Watch Where Youre Going! Snapped The Businessman, Sam Milton, The Newly Made CEO Of His Fathers Business.

“Watch where you’re going!” snapped the businessman, Sam Milton, the newly made CEO of his father’s business. Hot coffee spilled over his suit as he quickly wiped away, glaring at the speedo wearing shirtless and skimpy man in front of him that had bumped into him. They held a rainbow flag in hand as Sam instantly knew he was from the pride parade that was nearby.
“Sorry mate,” came the relaxed and British sounding voice of the shirtless man, Sam felt he saw him somewhere as a model, but he wasn’t sure why he would ever remember that as he glared at him, as a barista came rushing over.
“I am so sorry, Mr. Milton, sir, could I get you a new order?” questioned the barista quickly, Sam shrugged.
“It’s fine, not like he put anything in the coffee,” Sam joked as he took a sip, not ever noticing the slightly tangy taste that came from the hot substance inside as he finished wiping himself off before leaving.
On the way to work, he found himself finishing the coffee before finally entering his office, sitting down with the skyline behind him, his assistant had already left a stack of files and things to do. Sam started to get to work, reviewing reports, as he started to find himself sweat. It was small at first, droplets on the back of his hand before beads started to run down his forehead. “Why isn’t the AC on?” Sam muttered, coughing as he noticed the odd gruffness off his voice, he started to unbutton himself, taking off his tie.
And then his dick started to become erect. Sam shuffled and stifled in his seat as thoughts of the parade came across his mind, not realising that he had been straight before, he just had a date yesterday! His hand slowly started to find itself on his thigh, wanting to inch closer and closer to his needy cock, he shouldn’t be doing this at work of all places, but his mind could barely respond, and his fingers grew closer and closer, coiled towards the very edge of his length and then-
“Sir,” A knock came at the open door, as his assistant stood firm in the doorway, giving them a warm smile. Sam instantly picked his hand away, focusing on them as best he could, only thinking about his body, those fuckable lips…Why was he thinking about that? Damn it, he needed to focus!
“Yes?” Sam’s voice sounded odd and distorted, he coughed to try and cover it up, wondering what was happening as sweat continued to sheen off skin.
“The investor, Mr. Clarke is on the line, the one to call about our next quarter,” informed the assistant, Sam nodded as they gave him one last smile before walking away back to their desk and closing the door behind them. Sam instantly picked up the phone.
“Hello, this is Mr. Milton,” Sam’s voice only grew rougher and rougher, as he felt his hand clutched around his cock through his suit pants, unable to stop himself as he started to see his hand, slowly growing paler and paler, the fingers felt longer as they started to grow and expertly maneuvered around his head.
“Mr. Milton, is it? I’m Julius Clarke of Clarke Foundations, I just wanted to speak to you briefly…” The voice paused as Milton couldn’t help but emit a low groan as he could feel his other hand starting to grow larger, wrapping around the phone in his hand as his other teased the head of his lengthening cock, starting to slither down towards his thighs as the first tears at the seams of his pants could be heard. “Mr. Milton, is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just getting a-head-” Sam yelped as his fingers stroked over the tip of his cock, the more they played with him, the more he felt himself growing as more rips were spreading in his pants, revealing more of the muscular mass of his legs underneath that started to grow, “of myself. Carry on.” Sam quickly stuffed a fist into his mouth as he started to see his cock poke through the top of his boxers and pants, throbbing as the suit pants were shedding away.
“As some of you know, some of our recent investors have been a pain in the ass-” Sam almost fell from his chair, now his knuckle stone white as it grabbed at the edge of his desk, feeling his chair pushed away slightly from under him as Sam felt his cheeks spread apart, hairs growing on the back as they began to grow and tear away the Calvin Klein boxers and seat of his pants. “And not to mention the fact that they’ve been clearly ripping us off.” The rest of the pants ripped away as Sam felt his thighs thickening, growing in muscularity as they became lean and long, stretching out beyond the desk and causing Sam to fall on his knees, only his office shirt on as he resisted the urge to moan at the feeling of his calves growing.
“Yeah, we- we should come-” Sam felt his cock twitch, still growing in girth and elongating as it flopped down between his legs, looking paler and larger as pre-cum dripped. “I mean, get over there and sort…sort it out.” Sam couldn’t breathe if he kept talking, trying to stop himself from panting and groaning as he felt his feet start to crawl forward, looking over his shoulder as his dress shoes began to split, the black shiny soles as his large pale feet started to poke through.
“Exactly, now I think you could be a strong competitor,” started the investor, the moment he said strong, Sam felt his arms flex themselves, needlessly watching the rest of the buttons from his tight shirt spray into the air as they were flexed off. Sam had always been fit, but this was something else as he started to cup his new pecs that became extremely large, swelling to the point where he could barely believe they were real. The muscular power flowed through his stomach, his once lean abs now became stronger and sturdier, growing and thickening as they were now deep crevices in his stomach. “I’m hosting a gala soon, where we could discuss this with some other members who are interested in a coalition of sorts, would you be interested?”
“Sorry,” Sam couldn’t tell if he was apologising to the investor for the noises or the meeting as he felt himself near writhing on the ground, the phone still barely in hand as he continued sweating, his cock throbbing.
“Ah, that’s a shame, I was having some people coming all the way from Britain,” It was then Sam started to find his mind rearranging, new accents and words fading in and out as he couldn’t even remember what it was like to start speaking with an American accent, his own groans and muffled moans started to sound different in his deep voice that lingered on with a new London accent. “Well, I will speak to you soon then, here’s hoping you can still come.” With that, everything went blank, business, statistics, stock prices, and so much more as Sam saw nothing but white as his dick throbbed and delivered the best orgasm of his life, spraying and coating his entire body and desk with his own cum, every single orgasm erasing Sam Milton as the American businessman, now replaced with the London model as he began to moan out loud, writhing in his own pleasure as he came again…and again…and again.
“Oh fucking hell mate, where the fuck am I?” Sam muttered to himself as he started to look around, standing up behind his desk now as a naked muscular hunk dripping with cum and sweat.
Some time had passed after the incident, Sam couldn’t remember what he was doing that day but now found himself too busy to care. The business was taken over by his father until his son was “feeling better”. His dad now started going to the same coffee shop as he did with the same guys who came from the same parade every year. It was only a matter of time before he followed his son’s footsteps.
As for Sam Milton, well he now found himself posing on the billboard across from his old office, modelling for the makeup company; Clarke Foundations.

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More Posts from User211201
--- Originally posted on 2016-11-12 by dumbbro ---

This wasn’t me ten minutes ago I was a 27 year old college student named Tim, some guy came up and started saying things that I thought weren’t true but maybe they are.
That guy was like, hey I heard you are a bit of a gym rat?
I said no, do i look like one
Guy: Yep look at you, studly gym rat. I think you hate wearing clothes too
Me: Nope I hate wearing clothes
Guy: I bet you are the best gogo dancer in town
Me: HOw did you know I was a GoGo dancer?
Guy: I know everything about you Josh
Josh: My name isn’t Josh it’s Josh
Guy: See Josh, I mean you are my boyfriend even though you are super slutty and always horny
JOsh: Uh yeah, crazy hormones I huess
Guy: Well when you are only 19 it can be pretty crazy like that
Josh: Guess youre right
Guy: At least you have a job, not many people would hire a h.s drop out who can barely spell his own name
Josh: Uh yah Im glad too babe
Guy: Oh Josh you only think with your cock don’t you?
Josh: Fuk yah I do, fukin love gettin action
Guy: That’s my good boy

Dissolving Swim Shorts
Inspired by a video I saw
Tanner was a lonely college freshman. Thin, nerdy and very body shy. He was surprised there were very few clubs at his school, it seemed like all of the guys were in the frats or sports. He felt self conscious seeing all of the bigger guys in the halls wearing tight revealing clothing to show off their muscles and hair. One day he found a package outside his dorm, which contained a bathing suit, a tank top and an invitation to a big frat pool party. The invitation said the outfit had to be worn to be admitted, Tanner sighed. Even a sleeveless shirt made him feel uncomfortable showing off his skinny arms and lack of body hair. But he was lonely and bored so he forced himself into the suit, noticing the material felt oddly light and strange to the touch. He shrugged it off and put on some shoes and went to the party.
He made it to the gate where two large frat boys in just swim trunks stopped him.
"No shoes bro, only the outfit you were sent, thats the rule".
Tanner felt his face reddening but he had already come this far. He tossed off one shoe and then the other, revealing his small, pale feet. The guards took the shoes from him and waved him in. As he went past they laughed and tossed the shoes in the garbage knowing he wouldn't need them anymore. Tanner quickly noticed he was by far the smallest guy there in a crowd of hairy studs all flexing, chest bumping and playing beer pong. He wandered around near the pool when a pair of hands suddenly hit his chest hard sending him toppling in. He looked around at all the smiling frat boys who stared at him with looks that said they were expecting something. He looked down in horror to see his shirt melting off. His small nipples, flat stomach, all bare. He raised his hands meekly to cover himself only causing the other guys to laugh.
"Show off show off!" They chanted.
Tanner felt an odd heat and pressure as if the pool was warming up. His hands were starting to be pushed away from his chest as his pecs grew! Muscles ached and expanded until a definitive shelf had formed. His nipples enlarged and pointed slightly down. That wasn't all, his stomach had expanded, hard muscles could be felt there but also a bit of fat like he drank too much or was just lazy between work outs. Tanner turned a bright crimson, embaressed but also oddly turned on by having this new muscle. His small joy quickly faded though as an itching spread over him. The newly enlarged chest was now sprouting curly brown hairs everywhere! Gross, he thought, muscle was one thing but he didn't wanna end up a hairy frat boy like these guys! He splashed towards the stairs in a hurry, hoping getting out of the water would halt the changes. Just then he felt a rush of water around his privates and saw in horror that his bathing suit had disentegrated.
"Show it off bruh!" One of the frat bros shouted. Tanner let out a loud, deep moan as he felt his dick slowly growing.
"No, no, nooooo" he moaned as it grew thick and hairy, dark hair swirling up around his dick to meet the pelt on his chest before swirling around to connect with his newly hairy ass that had also pushed out into a firm bubble butt. Tanner was overwhelmed with shame. His big, hairy, sexed up body exposed for all to see. Even his hands and feet had swelled greatly. Hair pushing out on his feet and toes. No way those old shoes would fit now. Not that hed be wearing shoes. Against the embaressment a new thought was fighting to take over.
"Damn, Im hot" Tanner grunted not realizing he had said it aloud. But it was true. As much as he had felt grossed out before a growing part of him loved this big, hairy body.
Thats what he was.
Enough to get any girl and maybe some guys. He needed to show off. A cocky grin grew across his face which had changed to become more angular. A 5 o clock shadow growing in and beaming blue eyes under heavy eye brows. He took a big wet hand and slicked back his curly brown hair with blonde highlights before striding out of the pool, proudly letting his new cock swing between his legs, half erect already from all the hot people at the party. He fist bumped the other guys and grabbed a beer before chugging it.
"Lets party!"
Body to Brag
--- Originally posted by unknown before 2018-08-22 ---
So you want a body you can brag about, well since you been so nice and kind and you have helped me along this journey I can.
All I just need is you to put these on. Ohh, there to big for you.
I am sure you will grow into them.
You're feeling hot?
Why don't you just jump into the blue sea and cool off?
Wow, nice jump man.
Are you still feeling good? No? How?
All a sudden you feel great pain in the chest and feel great muscle grow, you feel six punches in your belly, you uncover a sweet six-pack.
You feel more muscle growth in your arms and legs, as you get stronger.
You feel that tension between your arms and your moans as they grow bigger and deeper.
Your legs get straight as all the muscle gets into a balance.
Heat goes to your face as you feel a rash and the more you started you felt a small beard form.
You soon feel you get longer and your nose straight and your eyes widened to show you beautiful eye color as it changes from green to black and soon that red hair becomes a beautiful brown shiny hair.
You begin to moan as your small ass gets bigger for fucking people with, your dick gets bigger and so do your balls, as you cum all over them.
You begin to moan, as your mind becomes clear and you're dumber, as it gets cleared with sexy guys.

Well if you are feeling good, you look good instead.
Well, get out of that water if you feeling good? No, why?
Who are you starting at? Him? Wow!
Why don't you get a piece of him?
You can brag to him about your body, but I think you're too dumb to understand me.
Well just go gets some ass because I think he is starting at you too and I think he needs help down there man.

And maybe after that, you can tell me the details.
Well, I don't think you need that Brian to brag, even though you can't because you're too dumb to understand me and you can just let your body do the work.
Oops sorry man I that I used too many words.
Don't stand around to get him.
Hi, i was hoping my Touristics trip would take me to Greece?
Well of course we can arrange a journey to Greece, we even have multiple packages to book. Looking at you I think you would it would be good for you to book our Mt. Olympus package. Climb the mountain of gods if you like or drive to the coast, it’s only about 5 minutes by car. But that would be up to you. Oh you would like to climb the mountain first. We can arrange that.
As you leave my shop, you find yourself on an uncommon street. It isn’t the same you entered the shop through, but you aren’t bothered at all, it feels just right to be here. You wander around and finally a man speaks to you. He is cute, a twink and reveals to have a soft almost feminine voice as he speaks to you: “I have searched for you, you are the tourist the man at Terrence & Ford told me about, aren’t you?” You confirm this and the man leads you down a few roads and then you are able to see your destination, Mt. Olympus.
The little man shows to possess a whole lot of endurance as you climb the mighty peak. Just as he struggles with a particularly high stone you notice his butt, it’s really big from what you see through his pants, and it looks really round and firm. “But wasn’t I supposed to be straight.”, you think as you scratch your head, only the noticing how big your biceps are. You look at them in awe, totally entranced by he twitching of the mighty flexed peaks and the criss-crossing veins running along them.
Carefully you approach the still struggling mountaineer, grab his ass and help him shove him further up allowing him to climb the rock. Then you reach out and pull yourself up in one fluent motion, earning awestruck gazes from your companion. “Man, it must be nice being this tall.”, he squeaked looking up at your chiseled bearded face.
“Fuck I can’ take it anymore.”, you exclaim in a powerful baritone and pull the man upwards, planting a sensual kiss on his lips, as you rip his pants away, as well as yours. About 10 minutes later you find yourself behind a corner, rapidly jackhammering your new godly cock deep into your companion’s big ass. Another 30 minutes and more than a few loads later you descend down the mountain again.
Though you didn’t reach the peak fully, you still gotta show the mortals on the beach what a true Olympian looks like.