Htf Amora - Tumblr Posts
An Assuming Ambivert Hamster with Amusing Amount of Amore to share

Yellow #F8EA8C (Heart)
Heath #4F1130 (Eyes)
Sea Pink #ED9FB0 (Body)
Mandys Pink #F1C5BA (Stripes and Face Pattern)
Mulberry #C7437B (Belly Pattern)
Psychology: Fails to learn from experience
Self-discipline: Quick to change interests, May be taken advantage of, Consistently Motivated
Lifestyle: Enthusiastic, Excitable
Social attitude: Friendly and Centre of attention
Honesty and honour: Sincere, Lives in the moment and Loves new experiences
Emotional capacity: Warm and Supportive
Current emotional state: Awed
Main trait: Expresses too much appreciation of someone or something, regardless of how cool or mundane it actually is. Easilly gets infatuated if anyone even interacts with her.
Sub trait: Not everything's gotta be about her. It's important that others could also experience the wonders of romance. That's why she got a shop full of romantic items and a love clinic for blind dates and matchmaking. In the circus, she does tarot reading in her tent stand and interprets the fate of her friends.
Similar characters/Inspirations: Lola Bunny (In the Looney Tunes show itteration), Pucca, Ebichu, Irving (Phineas and Ferb), Rosie (Thomas and Friends), Sierra (Total Drama Island), Amy (Sonic series)
Underlying issues: This behavior is similar to erotomania, which is a resolute and delusional belief by someone that another person is in love with them. Her try hard demeanor of showing affection could be problematic if applied in real life, regardless if the "target" acknowledges her or see the attention unwelcome.
Gags: Wears accesories/costumes similar to her "target" (may or may may not be the designer behind the Splendid cosplay worn by Toothy that haloween ep) ; Her gifts always cause direct harm to the receiver in one way or another ; says "Love ya too!" loudly ; love letters and tarot cards keeps switching usage might be misinterpreted as threat
Endings: At the end of every ep where she survives, it is shown that she is infatuated with another critter and switch targets ; On the other hand, is she dies, it's because of the action of her target, could be intentional or circumstantial
Common Deaths: Exploded (lol heart exploded for too much excitement), Crushed (ahaha get it?), Shocked (happens around DB and Handy), Suffocated (Ya really took my breath away), Sliced (either by her tarot cards or love letters)
Songs with same vibes: Paparazzi, You belong with me, Cheerleader, Lovefool
Meta plan: Mostly a visual background character. Barely a featuring character. She's to be used as part of the fangirls of anyone that is needed to be fangirl for.
(really need to reorganize my oc's doc files, maybe upload them all on HTF wiki one day? I don't get the coding stuff and kinda embarassed sharing this tho so maybe never xD)
Wouldn't have discovered this if it weren't for Nix and @kleptopopsicle at the r/htf discord server!
I'm so frickin happi to have my main five look so fashionable ♡♡♡

heres the new and improved outfit art meme i made, i added an extra row and everything! :3 if you do this then feel free to change things about the outfit like the details or colors if you’d like, improvising is always good! also don’t repost this anywhere without asking me first please!
(t-erfs, trans meds, anti-antis/pro-shippers don’t interact)
[2nd installment] [3rd installment]
Amora is Pumped Up to See Ya

The local LoveHam is warming up for today's love assignment special. She shared with you how giddy she is for the new clients in her love clinic. So many critters to pair, so many combos to try! Ain't that just something to smile a bout?
You're My New Infatuation~

Blush over cheeks so warmly
Heart racing, her words flee
What a shock
Her sight is lock
On face that looks so pretty
Wordless wonder, deeply ponder
What can be of our life together
Yearning, Chuckling
Forever wanting
Of memories coming
At happily ever after
Her Bio At ♡♡♡ HERE!!! ♡♡♡
goretober - my sketchy ideas (oc edition B)
> Wax

Oh nooo Shichi is melting! Vaguely gets inspiration from that scream painting. This will have two versions: one in broad daylight, the other in darkness with some parts of it having a neon glow. There would be some splatters of neon paint. She died by getting poured by hot wax. Some art student thinks it is just a neat masterpiece tho and decided to modify it and further sculpt it. Her body is elongated like a worm. Eugh
> Eyes

Omniel but OM completely inhabitates Niel's body like a foken parasite it actually is. For the digital version, im gonna add a lot more eyes than what is seen here. ***Want a break from the ads? (Proceeds to break your mind)***
> Letters

Death recreation of Giggles' death in the Valentine smoochie. Amora is never supposed to be a yandere but lets make her one for haloween bwuahahabah

Amora but she in Hamtaro
Thankies for the base by Puppies56 on DeviantArt

Amora but she in Ebichu

This foken hamster definitely fits in this foken show more than Hamtaro help
Happ Dirt Bayh To Mehhhh
Realized recently how i have a gallery folder dedicated to mlp and htf mood boards by multiple edit artists and realize I've never done that
Today that changes!!!!!
OCCentric Moodboards
Part 1





Lowkey wanting doing these be a lotta more popular gsjsisksjskksks!!!!
Like seriously stimulate my visuals, better yet attach sum tunes on them like peeps do on tumblr yeeeeeez ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆

♡ Genderbent AU - Featuring My OCs!

This focused and charismatic cult leader is just as tactful as his female counterpart! Like Niel, he have a strong sense of moral code and couldn't conceive intentional unkindness. He is good at acting as a vessel, but behind the scenes, he is finding ways to severe himself and other followers from any contact to the Ethereal Angel OMENDRA.
Neil is an effective leader, what sets him apart is the fact that he seems to be prepared for anything and everything all at once. Even his backup plan has a backup backup plan! Reviving is quite a hassle to do, he would do it less if he makes sure no one dies in the first place.

This intuitive and gentle mannered cat is just as likeable as his female counterpart! Instead of Meowington, Ichi hails from Purrington. Actually, if one would compare its location, the coordinates are just the same as where Shichi was.
They share the same glow in the dark biology and have the same job that requires it. They also both have a roommate who is definitely a cult leader. The thing that sets him apart is his ability of naming constellations.

He may have longer horn and sharper body plates, but UnReal is just as mischievous as his female counterpart!
Instead of blueberries, he have a strong dislike on strawberries. He shares the same passion of punching down walls and ice though. Make way for the chaotic one!

Love is in the Air! Oh, it's just the perfume of a particular hamster – who is also an extreme love enthusiast.
"The finest part of something"
"Unexpected favors"
These phrases related to the word Fleur exactly describes Amora, that's why I've ultimately chosen it for her male counterpart's name. Crossing fingers that the critters who help matches in his blind dating program clicks!

Ah the local barber mice, she's just as sharp as her male counterpart!
Watch out for your tails, if she deemed it particularly distracting, she will have no hesitations with clipping it off.
I haven't seen very many of ur OCs yet, but they're certainly some of the most creative I've seen :D
Awww bruv thank you!
What better way to respond to this than drawing all them in one place xDDDd
*Click the image for better quality aklajaikaha

Although I've only made their visual looks just last year, their concepts have been with me for over a decade now.
That made me extremely familiar with their personality, dynamics with each other, every details of their lives and behavior cuz I love expanding my inner worlds like that ahahahahdcgdsk
Each of them is either gimmicky or have a special interest.
》 Reon the dinodemon loves punching walls
》 Shichi is a glow-in-the-dark cat like those neon sticks
》 Snippy the rat loves scissors and snippin stufs
》 Niel loredumps about her definitely-not-a-cult group
》 Amora is all about love, romance and matchmaking hamster
》 Dodger the 'onfg my body automatically dodges and im tired' badger
》 Rusty the tinkering, mechanic wolf
》 Uncle Eggy is a goat that takes care of chimkems and poultryy
》 Quiverrs is the archery enthusiast ferret
》 Crystal's look and abilities are inspired from various deviations of Alice in Wonderland
》 Nephelle is a deer-banshee-spirit thingy whose soul is grounded by Crystal's headband
》 Wispy is an ewe that adores the idea of fate and astrology and connecting to the spirit world and-
》 Sketchy Inkwell is a mute lemur who loves art and casually sketches the future and deaths at times
Sooooo yee! You're now introduced to my sillies :DDDD

(feat. the silli five)
I am so normal about my ocs yall
Actually, I'm quite curious — just by skimming through the titles of the song, can you guess their backstory lore? (Ask Box are always open for this one my guys!)