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When I Do A Really Good Job On Something Completely Inconsequential And Pointless I Do Still Feel Kind

When I do a really good job on something completely inconsequential and pointless I do still feel kind of angry with myself sometimes, as though I've wasted it.
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It explains so much
"Maybe list the years you used it "professionally" and then add the years you've used it "casually/recreationally." This now sounds like a drug of some kind"
"If photoshop is a drug, it's the cocaine of programs. =|a You're up all hours panting over it, and it steals all your money. And then it crashes and you're sobbing brokenly and despondent at all that you've lost."
"Fifteen minutes later, you're loading it back up and ready to go."

Not sure who cyberpunk guy is or what he's going to be wearing as he surveys his city, but I do know that it's courtesy of listening to too much Vangelis in the very wee hours of this morning. Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?

The esteemed E.L. Reading, lately of Fallen London.
I might be bored and painting Jun's EBZ character. What of it.
Yes the anatomy and perspective are horrifying. Ugh I need more practice.