If you are looking for my BTS only blog: BTSNoonaSquad '89'er! (Meaning, born in 1989.) I have no idea of what I want to do with this... I realized when follow people, it shows this page which used to be something else. Ha.
162 posts
Drabble 12/29/2021
Drabble 12/29/2021
Four Random words:
The honking of the horns just added to his growing headache that you were now developing. Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeep. You hit your forehead against the steering wheel in front of you as you prayed to anyone who would hear you to just let you some how just make it to the office. Sometime soon preferably.
Today was NOT your day. It had been a rough morning that led to you rushing around instead of doing your normal routine. Something caused your alarm to go off this morning-
AKA: You phone was dead. Deaaaad dead. Apparently, you didn't put it fully on the charger last night and so it just sat as its lifeforce drained away slowly and surely, taunting your sleeping form, thinking that you had done the proper thing when you were half asleep due to a great weekend with your friends that you hadn't seen in a while.
You should have taken just an extra moment to make sure the light on your wireless charger was actually glowing. But no, your eyes were already practically shut when you kinda threw your phone onto it, thinking that things might just go your way.
You laugh at your positive self.
The buzzing of said traitor was now alerting you that someone was calling. That and your music stopped playing as you were using Andriod Auto in your car to listen to your Spotify account and also give your phone some life juice as it served a purpose.
Hoseok - the office angel - was calling you. He didn't seem like the conventional office associate, smiling, being positive, and actually followed through when he promised good things to happen when they meet such and such quota or actually meaning he will help anyone who asks as he gives his inspiring pep talk.
God, having him as your Team Lead was one of the few blessings you have received while working here.
So of course, you answer. "Hey Hoseok, I am so sorry, I know I am usually there a little early but traffic-"
Then Hoseok did something odd for him. He cut you off.
"That's all fine Y/N, and I'm sorry to be rude and cut you off like that-"
See, even he knows he did it. Oh God. What is he about to tell you?
"It's just that the managers have called a meeting this morning and want everyone to attend. Simultaneous meetings. Everyone in one meeting but we are assigned different designated areas so we all can actually hear and see what's going on."
... well that seems ominous.
Another voice popped up. "And it doesn't have the cheery feel of like a pep assembly in school either," another voice chimed in.
"Hey Jungkook," you add, acknowledging the other voice on the line. The golden boy - the one who nabbed the job as Hoseok secretary and is actually ROCKING IT - spoke up trying to let you know the feel of the office.
But you already knew. Hoseok made sure of it without realizing it.
"Any idea what it might be about," you ask, probing and surprisingly an opening popped up that you could slip into and actually start moving you along in the traffic so you just might make it to the office in time. A miracle!
Both men gave a negatory sound, letting you know they genuinely have no idea what in the world is going on. Welp, okay then.
"Okay, well, I'm almost there. I think I might have hit a breakthrough in the traffic and should be there in time. Possibly. Pray for me."
Both men chuckled. "Noted. Sending all my best wishes and positive luck vibes your way that you get what you need to make it through that disaster they dare to even call traffic," Hoseok stated with a chuckle.
"I'll go through your notes and delete the ones that you don't need, just so you are caught up when you walk through the door," Jungkook added.
You opened your mouth to say something and somehow the younger man knew it. "I know your process. Being Hoseok's secretary also means I had to learn about you and the others in his team too Y/N. Don't doubt my skills."
That made you smile. "Never dreamed of that Kookie. Now, I'm going to get off so I can put full focus to get there on time so all of your hard work and good vibes don't go to waste. See you soon!"
After both offer their parting greetings, you look forward and saw another opening. Hoseok's luck is working! Now to be beside your co-workers (who are you kidding, they're your friends) when some sort of news is dropped and you guys can cheer or support each other through it.
You got this! You could feel the tides turning. And now you can move onwards to find out what the heck is REALLY going on.
conichis liked this · 3 years ago
More Posts from Unsureofwhathappens
Today's progress: already wrote 1,768 words this morning. And considering that I had to miss one day of writing and I am still not that far off track, I consider myself successful thus far in NaNoWriMo.
Though I am beginning to thing I write too much filler or junk when I put things onto paper because my stories feel slow? Or it may just be me because I know where I want it to go and am excited to get there. Because you clearly cannot just write:
There was unspoken tension.
They both had the feelz.
They both weren't sure how to handle.
Yet there be kissy time!
..... Though that made me giggle. XD
Omg. This is me. All. The. Dang. Time. O.o

NaNoWriMo Part 3
Now that it was decided - and agreed upon - that you will be hanging with one of your friends each day throughout their day, the next thing was which day was with who.
Some needed to be later in the week so they can get their permissions or whatever, and some had it easy where they could just bring you, say “Hey, she’s with me today,” and have no real qualms about it.
It’s an interesting thing. You have come to realize that you didn’t quite know what they all did for a living. You had an IDEA. But One-Hundred-Percent know? Nope. And some of them even made sure not to mention what they did - which as you looked at Yoongi and he kind of hid from your sight a little bit - made you realize that though you are best friends, there was a lot you were missing out on.
Good time to fix that!
Yoongi coughed, getting everyone’s attention as he looked down. “YN can come with me the tomorrow to start the week,” he mumbled then looked up. “Seeing as I am basically the boss I can decide stuff like this. I can even say she is learning for something or whatever and we’ll be fine. It gives the rest of you a chance to ask for permission since some of your jobs won’t even be open until Monday.”
A light bulb clearly went off in some of their heads.
“I hadn’t even thought about that fact,” Taehyung stated, nodding slowly as he gathered the information and sorted in his head. “Good idea. Because clearly if I asked today, no one will answer since no one is in the office.”
Namjoon nodded as well. “Well, I don’t have to do a huge thing, but I would like to be able to ask the parents if it was alright before I bring someone in as well-”
Jungkook smiled. “Then I will take YN on Monday since you all will still be in asking phase!” He grinned a proud smile at you. “We can go to my studio and no one really comes unless they want to view and purchase or pick-up.”
Jimin perked. “Then I can have Tuesday! They won’t mind if YN comes with me as long as I give a head’s up. Monday heads up day, Tuesday I am good to go!”
Hoseok clapped his hands together and rubbed them, as it started to fall into place. “Sounds good! I just have to check the filming schedule and clear a few things-”
“And as long as it isn’t Friday for me, I should be good for either Wednesday or Thursday,” Taehyung chimed in. “Pretty sure they would NOT want a visitor on Friday. Tying things up before the weekend? Busiest day - and probably want me to have no distraction excuses,” he stated sheepishly.
Jin took out a piece of paper to jot down the days and plans. “Okay, seems like we have the following so far:
Sunday - Yoongi Monday - Jungkook Tuesday - Jimin Wednesday - TBD Thursday - TBD Friday - TBD Saturday - TBD
He looked over it again. “Well, hold on - I only work Monday through Friday as well as Namjoon and Taehyung-”
Hoseok nodded. “Yeah, which just leaves me for Saturday. Put me down for Saturday and I will double check the filming schedule. We are in the final stages for recording for the Music Video so it should be fine.”
Jin nodded, notated, and put Hoseok down for Saturday. “Okay, since Taehyung said not Friday for him-”
“Put me down for Friday,” Namjoon stated, nodding. “I think it’ll be good for me. Plus an extra hand on the most possibly frantic day of the week-” then he gave you a sheepish smile. “If you’re okay with that, that is,” he stated, his tone going up at the end to suggest he is asking a question.
You couldn’t help but smile. “Of course Joon! I would love to give a helping hand while learning more about you - plus who knows! It may provide better material for me to write!”
Taehyung raised his hand excitedly. “Wednesday! Put me for Wednesday and I can double check with my work! Wednesdays tend to be our slowest and they’ll more likely prefer that!”
“Which leaves Thursday with me,” Jin concluded and wrote it all down. “Good, that sounds fair. It is tentative of course depending on what our jobs say but it sounds like a solid plan.”
Namjoon peeked over Jin’s shoulder has he quickly skimmed it, then nodded as well. “Yeah, sounds good. I like that.”
They updated the list.
Sunday - Yoongi Monday - Jungkook Tuesday - Jimin Wednesday - Taehyung Thursday - Jin Friday - Namjoon Saturday - Hoseok
Perfect! You snapped a picture of the schedule so you can have that on your phone. “Fantastic! Thank you guys, so much, for wanting to help me. I really appreciate it,” you stated, pure hearts and affection in your eyes for the guys around you. A girl really couldn’t ask for a better group of guy friends.
Yoongi smiled his gummy smile. “Of course! That’s what friends are for!”
Which made you look at him again. “I feel terrible for asking Yoongi, but I am now just realizing I have no idea what you do?”
That made everyone laugh. “It’s for a reason,” Jungkook stated, still chuckling.
“He doesn’t bring it up in hopes we somehow forget and don’t take advantage of his skills,” Jimin teased, lightly elbowing Yoongi (who was in fact blushing right now).
This made you curious. “So... what do you?”
Yoongi couldn’t stop the small smile that escaped as he sighed, as if letting out the biggest secret in all of the world. The look he gave you and the answer he said didn’t work together in your mind but made you excited.
“I’m a chef YN.”
Definitely did NOT except that. Oh, this was going to be AWESOME.
Drabble 12/28/2021
My four words from https://randomwordgenerator.com/:
He blinked, trying to gain his senses. What was going on? How long had he been out? All he honestly knew was that he hadn’t been conscious long and that he found it utterly annoying that he was in such a state.
This was NOT a good start.
Yoongi slowly started to get up, blinking, squinting, then eventually just groaned as he used his hand to block that blasted bright light - oh, the sun was out. Well wasn’t that just the cherry on top - as he tried once more to regain his some sense of what the HELL was going on.
His other hand reached back and he winced as he touched something on his head where he habitually ruffled through while he was thinking. Bringing his hand to his face, he could see there wasn’t any blood on it. It meant that either:
1. At least it wasn’t bleeding or 2. It had already healed and stopped.
Either way, he was to just pray that the wound wasn’t huge or not even much of a wound. If he was lucky, it was just a sore spot for now that was hit decently hard without doing too much.
Usually his luck isn’t that good but he could just hope. For once. Please something work SOMEWHAT in his favor.
Okay, back to the issue at hand. He was standing, and it wasn’t excruciating, so he could stand on his own, so hopefully no broken bones. Okay. He took a step forward. He was a little sore but he could walk on his own.
This was starting to look better. Okay, he could handle this.
He looked at his surroundings once more and noticed the fork in the road. Two dirt paths laid before him and -
Is that a sign? Oh thank god. He slowly walked up to it so he could see what the hell it said so maybe he could figure out why he was here or what he was trying to do before the whole blacking out thing happened.
And he saw two options: Tower of Bangtan or City of Hybe.
That rung a bell in his mind. He... he had been on a mission. He was heading somewhere for some reason - though now he couldn’t remember why. He looked at his options again.
Tower. Tower. He -
The name Namjoon came into mind. That he could help. Help with what, Yoongi had no idea, but if he could pull that from somewhere in his mind, then that was a good place to start.
Decision made: Tower of Bangtan to seek out someone named Namjoon. Progress. Maybe he could get some answers now. It was better than just staying here frustrated with no hints. This might trigger some memories or do like how information randomly came to mind.
He took one step towards the path that lead him where he guessed he wanted to go.
Okay, maybe his luck was not as bad as he thought.