Feet Growth - Tumblr Posts
White Hat
--- Originally posted on 2018-08-20 by grandwagonranchmaker ---
You were staying with your aunt and younger cousins in Texas for the summer. So far your days consisted of running and hiding from your younger (but bigger cuz Texas) cousins to try to study for your college entry exams. Whenever one of them caught you with a book they would relentlessly bully you for trying to be smart and stay in school.
You were taking shelter in the basement one day when you noticed a door, almost invisible under layers of dust, dirt and debris. You figured this might be your golden oppourtunity to escape them. You crack open the door, coughing and wheezing on all the dust thats kicked up and inside find… a bedroom. The room was unnervingly clean and well kept as if it had been used just today. It looked like a typical Texas boy’s room with lots of jeans, belts, sports equipment and a few naughty magazines under the bed. But what you were most drawn to is the white hat laying on the bed like it had been waiting for you.
“What’s this new hat doing here?” You feel compelled to put it on and when you do you slide it around backwards. The hat seems to give a satisfying click as it slides into place and the room begins swaying gently and throwing you off balance. You stumble over to the closet feeling every footfall get heavier and harder. Your small nerdy size 7s expand, to 8s, then 9s, then 10s. They grow with each step causing you to almost fall over with your comically sized proportions. The big toes feel so much more sensitive and cover so much more floor space then youre used to. They continue sizing up to 11, 12 and finally 13 feeling like huge boats chained to your legs!
“What the fuck done happen to my feet” you blurt out. Your legs share the same fate, getting thick as tree trucks and longer to match. You barely slide your nerdy shorts off in time before your buff manly legs can destroy them. But it doesnt stop as your ass expands in your underwear and your dick explodes in size with big Texas balls to match. You’re forced to remove your underwear as well. The only thing in the closet you find is a big pair of boxers and jeans waiting for you. Desperate, you slide them on trying not to enjoy how comfortable they feel. Your big dick floating nicely in the large boxers while still making a reasonable bulge. You feel a need to complete the look and pull out a nice belt, wrapping it around your perfect waist and clicking it together sending another shock of pleasure through your body.
You notice your upper body changing next and strut over to the full body mirror with renewed confidence and excitement. You hasily tear away at your shirt revealing beautiful, full pecs with a dark Texas tan covering them. Your abs are now hard and firm with a darker, thicker treasure trail crawling up them. You eagerly flex, showing off those bulging new biceps and thick patch of musky underarm hair.
“Haha gonna need a bit of Axe bro!” You spray yourself down, inhaling the overwhelming scent. The particles seep into your head, rotting what was left of your nerdy brain. You won’t be worrying about those tests anymore, you can barely spell college. Your hair darkens and shortens, a puff coming out of the front of your hat. Your face arranges to be dumb and innocent looking with cute puppy dog eyes and a dull farmboy grin. As the last of the cloud is absorbed into you, you stomp out of your room, big bare feet slapping the ground and your bulging sweaty upperbody exposed for all to see. Its time to join your brothers for today’s chores before you go into town for some fun!

Level Up
--- Originally posted on 2018-01-11 by themuscleparadise ---

When he got home that night, he threw his bag onto the floor next to his computer, grabbing the game from the bag. He took the disk out and placed it in his PC, booting it up.
He was greeted by a bright blue and green gradient background, with “Better Life” in big bold letters.
“Welcome to Better Life! Please, enter your name and age.” The game said, as Noah rolled his eyes.
He typed in his name, and his age, 23.
“Please create your avatar.” The game said, when a male and female symbol showed up. Selecting male, a blank white body showed up.
Noah blushed a little. “Wow… that’s uh… pretty accurate.” He said, as he started the process.
“Uh… ethnicity… I mean, I’m a white American so I guess I’ll go with that?” He said, selecting it as a slider showed up.
“Oh wow, I can set how tan I am. Uh… I think I’ll go pretty tanned.” He said, moving the slider, not noticing his skin getting the same golden tan washed over it.
“Alright… hair color and style. Let’s go with… brown, and medium length with… a bit of a flip.” He said, selecting the deep milk chocolate brown and styling the hair, his own hair growing and styling itself to match.
“Facial features… uh… ooh, looks like I can just take a photo of my face with my webcam and it’ll automatically set the features! Thank god, I was NOT about to do all of that.” He said, taking the photo, his face being placed on the avatar.
“All right… body. Well let’s start with muscles. I want my character to be ripped!” He said, moving the sliders to a nice beefy size, his own muscles expanding alongside the man on the screen.
“Butt… I want a nice bubble butt, so definitely get that big and muscly!” He said, his own body lifting from the chair as his ass swelled.
“Tattoos… I think I’ll add some to my arm.” Noah said, selecting a few presets and placing them on the left forearm, his own body reflecting the changes.
“Let’s see… foot size? Let’s do size 15 to match my body.” He said, as his feet stretched out.
“Finally… dick and balls. Uh, foot long please! Thick as a can with some beautiful baseball sized balls!” He said, moving the sliders, his own cock snaking down his pants.
“Oh hey, voice! Let’s go for a nice deep baritone.” He said, as his voice deepened, matching the sexy voice of the character.
“All right, occupations, orientation, and personality. Hmm… I think I’ll go gay, and uh…fitness model and pro gamer! And cocky as hell!” He said, selecting the jobs, his clothes appearing on the avatar, his own clothes disappearing, being replaced by the skimpy yet casual clothes shared by the avatar.
“All right, looks like that’s it. Damn, this avatar is hot.” Noah said, selecting confirm as the game closed.
“Hey, what the fuck?” He said, as he rolled his eyes, noticing his arms.
“Wait… holy shit… I’m a fucking stud!” He said, looking down and bouncing his pecs. He heard his phone buzz as he grabbed it, seeing a new text.
“Achievement Unlocked: A New You!” It said. Noah smirked, looking down at his new body.
“Oh yea, I think I like this game. I guess it’s time to have a little fun.” He said, feeling his new body as he turned off the computer.
It was time for him to level up.

Booty Text
--- Originally posted on 2019-03-11 by dumb-and-jocked ---
Text Message Sent 10:36 PM
David: Hey! Sorry to text you so late, but thanks for the present!
Matt: No probs bro. It’s for helping me study math
David: Well, if you ever need help in the future I’ll be there
Matt: ya can help me rite now by trying it on and send pics
David: ?
Matt: trust me bro, I got you the best cologne out there, and the socks have scented soles
David: uh ok?
Text Message Sent 10:39 PM
David: the socks are definitely to big, but they look nice
Matt: they’re the perfect size, you’ll see, how bout cologne?
David: dude, you didn’t tell me how powerful it was
Matt: but ya love it rite bro?
David: yeah but it’s a little hard to concentrate
Matt: spray som more and smell, it helps
David: ok, one sec
Text Message Sent 10:41 PM
David: woah dude, u were right
Matt: ikr bro, u always should listen to me
David: I think I’m seein things, my body’s looking big
Matt: it’s not lookin big bro, I bet it’s swole
David: yeah, swole, ur right
Matt: yup bro, smell the socks and txt back
Text Message Sent 10:44 PM
David: bro, I’ve been smelling the air and socks and I think I’m losing it
Matt: wdym
David: my whole bodies expanded, it looks I went through puberty again
Matt: what?
David: I took of all my clothes except my compression shorts and like my body’s all buff now and my hands look like mitts and bro my abs are poppin
Matt: what else?
David: I got these huge pecs and super defined calves, I also have hair sprouting out everywhere
Matt: is that all?
David: almost, it seems like my feet have expanded too, once I’m done smelling all out my socks back on and see
Matt: listen to me david, just like usual
David: of course
Matt: spray more cologne and keep smelling the socks, check back in bro
David: sure thing bro
Text Message Sent 10:49 PM
David: hey bro
Matt: how you feelin?
David: foggier than before, and other things have changed
Matt: like?
David: my hair and head get longer and now I got this sick beard and my Adam’s apple grew so big and now I got this deep voice
Matt: and?
David: bro, I have hair and huge musk everywhere like my abs and legs are super hairy and my pits are forests that are so RANK I can barely smell the cologne don’t me get started on the pubes
Matt: what about the pubes?
David: the more I smell my pits with the cologne, the hairier my crotch gets, and my dick and balls are both expanding
Matt: how much?
David: bro, my pouch is huge
Matt: nice
David: oh my butt just got bigger too it’s like 2 bubbles
Matt: perfect
David: you gay or something bro?
Matt: you’ll soon be
David: ?
Matt: just keep sniffing bro, especially the socks, check back in once ur redy
David: bro I think ur crazy?
Matt: everything I say is right, isn’t it David?
David: oh, uh yeah
Matt: then just sniff
David: ok bro
Text Message Sent 10:55 PM
David: bro
Matt: yeah?
David: I just remembered how hot it was
Matt: you blasted that jock cock to the thought of ur self, didn’t you?
David: yeah, cum all over the walls
Matt: well, that big dick does blast testosterone, how long is it again?
David: bro, how did you forget it’s 8 inches
Matt: I don’t know, can I ask ya something
David: always bro, and if you wanna bang it’s always yes
Matt: yeah, but different question, are you missing anything?
David: one sec bro...
David: nah, im missing nothing when im with my bro
Matt: that’s correct! babe send me a pic of ur self I wanna see what my present looks like
David: of course bro

David: now u know why I nutted
Matt: of course ya meathead
David: the cologne smells great and the socks fit perfectly, howd you know?
Matt: ive been to town on those feet, they’re my best bros, so when I found a pair of size 14 socks I knew they were a steal
David: well thx again
Matt: of course bro
David: so you coming over to beat my meathead?
Matt: yeah of course, i wanna eat those cheeks too, i like you as my booty call
David: wouldn’t this be a booty text?
Matt: wow, I thot I was the smarter one
David: yeah you are, I haven’t passed remedial math for two year now
Matt: I was just joking dummy, I gotta call mark and then I’ll be there
David: oh and after we swallow loads help me with math, I hate that crap bro
Matt: of course bro of course