Lmk Bai He - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I’m waiting till the day Bai he( whatever the fandom calls her) lmk reveals her age cause bro in my opinion she not a middle schooler or that young I feel like maybe 17-older cause people sometimes think MK and Mei are like teens when really mei is like 23 while MK is still unknown however you must be 18+ to drive in China so yeah😂

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2 years ago
Completely Forgot About This One, Its Called Dad Of The Century CAUSE HE IS - Hed Start His Own Havoc

Completely forgot about this one, it’s called ‘dad of the century’ CAUSE HE IS - he’d start his own havoc in heaven for her and yall can take that hc out of my cold dead hands

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2 years ago
God, This Dragged Out Since School Started And The Artistic Motivation Was SUCKED Out Of My Body. Anyway-

God, this dragged out since school started and the artistic motivation was SUCKED out of my body. Anyway-

Some extra lore for the AU i'm not making since a couple of people asked about Mac's role. I thought about these three outcomes as intersting concepts that could all work - quick disclaimer though these three versions of Mac are all separate entities and have nothing to do with each other (ok the third COULD be a possible outcome of the first but i'll leave it to you guys for interpretation)

Boxer!Mac (left)

Another pro boxer trying to get to the top

Wukong's rival (to no one's surprise)

They always compete, in and out of the ring

they have equal amounts of wins and losses IN the ring though so they're always waiting for the next opportunity to whoop each other's asses

Also bragging rights

Lots of banter but still on decent terms

Even helps train MK when Pigsy or Wukong can't

Teaches Bai He self-defense

Kickboxer!Mac (middle)

Not even in the same martial art as Wukong but the competition's still going strong

They're at the top of their respective sport

They always banter over which martial art is the superior one

"What's wrong, Peaches? Scared I might kick your face in?"

"Bold of you to think you'd get THAT far, Plum, I'd finish you off in one punch!"

They still train together, and even though it's against the official rules in both cases they use their tails as well (it's just for shits n gigs tho, to up the challenge)

Sometimes it looks more like babies fighting in a playpen than actual professionals duking it out in the ring

Those videos are MK's most priced posessions

Former Boxer!Mac (ANGST)

Mac used to be a boxer

He and Wukong only managed to meet in the ring for the championship belt twice, the first time it was a tie and the second one resulted in his current state

During this fight, it was clear to Wukong that Mac was gonna win and out of desperation Wukong broke the rules, used his tail, tripped Mac so he fell and landed with his full weight on his foot and injured his leg

This resulted in Wukong getting severe penalties - not only would he pay for the damages/compensation but he was also banned from participating in boxing for years + his reputation was destroyed

Mac, on the other hand, was rushed to the hospital where he'd spent at least a couple of weeks healing

He didn't take it well when the doctors told him he'd no longer be able to step into the ring

And it took multiple doctors to hold him back when Wukong showed up to check up on him and apologize

Yeah, he didn't take it well

They haven't talked since

He talks to MK though + Bai He helps him out wherever she can

MK wish they'd reconcile

Wukong wish they'd reconcile

Should've thought of that earlier huh

"Reconcile? It's too late for that, MK, he made up his mind when he broke the rules - I guess our friendship wasn't worth more than a belt and a fancy title"

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2 years ago

God, i finally found a way to add audio over my shit - all those tiktok sounds, now at my disposal

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5 months ago

Omg that is adorable

Assorted New AU Things
Assorted New AU Things
Assorted New AU Things

Assorted new AU things❤️‍🩹

There’s a whole lot more to come from this au it’s taken over my brain completely

I’ll create some kind of master post of lore and info at some point but for now…enjoy and see you next time

Assorted New AU Things

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2 years ago

So I started school 3 days ago. But her is macamom and is adopted daughter Bai He 💜💖🐱🌕🌌

So I Started School 3 Days Ago. But Her Is Macamom And Is Adopted Daughter Bai He
So I Started School 3 Days Ago. But Her Is Macamom And Is Adopted Daughter Bai He

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2 years ago

So like Bai He is a total mac fan and is holding a salt agents wukong

So Like Bai He Is A Total Mac Fan And Is Holding A Salt Agents Wukong
So Like Bai He Is A Total Mac Fan And Is Holding A Salt Agents Wukong

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2 years ago

So like I did this though it was funny

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6 months ago
Oh, You Thought I Was Done? Fools.... /jyada Yada, Macaque N Cyno Same ENG VA Blah Blah Blah-so, Naturally,

oh, you thought I was done? Fools.... /j yada yada, Macaque n Cyno same ENG VA blah blah blah- so, naturally, the lil host girl had to be Collei✨


Oh, You Thought I Was Done? Fools.... /jyada Yada, Macaque N Cyno Same ENG VA Blah Blah Blah-so, Naturally,

also, guess who~

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5 months ago
He Was NOT Prepared
He Was NOT Prepared

He Was NOT Prepared 💜🩵

I’m sure he’ll take this well and nothing bad will happen….

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5 months ago

Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Special

Embrace Your Destiny 5/5

Last Time: The animators chose perspective as their secret weapon for this fight, MK and Wukong showed unconditional trust in each other, the power of friendship defeated evil, Lady Bone Demon had a moment of clarity before she vaporizes into nothingness, and I used way too many pictures… apparently.

And finally, on with the show!

“He was saving that for me, because ya know- I’m his mentor!”

Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Special

Someone is still salty about s1ep9. Though seriously, I am always so amazed and grateful how quickly Wukong forgave MK for that blunder. And he really did forgive him. No holding it over the kid's head, no doubting or being suspicious of where MK’s loyalties lie. The writers could have seriously bogged us down with a ‘I don’t trust you anymore’ arc. But once again Wukong shows just how mature he can be plus how much he believes in the goodness of MK’s heart. It's almost like it's ingrained in him to just trust MK no matter what. Hehehe…. funny that, right?

Don’t think about season 5, don’t think about season 5, don’t think about season 5.

Macaque making sure to say goodbye to MK. And not just goodbye, a promise to see him again.

Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Special

Welcome to fatherhood, Macaque. MK always needs more dads.

“I know I can never make it up to you. Honestly I never thought I could live as long as I have, let alone be someone’s mentor. Turns out I’m not very good at it. I guess what I’m trying to say is… I’m sorry MK, for all of it.”

Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Special

I just…. Just let me cry for a moment. An adult making sure to appologise to a child. To admit their wrongs, justifying the hurt feelings of abandonment the kid may have felt because of them. Wukong really cares about MK, and is finally ready to be vulnerable and honest with him. This means so much to me!

“Sometimes I just play dumb to lighten the mood.”

Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Special

Speaking of honesty. 

Man MK, way to make the audience scream. All of those fanfic writers, theorists, and artists who were headcannoning your goofy attitude as a defense mechanism to deal with tough or tense situations were basking in validation at this moment. I know I was.

Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Special

Every season needs to end with these two hugging. I swear. Its so good for my mental health.

Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Special

Bai He my precious daughter!

Love to see Pigsy and Mo go right back to work warming hearts and healing lives.

Its my girl! And our two favourite scoundrels!

Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Special

They are friends! Oh I am so happy for her! Look at Scorpion Queen exploring new places and making new friends all on her own! She’s really come a long way from her isolation in the forest.

In a show that only has 20 minutes an episode (excluding once a blue moon where they get a short movie) quick scenes like this are the only way the show has to let us know they haven’t forgotten the side characters, and that those peeps are getting further development- even if most of it we have to glean from subtext. 

Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Special

Wha- whathwhwhwhaahwahwaWHAWHAWHAAAAAAA!

I have been rewarded once more!!! Rewatch this show guys there is so much you’ll pick up that you missed or could not have possibly realised was relevant/foreshadowing/important-to-the-story-later on. The buildup of this universe is fantastic!

Anyway, that’s a wrap for the special! For real this time.

I cannot wait to get cracking on the next season. Azure was a very cool character and now that I know a little bit more about the Journey to the West, I’m sure I’ll discover new and insteresting details to drool over.

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7 months ago

Bai He has magic now do you See my vision; Bai He is watching everyone develop powers with their fragment of celestial power, and she can't even bring herself to try because she has such a bad, bad feeling about it; Bai He can feel the celestial power thrumming in her core and she just can't bring herself to reach out and grab it because she knows, she knows; Bai He, a child already exposed to the Lady Bone Demon's power, a child who hosted ice shards and whispers of death in her very being, has magic and she can feel it hiding there, begging to be unleashed, but she just can't do it; Bai He wakes up with frost on her fingertips and reasons it must be the open window, and she knows how ridiculous of an excuse it is--especially on the nights when her window is shut and locked--but she can't stand to look at it, or think about it, or even consider the implications that the Lady still lingers; Bai He has magic now do you SEE my VISION, DO YOU SEE-

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6 months ago

Frostfire duo is so cute

You know how most people headcannon that after Bai He's possession, she wouldn't like the cold anymore?

Fun idea: Redson and Bai He as a duo. Bai He uses Redson for warmth (cause that kid is litteraly made of fire at this point.) And if the fire gets to much for Redson, he can get cooler with Bai He!

Bonus idea: Redson tells Bai He about all the stupid stuff Wukong and Nezha would do when they Babysitted him.

Haha love this! Calling them FrostFire Duo! Fire and Ice baby! [Like Boboiboy<3]

I think them being friend is funny because they don't remember how them became friend and they just keep going. Bai He being the less annoying one to Red Son and Bai He just want to learn more about Wukong.

Love the angst with comfort of them being duo. Both of them bonding over spicy food.

You Know How Most People Headcannon That After Bai He's Possession, She Wouldn't Like The Cold Anymore?

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