Keith enthusiastđŸ€›i really like voltron and pjo so I write about it | Requests Closed

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I Think I Might Make My Recent Post Two Parts Cuz Idk How To Format My Links

I think I might make my recent post two parts cuz idk how to format my links💔💔💔

More Posts from Voltronisanobsession

2 years ago

Compromised - Platonic Yandere! Voltron x Reader

Compromised - Platonic Yandere! Voltron X Reader

This was a lot longer than what I intended it to be but whateverđŸ”„

Compromised - Platonic Yandere! Voltron X Reader

The rapid sound of footsteps echoed through the hallways, a sense of urgency present with each step taken. As the door came into view, the one door that held the most important thing in the universe, a sigh of relief was heard in the now quiet hall. He tried listening through the door for any signs of life, in which he received none, causing him to abruptly open the door.

There you laid on a bed, eyes tracing the ceiling blankly, ignoring the intruding figure at the entrance of your room. “Why didn’t you respond to the communicator Y/N?”

Turning your head, you stared at Shiro for a few seconds before ultimately deciding to stand up. “Sorry Shiro, I was just having so much fun. In this empty room. Doing absolutely nothing. Dying from absolute excitement.” The sarcasm seeped out like venom with each word, causing the man to wince.

Sighing, he responded, “I know staying in here isn’t an exactly ideal situation, but it’s the best way in keeping you safe.” Hopefully you would understand this time.

“Keeping me safe from what? The Galra? Space? You guys aren’t protecting me from anything, you’re only scared of what could happen to me.”

“Y/N.” Shiro just couldn’t understand how you didn’t see all the dangers that lay beyond the castle walls. How they’ve faced death on so many occasions just so they could continue saving the universe.

“No! It isn’t fair that I’m stuck locked in this stupid room with you saying you’re protecting me when you guys willingly throw yourselves in the face of danger! I can defend myself, I’m a paladin of Voltron too!”

“No you cannot Y/N. Remember how Keith had to save you from that Galra soldier who tried slicing you in half? Or how you lost your bayard because you were too busy trying to escape one of the sentrys’ shooting at you? Everything we do is for you, whether you choose to see that is on you.”

In frustration, you grabbed the nearest item (aka a pillow) and threw it against the wall, watching the feathers explode from its case. This wasn’t fair.

“I got my bayard in the end though! And if I lose my bayard again I can always try to summon it back like you did! I’m more than just some item to be kept away forever. I am a part of this team as much as anyone else!”

Dragging his metal hand across his face, Shiro had to take a deep breath before walking fully into the room, sitting on your bed after locking the door behind him. He patted the spot next to him, urging you to sit with him, which you reluctantly did.

“I was only able to get the black lions’ bayard by chance Y/N. In a real situation, if your bayard was taken from you, the chances of you successfully summoning your bayard is extremely low.” This caused you to deflate a bit.

“We know how bad you want to join us during missions, but putting you out in the field is too much of a risk we don’t want to take. Y/n, please, you have to see how important you are to all of us. The thought of you getting hurt physically pains me.”

This caused you to hang your head low, making Shiro think he finally knocked some sense into you. “But you guys get hurt too. Why am I the only exception? If you just give me the opportunity to show you all I can be helpful then I wouldn’t constantly fight against you.”

“You don’t even have a lion Y/N. You know yours was destroyed during the creation of the lions, so even if we were to allow you on missions you wouldn’t be able to do much. It’s better to have you away from battle.

Finally getting fed up, you sprang from the bed onto your feet which surprised Shiro. You didn’t care if they didn’t allow you into battle. You didn’t care if you had to stay with Coran watching and aiding from the sidelines, you just wanted to be out of this room.

Suddenly Allura’s voice rang throughout the castle and in your room from the speakers. “Shiro we need you in the bridge immediately.”

You watched with intense eyes as the man got up from your bed, heading towards the door of the room. “Shiro if you leave without me right now, I promise you I will do everything in my power to leave by myself.”

Shiro hesitated for a moment, hearing how bitter the words were. Looking back, all he could see was the anger in your eyes, as if you already knew what he was going to say.

“I’m sorry Y/N, we’ll continue talking about this when I come back.” This caused you to flop on your bed staring straight up at the ceiling once again, just like how he had originally found you.

Opening the door, he looked back once more, departing with his final words, “Please make sure you respond to the communicator on time.”

Receiving no reply, Shiro walked out, locked the door, and began heading to the control room, completely unaware of your quiet plans.

Sitting up, you listened as Shiro’s footsteps became quieter the further he walked away from your room until there was nothing but silence. Closing your eyes, you began focusing on the one thing you’ve been training yourself for after all this time. Shiro was able to summon the black lions bayard from a vast distance, who’s to say you couldn’t do it either.

Despite Shiro’s past words echoing in your mind, you brushed it off, almost feeling like this will finally be the attempt that will succeed. Having your bayard would mean being able to get out of the suffocating room, and a chance at freedom. You were taking a huge risk in attempting this but at this point, nothing else really mattered. Only the thought of freedom was keeping your fire burning.

Concentrating hard, you began slowing your heartbeat, taking deep breaths, and trying to connect yourself to your bayard. Searching, it took a while before you found the resembling energy of your bayard. It was faint, very faint actually, showing the distance between you and your beacon of hope.

Opening your hand slightly, you began imagining the feeling of the bayard, remembering how it weighed in your hand and remembering the energy it had given you in the short moments you had it.

It was yours, it’s energy finally connecting with your own. The feeling was uncomfortable at first, it was almost like something was being shoved into your body, making you feel a whole new energy present.

A bright light flashed causing your heartbeat to accelerate, praying that the light was really what you thought it was. Slowly opening your eyes, the heavy weight in your hand confirmed your prayers. The bayard was clutched in your hand, gleaming under the light of your room.

“YES! YESYESYESYES YEEESSS!” Jumping on the bed with joy, your eyes slightly filled with tears. You knew you could do it! Everything they’ve said about you was wrong!

“Oh my gosh I actually did it! Haha suck on that Shiro!” Your bayard transformed into your weapon, the feeling of your dagger familiar and comforting as you ran to the door. Forcing the dagger between the wall and the door, you grunted from the force you applied as you tried opening it.

Slowly but surely, it slowly began to slide open, the small opening being forced wide enough for your whole body to fit through.

You needed to get to an escape pod immediately before any of them noticed you were running around the castle freely. You’ll figure out step two once you’re out of the castle.

Sprinting through the corridors, you realized you were on the opposite side of where you needed to be. You could only hope you made it far enough before one of them took notice.

While the others spoke of their next move against the Galra, Coran was busy loading up information onto the system, when he got a small pop up of a small dot traveling quickly through the halls.

“Uh guys? I think we may have a problem.” Quickly tapping around, he pulled up a camera to your room first, eyes widening as he saw the forced opening of your door.

“What’s going on Coran?” Hunk moved next to the shocked man, his own eyes opening wide while the rest of the group gathered around quickly. Keith was the first one to dash out of the room not wanting to waste another second as you ran through the halls of the castle.

“How did they even do that?!” Lance quickly grabbed his bayard, anxiously waiting for instructions. The group watched as Coran replayed the video, seeing you struggling while trying to open the door with your dagger, the one thing their eyes focused on immediately.

“Alright team let’s move out! Coran do you have any idea where Y/N could be heading?” Hunk and Pidge went to retrieve their own bayards while Allura stared at the screen with a blank face.

“Uuummm from what I’m seeing, they’re trying to get to the opposite side of the castle!”

“Y/N is trying to get to the escape pods.” Allura was awoken from her trance like state, running towards the doors of the control room, everyone following after her.

“Here you go paladins! Y/N is a bit ahead of you all but it seems Keith is near them.” A map popped up in the group’s helmets, the red dot a stark contrast against the six blue dots that moved across a map of the castle.

“Alright listen up! Our best bet is to try and cut Y/N off from their path. We need to lead them back to the control room, there we’ll have the upper hand in a more enclosed space!” Shiro’s voice was strong and powerful as he spoke, the others grunting in agreement as they all continued running down the corridors.

“Found them!” Keith yelled out as the group followed to where his and Y/N’s dot were shown on the map.

Quickly turning the corner, Pidge was abruptly shoved into a wall as Allura saved her from the flying knife heading her way.


“WHY CAN’T YOU GUYS JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” You yelled out in frustration, blocking Keith’s attacks with your much smaller blade. Kicking him back, Keith stumbled onto Lance, causing both of them to tumble onto the ground.

Running around the next corner, the rest of the team followed after you.

“Remember the plan guys! Left!” In confusion, you looked back only to see a blast coming straight for you on your right. Quickly jumping to the left, you turned the left corner in order to avoid Lance and Hunks’ nonstop firing.

Running down the hall, you were about to make a right until Shiro yelled out, “Left!”

You watched with wide and shocked eyes as Keith’s sword flew straight past your head and into the wall in front of you. This caused you to stumble a little into the wall, running towards the left once again.

“WHAT THE HELL KEITH! ARE YOU ACTUALLY TRYING TO KILL ME?!” After running down multiple hallways, it didn’t take you long to figure out they were trying to lead you somewhere as you began recognizing some of the rooms you ran by.

Were they trying to herd you into one of the rooms?! Looking back once again, you noticed how concentrated all of them looked as they followed you down each turn. Deciding to take the ultimate risk, you headed in the opposite direction Shiro yelled out. “Left!”

Taking a breath in, you ducked past Allura’s whip as she threw it rather aggressively, instead heading towards the right. You needed to get to a pod asap, you were beginning to grow tired.

You used your advantage to put as much space between you and the paladins as they stumbled confused into a wall after you didn’t turn into the direction they were leading you to.

“Uh guys! I think Y/N found out what we’re trying to do!” Hunk yelled out as he quickly pushed himself off the wall, huffing a bit as exhaustion began seeping through his bones.

“No kidding! What do we do now?!” Lance could only run so fast before he began falling behind with Hunk.

“Run!” Keith could feel his heart thumping against his chest, watching as you turned the final corner before disappearing from their sight. Pushing harder, he, Allura, and Shiro swiftly followed after you with Pidge close behind.

You finally had made it to one of the escape pods, quickly trying to open it before hearing a loud shout.

“I’m sorry Y/N!” Next thing you knew, a wire was wrapped around your leg and you were yanked off the pod. Grunting out in pain from the harsh landing, you quickly in return yanked Pidge’s cord with all your strength causing her to lose her balance.

“Y/N please! What has gotten into you?!” Allura was huffing a bit yet she was filled with enough energy to fight if needed.

“What has gotten into ME?! I absolutely refuse to be locked up again!” At this, Lance and Hunk busted through and into the room where all of you stood tensely, waiting for someone to make a move.

You stood your ground, clutching onto your dagger tightly, watching silently before noticing Keith eyeing your weapon.

“How did you get that?”

“Doesn’t matter how I got it. Let me go.”

Furrowing his eyebrows, Keith began to run towards you before he felt a hand clamping over his shoulder. You stood in a more defensive position after the abrupt movement. Keith’s angry eyes made contact with Shiro’s narrowed ones.

“You can’t leave Y/N. Even if you get into the pod you won’t be able to get out of the castle.”

You wouldn’t let them see how your hands shook, you won’t let them know that you knew Shiro was right. Not after you came this far. Not when you were so close to freedom.

That’s when an idea came into your head.

Quickly, you pointed the dagger straight over your heart, now knowing you had the upper hand as you heard the gasps coming from all of them. You were only bluffing but with the state you were in, they didn’t know that.

“Y/N!” Hunk gasped in shock, hands suddenly trembling with fear. Allura gulped audibly, her hands now tightly clutching her weapon, hoping that’ll lower her nerves.

“Y/N please. Please take that away from you.” Keith’s voice strained in anxiety, eyes wide as he watched you take a few steps back. Lance lowered his gun, hoping that that might calm you down.

“There’s a better way this could end.” Shiro looked at the group, fear present in all of their eyes. Pidge was the first one to drop her bayard, almost sensing that was the only way to pacify you.

“Thanks Pidge. Now the rest of you, drop your weapons.” They all hesitated until you threateningly moved the dagger closer to your chest. Quickly, Lance dropped his weapon with Hunk following after him. After intensely staring at you, Allura threw down her bayard, hearing it clank loudly against the floor.

Being the last one, Keith looked over to Shiro, seeing the man nod, he dropped his sword, watching it turn back to its original form. You had completely forgotten about his knife, seeing as you soon began to relax a bit.

“We’re willing to work with you Y/N. But not if you’re openly threatening your own life.” Allura’s voice was sharp, yet you could hear the slight tremble in her voice.

Glancing at all of them one last time, you slowly lowered you weapon, letting your arms fall to your side. Walking over to the spacecraft, you leaned against it and had to hold back a chuckle as you saw all of them flinch the closer you got to the ship.

“I don’t want to be locked up anymore.” Was the first thing you said after a few moments of silence. Shiro clenched his jaw, already knowing where this was heading.

“You all say this was for the better but I was slowly going insane trapped in there. You all seem to know me well. You know under normal circumstances, I would never go against you guys.”

You slowly walked up to the group, glancing around to find a camera pointed directly at you all, knowing Coran was watching how this all went down. Like a predator stalking its prey, you circled around them, kicking their bayards further away from them, one by one.

Now standing in front of them, at a distance, you looked at them each in the eyes.

“Now let’s talk.”

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2 years ago

Hi Jay!! I hope your doing good! Could I possibly request a pidge (Voltron) w/ a baker reader? Headcanons or Oneshot, it's your choice! :)

Take care of yourself love! -CJ <3

Baking Headcanons: Pidge x Reader

A/N: Hey CJ <3 This was so fun to write! I added both headcanons and one-shot format for you, hope these sufficed!

Warnings: None that I know of!

Eats only your and Hunk's food. As does almost everyone else on team Voltron.

You learned how to bake from your mother before leaving and joining Voltron as the Paladin of the C/L .

You try to get her to join you whilst baking, but she's normally just there as a taste-tester. She's not really into baking or cooking.

She is willing to try though. Never said no to trying new things that her friends liked.

You smile as she compliments your baking. Makes you feel special.

Walking past the kitchen she'll take a quick whiff before seeing you take a batch of cookies out of the oven.

She was at first skeptical at tasing your pastries, she was with Lance, Keith, and Shiro as well while you and Hunk stood side-by-side beside the team.

They all liked your food, but they all had second regrets though, but they still liked it.

Pidge was the first to dig into your food after the others had second thoughts about your food.

She felt bad the boys didn't seem to trust your baking, so she proved them wrong by stuffing her entire face with your food.

"Y/N...made this?" Lance questions and you nod frantically, "All done by moi!" You grinned. Lance, Keith, and Shiro looked at the food in front of them. It was just a slice of chocolate cake, home-made cake

"Have any of you guys ever seen Y/N in the kitchen?" Keith asks whilst the two other men shook their heads.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just what you think it means, L/N." Keith crossed his arms over his shoulders, not trusting your food. "No offense, Y/N, but I haven't seen you in the almost forever. Who taught you how to bake?" Shiro asked, picking up the single utensil that sat beside the white plate.

"My mother. Before I left for all this Voltron stuff, she taught me a thing or two about baking." You replied, your voice quiet. Pidge noticed the way you twiddled your thumbs as you spoke.

Shiro smiled softly, "I'm sure it will taste amazing."

"Speak for yourself-" Lance was cut off by Keith stepping on his foot, causing the Cuban to puff out his cheeks, trying his hardest not to scream.

Pidge looked at the others with a disgusted look, they haven't even taken a single bite and they're already acting like this? She spoke to herself mentally, looking at the cake.

It didn't look like it was made from Hell's Kitchen, it actually looked like a decent slice of cake. What was the big deal? Sure they were all used to Hunk's cooking, but that doesn't you have to be mean about someone else's cooking!

She wanted to shout that out but she didn't want to embarrass herself, or you.

Without a warning, Pidge slammed her fists to the table and stood up. She didn't even bother to touch the utensil and grabbed the cake with her bare hands.

Upon seeing this, you all were star-struck watching as she took several bites of the cake. She finished the small slice in less than 2 minutes and her mouth was covered in chocolate.

Swallowing the food, Pidge looked at the three men beside her and just stared at her in pure shock. "Ew.." Lance shivers at what he's watched. Keith was just in shock and Shiro just sat there, about to take a bite of cake that was hovered in front of his mouth, a fork stabbed into it.

Hunk and you shared the same expression, except you had a small smile on your face. "Heh, do-do you like it, Pidge?" You asked and the girl uses a napkin to wipe the chocolate off her lips.

"Very much! Hey, Lance? You're gonna eat that?"

Ever since that dilemma, Pidge was the first to try your pastries.

You now make her, and only her, some of her favorites! When she's having a rough day, all she needs is some of your pastries and she's good to go!

VOLTRON taglist 🩭: @tempons @voltronisanobsession

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Wait I have an idea. How would Allura react to seeing her past lover reincarnated and ending up on Arus with the gang once she’s woken up? Like would she realize immediately that you’re not the same person she once knew? Would she noticed how you don’t have Altean markings or how your ears are more rounded?

Or would she only focus on your familiar face and quickly jump on you, thankful that you were ok. You’re just standing there confused on why this alien princess is hugging you since you’ve never seen her in your life.

Her face falling immediately once you tell her you don’t seem to recognize her. That’s when she would start to realize her nightmare becoming a reality.

“Wait, where are your markings? And your ears, they’re different. Did you cut your hair? What happened to you?”

“I’m sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Allura would be in denial, trying to help you remember all the memories you both once shared. Clutching onto your hands, not realizing that she’s quickly making you uncomfortable with her hysteric actions.

Only when Coran steps in to gently detach her from you will she accept this awful outcome. She wouldn’t be able to look at you for a while after your first meeting, not when you share the same face of her dead lover. And your voice. She stiffens whenever you speak, but you quickly catch onto this.

It would take a while for both of you to find some common ground as Allura would purposely distance herself from you while you do the same, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable in your presence. Coran definitely helps the princess through these times since he knows exactly what she going through.

He would try his best to remind her that you aren’t the same person they once knew. You were different and they needed to accept that. She needed to accept that.

After that, Allura would slowly begin talking to you, though she was still awkward around you. You didn’t mind though because it was still an effort she was putting in.

Even though she constantly reminded herself that you were a different person, Allura couldn’t help but notice the similar things you would do that made her mind wander to the past.

How you would pull on your left index finger when you were anxious. Or how you would begin scratching the same spot on your eyebrow when you were nervous. Or how you would twist your body from left to right when you grew bored.

It seemed as if you were the same person she once knew but hearing someone call out your name always brought her back to reality.

I think you would have a serious conversation regarding this. You would notice how Allura can’t fully allow herself to be comfortable around you and while you tried to understand, it still bothered you nonetheless.

Allura would be upfront with you, hesitantly saying that despite knowing better, she can’t help but think of you from the past. She couldn’t help but make small comparisons of what was different and what was similar between the two of you.

Seeing how you responded to this, the princess would make an even more effort to befriend you, having to finally accept you were here now, despite being a whole new person.

She would be able to read you easily, know when you were upset over something. Knows how to make you feel better too! You would feel more at easy with her too since now she was treating you more as part of the team, as her friend.

So while she does miss the person you once were before, she has grown to care for the person you are now, seeing you as your own person.💔💔

Wait I Have An Idea. How Would Allura React To Seeing Her Past Lover Reincarnated And Ending Up On Arus

(this gif of her is so pretty oml)

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2 years ago

Hunk having a crush on Reader

Hunk Having A Crush On Reader

This was requested by @jello-jellyzz, who wanted Hunk with a crush!! I had so much fun writing him, i adore hunk smđŸ˜»đŸ«¶

Hunk Having A Crush On Reader




Like you guys are able to bond over so many things, like cooking, getting sick easily, so much funđŸ€©

I think what really helps settle Hunks crush is how much empathy you show

He appreciates how you’re able to be so kind to those around you, makes him sigh in happiness

He doesn’t realize that he has a crush on you until some of the other paladins (Lance I’m looking at you) begin teasing him about

At first he thought you know it was a platonic feeling but the more he thought about it, how his heart slightly sped up when you were around, and how he stared at you often, admiring your presence, when you all had meetings

It clicks in his head that, yes, Hunk indeed has a crush on you

He starts acting a little
 strange whenever you’re around

He also starts slightly stuttering when talking to you AHH💔💔💔

Now that he actually confirmed his feelings for you, he’s so much more nervous with you

He feels like being around you is COMPLETELY different than before

But you on the other hand are so confused on what’s happening

You just see him entering a room you’re in and abruptly shoot out once he notices you

And you notice how he begins to avoid eye contact with you which made you MORE suspicious of his behavior

Had you done something wrong? Maybe he didn’t want to be your friend anymore? Did he find out about your crush on him???

Long conversations are now mostly small talk between the two of you due to Hunks brain short circuiting most of the time

He just gets so distracted with staring at you that what you say goes in one ear and out the other

You probably go to Pidge to like try and figure out what’s wrong with him

“And he doesn’t even talk to me anymore! Well I mean he does, but it’s not the same!”

Cue Pidge sighing

“Are you seriously that oblivious?”

Cue you being confused

Pidge brings this up with Hunk (so slay of her), which makes him feel bad cuz now it looks like he doesn’t want to be around you anymore

So he begins cooking you food and pastries to make you feel better

I think that’s what gets you guys back on track, immediately going back to how it was

But Hunk doesn’t want what you guys had before, homeboy wants more💔

He definitely goes to Lance to get some advice

Razzle dazzle baby

After his meeting with Lance, he’s got a mini journal full of (awful) pick up lines

Hunk uses them on you but because they’re so bad and how he says it, you usually take it as a joke and laugh at them

“Are you a black hole? Cuz uhh
 oh oh! Cuz you seem to be sucking the heart right out of me!”

“Real smooth Hunk” (Hunk and Lance spent so much time thinking of that)

But despite the silliness of the pickup lines, your heart flutters at the thought of them being genuine

While cooking everyone’s meals, he tends to put more effort and time into your dish, wanting it to be perfect

Food is his love language (hunk makes me sad in a good way)

After getting over his crush nervousness, Hunk does grow a little more confident while being around you

He’s way more talkative and since he’s so happy around you, his energy just starts clingy to you

Both of you are so smiley when your together that it’s so painfully obvious to the other members that you have a crush on each other

But Hunk does feel a little insecure because what if you don’t like him the same way?

Keith has to straight up tell him to just go for it, that he’ll never know what you feel towards him if he doesn’t say anything

And so he sets up this cute little dinner thing with you AND IT WOULD JUST BE SO SWEET

He’s so nervous when confessing but just imagine his HAPPINESS when you you return his feelings!!!!!

Overall, Hunk having a crush on you is just a lovely experience

He’s so gentle and caring

I love Hunk so much it hurts 💔💔

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could I request a very fluffy keith x reader headcanons where they're having a bonding moment (hehe, I cradled you into my arms) because they ended up on a planet during a mission and are waiting for rescue? you don't have to do this if you don't like it of course!

HELLO YOU ARE MY FIRST REQUEST ANON AND ILYSM đŸ„° yes I love love love this idea. Also, i had a hard time writing this as headcanons so I decided to write it as like a headcanon/imagine hybrid kinda thing. I hope that’s cool
 sorry I’m new to writing this stuff. ALSO this turned out so long I got carried away soRRYYY. Enjoy~

Ps: plz plz plz request more. Somebody, anybody? Thnx 💋

y’all are stuck on a planet where the atmosphere is mostly made up of sulfur so it’s not breathable for humans like you

Keith would be pacing non stop, trying to get in contact with the team. He’s so mad his face is nearly as red as his armor.

You are much less worried, knowing that brainiac Pidge would find y’all eventually

It was supposed to be an easy mission, just responding to a distress signal. You and Keith were sent together bc you two work really well together, but when the galra swooped in, you knew it was a setup to steal the red lion.

Of course, Keith took them all out but not without red taking a couple heavy blows

Red needed to rest now that the imminent threat had been neutralized. The lion fought hard without help from the others and would not respond to either of you
and Keith was not handling it well

“C’mon red! You’re gonna give up on me now?! Ugh, you really are the most temperamental lion! You’re such a brat

The tense but strong chemistry between Keith and his lion was always something that intrigued you. They really were meant to be.

He eventually gives up trying to talk to red, sitting beside you on the ground.

You and Keith weren’t really close but you trained together nearly every day and you physically complimented each other very well. You always had each others back.

Besides training, you didn’t see him all that much. He likes to skip meals and take late night showers. It’s almost like he’s been avoiding you for a while now

With you around, Keith is all bite and no bark. Sure, he’ll grab and push you around while training but actually having a conversation with you??? Hell nah. Keith no likey talking.

He usually corrects the others’ form and posture and gives advice when training with the them, but not with you. Instead he gives you a lot of thumbs up and small, proud smirks.

Whenever you try to talk to him, you’re lucky if you get any words out of him. Usually, it’s just hums of agreement or head nods.

You think Keith doesn’t like you or finds you annoying with how quiet he is around you

Not having the same armor as the paladins, you were finding your suit to be too thin for the climate on this planet. You were shivering.

Keith notices this immediately but stays still, unsure of how to help you. If he had his jacket rn, he’d totally toss it at you nonchalantly

And suddenly he’s grabbing your hand and pulling you off the ground and along with him.

“Where are we going?” He doesn’t respond, just let’s your hand go but keeps walking, expecting you to follow and you do.

He glances back to check that you’re still there and notices you limping ever so slightly. You’re trying not to let him see this bc you don’t want to piss him off more than he already is.

With Keith piloting, there was no where for you to be in his lion besides standing behind his chair. As he dodged attacks from the galra, you had been thrown around a bit.

He stops walking, making you nearly crash into the back of him.

He turns to you, refusing to even look at you before he sighs loudly. You feel guilty, not wanting to burden him with taking care of you.

“You’re hurt.” “No I’m fine.” “No, you’re limping.” “It’s fine, I can keep walking.”

He turns his back to you and just stands there, hands at his sides. You’re unsure of what to do or say until he looks back at you with a straight face.

“Hop on my back.” “No, Keith. I can walk.” “Just let me carry you.” “No. I said I’m fine. Really, I-“ He cuts you off.

“God dammit, (Y/N), you’re just as stubborn as red! You’re limping and you’re shivering and you’re lying to my face about it. I can tell you need some help, IM OFFERING YOU HELP. Now let me give you a lift to some shelter or SO HELP ME-“

You’re stunned, not because he was lowkey being an ass but because he’s never said so many words to you at one time.

Keith is the epitome of “if a boy is being mean or bullying you, it’s bc he likes you”

He’s talking to you like he was when he first found the red lion and was like “it’s me
Keith. I AM YOUR P A L A D I N.”

Mf is lowkey so mean to you sometimes but he’s not trying to be mean, you just make him feel weird and tingly inside and it embarrasses him and that makes him mad. He’s mad that he doesn’t know how to properly communicate with you without sounding stupid. He’s mad at himself, not at you tho

Dude just doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings

You hop up on his back, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. His hands grip the back of your knees and he trudges forward.

He carries you until he finds a small dim cave, hoping the shelter would keep you warm. He lets go of your legs without warning, making you slip off him. As you land on your feet, you hiss at the pain in your knee.

As he turns to you, you can barely see him but his face looks different now.

You can see his eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly hanging open

He never looks you in the eye and always has an annoyed and smug look on his face when you’re around. So seeing his face soften with concern and guilt for YOU made you freeze up.

“S-sorry.” He mumbles before holding out his hand to you. You’re confused like ??? What is this? What do you want me to do with this?

If there were more light in here, you’d see his face turning red as he’s stepping closer to you until you’re side by side. He slips his arm around your waist and gently lowers you to the ground.

As your butt meets the ground, you stretch out your leg and rub your knee, huffing in pain. Now that he knew you were hurt, no reason to act like you weren’t.

He sat along side you, your bodies still up against each other. He moves his arm from your waist to your shoulders, pulling you close.

Keith never touched you unless you were training together or you were in danger and needed his help so this physical contact with him made your heart go AFTHNJDFH â€ïžâ€đŸ”„

The piggy back ride and the helping you to the ground were normal for him but him holding you close like this

Keith is slowly shutting down from embarrassment and nervousness. You can hear his breathing speed up as he’s praying that the others will find y’all soon or he might pass out

You lean into him, shivering still. His hand rubs up and down your arm in an attempt to warm you up.

Noticing that this isn’t working, he lets you go and scoots to sit behind you. He pulls you against his chest as he wraps his arms around you, your arms now pinned under his.

“Thanks.” You say to him before leaning back against him more, letting your head fall back on his shoulder.

Just as you’re getting comfy

“Keith? Come in, Keith? Hello?”

You can faintly hear Shiro’s voice over the comms in Keith’s helmet. You tilt your head back more to look up at Keith’s face, he looks relieved but slightly disappointed
as if he didn’t want this moment to end so soon.

As he responds, he keeps his arms around you tightly, his hands gently rubbing your upper arms and you just cant look away from him now.

He held you against him for what felt like hours but it was really only like 10 minutes until Lance pokes his head in the cave, a loud “AAWWWW” coming from him.

Keith tilted his head back and let out a loud groan. Of all people to come save y’all

“They’re cold.” “Oh suuurrre.” “THEY ARE! Tell him, (Y/N).” “Yeah, I’m freezing.”

Lance flashes you both a snarky grin before Keith stands, pulling you up slowly.

“Then if it’s no big deal, I can carry (Y/N) back.” “No!” Keith responds quickly before he picks you up bridal style.

You’re surprised he can handle your weight in this position. Sure he was strong but piggy back would’ve been an easier option.

But you weren’t complaining
and neither was he â€ïžâ€đŸ”„ (and Lance is lowkey like đŸ„č as he follows behind you guys)

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