The edgiest thing of all is kindness. Art and other nonsense, I also lurk elsewhere on AO3 as miss_grimm. this slowly seems to be becoming a Megaman ZX focused blog, whoops.
200 posts
Hahahaha Okay So Have Another Chapter Of This Nonsense :)
Hahahaha okay so have another chapter of this nonsense :)
Feel free to ask me any questions about this AU, if it's not spoiler-ish I'll answer!
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More Posts from Unintentional-edgelord
Do you ever create a new OC for some reason or another and then get absolutely obsessed with their design and drawing them because they're just fun?
Well, I created a new character for a DnD campaign and I love my skinny gremlin cleric so much I'm keeping her for original projects. Meet Vesuvia Cesandro - Life Domain cleric turned Trickster Domain cleric.

Very first concept sketch, and then refined design for her facial features - I wanted her to look a little bit androgynous with the glasses on and give her sharp cheekbones plus a strong jaw.
Despite her best efforts she sucked at written work and got kicked out of studying to serve under her original god - but a trickster deity pitied her so hard and thought it was funny to steal a cleric from another god that she changed domains. (After she got over being upset, Suvia thought it was funny, too).
She's got a really odd sense of humour and an odd cadence to her words, gives used car salesman vibes - but her heart is ABSOLUTELY in the right place.
I'll be keeping her backstory pretty similar for my original works, just have to tweak it a bit!

Outfit design notes - I'd say her design influences are pretty clear! Thinking of giving her a green colour scheme. (If anyone wants to try and nail down the four specific characters I took design inspo from, feel clear lol, but one of them is a tiny bit obscure.)
And one last bonus sketch before I decided she tries to smile at all times after making the deal with the trickster deity:

Tell me if you'd like to see more of her because I'll definitely be posting more of her!
(plus the song I had on repeat whilst finalising her design, which may narrow down part of her influences!)

It's hard to Netflix and Chill when all you have is cable and you're easily distracted
Chapter 12 is up!

Valentine’s Day Contest Flashback Post - Day #26

And of course, another reminder that you can choose to draw a theme from any of these prior contests if you are submitting a wildcard entry this year.
We’re past the halfway point in looking back at previous contests, and are now up to the 2013 entries. That year’s contest had a talent category that focused on creating a Harlequin-styled romance novel cover, with a requirement of including Jewel Man as the leading man on it. The humor category borrowed from a kinky romance novel title, but the content was much tamer. Entries for the “50 Shades of Ashe and Grey” category just had to draw either Ashe or Grey in a situation that made them blush and turn all sorts of shades of red. No NSFW bondage included.
And here are the remaining “50 Shades of Ashe and Grey” humor entries. Beginning with @borockman ‘producing’ his recurring Sigma dream-themed recurring entry, this time cleverly educating you all on how tomatoes actually ripen. Did you know the oils from your skin quickly deteriorate the quality of an eggplant if you touch it? So no touchy the Siggplant, ladies! Following that, Nat Grim’s Ashe has her own classic Marilyn Monroe incident, as a certain windy Model user interrupts her and Vent’s intimate moment. And then finally, once again, I have to break up a Fenril-Huayra entry into multiple pieces just to fit and be legible on tumblr. Images 3-7 consist of his massive comic telling the romantic secret tale of Grey’s ZX Advent special ending. Since it is so really, really, really hard to achieve in the game, it’s a good thing we are able to archive the ending in this way.
Artist Credit:
1.) Borockman - Ashe x Sigma (Image 1)
2.) Nat Grim - Ashe x Vent (Image 2)
3.) Fenril-Huayra - Grey x Aile (Images 3-7)
So I put together a playlist for For The Glory, For The Fame on YouTube since Spotify is missing the ZX/A Tunes versions of the songs:
So if you ever wanted the "soundtrack" to the fic, in essence, here it is!
It's in a pretty specific order; I would say the first few songs are the end of ZX and some interim pieces, some songs chosen specifically for characters, and the rest... well. I had boss themes in mind for a reason!
Enjoy the playlist with the fic, and I hope it gives you a taste/hint of what's to come :) especially with some songs I've chosen for certain characters, if you can figure out who I've attributed what to.
(Bits of it may be changed as I go lol)