she/her, 21, I like horror movies, cartoons, kpop, and YouTube

536 posts

My Diagnosis Has Been Updated From Anxiety And Depression To "unspecified Mood Disorder". Is There A

My diagnosis has been updated from anxiety and depression to "unspecified mood disorder". Is there a funky little mascot for that?

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More Posts from Unavoidableconsequence

With @staff 's recent post saying 1/4 of this site is LGBTQ going around, I'd like to see what the actual demographic is


Please reblog for bigger sample size!

The story of Simon Petrichov devastates me to my core, especially post-Ice-King Simon.

Everyone around him talks about the great things he created while in his delirious fuge state, a time he desperately wants to forget. He wants to separate himself from Ice King but can't because it was him.

Fionna mentions that the Ice King looked and sounded happy and Simon says that he was delusional. But that's the thing, he was so delusional he didn't realize he was miserable, but now he does.

And when he's finally free, he sees the love of his life once again only to watch her sacrifice herself for him. Everything he wanted was given to him for a split second, just to give him a taste of content, only for it to disappear.

Now he's all alone in a world where he feels he doesn't belong. The only way to feel at home is in an exhibit to show ungrateful and disinterested people about the place he called home.

And the scene in Prismo's cube where he sits down, refusing to move forward because he doesn't see the point in trying anymore just speaks to how he feels.

And now, with Fionna, he's seeing that his only purpose is to be the Ice King. His destiny is to be insane, to give himself up to the magic. In fact, every Ice King version we have seen in the multiverse has been evil (except baby ice king but I wouldn't put it past him 🤨)

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Google Pixel Has This Frankenstein Emoji Feature So Here Ya Go

Google Pixel has this Frankenstein emoji feature so here ya go

they need to make a new kissing emoji that’s more along the lines of 🥰 idk the winky blowing a kiss 😘 just doesn’t have quite the right vibes

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Have you ever looked at someone with facial hair and a long hair style and suddenly got a glimpse of the baby face hidden within? You can see through the mustache, through the beard, past the mullet and shag cut and see the canvas that it has been built upon.

And suddenly, you don't see them the same. You see the person they are hidden within the person they've become.

Unsettling yet beautiful

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No one has ever told me that the way I mimic their behavior is odd or offensive but I find it to be sometimes, especially if I start picking up on verbal patterns specific to certain ethnic groups. I'm aware that they can see a shift in my behavior and I'm afraid that it'll be taken in a negative way.

It also makes me question what my own personality is because I often just mirror others and adapt to their behavior rather than explore and exhibit my own.

Have neurotypicals ever been offended by your echolalia?

In my experience a lot of people have been surprised or offended by it since I was a child, and I had no idea why until I was in my late teens and realized that they think I’m making fun of them, or even trying to copy them on purpose. Like, no??? I just end up mimicking people I spend a lot of time with, especially if I like them. It’s usually involuntary, it’s a stim I often can’t control and a lot of the time it actually means that I like you and feel comfortable enough around you that I end up echoing your speech.

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