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Glancing Down At Your Ticket As You Boarded The Plane, You Repeated The Row And Seat Number In Your Head

Glancing down at your ticket as you boarded the plane, you repeated the row and seat number in your head over and over, filing your way to the back of the plane, trying not to hit anyone with your purse. To say you were a little nervous to fly would be an understatement, but you also knew it could possibly have been some of your excitement you were mistaking for nervousness. However, you knew you’d feel much better once you found your seat and settled in with your book and music, drowning out the fact that you were flying in an airplane. Approaching your seat, you frowned, noticing that whoever you were sitting next to was already seated and absolutely asleep, his headphones tucked into his ears and his arms crossed across his belly. He was your age, with soft blonde hair and a cute nose that perked up at the end, and while he was cute he was also blocking your access to your window seat. Gently, you nudged his shoulder, seeing if he’d wake up, but the lanky boy did not move. Glancing around you noticed that most everyone was already seated, so you shook the boy’s shoulder a bit more. Again, nothing. With a sigh you carefully lifted your purse of his body and placed it on your seat. Then, you braced your hands on the seat in front of him and reached a leg across his own, attempting to crawl over his body without waking him. Your feet, though, had other plans. Before you had the chance to fully pull your right leg over his body your foot decided to hook itself in the strap of his backpack that was under the seat in front of him, twisting your body so that you fell into his lap, a quick grunt coming from the boy as his hands instantly fell to your hips to steady you where you sat, completely blushing and avoiding eye contact with the boy who was now awake. “I’m so sorry,” you mumbled, scrambling out of his lap and sitting where you belonged, which was in your seat. You could tell the boy was looking at you from the corner of your eye, but you took your time to settle in, placing your purse at your feet and buckling your seat belt, sighing with content once you were finally in place. “Sorry again,” you said quietly, finally attempting to look at the boy. He was smiling gently, his blue eyes gazing into yours. “It’s alright,” he said, rubbing at the stubble on his chin. “It’s not often that I wake up to a beautiful girl in my lap.” You blushed at his words but giggled, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I’m Luke,” he said, sticking out his hand for you to shake. You obliged, smiling at him, no longer nervous for the plane ride ahead.

This little ditty is for my love lashtonpetal who is currently on her way ot the airport to come visit me!! Emily I’m so excited to finally be able to hug you, I cannot wait until you’re here. Ahhhhh!! :-)

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More Posts from Urgurlsbtsblog

9 years ago

could you do 4/4 the first time he REALIZES he loves you like he may not say "ily" but what's going through his mind?? thank you dana ily!!!!

idk I think with ashton it’d be when you’re over visiting his family with him, and like, he’d look over and see you helping his mom with the meal in the kitchen while he’s trying to wrangle in his siblings (harry has this bad habit of always trying to tackle ash to the ground omg) and he’d just kind of look up and see how you interact with his mom and how you’re so natural around his family. and it just kind of hits him that he really likes this- seeing you with his family. that he can imagine being domestic with you, that you and he would switch off nights when you were cooking and he was doing the dishes, and he would go grocery shopping and you would help him get the house ready for his family to come over. it’s like, in a single second he could see a future with you, and it was enough to make him break out in a grin but also want to throw up because oh shit now i have to tell her

with luke i think it’d be late at night. like, you had come to visit him for a show or something and he’d just be so overwhelmingly happy that you were there, you could see it in the way that he bopped around on stage and the grin that never seemed to leave his face. the boy just seemed to exude happiness. and he had gone back to the hotel with you, hopping in the shower quickly but fully expecting to get sweaty again underneath the sheets with you, so when he opened the door and had a towel slung around his waist and was rubbing at his hair with another towel, he just kind of sunk down when he realized that you were fast asleep in bed because of jetlag. and like, there was no way that he was going to wake you up, so he just stumbled around in the dark for a pair of boxers before sliding into bed next to you, pulling you in close. and it’s like, it’s when he realized that he was just as happy to have you in his arms as he would be if you two were having sex, that he realized that he loved you. just like, fuck, I love her

and with michael, I don’t think there would be a single solitary moment where he knew that he was in love. it’s like, I feel like he’s the type that dates with the intention of marriage; he doesn’t hop around from relationship to relationship. so it wasn’t like he woke up and BAM he’s in love, it was more of a growing thing that he was aware of. just constantly knowing that with every little action you did, little quirks about you that he got to know about, that he was falling in love with you. he was hyper aware of the fact that he was falling in love. it would just kind of be obvious to him- don’t get me wrong, it would scare the shit out of him- but from the minute he started dating you he just knew that he was going to fall in love with you. michael loves too easily and unabashedly, and should be protected at all costs

and cal would try and fight it like all hell. he didn’t want to admit to himself that he was in love because that would mean an inevitable end to his bachelor days and would either end up really well, or really badly. cal shuts himself up inside and doesn’t really let anyone get into him to see that. but like, him realizing that he was in love with you would be more of an oh fuck moment, and he would probably curse himself for suddenly realizing that he cared about you way more than he had ever cared about another person. and tbh it was probably when you were with his friends, and he had gone off to grab you a drink and came back to see you mingling with his friends like he hadn’t even left you side, the way that you were comfortable around them in a way that made him grin from ear to ear. and then it would just hit him that he could get used to this- used to you, because although the thought of a serious relationship had crossed his mind quite a few times, this raised it up a few notches

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9 years ago
Lukeat The People Magazine Awards - 18.12.2014

Luke at the People Magazine Awards - 18.12.2014

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9 years ago

Vote Bernie Sanders - why you should consider him for president

pushing for more taxes on the rich

favors equal pay for women

wants higher minimum wage


advocates for protecting the reproductive rights of women

has voted multiple times against anti-abortion policies

co-sponsored bill to ensure access to and funding for contraception

pro-gay rights

voted against constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman 

voted against banning same-sex marriage

wants to improve criminal justice system

voted yes on funding alternative sentencing instead of more prisons

reduce recidivism by giving offenders a second chance

voted yes on replacing death penalty with life imprisonment 

voted to legalize medical marijuana 

wants better education system

voted yes on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges

sponsored extending subsidized federal student loan rates until 2015

promotes conservation of the environment - prioritize green energy

loosening immigration 

make it easier to become citizens 

voted no on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment

voted no on more immigrant visas for skilled workers

 wants to expand Obamacare

9 years ago

one of the worst things you can do is take advantage of someone’s softeness and kindness. don’t keep good people around if you know you can’t be just as good to them back. and don’t keep doing shitty things and expect that they’ll always take you back with loving arms. own up to your mistakes, genuinely apologize, and fix things through actions. leave if you have to. and leave when being asked to leave. just stop hurting people who love hard and real. 

9 years ago

i’m so sad i love luke so much and he’d be such a good dorky boyfriend he would treat you like his little princess and always wanna be near you or have some kind of contact with you so wherever you went he’d have to hold your hand or at least be in your reach because he wanted to make sure nothing happened to you and that you always knew he was there if anything did happen

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