Finished Painting - Tumblr Posts

13 years ago
It's Done \o/

It's done \o/

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13 years ago
So I Saw Harry Potter Last Night At Midnight And Spent Today Cleaning The Bathrooms, So Not A Lot Of

So I saw Harry Potter last night at midnight and spent today cleaning the bathrooms, so not a lot of art recently except finishing this and last night's Voldepus - that no one even acknowledged. What is wrong with you all? Geez. I give you all my tentacly masterpiece and people just scroll on past.

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13 years ago
Headshot-without-reference Practice Uh Idk Everytime I Draw This Character He Ends Up Stupidly Pretty

Headshot-without-reference practice uh idk everytime I draw this character he ends up stupidly pretty when he's really not supposed to be but whatever he's a mary sue anyways.

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13 years ago
This Took So Long To Paint But I'm So Happy With How It Turned Out. *____* Kid!Loki Is The Cutest Thing

This took so long to paint but I'm so happy with how it turned out. *____* Kid!Loki is the cutest thing ever.

I'm never drawing another bird again. 

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12 years ago
Out Of Various Avengers Pairing/porn Prompts My Friends Gave Me, This One Turned Out Presentable.

Out of various Avengers pairing/porn prompts my friends gave me, this one turned out presentable.

As it damn well should have, because, well, red-heads.

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12 years ago
Inspired ByJourney Into Mystery 645's Solicitation.

Inspired by Journey into Mystery 645's solicitation.

The series' fabulous storytelling has ensured that even just the idea of a conclusion gives me a dozen conflicting emotions.

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12 years ago
Read Today's Issue. Lie Down. Try Not To Cry. Cry A Lot.

Read today's issue. Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.

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12 years ago
And I've Been Putting Out Fire With Gasoline.

And I've been putting out fire with gasoline.

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12 years ago
My Last Entry ForKeiiii And Ladyfox's Contest On Gaia.

My last entry for Keiiii and Ladyfox's contest on Gaia. 

I do not know what subtlety is, and even if I did, I wouldn't want to use it. That said, I think what this picture needs is a few lensflares and explosions. Maybe a helicopter blowing up in the background somewhere. Yeah. That's the stuff.

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12 years ago
For A While I've Had An Idea For A Story About Gen Y, Escapism, And How Those Interact With A Generational

For a while I've had an idea for a story about gen Y, escapism, and how those interact with a generational coming-of-age into a culture and economy that was really only looking for cheap and homogeneous labor.

It's a weird visit down the rabbit hole that I came up with at a point in my life when I wasn't sure if it wouldn't be easier to never come home from Oz, if you know what I mean. And really, that's the central conflict of the whole thing - if you have a magical world to save, what do you gain by coming home to living in a dirty apartment with a menial job and debt and depression? But the plot isn't necessarily important to drawing pictures of it for emotional catharsis.

I'm probably going to do more pictures from the idea, now that I've started drawing some out they're kind of addictive since the aesthetic ended up stuck somewhere in the vicinity of "shoujo manga directed by jj abrams."

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12 years ago
Due To A Lot Of Personal Issues This Month This Painting Didn't Really Turn Out What I Meant For It To

Due to a lot of personal issues this month this painting didn't really turn out what I meant for it to be, but I still learned a lot while working on it. I guess that's good.

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11 years ago
I Was Fixing Her Hands And Face Before Uploading It To DA, So I Figured I'd Repost The Changes Here.

I was fixing her hands and face before uploading it to dA, so I figured I'd repost the changes here.

Also, issue 4 was amazing.

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11 years ago
When Rome's In Ruins, We Are The Lions.

When Rome's in ruins, we are the lions.

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11 years ago
1st Of A Series Of Video Game Ladies That Are Personally Significant To Me, As A Woman Who Plays Video

1st of a series of video game ladies that are personally significant to me, as a woman who plays video games.

So of course the first one I did had to be Ashe. Ashe is the fine line between righteous vengeance and power-driven vigilante... in a pink mini-skirt. She's a contrast to a lot of other characters from the Ivalice games - someone who builds their own happy ending, on their own terms, without selling their soul to do it. But never does that seem like it's a given, either.

FFXII has a lot of important dudes, but one thing about it that always stood out to me is that Ashe's choice is really the fundamental choice of the whole game. Her decision in the end is the climax and the crux of the entire story. 

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11 years ago
2nd Picture For My Lady Video Game Character Series - Aqua.

2nd picture for my lady video game character series - Aqua.

All of the BBS characters have their tragic flaws, but I can't help but think that Aqua's is simply that she loves the others too much to let them fall alone. She's the wisest of the trio, the pillar of grace and wisdom in the group, but she's not an island (nor is the message ever that she should be).

She's a keyblade master who destroys monsters with cartwheels. She's feminine, powerful, and an actual knight in shining armor who goes off on an adventure and and rescues the captives in distress - the boys in the game. 

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11 years ago
They Counted On The Humans To Hide, To Give Up, To Fail. They Never Considered Our Ability To Stand,

They counted on the humans to hide, to give up, to fail.  They never considered our ability to stand, to endure, that we’d rise to the challenge.

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11 years ago
Mecha Stories Are Really Dear To My Heart, Like Superhero Ones, Because They Are This Pop-culture Pre-established,

Mecha stories are really dear to my heart, like superhero ones, because they are this pop-culture pre-established, familiar setting type that allows for larger-than-life stories. I don't really remember the first superhero movie I saw that made me really stand up and realize that someone else got it, that someone out there in Hollywood understood the stories I grew up with and wanted to tell them on the big screen with the same emotion and energy and thrill.

But I think I will always remember the first Hollywood big-budget mecha movie that made me feel that way. Right now I just keep hoping it won't be the only one.

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