Level Up
Level Up
--- Originally posted on 2018-01-11 by themuscleparadise ---

When he got home that night, he threw his bag onto the floor next to his computer, grabbing the game from the bag. He took the disk out and placed it in his PC, booting it up.
He was greeted by a bright blue and green gradient background, with “Better Life” in big bold letters.
“Welcome to Better Life! Please, enter your name and age.” The game said, as Noah rolled his eyes.
He typed in his name, and his age, 23.
“Please create your avatar.” The game said, when a male and female symbol showed up. Selecting male, a blank white body showed up.
Noah blushed a little. “Wow… that’s uh… pretty accurate.” He said, as he started the process.
“Uh… ethnicity… I mean, I’m a white American so I guess I’ll go with that?” He said, selecting it as a slider showed up.
“Oh wow, I can set how tan I am. Uh… I think I’ll go pretty tanned.” He said, moving the slider, not noticing his skin getting the same golden tan washed over it.
“Alright… hair color and style. Let’s go with… brown, and medium length with… a bit of a flip.” He said, selecting the deep milk chocolate brown and styling the hair, his own hair growing and styling itself to match.
“Facial features… uh… ooh, looks like I can just take a photo of my face with my webcam and it’ll automatically set the features! Thank god, I was NOT about to do all of that.” He said, taking the photo, his face being placed on the avatar.
“All right… body. Well let’s start with muscles. I want my character to be ripped!” He said, moving the sliders to a nice beefy size, his own muscles expanding alongside the man on the screen.
“Butt… I want a nice bubble butt, so definitely get that big and muscly!” He said, his own body lifting from the chair as his ass swelled.
“Tattoos… I think I’ll add some to my arm.” Noah said, selecting a few presets and placing them on the left forearm, his own body reflecting the changes.
“Let’s see… foot size? Let’s do size 15 to match my body.” He said, as his feet stretched out.
“Finally… dick and balls. Uh, foot long please! Thick as a can with some beautiful baseball sized balls!” He said, moving the sliders, his own cock snaking down his pants.
“Oh hey, voice! Let’s go for a nice deep baritone.” He said, as his voice deepened, matching the sexy voice of the character.
“All right, occupations, orientation, and personality. Hmm… I think I’ll go gay, and uh…fitness model and pro gamer! And cocky as hell!” He said, selecting the jobs, his clothes appearing on the avatar, his own clothes disappearing, being replaced by the skimpy yet casual clothes shared by the avatar.
“All right, looks like that’s it. Damn, this avatar is hot.” Noah said, selecting confirm as the game closed.
“Hey, what the fuck?” He said, as he rolled his eyes, noticing his arms.
“Wait… holy shit… I’m a fucking stud!” He said, looking down and bouncing his pecs. He heard his phone buzz as he grabbed it, seeing a new text.
“Achievement Unlocked: A New You!” It said. Noah smirked, looking down at his new body.
“Oh yea, I think I like this game. I guess it’s time to have a little fun.” He said, feeling his new body as he turned off the computer.
It was time for him to level up.

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More Posts from User211201
Ball Practice
--- Originally posted on 2018-08-13 by time-to-transform ---
I saw you checking us out at our practices. Can’t blame you, I mean watching a bunch of muscular jocks getting sweaty and tackling one another is pretty fucking hot.
I decided to do you a favor and transform you into the football that we’ll use from now on. Now, instead of watching from a distance, you can be up close to all of the sexiness going on here. I bet you’ll love being gripped tightly by my strong, meaty hands. And just wait until we start sweating even more, the manly odor we produce from all this exercise absolutely reeks.
If you got turned off simply by looking at us practice, you’re going to be in a horny paradise from now on. Hope you enjoy spending the rest of your life being roughly handled and tightly held by a bunch of sweaty football jocks. You’re welcome.

Chronivac Coworkers
--- Originally posted on 2022-09-19 by davidrodge ---
You sit down at your desk and rub your eyes. Another day of paper pushing and number crunching to get through. It wasn’t like you had done anything particularly interesting the previous night. You had stayed up a little later playing some mediocre matches of online gaming - but when I guess when you get to be around 40, your body constantly feels like it’s been dragged behind a car down the high way. Not that you didn’t take care of yourself, in fact you’d say you looked pretty good for your age…

You stretch in your seat, and reach for your coffee as your computer powers on. The few windows illuminating the office show the first few morning beams of scorching July sunlight. Behind you, the door opens and your Coworker David strides in.
“Morning Adam!” He says in a strangely cheerful voice. You put your coffee down from your lips and give him a stare. Normally David was about 20 minutes later than he already was, and usually he walked into the office with the same enthusiasm you’d see in a man walking towards a guillotine.
“Morning Davo,” you say, typing in your far too long corporate password. “You seem less Zombie-like today, what are you so excited about?”
David Smiled as he sat down in his chair opposite from yours. You were techniqually Davids senior Manager, but the two of you had developed a decent friendship between Friday drinking and the occasional tennis match.
“Oh Nothing Adam, I just got to the top of the waitlist for this super cool Software, and I was finally able to download it!”
You nodded, half listening as you began logging into all your engineering system.
“Very Interesting, what’s the program called? Is it like a Gaming platform?” David opened up his laptop and started to type furiously.
“No it’s not a game at all, It’s an app called the Chronivac. It’s supposed to be a reality altering software. I had a friend in the UK that sent me the information for it, He said that it completely changed his life.”
You paused from your coffee long enough to lean over and roll your eyes at him.
“I hope you didn’t have to pay any money for it.” You moaned, “This Job doesn’t pay you enough for you to be wasting your time on Overseas Scams.”
David was absolutely transfixed on his laptop. A wide, slightly crazed looking grin spreading over his face.
“It actually ended up costing me thousands of dollars,” he said, now in a far quieter voice, “but it was completely worth it.”
“THousands Of DoLLARS!” You exploded, immediately turning the heads of the fellow desk jockeys nearby,
“SHut UP man,” David hissed, half closing his laptop defensively. You simmered as the both of you waited for the rest of your colleagues to return back to their work. David narrowed his Eyes at you, smile creeping back onto his face.
“It wasn’t a waste of money and I can prove it too you. Just let me find your profile really quick.”
“Wait, this thing has a profile for me on it?” You said, now even more concerned then before. “David, This seems like some really dangerous software And I definitely thing that you shou-“
Davids Computer cut you off with a cheerful beep, and immediately you felt a strange sensation course through your body.
“What the hell!” You shout as you start the world around you starts to grow. You feel a strange tightening sensation in your body, as you glance downward. Your clothing seemed to liquify, shifting from a smart suit and dress shirt into a casual tee. In shock you glance at the bay window and catch a reflection of yourself. There you were…. Or rather, there you were 20 years ago! You lift your hands up too your face and feel your skin. Wrinkle free, young, and real!

“ there’s no way this is real,” you say in a whisper. This has to be a dream you think, as you continue to explore your now unfamiliar body.
David leaned over the edge of his desk beaming,
“ See I told you man! This program is incredible!” He looked you over, seeming to be proud of his work. “Dang it’s crazy what taking 20 years off a man can do!”
You take a brief pause from reveling at your new found youth.
“ this is incredible David! How is this even possible?!”
“It’s the chronivac man! Like I said it’s freaking amazing and can change anything!” The wild grin still fresh on his face.
You stand up, coursing with a newfound energy.
“WE HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THIS!” You say ecstatically. The grin drops from David’s face.
You begin to jog away from the desks, heading straight for the break room where you knew, most of your coworkers would still be gathered.
“We can change anything with this! This is going to be the coolest thing any of these morons have ever heard about!”
“Wait! No stop! Aww shit-“ you hear David shout as you continued running. You barely processed his voice or cared. You felt so alive! The excitement in your chest was all you could feel or even think of right now. You slid around the corner, breaking into a sprint down the hallway. You could hardly wait to introduce your new younger self to your coworkers and tell them about this amazing new device.
Suddenly your voice catches In your throat, as your mouth dries out In an instant. You keep running, starting to trip over yourself on the concrete floor.
“ what the” you gasp through a dry mouth. Your tongue feels like a pillow in your mouth as you tumble to the floor. You are vaguely aware of the sight of your hands, which appear to be changing color and texture. Your vision fades with the sight of your fingers turning bright blue and seeming to collapse in on themselves.
You can’t seem to find your voice, or be able to move as you feel yourself shrinking. You feel an indescribable softening sensation on all sides as you slide to a stop. Suddenly, it’s over as quickly as it started, and there you lay on the floor. Your brain slows down, filled only with the most basic thoughts now.
“ what….. happened…” you think to yourself with great effort. Your aware of footsteps coming towards you from your position on the floor.
“ Sorry about that man, I just couldn’t have you sharing my new toy with the rest of the world. It’s kind of like a private club, ya know?
….David? You think through fuzzy thoughts.
“ I’m still learning how to use the program haha, but you did turn out to be a nice pair of underwear Adam.”

You feel your now small form being lifted from the floor, then shoved into a pocket. David’s pocket.
“Don’t worry man, we’ll get you sorted out. I think you’ll make a really good practice for me before I start changing myself.”
You couldn’t respond at all, but felt almost at home In the musky warm pocket you were haphazardly shoved into.
….so … nice… you find yourself thinking. You try to shake the fuzz out of your primitive mind. Trying to remember anything besides the new world you found yourself in. You faintly hear David through his clothing.
“ alright, I think the first thing we should do is get you home so we can have some fun.” You feel yourself being lifted from his pocket and placed back on the ground. You felt a longing to be back in the warm musky dark.
“this time however, I think we’ll turn your awareness off.”
David smiled punching his new specifications into the chronivac program. Adam wouldn’t remember any of what just happened, and also be open to his suggestions. The underwear on the pavement started to expand, shifting and changing until Adam once again stood in front of him with a slightly dazed look on his face.
“is it weird that that kind of turned me on…” David muttered to himself.
“Dave… what the hell is going on? Adam said In a bewildered voice. His voice echoed in the parking garage that they now stood in. David smiled, and typed into the chronivac.
“you were about to give me a ride home, remember big guy?”
Adam, still looking confused, but seemingly unaware of the last 20 minutes of his life shrugged and fished for his car keys.
“Alright man but don’t judge about the mess in my car.” He smiled and clicked his horn. The two of you walked over to the old SUV Adam drove and stepped inside, scooting aside the old take out bags and random junk. Adam sheepishly got In and fastened his seatbelt.
“Thanks for taking me home man, I wasn’t feeling the best.” David said hiding a smile while still typing in his computer. Adam started the car and began to pull out of the parking lot.
“no problem man, it’s been a boring day for me anyway.”
I’m sure it was… David thought pulling up Adams profile again. David pulled up Adams profile. He continued to explore it as they got on the highway - passing the braves stadium. Now it was time to really see what this program could do. He clicked on the occupation section and replaced senior engineer with Uber driver and hit enter. The cars interior suddenly shifted, quickly becoming neater and tidier. An Uber sticker appeared on the windshield. David smiled and Adam glanced over at him.
“Hey you owe me tho David,” he smiled “I could be making money right now instead of driving your ass around.”
“for sure man, I’ll make it up to you.” David grinned. He clicked onto Adams body specifications.
Alright let’s slide that age way down… maybe 22? He looked good like that, but let’s pump up his muscle mass by 80 pounds and increase his attractiveness level. David pulled open Adams identity profile and messed around with a few things. Instead of being a work friend, Adams new relationship to David was a complete stranger. David deleted Adams previous educational experience tab and input college fraternity brother into his profile. He dropped the IQ level down to one of the lower settings. It might be nice for Adam to worry about less right? He input “easygoing” into his profile. He hit shuffle on race, just for some added fun and eagerly hit enter.
the change was immediate. Adam shifted in his seat, losing a few inches of height but gaining a ridiculous amount of mass everywhere. His legs filled in his pants so quickly David thought they might burst. His arms ballooned outwards and his face shifted to a cocky smirk. His pecs jutted out against his shirt, bouncing with the cars motion. The clothes he previously wore liquified and stretched tight against his body - becoming a simple tee shirt and short shorts. His hair styled itself into a skin fade, and a tan crept over his body. A backwards cap materialized on his head, and a stud In his ear as he glanced over at David.
“What? You like what you see man haha?”
The new Adam raised his arm and flexed his now massive bicep.

You both laughed as you felt a mixture of pride and arousal. Adam put a beefy arm on the dash of his car and started typing into the gps, stopping at an intersection .
“Where was it you said you wanted to be dropped off again sir?”
David rattled off his address, trying to hide the growing… excitement that was beginning to show In his crotch. The new Adam glanced down and smirked at David, but continued driving. David smiled, reviewing Adams profile again.
“ So what do you have going on in your life… Adam right?” David asked, trying for conversation with his previous boss.
“We’ll I’m just chilling at the university right now…” Adam said with a dull laugh, “spending a lot of time at the gym and with the boys right now.”
David nodded absentmindedly, sliding Adams sexuality to nearly 100 Percent gay. Just to see what would happen. He slid the Libido curser to high and glanced back up at Adam. A distracted look now plastered on his face, one hand on the wheel, one hand now migrating down to his shorts.
“… and you know… spending time… with the boys.”
David could barely contain his excitement as the two pulled up to his house. Adam threw the vehicle in park and shifted his Adonis frame in his seat to face David.
“Hey man, don’t even worry about the ride today, it was nice meeting you. I’ll void the bill In the app.” He said with a smile. David met his gaze and blushed. Oh my god, was he flexing?
“Oh that’s really too nice of you man, there’s really no need.” David stuttered
Adam smiled and bit his lip, he hopped out of the car to get David’s door.
“No I insist. I Really enjoyed being your driver today.”
David stepped out of the car, amazed by what he had been able to do to his friend. The new Adam held out his hand for a solid high five. He winked and said,
“Message me if you ever need a ride again bro.” With that, he strutted back to his car, then got in and sped down the road - blasting music.
David stood on the edge of the driveway. Clutching his lap top and trying to calm himself. He began to stride into his house, weighing his options. People had warned him, that the chronivacs power could really go to your head if you didn’t have a handle on it. He unlocked the door and paced into his living room. David hadn’t thought much about it, but man had he really surprised himself. In the space of 1 hour he had changed his boss into a horny college himbo without so much as a blink.
He through himself onto the couch and started up at the ceiling. David smiled, thinking of the limitless possibilities that now awaited him. He could literally become whatever he wanted to. Could change the world in whatever way he wanted. The possibilities were so endless p, he had no idea what to do.
After a moment of watching the rotating fan David grinned. He didn’t know all the things he wanted to change, but he did know what he wanted right now. He pulled his laptop back up and fired up the chronivac. Adams profile still displayed on screen. David clicked into Adams relationship status and began clicking around. It took a second to find the option, “willing to sleep with any man.” But David aggressively slammed the enter button and pulled out his phone, finding an Uber text string with the new Adam.
“Thanks again for the free ride today man. Was wondering if you wanted to ride anything else tonight? 😘🍆”
He waited breathlessly for a moment before three dots appeared on his screen, and then a message. Apparently a picture the new Adam had taken at the gym.
“on my way back big guy”

David slammed his laptop closed and ran to change into some more relaxed clothes. That was enough messing with the chronivac for the day. It was amazing what a horny stud he had been able to change his boss into. And ridiculous how quickly David had fallen for him.
David wrestled with his tie and glanced out the bedroom window as a car raced up. The new and improved Adam jumped out and started sauntering towards the door, already removing his shirt. David could only stares as he felt himself begin to go hard. He and Adam were going to have a lot of fun tonight.

For @ultram0th2 hope you enjoy it. 💙
"Derek, this is insane. Are we really going to break into a gym owner's office in broad daylight?" Stiles asked.
"No we aren't." Derek told the younger man.
"Good, because seriously you had me worried you were losing it dude."
"I'm going to be breaking in while you stand guard." Derek cuts Stiles off.
"I retract my previous comment." Stiles muttered.
"Derek, I get you're suspicious of this guy, but this isn't an excuse to break into the guy's office." Stiles went on to say only for Derek to ignore him and head towards the gym owner's office.
Derek can hear Stiles whispering insults and curses at him, but the werewolf ignores them. He knows this looks crazy, but he swore he smelt magic on this guy when he walked by him. The scent of magic was strong enough to make Derek worried the guy would be up to something. Since when someone's magical aura is that strong to sense it means they have casted a powerful spell recently.
So Derek had followed the guy to this gym, the one he realized opened up recently. Derek had called Stiles for back up to keep watch while Derek checked the guy's office out when he left.
Normally he would do this at night, but Derek felt the strange nagging feeling within him that told him he needed to check out this guy now.
Picking the lock to the guy's office was simple, Derek looking around to make sure no one was watching him. Glancing back at Sfiles who gave Derek the middle finger, to switch Derek rolled his eyes at the gesture before he steps inside the office.
A few minutes later Derek found nothing. No strong magic auras, no spellbound, no artifacts filled with magic, nothing but mundane office supplies. Derek was confused, he was so sure this man smelt of magic. He must have been mistaken and feels embarrassed over how rash he acted.
"Well, Stiles is going to enjoy being right." Derek murmurs to himself while he heads for the door.
"Or maybe you were right to suspect something." A deep voice says and Derek turns around to see the gym owner standing there against the back wall of the office he eyes Derek with an amused look as he pushes himself from the wall and stalks towards Derek.
"How did you get in here?" Derek asked.
"Are you really asking me how I got into my own office?" The guy asked. "The question is why are you in my office."
"Not that I'm complaining. I do love seeing a handsome young man like you in here." The older man says while he checks Derek out shamelessly.
Derek can smell magic on the older man and he asks him why that is.
"Ooh a werewolf. I haven't come across one of you in some time." He says, sounding excited.
"But to ease your worries I'm not up to any evil doing. I'm simply using my magic to help create loyal employees to work for me. Nothing nefarious about a man wanting to make sure he gets good employees is there?" He asked.
Derek stares at the man with a look of disbelief. Surely this man wasn't serious was he? By the way the guy was looking at Derek and Derek can tell he was telling the truth.
"You can't just mess with people with magic." Derek says.
"Sure I can, it's so easy." The man says smugly.
"Here, how about a demonstration." He adds and grins wider. Derek feels a cold chill go down his spine and he groans. His eyes go wide when his torso suddenly erupts with solid pounds of pure muscle that force his shirt to tear apart at the seams.
His pecs balloon outwards into a set of large muscle tits that already feel so sensitive to touch and bounce when he walks.
"Bro, the fuck ya doin to me?!" Derek shouts. His voice sounds different. Deeper than it was just a few moments ago.
"You wanted to snoop around my office to uncover my dark secret, so I'm just rewarding you by making you one of my modeled employees."
"You're going to be such a hot fucking personal trainer. Aren't you Devon?" The man says.
"Of course I am boss." Derek blurts out to reply without wanting to. He wanted to tell the guy his name was Derek, but instead he cradles his head in hisnhands and moans when his head aches. He can feel a thick cloudy haze fog his mind, he can feel his memories flicker in his mind. Seeing flashes of foreign memories fill his mind.
Derek's hair grows a little longer and turns blond. His face ripples with his features sharpening and becoming more defined till Derek now looks like the kind of guy someone can expect to find working at a gym.
Derek holds onto his last fragments of his former self, refusing to let them fade from his mind. But when the man he called boss comes up to him. Gently touching Derek's shoulder and making him feel a spark of warmth traverse through him does that last part of Derek get locked away in the dark corners of his own mind.
"Ready to get put there and put our new clients to work?" The boss asked.
"I'll be sure to work them real good for ya boss." Devon says proudly. When he turns away to leave he doesn't notice his torn and tattered clothes repair into a yellow tank top that shows off his impressive bulk fairly well. Along with sweatpants that hug his large ass and outline his fat cock for all to see.
Devon walks out of the office and takes a few steps when a skinny man approaches him.
"Hey, did you happen to see a dark haired guy with a scowl in there?" The smaller man asked.
"Sorry Broski." Devon tells him and bumps his shoulder into the smaller guys when he walks by. Not aware of the confused look he gets from the smaller man who watches Devon head out to the gym's main floor while he rubs his tingling shoulder from where Devon touched it.

The rings: Jake
--- First time writing my own story ---
--- Please let me know what you think ---
Just before the second year of college rolled around I was met with the unfortunate news that my best bro, my roommate, would not be making it to the second year.
Turned out he'd been spending too much time partying, and too little studying. Not even the coach could save him anymore.
Sure, being on a sports scholarship meant studying isn't your main priority but you still had to maintain your grades somewhat if you want to make it to the next year.
To make things worse, my new roommate turned out be some nerd.
Jacob was your average nerd that would be holed up in his room most of the time.
He didn't really bother me. It's just... I had hoped to have a new bro to go to the gym with instead of some wimpy kid.
Color me surprised when the guy came out of his room out of nowhere to ask me to help him some project he was doing for some course.
Something about trying some "telepathy" gear he was working on he was working on for a biomed class.
To be honest it all sounded really like some science mumbo jumbo to me. I must admit I wasn't too excited so I thought I'd struck a deal instead: he'd tutor me for my calc class and I'd try his stupid gear thing.
He seemed happy with the proposal and told me it'd be ready for testing in a couple days.
As I stepped out of the bathroom after just taking a shower I was met by Jacob holding two comically large rings which almost looked like miniature hula hoops.
It had been a week since he'd asked me for the favor. To be honest, I'd already forgotten about our agreement.
Though I was a man of my word and did need some help with calc, not wanting to end up like my old buddy.
He signaled for me to sit on the couch as he started to explain all about his new gadget.
Supposedly, the pair of rings were some new technology he was working on. He explained that it allowed the wearers to communicate with each other as if the other person was simply a voice in their head.
I accepted one of the nearly metal rings, the only discernable difference being a smaller engraved letter T on the side indicating that I would be on the receiving end according to Jacob.
Not thinking much of it, I held it over my head as he instructed.
As I pressed the button on the side of the device it quickly shrank, tightly sealing itself on my head.
Jacob, doing the same, had grabbed a small little tablet whilst the ring sealed itself on his head.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
"Yeah, let's get this over with" I replied back.
A large shit-eating grin appeared on his face as he pressed a button on the ring.
"You jocks are real dumbasses, you know. Should've been more skep--" the nerd started saying before he suddenly stopped.
The twig had frozen right in his tracks. He looked as if his soul had left his body.
Testing if he was actually there, I waved my hand in front of his face.
Huh? What the fuck?
Okay, this is kinda weird.
I need to get rid of this ring.
It didn't budge. Not only that, this shitty thing just zapped me as well.
Hmm, think. The nerd mentioned something about telepathy, right?
Hey nerd, you hear me?
No response. Fuck.
I'm gonna look like some freak with this stupid headband there has to be something...
Maybe I should just try the telepathy again.
Hey Jacob, say something!
In an almost comical fashion what seemed like a corpse just uttered one word.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Uh, let's try something else.
Jacob, jump!
Without skipping a beat he jumped.
This is kinda awesome...
Jacob, explain what your plans were with these rings
"My intention was to use these rings to transform you into a nerd as well as do something other things..."
Explain what you mean with transform
"These rings are a technology I devloped that allows you to transform your target however you like by giving suggestions"
Heh. So, if I told him to grow a pair that would work?
As expected the nerd briefly twitched before a visible bulge started forming.
The Jacob's bulge wasn't the only thing growning larger in the room.
I noticed that my dick started to chub up as well, fueled by this new power I had just obtained.
I realized that with these rings I could do anything.
I could still get the roommate I wanted. And I could make him however I wanted.
Time to get to work.
The pudgy nerd took care of undressing, now showcasing his unimpressive body.
I could not help but feel pity for the guy.
He lacked any muscle definition. The only thing he had going for him was his now bull-sized nuts that looked mismatched compared to the rest of his body.
I should at least give him an appropriate cock to match.
Jacob, add a couple more inches to your cock
His average 5 incher started growing rapidly, reaching a monsterous size of what looked to be 8 inches.
I circled around him, proud of my work while I looked for the next area of improvement.
To be honest, there was a lot of work to be done. Maybe a rough approach would be better.
Adjust your body fat percentage to 7%
His already slim frame now became quite boney.
Add 40 lbs of muscle mass
The same arms that once lacked any muscle mass now had biceps that would rival an amateur body builder.
Veins also started bulging out, running from his large mitts upto his biceps.
The changes didn't stop there, however.
A pair of meat slabs started to form on his chest as well.
Unable to resist, I snuck up behind Jacob to fondle his newly formed pecs whilst also admiring his growing traps.
My hand went slipped down further, sliding into the deep crevasse formed by his 6-pack abs.

It seemed that Jacob hadn't missed leg day either. His legs now looked more like tree trunks that would be easily able to squash a watermelon.
To make the picture complete Jacob's feet had to match as well.
You've always worn a size 13
His feet grew large and veins appeared, much like what had happened to his previously tiny hands.
You've always prefered to keep your hair in a quiff
Jacob's unruly mop had started to style itself in a trendy quiff.
Now, flex for me
Jacob now struck a double bicep pose, his already large biceps forming sizeable peaks.

"You mentioned something about jocks and being a real dumbasses didn't you, Jacob?"
Ah, wait.
You will wake up
"Huh, what... Why do I feel heavy..." Jacob murmured before realizing it was caused by his new physique.
"Wait! No. You were supposed to get the receiver not the transmitter! How did I- argh" Jacob said fully grasping the situation now.
"I don't want to be some dumb brute!" Jacob told me, now reaching for the ring.
Don't move
Without missing a beat Jacob froze right in his tracks.
"What are you planning to do to me, you stupid jock?" he asked.
"Stupid jock, huh" I mocked.
"It's funny you say that because right now you look more like a jock than me." I told him.
"Perhaps you just don't think like one... yet" I snarked.
"I remember you said something before. Something about jocks being real dumbasses?"
"Wait no! Please-"
You've always been a dumb
"I- uh.. Hng.. What did I say again...?"
"A real jock wouldn't go by a nerdy name like Jacob, now would he?"
You have always been called Jake
"Bro, I don't know who the fuck you're talking about."
"Ah, nothing to worry about bro" I reassured him.
You only care about is lifting weights and partying. You never bothered with studying.
Oh, and you may move again
"So bro, what's up what are we doing here? We should go to the gym." He asked me, completely oblivious as what happened not even minutes earlier.
"You dumbass, we just got back from the gym." I told him.
"Oh, huhuh, sorry bro, I guess I forgot haha" he replied.
When I call you by the nickname brute, you will obey my instructions, no matter what I tell you
"Hey Brute, won't you help me with getting these rings off?" I ask.
"Of course, anything for you bro" he replied.
A bro is never afraid of a little bromance
A little fire in his eyes lit up.
"So bro, what do I need to do?" he asked.
"On the count on three, we both press the button on the side of the ring. I think that's the only way to get them off" I explained.
"Ready?" I asked.
3.. 2... 1..
I immediately felt relief as the tight ring was now removed from my head.
"Brute, give that ring to me. You never want to touch that ring again. You know big bro will handle it for you" I instruct Jake.
"Here you go, bro" he said handing the ring.
I put the rings on the nearby coffee table.
I was happy. I now got myself the perfect roommate. And, if I needed it I could give additional to my brute.
"Hey Jake, there's a party tonight. You wanna go?" I asked him.
"Of course bro, always down"
"Before that, I've got to ask something" I said, sitting back down on the couch.

"I need a little help with something" I smirked, turned on by all the effort put in transforming my roommate
My dick had become rock hard and was begging for attention.
"You think you can help a bro out?"

Growing into it
Andy was a skinny gay kid. New in the college scene he asked your help giving him a makeover. Looking into his closet, you were dismayed to only find cargo shorts and graphic tees. No way you guys were going to the club wearing that. You took him to the local goodwill and told him to bring you stuff he liked. 5 minutes later he comes back with a red flannel shirt four or five sizes too large. This kid was hopeless. But you weren't going to give up that easy. Hoping he'd see how ridiculous he'd look in that oversized shirt, you took him to a trying booth and asked him to try it on. For some reason he took off the basic tee he was wearing to try the flannel on. Just as expected it looked silly. Like a boy wearing his big brother's clothes. The sleeves flowed way past his hands. Half of his thighs were covered by the shirt.
"Maybe something a bit smaller, buddy. Guys wanna see some skin." You said.
But before you could say something else you notice something happening. Were you getting shorter? No. It was Andy. You'd figured you were both the same height but now you saw he was taller. Suddenly way taller. In the seconds you stood in awe, Andy's body had apparently extended itself to over 6 feet.
Despite still fitting largely, the shirt's sleeves were now the correct length.
"I don't know, man. I kinda like it." He said. His voice sounded deeper. More masculine. "You think I should show some skin, though?" He asked as he undid the first two buttons. You couldn't help but feel a twitch in your crotch from hearing his new voice.
As he finished undoing the buttons and studied his reflection again, you noticed the changes weren't over.
His face became more angular, more handsome than his usual cute.
With every breath Andy took, the shirt's fabric pushed further out, as big meaty pecs formed underneath. Round thick shoulders pushed the shirt into shape and now the sleeves were taught with bulging biceps and forearms.
"Uhh. Maybe tie it around the waist to see how it looks." You suggest. "The club can get really warm."
He nodded and began disrobing, giving you a smirk. You just wanted to see the results of his transformation, of which he seemed mostly unaware. As he slid the shirt off you witness 8 solid abs popping out as the process continued.
"Dude these shorts you got me are way too small." Andy said as he fumbled to unbutton his cargo shorts with his now bigger hands, the waist of which seemed really close to bursting from accommodating the swelling of his thighs and the appearance of a voluminous and bouncy bubble butt.
Huh... Somehow he thought his shorts came from the store instead...
As he ties the shirt at his waist you see the rest of his body bulking up as well. Feet extending and widening, calves tensing and swelling. The final growth happens as the vague silhouette of his dick through the fabric of his boxers became longer and thicker and then started bulging indecently out as the pouch became fully packed.
You just then realized the throbbing hard on you had after seeing your friend hulk out into this muscle god.

"I think I look great! Don't you?" He asks you, flexing and posing.
"Ye-yeah man. You look great actually." You stutter.
"I knew this one was just perfect for me! I can't wait to show it at the party." You just don't know if he means the shirt or his new hot body.
"You sure you don't want to pick something for yourself?" He vacantly asks, still absorbed by his own reflection.
Looking at Andy and then at yourself you quickly reply.
"Actually, can you show me where you found that shirt?"