vannilamango - Hi I draw
Hi I draw

Art is my hobby and YouTube my teacher // ENG // 21 Same @ on Tumblr & Pinterest

390 posts

Vannilamango - Hi I Draw - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

Wukong being dence not knowing what he did

In demon courting they kidnap their bride to be

In Demon Courting They Kidnap Their Bride To Be

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6 months ago

Frostfire duo is so cute

You know how most people headcannon that after Bai He's possession, she wouldn't like the cold anymore?

Fun idea: Redson and Bai He as a duo. Bai He uses Redson for warmth (cause that kid is litteraly made of fire at this point.) And if the fire gets to much for Redson, he can get cooler with Bai He!

Bonus idea: Redson tells Bai He about all the stupid stuff Wukong and Nezha would do when they Babysitted him.

Haha love this! Calling them FrostFire Duo! Fire and Ice baby! [Like Boboiboy<3]

I think them being friend is funny because they don't remember how them became friend and they just keep going. Bai He being the less annoying one to Red Son and Bai He just want to learn more about Wukong.

Love the angst with comfort of them being duo. Both of them bonding over spicy food.

You Know How Most People Headcannon That After Bai He's Possession, She Wouldn't Like The Cold Anymore?

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6 months ago

Ally's turned friends in adorable

Tea Time With Sandy Is Always Relaxing
Tea Time With Sandy Is Always Relaxing
Tea Time With Sandy Is Always Relaxing
Tea Time With Sandy Is Always Relaxing
Tea Time With Sandy Is Always Relaxing

Tea time with Sandy is always relaxing

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6 months ago
6 months ago

A single dad/teacher to the most insufferable people alive how he didn't go insane is a mystery to me

A Single Dad/teacher To The Most Insufferable People Alive How He Didn't Go Insane Is A Mystery To Me
A Single Dad/teacher To The Most Insufferable People Alive How He Didn't Go Insane Is A Mystery To Me

anyway I love him and I really hope we get more flashbacks of him in lmk

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6 months ago

Macaques feelings towards wukong

-disclaimer this is just me rambling about something I feel is under utilised in the fandom but I am NOT putting anything else down or saying it’s bad please this just something I’ve had stuck in my head 😭.

In the shadowpeach fandom or the LMK fandom in general I often see wukong being the jealous one or the one who’s awkward and obsessed (or yandere but that’s a whole can of worms on its own) which is fine, but like even canonically in the show? Macaque is OBSESSED with wukong. (Not generally in a “positive”way.

Something happened in there friendship (probably around joining the brotherhood) where macaque stopped seeing wukong as a person and instead an IDOL and HE placed himself behind wukong (his shadow) because of it, no one else put him there and yeah there relationship in general was very much both there fault in some degree. But when you stop viewing someone as a person and instead an idea or fantasy any relationship with them is destined to fail.

When macaque revives he has neutral feelings to everyone maybe fear towards LBD at best, but realistically I don’t even think HE thinks about anyone else except wukong and even back in the brotherhood it’s just wukong not even the others call him brother because he’s not. He’s not there for them he’s there for wukong. When he revives wukong is all he thinks about, when he targets mk he doesn’t even see mk as anything but an extension of wukong just something he can use to get to WUKONG.

Am I saying macaque is a bad unfeeling guy? Well not quite (I’m not up to touching morals and good and bad with 60ft pole rn) unfeeling towards others isn’t true though. In macaques natural state of being (without wukong involved) he’s morally neutral at worst and seems to lean towards neutral good mostly but when wukong enters the picture? Nothing else matters NO ONE else matters and that’s scary.

Wukong in the show (I think this is just a narrative oversight but maybe not) doesn’t really show ANY feelings towards macaque till the later seasons, wukong fights him but only when MK is in danger he seems annoyed at macaque at best but otherwise doesn’t really seem to think about him at all, even when he “teams” up with LBD wukong pays him anymind but only because LBD is involved

[my personal head cannon is that until the defeat of LBD wukong hasn’t processed that macaque is alive and still believes it’s not really him (like he knows it’s macaque on a logical level but hasn’t processed it emotionally) (or he’s also processing that macaque is back AFTER he KILLED him if you believe he did)and that’s why he holds no emotion to him]

In conclusion macaque can be taken to ways with this like in the show he can learn to have healthy relationships and grow OR he can become so much WORSE and I think that’s what’s so fun about fandoms and shipping like yes my old gay monkeys can start to heal and move forward together healthy or they can get worse >:3

[Also wukongs lack of emotionals towards him could be explored to 🤭]

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6 months ago

That is so cool

I Had A Vision
I Had A Vision
I Had A Vision
I Had A Vision
I Had A Vision
I Had A Vision

I had a vision

6 months ago

Why I love fics that put Mac threw the ringer, beating him emotionally, always great to see.

I remember this fic on a03 about having to rescue Wu from the scroll, and there was this black tar thing, that gave Macaque free therapy

It was completed to so that lowers the search

My thoughts on Mackie reposted here

If Macaque truly did abandon Wukong while he was under the mountain serving his I think 500 year punishment he a bad friend, i'm not saying he "needed" to be killed for pulling that but then coming back into Wukong's life?

Like hun no you left for 500 years. Left that man alone with nature to keep him company nobody to talk too and his guards feeding him pellets, leaving him to go mad, you can't just walk that back, like nothing happened, honestly, I'm surprised Wukong can even speak coherently.

Imagine your bestie you knew since ya'll were born, you two always been close, ones not seen without the other right, yall start stealing, it started small coins, old clothes then as the decades past suddenly now you're stealing a diamond, wait wtf how did we get here?!

How you got here was because you're an enabler honey, could've stopped at anytime, instead of saying "it's a bad idea, I won't go through with this", you still did it, went along with it, hell even enjoyed it, since it was thrilling and gave you a rush.

With all this stealing, you keep reminding yourself it's fine its asshole nobles and with your bestie you feel powerful, like you can take on anything, even though you knew the consequences were catching up to you both, you didn't stop just kept going.

Pretty much these to monkeys entire relationship, sorry for the whole stealing analogy this is how it made since in my squishy brain.

In conclusion Macaque was more of a yes man then a friend since a friend is going to tell you how stupid your being, but also not follow with what you're doing especially when what you two are doing will lead to awful things happening, to not just you two but everyone around you

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6 months ago



It's a sketch. I hope one day I can finish it.

The idea is that he was already being controlled from his first appearance.

Macaque is not freed after LBD is defeated, Macaque is returned to the underworld.

In the series, Wukong wasn't surprised at Macaque's first appearance. They may have met once between when Wukong sent Macaque to the underworld and when MK was hurt.

But, in this art, that didn't happen.

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6 months ago

My thoughts on Mackie reposted here

If Macaque truly did abandon Wukong while he was under the mountain serving his I think 500 year punishment he a bad friend, i'm not saying he "needed" to be killed for pulling that but then coming back into Wukong's life?

Like hun no you left for 500 years. Left that man alone with nature to keep him company nobody to talk too and his guards feeding him pellets, leaving him to go mad, you can't just walk that back, like nothing happened, honestly, I'm surprised Wukong can even speak coherently.

Imagine your bestie you knew since ya'll were born, you two always been close, ones not seen without the other right, yall start stealing, it started small coins, old clothes then as the decades past suddenly now you're stealing a diamond, wait wtf how did we get here?!

How you got here was because you're an enabler honey, could've stopped at anytime, instead of saying "it's a bad idea, I won't go through with this", you still did it, went along with it, hell even enjoyed it, since it was thrilling and gave you a rush.

With all this stealing, you keep reminding yourself it's fine its asshole nobles and with your bestie you feel powerful, like you can take on anything, even though you knew the consequences were catching up to you both, you didn't stop just kept going.

Pretty much these to monkeys entire relationship, sorry for the whole stealing analogy this is how it made since in my squishy brain.

In conclusion Macaque was more of a yes man then a friend since a friend is going to tell you how stupid your being, but also not follow with what you're doing especially when what you two are doing will lead to awful things happening, to not just you two but everyone around you

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6 months ago
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s

They are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO talking about their relationship/s

Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU (PREV / FIRST /

Soundtrack of this part is THIS song!

These bitches are so gay it’s not even funny anymore at this point I feel the irritation while drawing the panels for how much I want them to just kiss already.

All the asks I’m answering to can be found under the cut

They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s
They Are DEFINITELY NOT ALSO Talking About Their Relationship/s

Asks by @kardian @goldenthecat @sade-of-spades @winterpower89 @tay-mbt @personthefirstclown @sirus-the-witch @terezsa07 @lmkobsessedmoth

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6 months ago

Beautiful, I pray we get something similar to this

*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)

*cleans the blood from hands* I warned you guys wouldn’t survive this (bc I didn’t either)

Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU (PREV / FIRST / NEXT )

i’m just- tired of fights, I think these emotionally constipated bitches got to fight enough. It’s finally time for the Un-divorce Arc (Also glamour-less Wukong my beloved, I can give you all the scars I want)

these two gay ass monkeys have so much work to do. An apology wont fix everything but it surely is a start.

Have my fav sad OST to listen to while reading this.

*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)
*cleans The Blood From Hands* I Warned You Guys Wouldnt Survive This (bc I Didnt Either)

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6 months ago

Spécial Yellow Tusk croquis. Car j’avais envie de le dessiner un peu. ^^

Spcial Yellow Tusk Croquis. Car Javais Envie De Le Dessiner Un Peu. ^^
Spcial Yellow Tusk Croquis. Car Javais Envie De Le Dessiner Un Peu. ^^
Spcial Yellow Tusk Croquis. Car Javais Envie De Le Dessiner Un Peu. ^^

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6 months ago

This style is so cute and they're interaction is UGH OMG

Juste en train de croquer un peu de past shadowpeach avant de dormir ^^

Juste En Train De Croquer Un Peu De Past Shadowpeach Avant De Dormir ^^
Juste En Train De Croquer Un Peu De Past Shadowpeach Avant De Dormir ^^
Juste En Train De Croquer Un Peu De Past Shadowpeach Avant De Dormir ^^

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6 months ago

Omfg this is so cool

I thought of something really funny but I'm at work, damn it!

anyway, what if macaque is bad at photos, like he's not bad taking photos, but he's non photogenic? he's handsome yeah, but he get his photo taken and his shadows make his photos look haunted? his face is all blurry or it's too dark, there are extra limbs, another hidden face that kinda stuff. his shadows just want to be in the pictures too lol

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6 months ago

I don't know about you, but if the fight between Wukong and Macaque goes the way I'm thinking, I'll be on Sun Wukong's side.

Imagine you go through a lot of torture, fight the heavenly court alone, lose to Buddha, get stuck in a mountain for 500 FUCKING YEARS, and still fight with your ex-friend who is called an obscuring demon. And when you have the opportunity to get out of the mountain by a monk, you still become his "bodyguard" and if you don't protect him you can still be punished if he dies. And after all this, you finally get to call them family, but your ex-friend comes back after 500 YEARS, and you haven't even violated his journey, saying that the guy who freed you is abusing you to convince you to go back to the mountain that you don't even know if he was there or not.


Wukong is not deluded enough to not miss an opportunity like this to be free forever and still have a good family by his side.I think it's ridiculous that Wukong yelled at Macaque like that, although understandable, it was still pretty bad of him. But even so, I'll be on Wukong's side if the conflict with Macaque goes the way I think.

Since I don't think they met during the journey, and much less after the fight on the mountain. These two will only get along when one admits that he was wrong.

6 months ago

Are there fics of Mac doing self care?

I don't care for incomplete fics im to starved to care

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6 months ago

So macs reaction.

Is he scared because of what Wukong would do to a stranger if they saw his head him unglamered?

For your yandere!Wukong AU has anyone other than Wukong seen Macaque completely unglamered? And if someone peaked and did see Macaque like that how would both monkeys react (I assume violence will be Wukong's reaction, but like would he comfort Mac first (if needed) or go do violence first)?

Let’s just say someone did saw but…

For Your Yandere!Wukong AU Has Anyone Other Than Wukong Seen Macaque Completely Unglamered? And If Someone
For Your Yandere!Wukong AU Has Anyone Other Than Wukong Seen Macaque Completely Unglamered? And If Someone
For Your Yandere!Wukong AU Has Anyone Other Than Wukong Seen Macaque Completely Unglamered? And If Someone

It’s ended badly. Wukong gouged out the demon eyes and then smashed his head.

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6 months ago

Thank the Lord, thank you creative duck

vannilamango - Hi I draw
6 months ago

Are there fics were Macaque is afraid of Wukong?

Like he'll have a panic attack if Wukong is near?

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6 months ago
vannilamango - Hi I draw
6 months ago

This is so macaque

I present you

I Present You

Tippy toe Macaque! Idea/inspired by i_macaque on tweeter. So basically the context, twitter in the lmk fandom were discussing if Macaque was tall or not and while I scrolling I saw this art of Macaque on his tippy toes and I was sold.

But Macaque dramatically posing and talking shit about his ex

I Present You

I have more and another idea for Macaque

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6 months ago

So apparently some people new to Tumblr think a repost and a reblog are the same thing, so when they see creators asking for people to not repost, they're thinking the creators are saying to not reblog 😭

Y'all, a repost is when you copy/download the work and create a new post using the work making it seem as if it's yours. A reblog is you using a site provided feature to share the creator's post directly from the creator so that it's still credited to them and they still get all of the traction/notes from the work.

Please, reblog fics/art/etc. that you enjoy! Reblogging is not reposting! Creatives need support too, and reblogging is a way to do that!