Neteyam X Tawkami! Reader HCs
Neteyam x Tawkami! Reader HC’s

Neteyam x Tawkami! Reader HC’s || Avatar
Synopsis: Reader’s and Neteyam’s relationship head cannons
Warnings: Fluff, kissing
A/n: this was something quick I thought of just now. I’m making another fix about the Tawkami Reader!
Neteyam x Tawkami! Reader

☆ You and Neteyam see each other in private majority of the time
☆ You like to bring him flowers or new crystals you found from Green Home
☆ He would always keep them with him, appreciating them.
☆ He even weaved one into his Song cord when you two became a couple, taking it as a big achievement
☆ He would always be infatuated by your clans way of life. All the greenery you wore and and the head pieces adorned on your head.
☆ He would definitely teach you his way of life, in contrast to yours it was very different
☆ The times that your clans would meet up with each other every once in a while you and Neteyam would always sneak away
☆ Would always sneak into your hammock late at night to sleep behind you when his clan would be at Green Home
☆ Sneaks kisses when you walk past each other or in his tent, sometimes make out sessions if your quiet enough
☆ Would take you Banshee Riding late at night for dates
☆ Sometimes for date nights you would show him all the new experiments with the plants and wild life.
☆ Maybe even a nightly chase if you’re at it, him chasing you on the huge branches of trees
☆ One day you made him a flower head piece matching yours to wear whenever he came to visit, you were a bit possessive
☆ Has his hand on your lower back or waist, always has some kind of physical contact with you
☆ I think Neteyam would get jelous if he saw some of the boys in his clan trying to court you, not knowing you were being courted already
☆ You’d have to reassure him that you’re all his for life, even if you haven’t mated yet
☆ His family LOVES you, especially Neytiri like I mentioned in the other one.
☆ Jake thinks you’ll keep his son in line so he respects you as his future mate
☆ Kiri loves talking with you, taking advice on how to be a better healer
☆ Lo’ak loved that you would go on Banshee rides with him during the day. Someone who finally has fun with him
☆ Spider however tries to avoid you, you aren’t fond of the human kind after they attacked the forest, so he stayed out of your way
☆ But he still had respect nonetheless
☆ Tuk was definitely your favorite, Neteyam bright up one time that you loved her more than him
☆ He doesn’t have to worry about that though, he’s still your only love. ❤️

© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites. All of the rights of my work goes to me. If you have any inspiration please tag me as well!
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More Posts from Whatisthatmae
“That’s my best friend”

“That’s my best friend” || Wednesday
Synopsis: You’re Bianca’s best friend ever since you were young. Always sticking by each other,even now when you’re in high school. The best duo of them out there. Just here showing y’all’s friendship!
Warnings: Black coded, Black reader, Fem!reader,cussing, a little bit of bullying, Bianca being kind of an ass, reader is a little cocky
A/n: My debut take on Wednesday!! Hope you all like it! There’s gonna be another part to this, but an Xavier post. Sorry it’s so short!
Bianca Barclay x Fem! Reader

You woke up this morning feeling really good. Report cards come out today,but it’s really nothing to you. Majority of your life you’ve had nothing to worry about. You’re a straight A student, always has your hair done, nails always looking nice, perfect skin and more. On top of that your dark blue siren eyes made you look beautiful. What could go wrong?
Well, something went wrong. There’s a new student,they say that she came because she almost had a murder charge and that she was “special” like the rest of you. You didn’t really favor new people much. They get a lot of attention fast and it would be terrible for you. Where would you’re reputation go?
You decided not to worry about it and you made your way to the bathroom to take a shower and do your morning routine. You got dress and went out the door. By the time you left you texted Bianca trying to meet up like you always do.
‘Hey,where are you at?’
‘I’m by the fountain,like always friend. 😂’
‘Yeah? Well,yesterday you said that and I waited for like 30 minutes!’
‘I’m sorry! I already apologized girl! I’m here now though,seriously.’
‘Mhmm, we’ll I better see you there.’
You sighed and turned off your phone and headed out your dorm with your purse and book bag. You walked through Ophelia hall and came across Xavier, the boy that’s Bianca’s ex. He looked at you while you walked past wanting to speak with you, but not doing so knowing it’s for the best.
After a few minutes of walking you made it to the fountain and you found other sirens and Bianca walking with each other. “Hey y’all!” You had a big smile on your face and waved. The smile turned down very quickly as you saw the supposed to be new girl. Wednesday? She looked like..she just walked out of a cemetery. But you minded your business to keep yourself grounded and ignored looking her way.
You, Bianca, and some of your other friends all have Ms. Thornhill’s class together. What a supprise to you was..Wednesday was here too. You sighed and looked done at your book trying to not notice her. Somehow she noticed you though, it was like she was burning eyeholes into you.
You ignored the feeling as you payed attention in class. When Ms.Thornhill asked a question Bianca immediately raised her hand up, but somehow Wednesday was quicker than her AND answering the question correctly. This shocked the both of you. You looked at each other with the same look and raised your eyebrows. To others it looked like you were just making faces at each other but really you were having your own secret conversation.
You turned your attention back to your work and it was like the whole class period Wednesday and Bianca were at each other’s throats. You sped walked out the class when you noticed Wednesday was looking at you again once the lesson was over.
Bianca and your group caught up to you, they were going to ask why you left so fast but then they saw Wednesday looking at you too and just kept it to themselves. Later on towards the end of the day you saw Bianca and Wednesday in the same fencing class. You could hear what Bianca was saying to her. It was like she was bullying her. No, for a fact she is bullying her.
Being the mature person you are you peaked your head into the class and told her off before leaving. She just rolled her eyes and scoffed. That made you stop in your tracks and turn your ass around. “Umm. Unt unt! Who you scoffing at ma’am? Must not be me.” YIU had a whole attitude now, today was not the day for you to be tested right now. She staying quiet for a few seconds having nothing to say. “Oh okay, don’t test me right now Bianca Denise Barclay.” You hit her with the government name as you left.
I think Bianca’s regretting telling you her middle name now.
Your school day was over with and you started to walk through the Ophelia hallway and saw Wednesday with a huge cut above her eye. You didn’t look for too long and you decided to text Bianca.
‘Hey B, have you seen Wednesday’s eye? It looks fucked up.’
‘Yeah. I’m the one who did it. She wanted a challenge, so she got it.’
‘Omg B! What’d you do?’
‘She challenged me in fencing class without our masks. Whoever draws blood first wins.’
‘So I won 🤷🏾♀️’
‘Makes sense. You might need to tone down your bullying on her B. Principal Weems noticed today.’
‘I’m not worried about her.’
You were about to text her back when you remembered that you had homework. So you quickly got to that. After that you got ready for a party. You and Bianca got invited to this wolf boys house party. Everyone else was going so why not? You got changed,put on your perfume and jewelry and went to go get Bianca. You haven’t gotten your license yet so she’s your ride for tonight.
You arrive at this big mansion and it looks hella creepy but there were a bunch of people here so you didn’t worry much. You and Bianca walked into the house looking around. You turned your gaze back on Bianca only to find out she’s not there. You let out an annoyed groan and went to get something to drink.
You went into the kitchen and all you saw was liquor, liquor, liquor, & even more liquor. You took this as your sign to try some of the beverages. You look at the name of the drink ‘ahh,Casamigos.’ You poured ONLY A LITTL into a red plastic cup. Typical.
Then you turned around only to find Xavier behind you “You look nice tonight.” “I shouldn’t be talking to you right now.” He raised an eyebrow at you. “Girl code, im not accepting compliments from my best friends ex.” You had a sassy tone when you said that. You couldn’t just hang out with Xavier after your bestie has been crying to you nights on end. Hell no.
A aggravated groan came from you as you looked at him. “Xavier. You have a nice night,kay?” You said as you walked away upstairs ti find something to do. Xavier watched you walk away, he just stared. You feel his eyes on so you turn around and make eye contact before officially leaving.

© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites. All of the rights of my work goes to me. If you have any inspiration please tag me as well!

(Let me know anymore fandoms you would like!! In my asks!)
Inbox: 9
Avatar TWOW
Dating Neteyam would include…
Neteyam x Vitiligo Metkayina! Reader
Pt1 | Pt2 | Pt 3
Neteyam x Tawkami! Reader HC’s
Taking his ear off
Someone New
Come to you
(None here yet!)
(None here yet!)
Ronal & Tonowari
(None here yet!)
Someone New

(GIF FROM P-atomime on Tumblr! I somehow can’t figure out how to make my own gifs 💔)
Avatar 2009
Jake Sully
(Nothing here yet!)
(Nothing here yet!)
(Nothing here yet!)
Miles Quaritch
(Nothing here yet!)

Wednesday Addams
(Nothing here yet!)
Xavier Thorpe
(Nothing here yet!)
Bianca Barclay
That’s my best friend
Ajax Petropolis
(Nothing here yet!)
Enid Sinclair
(Nothing here yet!)
Tyler Galpin
(Nothing here yet!)

Boku No Hero

Tokyo Revengers

Jujutsu Kisen

Genshin Impact
Someone New

“Someone New” || Avatar: TWOW
Synopsis: You and Rotxo have been courting each other for a while now. Tsireya notices this and gets jealous,but in secret Y/n and Rotxo have mated.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, jealousy, angst & fluff, secret relationship, a little Tsireya & Lo’ak at the end
Request: I'm a total sucker for torment, so i come to humbly ask for a part two on Tsireya and sully y/n, but i wanna see how thing's between the two go when their older and y/n reluctantly falls in love (genuinely in love at that, slightly more relaxed and less guarded and defensive compared to when others had tried courting them) with Roxto after a while of him courting them? Y/n is scared that their parent's might separate them from him like with what happened with Tsireya? Perhaps the pair become secret mates and it's later revealed?
A/n: Yes!! I’ve been planning on doing a part 2 but never knew how I wanted it. This was great idea, I appreciate it anon! Hopefully I did this nicely!! 💛 Even though I totally forgot the whole plot to the other 😛.
Rotxo x Metkayina! Reader | Taireya x Metkayina! Reader | Tsireya x Lo’ak

You and Rotxo were sitting together on the sand talking with one another. Then you heard laughter coming from afar, being as curious as you were you turned your head in the direction only yo quickly turn back to your mate.
Tsireya was coming near.
The two of you haven’t talked since the incident when you two split. It’s been almost a year since then. Over time you’ve tried to get over her but somehow failed.
But one day though, you’ve finally caught feelings for another. Rotxo. You were overjoyed that you’d be able to move on from your past love.
Your feelings towards Rotxo were very obvious to everyone, including Tsireya. To say she wasn’t happy about it would be an understatement.
She was furious. With herself and you. Had it been so long that you’ve finally gotten over her? Have you finally found another? Her heart started to crack but deep down she knew it was for the best.
For the both of you.
It hurt seeing you happy with someone else but she has to suck it up and pretend like she wasn’t hurting on the inside.
Meanwhile you and Rotxo has had a blast getting to know each other over time. Even to the point where you’ve started courting one another. Your parents never knew, you told him that you’d be devastated if the two of you got separated.
So he agreed to keep it between the two of you.
He always brought you gifts like seashell necklaces or pearl bracelets and you’d always accept them with a huge smile on your face. Tsireya saw this too. She was fuming with anger inside her but nonetheless she kept it to herself.
Your parents found you on their own, but they were overjoyed once you had found a potential mate! Very supportive of you and Rotxo.

You and Rotxo have been so close relationship wise that you both thought it was time to take it to the next level.
He brought you to the closest place to Eywa where every couple goes to mate.
It was beautiful, to the glowing tendrils & the night sky above you. It was perfect. “Rotxo, I love it here. Thank you for bringing me.”
The two of you were so close, so close that your noses were touching. “It’s my pleaser, my love.” The two of you looked into each other’s eyes before you closed the gap into a passionate kiss.
You both slowly started to descend on the rock beneath the both of you. You reached down to untie is loin cloth, but before doing that you looked up at him with curious eyes.
“Love, are you sure you want to do this with me?” He cupped your chin to tilt your head towards him. “I’d want to do anything with you, my love. It is okay.”
Then before you knew it, the both of you were bare before each other. Everything was so perfect. Down to the part where he was entering you and when you connected your Kuru’s to each other. That whole night was every thing you could imagine and more.

Somehow Tsireya over heard you that night. She was going to see Eywa until she heard the both of you. She was seething with anger as she went back to the island, storming off after that.
It was time for dinner with her family anyways, so she’s right on time. She went to dinner angry though, her mother asking her what was wrong but she shrugged it off. Saying it was from her having a bad training that day.
She went to bed angry too. It was horrible to think she could pray to Eywa for you to come back to her. Only to have mated with someone else before she could even get there.
You didn’t even have a proper mating ritual ceremony for crying out loud, so why were you mating? She didn’t know, she couldn’t think all that good at the moment with her tears flooding her vision every few seconds.
That night she cried herself to sleep.
You and Rotxo were no secret to anyone anymore after that. After you two made it official you almost told the whole village!
The only person you told the people to not tell was Tsireya. It would hurt your heart to tell her.
Hell, even her parents knew!
One day though, her parents were talking about hosting your and Rotxo’s mating ritual ceremony. She over Heard them that night too. When they heard a sob they turned their heads to the curtains to find a silhouette of their daughter out side walking off.
They groaned to themselves for letting it slip knowing their child was awake.
Tsireya knew she had to tell you how she felt about you still.

The next day she thought about confronting you about it telling you how she felt so she can get over you already.
You were in your Marui doing crafts when she came in. Her fuming with anger made you confused “What is wrong Tsireya? Has something happened?” “Yes, something has happened and I need to you tell me why!”
Her voice had a booming anger to it which frightened you. You’d never seen her get so angry like this. “Why did you and Rotxo mate last night? Why ____?” She had a pleading look on her face while you had a shocked one.
Her question was met with silence and she looked at you in disbelief. She started confessing her longing feelings for you afterwards, mentioning that she had to get them off her chest.
She wanted you to say something. She wanted you to come back to her, but she knew that couldn’t happen. “I am sorry Tsireya, but I have already chosen.” You we’re just as hurt as she was. Seeing her like this. She just looked at you and scoffed, walking out of your tent.
You started to tear up at her words, you didn’t know that she had felt that way about you still. But it was already too late.
She thought that to get her mind off the whole thing she would take a swim on her Ilu. It’s been almost an hour since then and she’s calmed down, feeling better.
She was playing with all the fish in the water when she heard something. There was a horn that caught her attention, so she got on her Ilu and went back to the village.
She came back to see her people surrounding what looks like newcomers. She swam off her Ilu and got off the water to take a closer look.
Then she saw a boy. With a darker blue skin tone and braided hair. Her heart couldn’t help but race at the sight of him. He caught her eye and looked back at her, then followed up by a short wave.
She giggled and turned her attention back to her people. Her eyes wandered around until she found you. She quickly looked away,seeing standing by Rotxo with your arm around his. You smacked his head when he had fun of the two boys in front of you with a glare.
Her father and the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya comes to terms that they will stay and learn their ways to not be failures.
Tonowari mentioned that Tsireya & Ao’nung would show them around with no take backs. “But father-“ “It has already been decided.” He had a firm tone to his voice when she said that.
Tsireya was more than happy to show them around and get a chance to talk to the boy she had her eyes on.
Maybe this’ll be her chance to find someone new. To have a new relationship with another just like you did.
That was the first time she met Lo’ak.

© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites. All of the rights of my work goes to me. If you have any inspiration please tag me as well!
Can you do a fluff with Lo’ak where they had just got done with the raid and after his dad had yelled at him that he went to the reader with comfort?? Also I hope you had a great day!!
Come to you
Come to you||Avatar

Synopsis: After the raid that the warriors went on earlier that day, Lo’ak gets a scolding from his father & he comes to you in comfort.
Warnings:The slightest bit of angst, mostly fluff, kisses, ( no severe warnings! 😂)
A/n : this was shorter than expected! I wanted to make this longer but my attention span is little 😅. Thank you anon for the request 💛! I hope you have a great day too anon! My requests are open, so out anything you would like! I’m also shifting into the Wednesday Fandom aswell so request some for that too if possible. Enjoy!
Lo’ak x GN! Reader

You and Mo’at are in her tent grinding and mixing plants to make ointments and new medicines for when the worriers come back home. You were in your own world when suddenly Tuk yelled out “They’re back! ____! Kiri! Spider! Hurry up!” You rushed to put your things down and hurriedly ran to the big crowd that surrounded them.
You pushed through the crowd saying ‘Excuse me’ & ‘Sorry’. Once you got to the fromt your eyes immediately went to the Sully’s. Currently Neteyam and Lo’ak were getting scolding from their father. Neytiri stepped in and was talking some sense into Jake while also trying to take Neteyam to his grandmother to heal him.
Lo’ak had to stay behind while still getting scolded by his father. You couldn’t stay long so you had to leave and go to your tent. Jake dismissed Lo’ak and he had a sad but also angry look in his eyes while he tended to his Ikran and stormed off to find you. While you were mixing new ingredients to make his new medicine you wanted to try, Lo’ak stormed into your tent and sat in front of you. You just sighed and set your stuff down...again.
“What is wrong Lo’ak?” You look at him in his eyes waiting for him to speak “I’m upset at my father. He always scolds me, it makes me feel like a big disappointment to everyone.” He has a sad look on his face and you held out your arms for him to take comfort into. He rushed into your arms quickly which you almost fell backwards on the floor but you caught yourself.
You held him close to you as you ran your fingers through his hair. He sighed calmly as you pressed a light kiss to his forehead “You know you’re not a disappointment to anyone Lo’ak, your father is just hard on you. I don’t think he has to be that hard on his sons but he has a reason for that.”
The atmosphere is calm inside your tent. You’d often find crystals in the forest to keep and collect. One of the humans has a collection too, they said that they use them to do something called ‘Manifestation’. You wanted to try it out, so it will hopefully give you more opportunities from Eywa to show you in the direction you desire.
You often manifested that Lo’ak and his fathers relationship will greaten sooner or later. Hoping that they will finally stop butting heads with each other. You’ve went to Great Mother as well, praying to her that they will finally get along.

It has only been a few minutes of you continuing your work when you suddenly hear a light snore on your chest. You look down and there you see it, Lo’ak has fell asleep on you. You lightly chuckled and tried not to move as much to not wake him. Then an idea came into your mind. You leaned your face down and lightly kissed his fore head, this his left and right cheek, his chin, his cheekbones, his nose, and then his lips.
That’s when he started to stir a little in his slumber. You sighed lovingly down at him watching you lover sleep peacefully. He always looked so handsome when he was sleeping, you just now realized. After a few more minutes you decided to wake him, as it was eclipse and his family was probably worried about where their son was.
Then, another Idea came into your mind. You saw a bowl of water, over next to you. The you slowly looked back at Lo’ak whilst trying to get the bowl. You finally grabbed it and you counted down in your head ‘5,4,3,2,1!’. Then he woke up immediately and had an annoyed look on his face and he stood up, whilst you were laughing your ass off at him.
“You should’ve seen you face Lo’ak!” You held your hand over your mouth trying to hold back more laughter. “Oh yeah?” then he suddenly poured the rest of the water on you! You stood there shocked, while Lo’ak was across from you laughing. The you stood up aswell and then started laughing with him.
Your fun has to come to and end when you remember why you woke him up. “You have to go to your tent now Lo’ak, it is eclipse.” He groaned while you pushed him out of your tent. “It was fun spending time with you today love.” He turned around and gave you a passionate kiss on your lips as a goodbye and you watched him walk away to his tent with a smile on his face.
“Goodnight ____!” He yelled with a wink afterwards you just smirked in return “Goodbye Lo’ak.” You said with a smile and a wave, then you went back into your tent to wind down. You were happy with yourself that you could lift your boyfriends mood before he went back home today.

© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites. All of the rights of my work goes to me. If you have any inspiration please tag me as well!

Hi! Can you please write Neteyam x reader headcanons for how he would react to his s/o falling asleep on his shoulder? Thanks!

Sleepy || Avatar: TWOW
↬ Sleepy! Reader HC’s
↬ A/N..If Course I can! If you all have any more requests please send some!I made this reader like they loves to sleep 24/7 😂. Thank you for the request!

Usually when people take naps they can’t sleep later on..
That sadly happened to you tonight :(
You had tossed and turned all night but with no prevail, you stayed awake
You didn’t wanna bother your mate, Neteyam so you left him be
He did wake up during the night though,
Hearing you groans of agony as you tried to put yourself to sleep
He wondered why you didn’t ask him to help you sleep?
So he did what he though was best at the moment and started cuddling you from behind
It spooked you a little, not knowing he was awake but it was comforting
Even after his cuddles and forehead kisses, you still weren’t tired
It didn’t help you had a rough training in the morning
So that night you just looked up at the sky and watched the stars
You did sleep for a few hours don’t worry!
By a few hours I mean 1-2 ;(
The next morning you had lots of hardcore training and hunting to do
Which was horrible for you since you were exhausted
During your training, you were so tired you started nodding off slowly
But no fear!
Mr. Best boyfriend of the year is here!
He was standing beside you since you both trained with Jake together
It just so happens that when you kept nodding off your head fell into place on his shoulder
He was shook at first
He knew you were tired but this tired?
Neteyam also knew about your little naps during the day
But being his S/O he covers for you
He might have to keep you from doing that from now on though…
But nonetheless he let you sleep on him
Your boyfriend actually thought it was adorable how you fell asleep on him
The peaceful look on your face
To the slight snores you made
It made him lightly chuckle, trying not to wake you
Like I said before he does think it’s cute that you sleep on him..
But that habit is gonna have to stop if you don’t want his father scolding you later on
He’ll nudge you with his shoulder and wake you up so you won’t be in trouble
Then he’ll whisper,
keep your head up love,father won’t be happy when he sees you sleeping during his lessons
with a small smile following it :)

© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites. All of the rights of my work goes to me. If you have any inspiration please tag me as well!