“I hope you can talk to me sometimes.” she/her; 18+ requests: open

201 posts

So Who's Gonna Kiss The Cook

so who's gonna kiss the cook😌

So Who's Gonna Kiss The Cook
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More Posts from Vandysgf

3 years ago

zen picnic date pls i beg of u

your wish is my command >.O PLS THIS TOOK A WHILE but i rly hope you like it, i'm kinda proud of how cheesy it ended because c'mon man, zen is every single cheesy cliché in the book TwT

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!!

zen picnic date

words: 1,173 You weren't aware of the amount of preparation that had gone into this date, not until Zen started emptying the contents of the basket he'd been carrying as he lead you to this very spot. Admittedly, the man did all he could to make sure everything was perfect: asking Jaehee about which cafés served the best pastries and cakes, waking up early to get the best fruits at the farmer's market, even figuring out which day of the week would be the best for you to go. He didn’t actually think he’d end up with this much food for the both of you.

Zen Picnic Date Pls I Beg Of U

Laid out before you were some sandwiches for lunch, danishes and croissants, a cake large enough for you to share, some iced tea and fruit juice, and honestly anything you could think of that called for the occasion, including some of the man’s favourite goldfish-shaped bread. The soft breeze carried the sweet scents of surrounding flowers towards you, and a quick glance upwards showed you what you had suspected; clouds, but not enough to block out the sunlight. Really, did weather as good as this actually exist? And Zen himself looked like a dream, what with his classic billowy button down that made him look every bit of your prince charming that he was. He ditched his usual ponytail in favor of letting his silver locks loose, two pins securing the strands to the back just so it stays neatly behind his shoulders. “Babe, this is- wow, I… you even got fresh strawberries?” You say as you reach for the fruits and hold them up. “You really thought of everything, didn’t you?” He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, looking at you and shrugging helplessly. “What can I say? I wanted this to be perfect for you.” And there it is- his signature smile that never fails to send butterflies into your stomach. It was your turn to look away, fingers now fiddling with the picnic blanket. You notice it’s your favourite color, too. “There must be a better word for perfect,” you smile softly as you shake your head. “This is more than perfect.” You almost swore you saw his chest puff as he nodded proudly. He leans over, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Good, now…” Zen picks up a sandwich and holds it to your lips, dipping his head a little in an invitation. “You can have the first bite,” he says in encouragement, his other palm open under your chin and ready to catch any falling crumbs. So you leaned in as well and took a bite, eyes widening a little as you tasted the food. You’d half expected it not to taste as well as it looked- you knew that some places were just good at making their food look pretty- but alas, it actually did taste good. You took turns feeding each other and rating the food, Zen making mental notes about which ones you’d order again from. Between bites you smiled and laughed, your eyebrow raising the moment you spot a certain platter across you. “Hey, Zen,” you say after swallowing, turning your face to look at him. “Where did you learn to make a charcuterie board?” He almost spits out his drink but he pulls it away from his mouth. “Ah, that- well, you see…” He starts, setting his drink down and dusting off his hands. “I remember seeing them in those videos you always watched on TokTik, and-” You see him hesitate and you urge him on, nodding and gesturing with your hand, but the face he makes shows there’s still something holding him back. Zen opens his mouth. And then closes it. He holds up his finger and opens it again, only to pinch that finger between his lips. He sighs, shrugging helplessly before grumbling a little. “I asked Jumin what they were.” “You what?” “Please don’t make me say it again-” It’s not that you wanted Zen to suffer through admitting it again, really, but you could hardly believe what he just said. The look of shock stays on your face for a good few seconds before you reach out and clasp a hand around his. “You did that for me?” you ask, squeezing his hand. All he does is nod and raise your hand to his lips, delicately pressing a soft kiss there before staring at your joined hands, rubbing a thumb over your knuckles. “I know I didn’t really have to, but I did because you always looked like you wanted that type of thing when you’d show me those TokTiks…” You smile fondly as you lean over the damn charcuterie board and kiss his cheek, letting your forehead rest against the side of his face. “Thank you,” you say, and he gently holds the side of your face and keeps you close, chuckling a little before he turns his face. “Anything for you, prince/ss,” he whispers before kissing the very corner of your mouth. And when he pulls away, he tugs on your

arm. “Come here.” So you nod and with joined hands, he pulls you over as you maneuver around on the food, and Zen guides you to lay your head on his lap. “Now,” he says, picking up a cluster of grapes and dangling it over your mouth. “Do you want to try these?” You giggle and open your mouth, closing it around the grape and grabbing a slice of cheese, nibbling on it. “Fancy,” you say, watching him raise the grapes to his own mouth and offering him your cheese after he does, which he gladly accepts. He only laughs at your statement and sets the grapes down, both hands behind him as he leans back and just admires your face. You’re not entirely sure what Zen’s view is of you, but god, the view you had of your man… The oil-painted sunset of the sky was the picture perfect backdrop to the beauty of your boyfriend. It was him- the center of your attention, your only focus. There was a fondness in his eyes, a certain adoration that was there just for you. It’s not like you could see your own expression, but surely enough there was a matching lovesick look you both had that the rest of the world envied. The kind you only ever saw in movies. And Zen had been in movies, yes- but these moments were entirely special. This was real. This was yours. Because you can reach out and touch his face like you do, you can brush your thumb against his cheek and make the corner of his mouth quirk up like that just for you- And you can pull him in gently, like this, because he’ll follow- he’ll always follow, always go wherever you take him. So his lips meet yours, they do, and you kiss him back soft and slow and everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Except with him, you dream with your eyes wide open.

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3 years ago

Right back at you dear ♥️♥️


Right Back At You Dear

WAAAH thank u so much lea, getting it back made me really happy 🥺

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3 years ago

You can look forward to more emotional Vandy + his inner thoughts from me!! There's a lot inside him we don't get to see, I think. And I hope somehow I get to do him justice with the way I portray him- I guess it's me trying to get people to see him through my eyes >_<

I might as well admit now that my MC is usually just me written in second person

Thank you so much, Bee! This genuinely means a lot to me, especially since this is the piece that's most emotional for me by far on here. I'm inspired by your words so much TwT ♡

mystictober day 1: favorite character/ring

vanderwood + ring

words: 730

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!

You carefully threaded the beads one by one, meticulously bringing your design to life. Eight white beads, four black beads, two purple beads, and six smaller gold spacers arranged around one letter-

The letter V.

You secure the ring with a knot, tugging a little and ensuring it was tight enough before trimming the string. Satisfied, you try it on your left hand and hold it up to the light, admiring how it looked.

In restrospect, it might have seemed like a silly little idea. But with your boyfriend-who-isn't-your-boyfriend away on a mission, what else could you do?

Really, you found yourself filling in idle moments of the day by staring at the ring, brushing your thumb against the beads and absentmindedly fiddling with it. You never took it off, not really.

You wanted to keep him with you, even if he wasn't around.

You didn't know when he was coming back. If he was coming back. Where he even was. Such is the life of an agent, you remember him saying one night, his arm around your waist and his fingers twiddling with the material of your shirt.

There was no way for you to contact him. All you could do was hope.

You looked at the facts. This was Vanderwood- the man was built like a machine, his scars proof of his continued survival from mission to mission. This was Vanderwood- a man who has been in this business longer than Seven has, a man who was too stubborn to ever go down easily.

This was Vanderwood.

Surely, he would come back to you.


You pretended not to count the days, to be unaware of how much time has passed since he left. But every night you'd sleep on his side of the bed, pull the sheets up to your nose and drown in whatever was left of his scent, try in vain to replicate the warmth he always wrapped you in- but to no avail.

It was always worth a try though. There wasn't much else you could do.

At least you could sleep at night.

Vanderwood, however, could not.

The man was never of many words, but somehow, he had gone even more quiet. During the mission, all Seven could do was glance at him sympathetically when he wasn't looking. The redhead didn't want to push, but he knew one thing was for sure:

Vanderwood just wanted to get this over with.

He would never say it aloud, but for the first time in his life, he badly wanted to come back. To make it out alive. Yes, he had always tried his best not to die, but now- but now-

He had you.

Vanderwood was not a selfish man. It was less about losing you and more about you losing him. He couldn't do that to you. Couldn't bear to think of how that would make you feel.

You would not waste your tears. He would make sure of that.

The night he makes it back- because of course he makes it back- he finds you fast asleep in bed, clinging tightly to his pillow. Moonlight pours in through the glass of the window, making it seem as though you were glowing. But the light shines on your ring, making the beads glimmer in the dark of the night.

For a man as large as he was, Vanderwood remained quiet, soundless as he moved closer to get a better look at the ring. It wasn't there when he left. The worst scenarios immediately run through his mind, worry flooding his system before he zeroes in on the very center of the ring, on the letter surrounded by his signature colors- the letter V.

He sighs in relief, almost even feels his eyes go misty- not that he'd ever confess that. Instead, he carefully climbs into bed and holds you, succumbing to the best sleep he's had in a while.

In the morning, you wake up with familiar, strong arms around you. You don't have to open your eyes- you know he's still sleeping. So you inhale deeply, breathing him in before pressing the softest kiss on his chin. Your arms embrace him, and the world outside each corner of the very bed falls away.

The rest of the world could wait. Your world was already here, right where it belongs.

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3 years ago

ATTENTION, everyone!

I'm here to say that this fic is 100% worth reading, every single word of it. My dear friend wrote this amazing thing so so well- it takes you through all of the motions. I cried, and I cried even more, and then I laughed, and then I cried again.

It's so well-written, and I say this not just as a friend but as a fellow writer who admires your work insanely. From his office and Jaehee, to Driver Kim in all his wonderfulness and the way his eyes got misty for the two men, to Jumin counting each step he makes towards his best friend's grave- the pain and the longing he felt, and to the RFA, his family, surprising him at his home and making him realize that he is loved.

Thank you for this absolutely wonderful journey you created for Jumin, and I think I can say this on behalf of everyone as well- thank you for taking us along the way, too.

Jumin’s Birthday

Hi! This is my first post and, rightfully so, it will be a “little” 10 page long “drabble”. It’s pretty self indulgent and non-romantic. I’m a sucker for angst and platonic affection, so buckle up, simps. Thank you so much for reading!

Words: 3033

TW: Alcohol, mention of death. 

CW: Spoilers for the secret endings/Saeyoung’s after end 

Keep reading

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