else, but ballet she's fucking amazing." "Never even spoken to the girl." "The girls were talking in the dressing room about how they were jealous of her because she was dating Oikawa. If they knew Oikawa personally I would not want to date him," she emphasized the not.
Carter had always considered Elissa and her friends popular. Especially Oikawa. "What's wrong with em? He seemed fine last night." "He's just a little weird. And he has a really long skin care routine. He's a bit whiny. Don't get me wrong he has a lot of good qualities." Carter chuckled to himself. "Wonder why Oikawa gets all the ladies. If I was a girl I would choose Iwaizumi." "Omg Carter are you coming out as bisexual? Iwaizumi has fans too just not as much as Oikawa. I heard Y/n has her sights on him though." "Elissa I've been bisexual. This isn't anything new. Iwaizumi and Y/n would be cute." "I know right? I'm glad no one took you before I did."
Did Elissa think Carter had girls at his feet? Did dudes have crushes on him? "Do people really like me like that?" She looked at him as if he had just asked the dumbest question ever. "They say your fighting with Iwaizumi for the second hottest in the school." "I'm not even popular like that." Y/n stood up and handed Carter her phone. "Play the music when your ready." He waited for her to get in position and pressed play. Carter thought she looked regal and elegant while dancing. He imagined them dancing ballet together on Broadway.
When she finished he imagined the crowd clapping and demanding an encore. "How was it?" She sat next to him. "It was great. Just minor things like straightening your leg and stuff." She smoothed out her skirt. "I think I'm just too nervous about it all." "There's a reason Mrs. Aveline chose you for the team. You know she only likes perfection." Elissa gazed into his eyes. Carter felt his heart rate go up drastically. Elissa crashed her lips onto his and swirled her tongue around his. He cupped her cheeks and kissed just as passionately back.
This continued until they heard footsteps approaching. They both quickly turned around and saw a small rabbit picking at the grass. Carter sighed with relief and Elissa giggled. She snuggled into Carter's embrace until the bell rang. "Why can we hear the bell all the way out here," Elissa complained. "I'll carry your backpack for you," Carter picked it up before she could object. "Your lucky we have the same class next." She put her regular shoes back on and put the pointe ones in her backpack. The two headed off to their next class of the day.
The final bell rang and Elissa was dragging her feet along to Mrs. Aveline's office. She was even more reluctant when she saw Mrs. Aveline in her office. She knocked softly a couple times. "Come in." This was her first time in the office and it was exactly as Oikawa had described. She took a seat and Mrs. Aveline was steady typing on her computer. She glanced up. "Elissa, how may I help?" This was the nicest Mrs. Aveline had ever been towards her.
"I was wondering if Carter could come with us to the competition this week?" "Carter?" "Carter Haynes." Mrs. Aveline mumbled under her breath. "Why does he want to come along?" "He wants to see my solo." "Young love is difficult to understand. I'll allow it. It better not distract you." "Thank you Mrs. Aveline. I'll never ask for anything again."' She left the office and was surprised to see Carter waiting in the hallway. "So what'd she say?" "She said yes. Better go to sleep because I'm getting you at 1." "In the morning?" Carter's eyes bugged out of his head.
She nodded. "I'm going to get some sleep," she started back down stairs. "I'll walk you," he quickly caught up. "It's not that far you know?" "I know. I just like spending time with you."
Oikawa waved at Elissa as she walked by. He turned back towards Lia. "I'm trying to take you out on a date. What's so bad about that?" "The day before a competition. I can't screw up like last time." "You will screw up if you don't give yourself a break. Now come to the aquarium with me." She didn't respond for a few seconds. "Let me change first." Oikawa sighed in relief and agreed to meet up in ten minutes. Iwaizumi was in their shared dorm on the phone with Y/n.
He tried pestering him about their relationship, but it didn't work. He changed out of the uniform and went downstairs to find Lia outside the male dormitory. Her thick brown curls were held back by a claw clip. She wore a pink halter and low-rise brown jeans. Her white forces matched her felt tote bag. She sat on the front porch. She hopped up when she saw Oikawa.
She greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. He took her hand and guided her all the way to the train station. Since their school was relatively close to downtown it was unnecessary to take the train, but Oikawa thought it would be much quicker. The aquarium was one Y/n had showed him when they first became friends. It was on the smaller side and if you didn't know about it you would never find it. A Korean family owned it and also had a restaurant across the street.
Today it was filled with small children and Lia was confused as to why they were in such an unknown part of Sydney. "Kawa where are we?" "The Mangjol family aquarium of course. Their daughter is the only family member working though. The other employees are probably our age." Lia nodded. Oikawa must be rambling again.
They first looked at all the tropical fish. Lia pressed her face up against the glass. "Kawa look at how colorful they are." He smiled. "Let's go see the penguins." She followed after him. The attendant there let them sit in the penguin inclosure. First they had to put on a similar suit and then the employees told them not to touch or feed the penguins. Oikawa complained about not being able to pet them, but other than that Lia enjoyed the penguins.
"Let's go eat across the street. I can totally get us a discount." Oikawa and Lia took off the suits and thanked the employees. Lia skipped along across the street with Oikawa following behind. It was a brick building with Korean letters on a black sign above the door. Under it in English read "Korean Bbq House." Lia opened the door and an older woman, introducing herself as Chi-Yong Manjol, led them to a booth close to the kitchen. She had smile lines and wrinkles under her eyes.
Her hair was tied back and she wore an apron over her dress. She pulled out a pen and notebook from the apron. "I'll be your server for today. Another server will be over to cook your meal." "Can I just get rib eye steak with water?" She quickly jotted it down. "And for your side?" "Just some rice." "I'll have the spicy pork and squid with bean paste stew, whatever veggies you have, and a water." When the server walked away Lia kicked him under the table.
"Why'd you order so much?" "I come here all the time and order the same thing. No big deal." A younger boy with bubblegum pink hair on the left and jet black on the right came up with their order. He set everything down and got to work. Lia was amazed how he could cook the food for multiple tables at once. Once the meat was done Oikawa said they could finally eat. Lia munched and watched as he wrapped the pork inside the lettuce.
She did the same with her steak and began trying it with other vegetables. "You should really try this squid," he held it up to her mouth. "I don't know I mean doesn't it have suction cups and stuff?" "It tastes really good," he pushed the squid up to her lips. She reluctantly took a bite and chewed slowly. "It's okay. I don't like the texture." "That's fine. Just glad you had fun."
Oikawa paid for the meal and they walked back to the school hand in hand. "I'm still worried you know." "I know." "You made me forget for a little while." "That's the plan. Now go get some sleep." He kissed her hand and headed for the male dormitory. Iwaizumi was already fast asleep when he arrived. He slipped off his shirt and shoes and went to sleep.
It was the first time Iwaizumi woke up Oikawa for a competition. Oikawa sat up in bed as he watched Iwaizumi put on a t-shirt and sweats. "You should get to packing," Iwaizumi commented before going into the bathroom. Oikawa forced himself to get up and took his costume inside the garment bag from the hook on the door and folded it carefully in his backpack.
Oikawa barged in and joined his friend in brushing his teeth. "I really wish you wouldn't do that." Iwaizumi spit into the bowl. "It's fine. We're saving time this way. Now I need to do my hair." Iwaizumi and Oikawa continued to share the mirror. Oikawa brushed his hair while Iwaizumi spiked his up. The clock read 12:45 when they left.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi were sure they would be the first to get there. Elissa and Carter had completely beat them. "Hey Lissa. I didn't know Carter was coming," Oikawa sat next to her. "Told you to stop calling me that. I'm surprised the queen let him. Carter and I made breakfast for everyone. We tried something completely new." Elissa reached in her bag and brought out three plastic containers.
"Are these tacos for breakfast?" Oikawa seemed amazed. "Pancake tacos. Filled with cream cheese, strawberries, blueberries, and powedered sugar. My mom used to make em all the time," Carter proudly announced. Oikawa and Iwaizumi took one. "These are sooo good. Carter how come you haven't made them sooner?" Iwaizumi nodded in agreement with Oikawa. It was too early, in his opinion, to talk.
Y/n arrived next and happily took one. Frankie took one next and him and Y/n were doing handsprings on the sidewalk. Mrs. Aveline was last bringing Serenity, Kourtney, and Lia with her. "Mr. Haynes if you become the reason Elissa doesn't do well you won't have a chance at performing." Carter nodded and that seemed to satisfy her. Serenity had her dirty blonde hair in a messy bun and wore a simple white tank and shorts. She had her arm around Kourtney while playing with her ear length jet black hair. They seemed to be matching with white tanks, but Kourtney wore sweats. They sat at the back of the bus and Iwaizumi thought what could Serenity possibly be up to.
Frankie's blonde roots were starting to show through his mint green hair. He wore his usual black hoodie and jeans with Doc Martins. He sat in front of them. He'd been protective of Kourtney ever since she was a freshmen. Y/n sat next to Iwaizumi and fell asleep leaning on his shoulder. Elissa and Carter seemed to be the most energetic and kept yapping about new recipes to try. Lia was by the window fast asleep while Oikawa talked with them.
It was a long eight hours and Y/n woke up to Iwaizumi tapping her shoulder. She grabbed her bag and headed off of the bus with the rest of the team. Since everyone was in the solo category they were all rushing at once to get ready. Mrs. Aveline was nowhere to be found and Y/n was beyond frustrated because of it. She sat in front of her mirror and tried to focus on her makeup.
The threat of probation and possible suspension was looming over everyone's heads. Y/n didn't even hear Lia when she asked if she wanted to get some fresh air with her. "Huh?" "I asked if you wanted to take a quick breather." Y/n nodded slowly and followed the girl down the stairs and to the parking lot. As soon as they were away from everyone Lia broke down in tears.
She sat on the concrete as warm tears rolled down her face. Y/n quickly tried to dry them up so her makeup wouldn't be ruined. "Everybody there hates me," Lia said in between hiccups. "No they don't. They just see you as competition." "Aren't we teammates?" "Not this week." "Y/n Oikawa's gonna break up with me. I haven't made a single friend yet," she broke back down into tears.
"You're just going to have to prove everyone wrong then, huh?" Y/n gave her an optimistic smile. Lia sniffled and slowly stood up. They walked back to the dressing room and Lia reapplied her makeup. Y/n didn't know why she just comforted her competition. She had no time to dwell on this as their division was starting and she needed to run through her routine.
She saw Elissa and Carter in the halls practicing. Elissa was really talented, but Y/n knew she didn't stand a chance against Lia. The first one to dance was Oikawa. Everyone was too busy doing their routine backstage to watch his performance. Serenity was next and from the look of her face Y/n could tell something has gone terribly wrong. Frankie was next and it being his last year he clearly wanted to go out with a bang.
Kourtney was up, then Elissa, then Lia then Iwaizumi. He reassured her they were saving the best for last. She began her solo and felt as if she were flying. The motions were so fluid she felt like the stage was a huge pond and every step she took was on a water lily. The routine ended and the team went backstage to change and get lunch. Carter was from Melbourne so he showed them a restaurant called Chin Chin.
Despite it being lunch time, everyone ordered desserts. Frankie used his older brother's id to order a cocktail instead. "The queen is going to be so upset we aren't eating with her," Kourtney was stuck in Serenity's embrace. "Who cares? She should've been there to help us prepare," Serenity exclaimed loudly. They all paid for their own meals and left the restaurant.
To pass the time, they played tag in the halls and did cartwheels on the sidewalk outside. Mrs. Aveline got out of a taxi and caught them on the sidewalk. She gave them a stern look and went inside. "Are we supposed to follow her or?" Y/n peeked into the door. "She should've said so then," Oikawa was firm about it. They walked across the street and bought an ungodly amount of lemonade whenever it got too hot.
Lia said they must've paid the rent for the store for the next few months. They went inside when the sun began to set. Mrs. Aveline was on the phone when they got to the dressing room. She waved them away whenever they tried speaking to her. They eventually gave up and just headed for backstage.
The announcer named all the teams competing for their age division and then allowed the dancers on stage. Serenity was eighth and she grumbled that it was because she slipped on one of her stunts. Kourtney was seventh and Y/n had forgotten what kind of dance she'd done. Elissa was sixth and Y/n was fifth. She stood proudly next to Elissa holding her medal. "Bet you Lia gets first," Elissa whispered to her.
Iwaizumi was fourth, Lia surprisingly third, Oikawa second, and Frankie first. He beamed even though this had to be the 100th time he'd won first place. Mrs. Aveline was as quiet as a mouse as they packed up. "Who lost?" she asked. "I didn't lose. I fell," Serenity muttered. Mrs. Aveline simply nodded. "And who was right before you?" "Kourtney," she mumbled. "Both of you are on probation until you prove you can be a part of this team. I don't want to hear any complaining. Let's go home." Y/n wasn't surprised she didn't ask about who won.
She never wanted to give credit when it was due. She sat next to Elissa on the ride back and listened to her talk about how she hated how good Lia was at ballet. Y/n felt everyone probably hated Lia. They got back the same time they left yesterday. Serenity seemed angrier than usual about being on probation. Y/n guessed this had to be her fifth time on probation.
She sluggishly dragged her feet through the gate and to the right in the direction of the dormitories. She assumed Iwaizumi whispered good night, but her sugar rush had slowed down hours before. Lia was in their bathroom putting her hair in a bun and all Y/n could manage was putting on her bonnet and crashing on her bed.
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More Posts from Uhhlucid
Part. 2

paring: iwaizumi x blackfem!reader
synopsis: ballet au fic (updated weekly)
word count: 1.8k
type: fanfiction
a/n: shortened the story to 12 chapters instead of 20. as always for previous parts check my masterlist :)
Iwaizumi wondered things. He wondered if Y/n liked him. He wondered what he would have for lunch. He even wondered if his dad remembered to send him an allowance. He also wondered why he had an alarm. Oikawa was doing a better job at waking him up then his alarm anyways.
Iwaizumi groggily rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing?" Oikawa smiled. Why was he so energetic this early? "I'm helping you get a date with Y/n." Iwaizumi lazily stood up. "Thought it was a competition?" He yawned and stretched. Oikawa followed him to the bathroom and continued yapping while Iwaizumi brushed his teeth.
"I'm obviously going to win, but you won't go out with Y/n after I win. I'm going to get you to win if you like it or not." Iwaizumi hummed. "Mhm. You'll follow me to the gym then?" "Already packed your gym bag for you." Of course he did. Iwaizumi and Oikawa headed off to the gym. It was still relatively warm considering it was September. Oikawa talked nonstop about the different "techniques" used to get a girl's attention.
On the way to the gym they ran into Lia. Oikawa and Lia began chatting and Iwaizumi took advantage of this to run ahead of them. Once at the gym he was able to relax and exercise. It was just him and his thoughts. He wasn't the best at coming up with date ideas, but he wanted something simple enough for a first date. "I've got just the thing for you." Oikawa appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
"You can take her on a picnic. Just the two of you. Of course this means we have to pack the picnic basket." Oikawa kept going on and on. Despite not wanting Oikawa's help, he found his idea helpful. The rest of the day was uneventful until it was time for practice. The group routine went smoother then yesterday, but Lia's timing was always off.
"If she can't keep up why not just kick her off the team," Y/n spat under her breath. "Seriously I thought she came from an "elite" ballet school," Iwaizumi added. Mrs. Aveline was clearly getting frustrated as well. "That's enough for now. Let's go get costumes shall we?" The team shuffled out the studio and down the hall to the seamstress.
Mrs. Aveline had her own personal team of seamstresses for all her performances. Iwaizumi was glad the costumes weren't too ridiculous. The boys wore a white shirt with flowy sleeves with a deep indigo vest over it. The girls wore matching tutu's with white embellishments on the bodice. The costumes were quickly packaged up so Iwaizumi and Y/n could try on their duet's costume.
Iwaizumi never knew that it was possible for her to get even prettier. The red and gold bodice paired with the tutu was absolutely stunning. Iwaizumi truly understood what breathtaking meant when she spun in the mirror. "So do you like it Iwaizumi?" He nodded. "You look pretty in it."
Lia was next and wore a simple black leotard with an elongated tutu for her modern solo routine. She twirled for Oikawa and even rubbed up against him. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and focused on Y/n's solo costume instead. She wore a simple sage green leotard, but the flowy material of the skirt and bodice really made it shine. Mrs. Aveline was truly evil for giving three solos of similar if not the same dance style.
Once costumes were done being fitted, the team was released so the soloists could practice. It was now or never for Iwaizumi. "Y/n can I ask you something?" She gave that irresistible smile of hers that made Iwaizumi say yes to anything she said. "Yeah?" "During lunch tomorrow how about we go eat in the park instead? I'll bring food for you." "The park with the beautiful fountains?" Iwaizumi nodded. He was shocked that she was considering going with him.
"Yeah sure I'll go. I may run a little late as I have to drop something off that day." "As long as you show up." Iwaizumi's heart did a somersault as he watched her go back into the studio. Oikawa nudged him. "Don't just stand there like a dummy." "Were you watching the whole time?" Oikawa nodded proudly. "I'm so proud of you, but first we need to get some dinner. Then we can plan out the perfect date for you two." Iwaizumi followed after his friend. "What about homework?" Oikawa shrugged, "Missing one homework assignment won't kill you."
Reluctantly he followed Oikawa to the plaza and helped him finish the pizza he purchased. "Now it's time for Operation: Iwaizumi's Picnic Date to begin." "Shitty-kawa what are you talking about?" "Lia and I along with you are going to make this the best date ever." "So you already won the bet?" "Lia and I aren't dating yet. Now c'mon let us help you." Iwaizumi once again reluctantly agreed.
Lia was not very good with hiding as she emerged from a nearby bush Iwaizumi spotted her in since they arrived at the plaza. "Oikawa and I already made a menu. I decided to make madeleines and Oikawa said he'd make onigiri. All you have to do is make fruit sando (fruit sandwiches) and spring rolls. We'll even handle drinks, utensils, and all of that."
Spring rolls and fruit sandwiches seemed easy enough to make, but Iwaizumi was confused on why Lia was helping. The three set off for the nearest grocery store where Lia offered to pay for everything. "Oikawa?" "Mhm?" "Is Lia super rich?" "Not that I know of." " and you don't find it weird that she's paying for all of our food?" "Girls do that for me all the time." Oikawa continued with his shopping. Sure enough Lia paid for all of it with her credit card.
They parted ways at the dorms and Oikawa and Iwaizumi headed to the dorm's kitchen. Not many people actually cooked their own food considering they had a cafeteria and if that wasn't enough the plaza had plenty of options. Still, they had a kitchen. Iwaizumi took his time making the sandwiches as he wanted everything to be perfect for their date. "Iwaizumi we don't have all night. Pick up the pace would ya?" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "Can't believe lover boy is saying that. Go ask Lia out on a date and leave me alone." "I will ask her on a date after the competition. What do I look like dating a girl that just arrived yesterday?" He whisper-yelled the last part.
The remaining time spent preparing the picnic was silent. They wrapped the food up and placed it in the fridge. Iwaizumi knew no one would be dumb enough to take food that had his name on it. Oikawa fell asleep as soon as he was done with his nightly skin care routine leaving Iwaizumi alone with his thoughts.
Anxiety filled his brain as he thought of countless conversation starters and possible answers to whatever Y/n might say. He took a deep breath to try and calm down. He would never make it to tomorrow if all he did was worry. He laid on his back and stared at the ceiling. Only three days of practice were left before the first competition of the season. There was without a doubt no chance of the duet losing.
He thought about dancing on stage with all of his friends to ease his worries. Once relaxed, he drifted off to sleep.
Iwaizumi was already worried enough about his date, but the whole table bringing it up at breakfast did not help him. Elissa was overjoyed that Y/n was going on a date, Serenity felt that it was finally time for the two to go out, Oikawa was giving himself the credit for the idea, and Lia was trying to tell Iwaizumi what to wear for the picnic. When the first bell rung Iwaizumi had never been happier.
"Ignore whatever they said. We don't need them to have fun," Y/n reminded him before heading to class. Iwaizumi used what she said as motivation to get through morning classes. He was a nervous wreck carrying the picnic basket to the park. He made sure to place the blanket from any nearby fountains that might soak the food. After counting to ten a few times, he sat cross-legged ready and waiting for Y/n.
He wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing that he didn't have to wait long for Y/n to show up. She wore a simple off white crop that tied in the front with a sage green mini skirt and strappy white sandals. "I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bring something or not." She set the boxes of goodies down. The first contained a chocolate cake with strawberries on top with a side of more strawberries and whipped cream. The second box was full of various desserts such as eclairs and macarons.
"You didn't have to bring anything, but I'm glad you did." Y/n peeked inside the picnic basket and pulled out one of the sandwiches. She seemed amazed that the sandwich wasn't soggy. "I always wanted to try one of these." Iwaizumi grabbed a madeleine. "I made them myself." "Wish I could say I made those." The next few minutes were spent bonding over their growing suspicion of Lia and Mrs. Aveline.
"What made you start dancing anyway?" Y/n asked while cutting herself a slice of cake. "I always liked dancing as a kid. Oikawa got me into it seriously. There weren't a lot of dance schools for boys in Japan so in our last year of junior high we transferred. Here it was the first year of high school instead of last year for junior high, so we had to catch up a bit in terms of dance skills." "Look where you are now though."
Iwaizumi finished his onigiri before speaking again. "What made you come here then?" Y/n shrugged. "Someone at our Tampa studio was going to get a scholarship to come here so I tried out. Surprised I made it in. I came here about a month before you and Oikawa arrived." "Where is Tampa exactly?" "Oh it's sort of near the ocean. It's this city in the States where its always warm."
"Maybe one day we could visit your home town together," Iwaizumi suggested before realizing he said it aloud. "I'd like that." Iwaizumi checked his watch. "Oh shit I'm so sorry." "What'd you do?" "We're already late for class. Mrs. Aveline is probably right outside the campus ready to punish us." Y/n grinned. "She won't catch us if we take the back way."

pairing: oikawa x fem!black reader
synopsis: oikawa teaches Y/n to serve
word count: 521
type: one-shot
a/n: i sorta kin oikawa lmao. also have a love/hate relationship with him.
Y/n had just finished her bowl of cereal when there was a knock on the door. She knew it could only be one person. Before she could answer, Oikawa walked right in. He plopped himself down in the chair next to her on the kitchen island. "Y/n-chan are your parents home?" She shook her head. "Great. Let's go out." He began tugging her hand. "Out where? I need to get dressed." He looked her up and down and noticed she was still in pajamas.
"Let me pick out your outfit," his eyes filled with glee. She reluctantly agreed and trailed behind as he waltzed to her bedroom. Having being over so many times he practically knew the house's layout. He went straight for her closet while she sat on the bed. "I'll pick something light because of what we're doing." "What exactly are we doing?" "That's for me to know and you to find out," he replied in that playful tone of his.
He picked out a simple t-shirt with a variety of butterflies on it and some jogging shorts. "Hopefully no one else will be there," he muttered as she changed in the other room. Once she was finished she did a little twirl and they were on their way. "Gonna tell me where we're going now?" "To play volleyball of course." Of course they were.
"I don't know how to play," she remarked. "I'm just teaching you to serve. Since I'm the best youth server in all of Japan." They finally reached a park where there were various volleyball nets. "Is this where volleyball nerds hang out?" Y/n joked. He ignored her and retrieved a ball. "I'm going to demonstrate first, then I'll guide you through it." Y/n barely paid attention as he served a few times. All she could focus on was the rise and fall of his shirt exposing a bit of his v-line.
"Got that?" he asked. She nodded and went into position. He walked her through it and then stepped back so she could do it on her own. The first time it didn't even go over the net. Same with the second, and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth. Y/n was ready to give up, but Oikawa wasn't taking no for an answer. "We can get smoothies, but you gotta make it over the net." Y/n wasn't sure why he was pushing the idea so much. Eventually she got it over and Oikawa clapped.
"I didn't think you would ever be able to do it. Tomorrow we have to focus on receives," his brow furrowed. "This is a daily thing?" He smiled and winked, "Unless you don't want it to be of course. I had fun teaching you, even if you suck." "Keep winking and you'll have a crowd of fangirls." "So smoothies now? I know this really good place. Iwa showed me it once because he was sick of calling me. And that's so mean of him," Oikawa began to ramble. Y/n smiled to herself and gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

American women will be able to obtain abortions in Canada if the United States Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and returns abortion law to the state level, says Karina Gould, minister of families, children and social development.
In an interview with CBC News Network’s Power & Politics on Tuesday, Gould was asked if American women would be allowed to access the procedure in Canada.
“I don’t see why we would not,” she told host Vassy Kapelos. “If they, people, come here and need access, certainly, you know, that’s a service that would be provided.”
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
i was writing a kenma one-shot but idk how to write anymore godddd

pairing: giyuu x gn!reader
synopsis: giyuu cuddling hcs!
warnings: none
type: headcanon
a/n: smth quick while I write sex in the city!
At first he's not cuddly at all.
Is very touch starved.
Doesn't know how to make the first move. You have to do it.
He's awkward ab it at first. Doesn't know where to put his hands, arms, etc.
Once he realizes this is something he enjoys, he'll want to do it more often.
But is still too shy to initiate cuddles.
Shinobu teases him ab this.
He likes being the big spoon bc he likes to protect you.
The small spoon is also nice bc he likes being babied. (Doesn't want to admit it)
A faint blush stains his cheeks as your cuddling.
All in all very soft pls give this man cuddles he is vv touch starved.