watchoutpaul-hemightkickyourhead - Watch out Paul... He might kick your head
Watch out Paul... He might kick your head

⭐️Loki/Kraft (It/they/zig/ziggy)⭐️Womanlover, Enbykisser, Child of DionysusWiggly devotee

336 posts

Breaking News: Local Idiot Surprised When Slapping Their Phone Against Their Leg Hurts

Breaking News: local idiot surprised when slapping their phone against their leg hurts

  • the-sun-personified
    the-sun-personified liked this · 5 months ago

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That one fucking tiktok trend but with Pete and Ted

That One Fucking Tiktok Trend But With Pete And Ted
That One Fucking Tiktok Trend But With Pete And Ted
That One Fucking Tiktok Trend But With Pete And Ted
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That One Fucking Tiktok Trend But With Pete And Ted
That One Fucking Tiktok Trend But With Pete And Ted
That One Fucking Tiktok Trend But With Pete And Ted
That One Fucking Tiktok Trend But With Pete And Ted


Does anyone here know what asoue is? If so, who's your favourite character? Mine is klaus he's my special guy 😊

I DO! I watch it with Ruth and Pete ALL the time! My favorite is also Klaus!! I love him so muchhhhh!

~~ Richie :3

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my brothers share special interests and my favorite thing to do is walk in a room and be like "hey guys can you tell me about the mariana trench" and then sit there for an hour while they both infodump to me about the ocean it's extremely entertaining

Miss Holloway Moodboard With Glitter And Trans Inspo!
Miss Holloway Moodboard With Glitter And Trans Inspo!
Miss Holloway Moodboard With Glitter And Trans Inspo!
Miss Holloway Moodboard With Glitter And Trans Inspo!
Miss Holloway Moodboard With Glitter And Trans Inspo!
Miss Holloway Moodboard With Glitter And Trans Inspo!
Miss Holloway Moodboard With Glitter And Trans Inspo!
Miss Holloway Moodboard With Glitter And Trans Inspo!
Miss Holloway Moodboard With Glitter And Trans Inspo!

Miss Holloway moodboard with Glitter and Trans inspo!

Self indulgent!

(All images found on pinterest)