unreone - We Smiling Our Friends
We Smiling Our Friends

https://ko-fi.com/unreone ♥︎ 🇵🇭 ♥︎ 21 ♥︎ She/They 🦖 local dinodemon blanchead 》 OC and AUs ASKS OPEN PLS ASK ME AAAAA《 🪄 HTF Pamaypay since 2009

665 posts

Goretober - My Sketchy Ideas (oc Edition B)

goretober - my sketchy ideas (oc edition B)

> Wax

Goretober - My Sketchy Ideas (oc Edition B)

Oh nooo Shichi is melting! Vaguely gets inspiration from that scream painting. This will have two versions: one in broad daylight, the other in darkness with some parts of it having a neon glow. There would be some splatters of neon paint. She died by getting poured by hot wax. Some art student thinks it is just a neat masterpiece tho and decided to modify it and further sculpt it. Her body is elongated like a worm. Eugh

> Eyes

Goretober - My Sketchy Ideas (oc Edition B)

Omniel but OM completely inhabitates Niel's body like a foken parasite it actually is. For the digital version, im gonna add a lot more eyes than what is seen here. ***Want a break from the ads? (Proceeds to break your mind)***

> Letters

Goretober - My Sketchy Ideas (oc Edition B)

Death recreation of Giggles' death in the Valentine smoochie. Amora is never supposed to be a yandere but lets make her one for haloween bwuahahabah

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More Posts from Unreone

2 years ago

Hi hoooo

Hi hooooo

Reopening this lil shydeee

Either dm me herreee or at Discord ( UnReone!?#4512 ) , whichever suits yer taste yasssss

Finally gonna ask peeps for art trade on Tumblr

The question is:


Finally Gonna Ask Peeps For Art Trade On Tumblr

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2 years ago

Are cha intewested in seeing your character in mah style?

Do you wish to hav a crisp, HD quality artwork but cheap?

Did ja find my art so gud enuff that yer willing to support me financially!?

Well, bless your good heart and soul! I will be happy to draw for ya in a very great price :DDD

I present to ya my prices~

Are Cha Intewested In Seeing Your Character In Mah Style?

More Examples At:

UnReone - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Check out UnReone's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get inspired.
Are Cha Intewested In Seeing Your Character In Mah Style?

This page would be open indefinitely. I’ll respond to your messages as quickly as I can!

Daz all, thank ya so much for checking this post out~

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2 years ago

goretober - my sketchy ideas (htf prt 3)

> Vampire

Goretober - My Sketchy Ideas (htf Prt 3)

Vampy Lumpy 😍😍😍

I mashed up All in Vein and I Get a Trick out of you. Holy flocks of sheep, we got a magician vampire in our hands. Now all the blood in his acts make sense.

> Snail

Goretober - My Sketchy Ideas (htf Prt 3)

Cant pick between these two reasons of Disco Bear turning into snail: he either bought and eat a very sussy lookin snail for a diet ORRR he stepped on one and get karma like that one Junji ito manga yass. Im gonna scale up the canvas so I can draw the shell. Of course its gonna be filled with a lot of details more and pay more attention to it than the energy i have on keeping up conversations with friends.

> Bloodbath

Goretober - My Sketchy Ideas (htf Prt 3)

Read Em and weeeeeep!!!! Pop is holding a shovel. His eyes are locked on the horrible thing that is on his ceiling. His heart is pumping wildly as he muster up the courage to say a single word... "S-son?"

Goretober - My Sketchy Ideas (htf Prt 3)

> Possessed






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2 years ago

OC Species Swap!

OC Species Swap!

UnReone the Cat and Shichi the Dino

OC Species Swap!

Snippy the Cat and Niel the Rat

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