waywardmakercloud - waywardmakercloud

she/her | avid linked universe fan | avid reader

231 posts

Waywardmakercloud - Waywardmakercloud - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

Intro post :) (9/14/24)

Hello! I’m Wayward.



LU, Good Omens, Kotlc, PJO, Chaos Walking, & more

Link’s Awakening (switch), Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, Skyward Sword, Hyrule Warriors (Definitive Edition)

Four Swords and Ocarina of Time mangas.

Writer, artist.

Ao3: @waywardstarrynight18

I’ve only read one or two of the LU comic pages, so keep that in mind.

Apparently I made such a good password for tumblr that I cant remember it, and can’t find it, so. Yeah. I’ll update y’all if I make a new blog or something. :)

6 months ago

Just a reminder that this blog supports the trans community and if you don't, I'd appreciate it if you unfollowed me.

6 months ago

Made the last part of this comic!

Made The Last Part Of This Comic!
6 months ago
I Finished The Link And Ravio Drawing I Love It So Much. I Used Color Pencils And Alcohol Markers.

I finished the Link and Ravio drawing I love it so much. I used color pencils and alcohol markers.

6 months ago

the traumatized child thing of getting really stressed whenever you have to ask for clarification on something bc you Know the yelling is coming

6 months ago
Sky Looked P Nice In The Update Didnt He :3
Sky Looked P Nice In The Update Didnt He :3
Sky Looked P Nice In The Update Didnt He :3
Sky Looked P Nice In The Update Didnt He :3
Sky Looked P Nice In The Update Didnt He :3
Sky Looked P Nice In The Update Didnt He :3

Sky looked p nice in the update didn’t he :3

Also happy late valentines ig lol

6 months ago

Has anyone done this?

Has Anyone Done This?


Has Anyone Done This?

Art credit @/linkeduniverse

6 months ago

i tried everything at least once, but “Horse. Literally just pretending to be a horse” to be added-

“You never pretended to be a bride when you were a little girl?” No???? Like literally never?

6 months ago

ok, thank you for the advice. im sorry. i was not trying to be rude. you do not have to forgive me if you would not like too. i will take delete my posts, once i can figure out how. im really sorry. sometimes i cant read the room.

thank you. have a nice day/night/time zone.

genuinely dni if you think he's a bully

Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully
Genuinely Dni If You Think He's A Bully

x x x x x x x x x x x x

6 months ago


THANK YOU @tashacee


Step By Step - Chapter One

A Mask!Wild Fic

Wild shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, hoping beyond hope that they had the right combination for the puzzle before them.

They had been in this dungeon for nearly a week now, slowly making progress through its apparently endless puzzles and minibosses. They had finally reached the end - Wild himself had struck the killing blow on the boss - and were trying to leave, only to find that there was one more puzzle to solve to unlock the door out.

Because of course there was.

It was an incredibly tedious puzzle, solvable only by the Chain going back through the entire damn dungeon to find the clues painted into increasingly cryptic murals on each floor.

It was long winded. It was annoying. It felt like lazy dungeon design.

And Wild really, really wanted to get outside.

The past few weeks had been hard on all of them. After a visit to a busy marketplace, Sky had fallen ill with what they at first thought was a cold and what had quickly devolved into a vicious vomiting bug. Then Four and Legend had fallen ill. Then Time, Wind, and Spirit. The sickness slowly began to creep its way through the Chain, another getting sick every time one began to recover.

Wild had tried to help out. He honestly had - he already wore a mask and he often wore gloves, so he already had an advantage when it came to avoiding infection. And even at that, he did his utmost to try and stay safe. The idea of getting sick while on the road, while surrounded by his brothers whose opinions he valued so much, was simply unacceptable to him. He couldn’t let it happen. He wouldn’t.

And yet it had.

Read the rest on AO3!

6 months ago

Step By Step - Chapter One

A Mask!Wild Fic

Wild shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, hoping beyond hope that they had the right combination for the puzzle before them.

They had been in this dungeon for nearly a week now, slowly making progress through its apparently endless puzzles and minibosses. They had finally reached the end - Wild himself had struck the killing blow on the boss - and were trying to leave, only to find that there was one more puzzle to solve to unlock the door out.

Because of course there was.

It was an incredibly tedious puzzle, solvable only by the Chain going back through the entire damn dungeon to find the clues painted into increasingly cryptic murals on each floor.

It was long winded. It was annoying. It felt like lazy dungeon design.

And Wild really, really wanted to get outside.

The past few weeks had been hard on all of them. After a visit to a busy marketplace, Sky had fallen ill with what they at first thought was a cold and what had quickly devolved into a vicious vomiting bug. Then Four and Legend had fallen ill. Then Time, Wind, and Spirit. The sickness slowly began to creep its way through the Chain, another getting sick every time one began to recover.

Wild had tried to help out. He honestly had - he already wore a mask and he often wore gloves, so he already had an advantage when it came to avoiding infection. And even at that, he did his utmost to try and stay safe. The idea of getting sick while on the road, while surrounded by his brothers whose opinions he valued so much, was simply unacceptable to him. He couldn’t let it happen. He wouldn’t.

And yet it had.

Read the rest on AO3!

6 months ago

in like second (…or fourth? maybe first? kindergarten?? idk) grade- we had dug a fricking 50 ft stream with multiple branches and people digging on it constantly to make it bigger

i was pretty high up. i was a commander.

then we got shut down by a teacher-

early homo sapiens b like help i cant stop making bowls . help i cant stop domesticating plants and animals. help i cant stop developing language and architecture and religion

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6 months ago

Your icon is violently in love with you for 5 weeks how screwed are you

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6 months ago

oh god

this makes so much sense

with rauru and sonia


oh god

the chain

my brain is not ok

Nintendo Has Confirmed That #BreathOfTheWild And #TearsOfTheKingdom Exist In A Separate Timeline Within

Nintendo has confirmed that #BreathOfTheWild and #TearsOfTheKingdom exist in a separate timeline within the #LegendOfZelda universe, distinct from previous entries.

They stand alone despite fans' attempts to fit these open-world games into the established #Zelda chronology. The official timeline reveals that after Ocarina of Time, the series branches into two paths—"Hero is Defeated" and "Hero is Triumphant"—which further split into "Child Era" and "Adult Era." However, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom do not align with these branches and exist separately.

This was revealed at Sydney's #Nintendo Live 2024, underscoring Zelda's timeline's complexity and evolving nature and reminding fans that the series' lore may be more of an evolving sandbox than a neatly interconnected story.

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6 months ago
Please Sign The Petition!!!
Please Sign The Petition!!!
Please Sign The Petition!!!
Sign the Petition
Justice for Lakeith Smith and A’Donte Washington!

Please sign the petition!!!

6 months ago

You have been booped by this empty wrapping paper tube.

You Have Been Booped By This Empty Wrapping Paper Tube.

Reblog to boop all of your followers with it.

6 months ago

*looking myself in the mirror* i CAN finish a whumptober fic and start another one to make up for the fact im behind, and i CAN do my nine homework assignments, and i WILL have time to play bg3 and watch fma with my friend, and i will NOT overwork myself by doing all this despite how sick i feel rn, i will NOT fail this time

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6 months ago

On Koholint Island, Marin asks Link to never forget her, and to never forget the song that she sings, The Ballad of the Wind Fish.

In another lifetime, as Link traverses the malice-infested ruins of Hyrule Castle and prepares to face down Calamity Ganon, a song stirs in his head. A song he swears he’s never heard before.

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6 months ago

Reblog to give the person you reblogged it from the energy to do one (1) chore or maybe many

6 months ago

four sword manga appreciation post

aka photos i sent my friends

Four Sword Manga Appreciation Post
Four Sword Manga Appreciation Post
Four Sword Manga Appreciation Post
Four Sword Manga Appreciation Post
Four Sword Manga Appreciation Post

color code:

pink: vio

orange: red

blue: blue

green: green

yellow: shadow

pink/yellow: shadow and vio being dumb idiots in love

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6 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

hello fourdow fandom

no clue it's any good, but it was fun to write! Enjoy!

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6 months ago

Okay seriously. Reblog if you're OLDER than 11.


6 months ago

listening to running up that hill hits so much harder in 2024

especially the cover by loveless


the raw power and emotion thats in is just-



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6 months ago

alrightyyyyy nowzers

the fukin thingamabob for the copy and paste on ao3 hates me and i cant figure it out so y’all are dealing with it until i actually use my one brain cell



hello this is wayward telling people to go read your fic :)

so. i started a new fic.

it’s based off of Of All That Was (27554 words) by SmileLikeTheCheshireCat Chapters: 10/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Link (Legend of Zelda), Wild (Linked Universe), Riju (Legend of Zelda), Tulin (Legend of Zelda), Teba (Legend of Zelda), Sidon (Legend of Zelda), Yunobo (Legend of Zelda), Buliara (Legend of Zelda), Zelda (Legend of Zelda), Flora (Linked Universe), Urbosa (Legend of Zelda), Revali (Legend of Zelda), Mipha (Legend of Zelda), Daruk (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: Linked Universe (Legend of Zelda), Wild (Linked Universe)-centric, King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule Being an Asshole, there WILL be heavy topics touched upon, botw rewrite, Female Wild (Linked Universe), Queer Characters, the inherent trauma of being a Hero, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Happy Ending, Promise, There will be swearing, the inherent confusion of time traveling found family, Wild gains an emotional support animal Series: Part 1 of An Amalgamation

by SmileLikeTheCheshireCat on ao3. It’s an amazing story so far! the last update was on 8/30 (august 30th) this year, and there should be more updates soon!

it follows pretty much the same story line, with amnesiac wild waking up in the shrine. but instead of just legend helping out wild (in bunny form) we have twilight as wolfie!

i dont think i’m ever going to post it, unless i get an ao3 account (maybe on tumblr, idk), or i get permission from the author to post it

go read Of All That Was right now!! so good!!

Summary of Of All That Was: Link isn't entirely sure what's going on. She woke up in a glowing cave with only strange animals, monsters, and a creepy old man as company on the outside. And that's not even getting into the weird voice in her head telling her to save Hyrule. How, exactly, is she supposed to save everyone when she doesn't even remember what a pepper is? This is…gonna be a long life, isn't it? And can someone come get their grandpa? This old man is really starting to freak Link out! In which the amnesiac is told that the Big Bad killed her 100 years ago and she responds a little more realistically than speed running towards it.

(for all you wild angst lovers.. there is some angst in Of All That Was, and for my rendition of it, i’m gonna traumatize wild so much :D)

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