weirdshapeddog - vaguely dog-shaped
vaguely dog-shaped

adult šŸ¾ he/they šŸ¾ mixed bag of content I like and content I make

285 posts

Weirdshapeddog - Vaguely Dog-shaped - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
That One Ship Dynamic But With Levi And Mc

that one ship dynamic but with levi and mc

(credit to @litriu! here is the original post (lmk if the link doesnt work pls))

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6 months ago

Can't believe this man is canonically a Sugar Baby

Can't Believe This Man Is Canonically A Sugar Baby
Can't Believe This Man Is Canonically A Sugar Baby
Can't Believe This Man Is Canonically A Sugar Baby
Can't Believe This Man Is Canonically A Sugar Baby

You can't call him Daddy when you're the one bringing money and food home

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6 months ago

Hi. I need help from my fellow neurodivergent peeps regarding dietary habits.

Hi. I Need Help From My Fellow Neurodivergent Peeps Regarding Dietary Habits.

Do you drink soda pop at all? If so, how much?

Soda here refers to sweet carbonated soft drinks such as colas, orange soda, cream soda, root beer, etc.

I'm going to tag what demographics I personally fall under, but you don't need to fit any specific category.

Please please please consider reblogging or sharing to increase sample size. Comments, RB responses, etc are encouraged.

I mostly just want to feel a little less alone lol. We drink 2-4 Coke cola a day.

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6 months ago

Pigeon wings under a UV light

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6 months ago

I keep thinking about the idea of ever loyal Barbatos - ever dutiful, ever putting the prince above himself, ever putting the lords above himself - and the potential for pure LONGING he may feel towards MC.

Though Diavolo may not be able to make a pact with MC, itā€™s damn obvious he adores MC. Everyone does. But Barbatosā€¦ heā€™s just the butler, isnā€™t he? Just the servantā€¦ but oh how badly he wants his masterā€™s secret love for himself!

Likeā€¦ the PINING as he watches MC become so close with the seven lords, the YEARNING for more than just a place as a servant, Barbatos finding ANY excuse he can to spend time with MC. Of course he needs a hand in the kitchen, the recipe is best made with two sets of hands. Of course he needs MCā€™s company while shopping, heā€™ll need a second opinion on which treats to get for the prince. Of course he insists too on getting lunch with MC - humans must eat after all, and it would be terribly rude to not stop somewhere with MC, right? Just as a thanks for accompanying him in his chores of course, definitely nothing more, nope.

Idk justā€¦ Barbatos longing for MC and the heartache and the WANT - and then how soft and sweet it would be when he finally gets what he wants. Would it be because MC said something first? Or would Barbatos break one evening after seeing the lords being too affectionate with MC, only confessing why he left the room once MC chases him down to see if heā€™s okay? Either way, Barbatos pining is on my mind

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6 months ago

the thing non queer ppl need to get about queer ppl through their heads is that we love the coelacanth.

6 months ago

why is privacy so eroded. I get treated like a nutcase if I say no, I don't want strange companies taking pictures of my home and putting them online for maps or whatever. I don't want to be in the background of your tiktok, and I think it's weirder for you to assume I'm okay with it than it is for me to politely ask you to refilm it so my face isn't in the frame. I don't enjoy handing my employer a list of every online account I have and feeling under surveillance when I'm just shit posting or sharing pictures of my cats or garden harvest. I don't want to hear your private calls on speaker on the bus, esp when the person on the line doesn't know you're broadcasting their words to strangers. I don't want an algorithm guessing what will piss me off the most so I spend more time online, engaging with shit I don't want to see or hear out of outrage. I don't want any of this. it's total ass.

6 months ago
a crazed cow,
the green and dry
shoots of my ecstasy.

Maram al-Massri, from A Red Cherry on a White-Tiled Floor (trans. Khaled Mattawa) [ID'd]

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6 months ago

(Slight continuation of yesterday's headcanon about MC's old pictures.)

The palace library is the finest collection of knowledge and tomes in the kingdom, even more so than RAD's (which is likely based off of the royal collection with a more academic flair).

Many books are restricted only to nobles or special guests, and among those are books reserved only for the royal family. They're so exclusive that hardly anybody outside of the royal family even knows what they are.

Even more elusive than those are the books Diavolo and his parents keep in their private bedrooms. Tomes that are said to be mere legends or rumors. You could count the number of people who have ever seen them in person on one hand.

This is where Diavolo keeps it. Sandwiched in between a millennia-old genealogy of the Devildom's rulers and a cursed book containing the damned souls of all who touch it stands a picture album containing photos of MC from years before they arrived in the Devildom.

Many underhanded and even illegal means were used to obtain these treasures. Diavolo personally organized the album, adding fun stickers and handwritten captions to each photo. Its contents were unfortunately sparse, as such images were unimaginably difficult to obtain. A concerning amount of them look to be security camera footage from public places. But if something is easy to find, it's not very fun to collect.

(I don't think he'd earnestly hide it. I think he might go "MC, look what I have! Let's look at it together. :) " and MC would say "Diavolo this is considered a felony in at least 95 human countries.")

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6 months ago

Walking around my neighborhood wearing my sick as fuck custom T-shirt that says "I STEAL EVERY FRIENDLY CAT I MEET WITH NO REMORSE I DO IT ALL THE TIME DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK I BEEN HERE FOR YEARS KEEP THAT BEAST ENCLOSED LEST YE FACE MY LIGHTNING CAT GRASP" and smiling politely while my neighbors' indoor-outdoor cats gently trot down the sidewalk towards me as the neighbors themselves read my shirt with a growing sense of panic.

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6 months ago
6 months ago

*puts coelacanth in my shrinkinator macnine so it fits in my pool which i have totally bought and decked out just so i can snorkel with a private coelocanth*

6 months ago
Everybody's Lookin' Forward To The Weekend

Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend šŸ•Šļø

7 months ago

Diavolo when Mc commits a crime: look at this adorable Human :D

Diavolo when anybody else commits a crime: death and torture for eternity

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7 months ago

Imagine going to watch the sunrise with the brothers on the beach. It all started as a joke, you took them to a small cove somewhere deserted in the human world, where the stars shone brightly and the night was as dark as the Devildom. It was all laughter, and games, and songs, and, in general, quality time with your demons. For a moment everyone forgot in they were in the human realm.

Until little by little the sky began to clear, the activities stopped and you could see how, as the dawn broke and the sun rose, their bright eyes opened more and more until they were breathless. How from the familiar black darkness, the sky went through all kinds of shades until it became blue, the stars were setting and the sun rose imposingly. All this in a matter of minutes. You didn't know what was more beautiful, the sunrise or their faces full of surprise and excitement.

And then you thought that despite having lived through the day of the Celestial Realm and the night of the Devildom, those changes, that were so normal for humans, were unknown to them. The solemn silence was quickly replaced by excitement and laughter, by exclamations and questions. And then you understood that even though they had lived for millennia you could still teach them many things, you could still make them experience many first times.



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7 months ago

more random headcanons!!!! cuz they've been building up in my brain!!!

whenever there is a ball, Dia makes SURE he steals a dance from Lucifer,

one time, mammon and mc snuck out bc mammon had a thing he wanted to do, when they both got back mc was super drowsy and was falling asleep on mammons arm, which lead to them both somehow sleeping on the couch lowkey cuddling. everyone else was very jealous for a while.

once satan got angry enough to rampage modern day, and by mistake he had thrown something and it hit Mc, which ended up bruising pretty bad. he felt guilt until it fully healed no matter how many times Mc told him it was fine.

once beel went to an all you can eat place and came back to the HOL and went into a very short food coma,

Belphie has crescent shaped scars on the back of his hands and on his wrists, he has them from when he had killed Mc, their nails were digging into his hands while trying to escape. he looks at them often and feels guilt.

lucifer has pictures of all his brothers in his wallet and Mc knows this.. Mc also wept into his chest after noticing they got added to his wallet as well

mc teaches dia a lot of human things, wether its phrases or things like skating. Though sometimes, very rarely, they'll confirm some untrue bs that solomon tells him just to fuck with him. "Yes, human women do shed their skin during their periods."

one time in a panic mammon bit lucifer hard on the hand when he was about to be punished, it sent lucifer into a small crisis afterwards.

everyone has gotten their makeup done by asmo before, even if they don't realize they have.

luke needs a step stool for a lot of things, since everything in purgatory hall was made for adults and had no consideration for anyone that is child sized.

though I dont know much abt her, I believe that thirteen would be a hugger, but only with Mc, not like overly clingy, but def a hugger.

one time Mc got sick crazy bad and woke up to barbatos folding their laundry for them in the middle of the night, since he knew they wouldn't be able to manage to do such a thing and was fearful that none of the brothers would help them with it, so it probably kept him awake lol. Mc was very confused yet thankful and barb was very embarrassed.

going back to lucifer being a dad, he also probably has a group photo of the 8 of them framed in his office.

satan and mc randomly talk to each other as if they are in a shakespeare play just for the hell of it, it most likely started when one of them was making fun of something and the other copied it.

I'd like to thinkk that asmo and levi are secretly close, asmo helps him with cosplay stuff!!!

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7 months ago
Ever Just Want To Curl Up Into A Cage And Forget About Your Worries While A Kind And Charismatic Demon

Ever just want to curl up into a cage and forget about your worries while a kind and charismatic Demon King watches over you like the treasure hoarding Dragon he is?

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7 months ago
weirdshapeddog - vaguely dog-shaped

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7 months ago
Old Meme Redraw When Dance Battles Were The Death Of Me

old meme redraw when dance battles were the death of me šŸ’”