whatupmydudes01 - Whats Up My Dudes
Whats Up My Dudes

She/her // Cabin 7 // Carstairs // Bisexual // mess

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Whatupmydudes01 - Whats Up My Dudes - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago



July 2nd 1916

Jean Farley’s B5 brown ankle boots clattered down the marble corridor of the Archives. Tapestries depicting the stories of great heritage warriors and soldiers- battling and fighting illustrated monsters to protect their sacred Earth - blurred past as she kept up her fast stride to the atrium of the underground structure. For Centuries, the Archives had thrived in its duty to protect the humans of the world. Collecting and protecting magical and legendary artefacts and books and weapons that could perish the world in the wrong hands. For hundreds of years, the Heritages (the people of the Archives, gifted with a power that ran down in families) had laid down their lives to protect and save the Earth from unearthly creatures. And now the only thing threatening the Earth: the people on it.

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3 years ago

Jack isn’t cara’s father because he’s shocked now, then he’ll be happy with the idea of having a daughter and then BAMM! Ryan is her father and Jack will be sad because if there’s one thing silent witness is continuous with, it’s that when a character is comfortable and happy, it won’t last.

Harry. Thomas. Leo. Clarissa.

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3 years ago


I’m worried about CoT because Emma Carstairs is inspired by Tatiana Blackthorn.

I’m not worried about CoT because Emma Carstairs doesn’t know who Tatiana Blackthron is.

3 years ago
whatupmydudes01 - Whats Up My Dudes

oh good lord 😦

(thanks for the tag @jar-jar-ate ! 😂)

pspspspsps @federfleisch @transgayhoffman @stumacher-theghostface @inbred-trashbile @backyardbats​ @sweet-little-thing​ @quinnmoon77​

3 years ago

In other words: “Will Herondale is a fugly slut.”

From the diary of Tatiana Lightwood. December 27, 1873

I hate Will Herondale.

I hate Will Herondale.

I HATE Will Herondale.

How could I have ever felt anything but loathing for him, with his ridiculous name and his infernal Welsh accent and his preposterous handsome face! Ugh! The horrid monster read my old diary, OUT LOUD at the Institute Christmas party. On the stage, in the ballroom. To the entire Enclave.

Every single entry where I’d written my name as Mrs. Tatiana Herondale. Every bit where I wrote poetry about his absurdly blue eyes, how I shudder now to recall it! How I wish Elise Penhallow had never stopped playing the spinet and given him an opening to start reading OUT LOUD. I wish she was still playing the spinet now and for the rest of eternity and that Will Herondale had been utterly drowned out by the racket.

The HUMILIATION, it is not to be borne. He is a MONSTER. Gideon just stood there like a lummox. Gabriel had the decency to attempt to defend my honor and got his arm broken, which was the least he could do, really.

I suppose it is better that I have discovered Will Herondale’s TRUE NATURE and EVIL INTENT now rather than later. But oh, couldn’t I have found it out in a different way? A whispered cruel comment—an act of brutishness at someone else’s expense—but no. The whole Enclave just standing there gaping at me and whispering, whispering.

Of course Father told me in the carriage on the way home that I had disgraced us all and the good name of Lightwood, too. Gabriel sulked for the entire journey, even though the healing runes must have taken away any pain he was in, so there was no need for him to be so peevish. None of this was about him. Gideon took my hand and said, “Don’t fret, Tati. Everyone will forget about this before you know it.” I looked out the window of the carriage and ignored him. What could he possibly understand about the injury that has been dealt to me? Nothing, for he is a lunkhead.

When we arrived at Chiswick I thought about burning the diary, for I could no longer stand the sight of the thing. Will ruined it. I went up to my room and ripped the pages from the spine, then tore each page to pieces. I looked at the fire, which had plenty of hot coals, but I could not bring myself to consign the remains of the diary to the flames, whether they had disgraced our family name or not. Those pages were full of my fascinating ruminations and ideas and observations—about the London Enclave, about my father’s heroic exploits, about the precise shape of Elise Penhallow’s nose and what it revealed about her terrible character—and I found I did not want to see those words curl and vanish into ash. Instead I stuffed the mutilated pages into my green silk purse and tiptoed down the corridor. I hid them in the old mousehole behind one of my father's paintings of demons doing peculiar things. (I don’t know why he collects them, but then I suppose I have not yet developed a taste for art.) I hurried back to my room and threw the spine and covers of the book into the fire.

I am starting over with a new diary in which I will not mention W.H. at all. Except now. This is the last time.

But I will make him pay. No matter how long I have to wait.

From The Diary Of Tatiana Lightwood. December 27, 1873
3 years ago

Would yall read this book??

When Abel Sawyer is framed for murder by Chicago’s biggest gang, Gods Among Kings, bartenders at a dive bar for drop outs and misfits are thrown into a world of depts, crime, violence, passion, and hitmen as they fight to prove the innocence of their friend. But the more secrets they reveal, the more lies are created. They soon come to realise that enemies can be friends, friends can be family, and family can be enemies…


New girl meets Peeky Blinders in a story where the main characters are Chaotic Gen Z and start a fight with a deadly gang because they’ve got nothing to loose..

“I’m a Law dropout living off shared tips and black coffee, with anxiety levels higher than my student loans. You’ve threatened the life of the guy who pays me, and the lives of those I care for in this damned world. Fire at will.”

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3 years ago
3 years ago

Tatiana freaking lightwoods man

Emma to Dru

Dear Dru,

Hey, baby bat! So how’s Shadowhunter Academy? Still having a good time? How’s the roommate — Thais, isn’t that her name? How’s having a roommate? I always kinda wished I’d gotten to go to SA, although obviously the weather was better in California. But you like things dark and gloomy! Just, you know – try to get some sun sometimes, okay? While I know you love your ghostly pallor, vitamin D is a real thing.

Not that we’re getting any sun here in Chiswick, where England is being fully England with the weather. I guess it goes with the house, though. You’re going to love this place when you see it, by the way. It’s the most goth building you’ve ever seen. The whole place is full of crumbling statues and faded wallpaper with creepy stains and a LOT of these dark brambles—

Huh, I guess it makes sense there are a lot of black thorns at Blackthorn Manor. Still, they’re a huge pain to cut back. Why didn’t your ancestors go with something less pointy? This was owned by Lightwoods for years, why no light woods? We may never know.

(I always forget about the Lightwoods because I think of it as Blackthorn Manor but I found a diary of a girl who grew up here, hidden under one of the floorboards. Like way back in the 1870s. She’s just a normal Shadowhunter teenager of the time, complaining about boring history lessons and obnoxious older brothers. Normal stuff! She’s about 13 in the part I’m reading but it goes for a few years. Her name was Tatiana Lightwood, I wonder if Isabelle and Alec have heard of her?)

Anyway, Jules is working hard on de-spookying the place, but trust me, it’ll still be gothier than a ripped fishnet whenever you get to see it. It’s going to be ages before we’re done with all the hallways full of empty birdcages and decaying books. This house is big. And extremely busted.

Also . . . haunted. At first I think we were both in denial. It was just weird moving shadows, cold spots in places — if this was one of your mundane movies, we’d still be arguing about what was going on. But we’re Shadowhunters. We know ghosts exist. And we finally broke down and admitted to each other that there’s definitely one in this house. Somebody’s moving small objects around and playing the piano off in the distance… low, haunting bits of sweet music we can both hear. But here’s the thing — the only piano here isn’t even playable. It rotted through a long time ago.

So, we have a ghost. But they don’t seem definitely or even particularly hostile. It could just be a bitty poltergeist, or a passing unquiet spirit. I’ve just started going through papers and it’s obvious Some Stuff Went Down Here at some point, lots of weird references to demons and bindings. (Oh, I’m putting a thing aside for you, it’s a taxidermied raven covered in flowers, I think it used to be part of a really extra hat.) So the potential for unquiet spirits is definitely there. One more thing to deal with along with the need for all new drains. (What, exactly, are drains?)

Anyway, I can’t wait to see you and oh no, I spent most of the letter telling you about the house but I really do want to hear about the Academy and your roommate and teachers, like is Catarina there? What about Ragnor? Have you seen Jaime lately? Tell me everything!



PS I just found out who Tatiana Lightwood thought was the cutest boy in London. Will Herondale. Wasn’t that the guy Tessa was married to, a long time ago? Would she think this was funny? I mean, it’s kind of funny. Always a Herondale, you know?

Emma To Dru
3 years ago


Your three most recent emojis are your main personality traits

3 years ago
Ultima Forsan Means Perhaps The Last Hour
Ultima Forsan Means Perhaps The Last Hour

Ultima forsan means Perhaps the last hour

3 years ago

Tag yourself

Forest gay

Pirate gay

Fairy gay

Goth gay

Whatever LiamxTheo was gay

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3 years ago

TID: Will & Charlotte

TLH: Cordelia & Christopher

TMI: Alec & Magnus & Maia

TDA: Emma & Mark

Favourite character from each TSC series? (try to choose one, maximum 2)

tag people if you want idk

Here goes:

1. The Infernal Devices - Jem Carstairs (cannot choose between will and tessa for 2nd😭)

2. The Last Hours - Alastair Carstairs, Lucie Herondale

3. The Mortal Instruments - Alec Lightwood, Simon Lewis

4. The Dark Artifices - Emma Carstairs, Kit Herondale (3rd and special mention - Kieran)

@revvs-trash @jurdan-my-beloved @niastormsanctuary-bolastairkanej @reyna-herondale @willothewhisper @gods-shadowsandcrows @whiteuselesscrayon @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos @anyone!

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3 years ago

The Shadowhunter Chronicles // Shadow and Bone // Six of Crows // A Court of Thorns and Roses // Red White and Royal Blue // The Folk of the Air // Shatter Me // The Selection // Red Queen // Throne of Glass // Scythe // The Hunger Games // Twilight // Harry Potter // The Lunar Chronicles // The Raven Cycle // The Song of Achilles // Graceling // Percy Jackson // Daughter of Smoke and Bone // His Dark Materials // The Illuminae Files // Divergent // The Darkest Minds

popular YA books and series: have you read it?

bold or italic or colour what you have read!

The Shadowhunter Chronicles // Shadow and Bone // Six of Crows // A Court of Thorns and Roses // Red White and Royal Blue // The Folk of the Air // Shatter Me // The Selection // Red Queen // Throne of Glass // Scythe // The Hunger Games // Twilight // Harry Potter // The Lunar Chronicles // The Raven Cycle // The Song of Achilles // Graceling // Percy Jackson // Daughter of Smoke and Bone // His Dark Materials // The Illuminae Files // Divergent // The Darkest Minds

Open tags!

Seguir leyendo

3 years ago

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.

3 years ago

Leigh really went out and was like “Lemme correct some of my... mistakes, shall we?” FUCK I LOVE MAL

3 years ago

Ignoring my latest post slamming on the darkling.... this was wholesome

#shadow And Bone Is A Comedy
#shadow And Bone Is A Comedy
#shadow And Bone Is A Comedy
#shadow And Bone Is A Comedy

#shadow and bone is a comedy

3 years ago

Shadow and bone rant because I have serious concerns for the people under the tumblr tag.. spoilers

I’m the first one to defend a villain, especially if it’s Ben Barnes, they tend to be more interesting characters with a personality.But you can not defend the darkling.

Everything the darkling did, tv show and book from scene one was manipulation to get what he wanted (expand the fold). He’s not the first villain to use romance to get what he wants and normally I love that trope IF it involves a morally grey character. Not a straight up evil character.

The darkling does so many things to claim Alina as he feels entitled to he as they’re both summoners. Starting with the kefta colours, knowing how she felt about it, he still pushed her to wear the black kefta and not the blue (she does end up with the black kefta but it’s her choice to wear it).

Multiple darkling stans find the scene where he tricks Mal into telling him alinas favourite flowers and then uses this information to ‘woo’ her, cute and iconic. It’s not cute or iconic. It’s basic manipulation.

Then he actually collars her! Like mutilates her body with the stag antlers against her will all so he can have control over her and her powers. When she calls him out on it, he still tries to manipulate her, telling her lies and lies and repeating how much lonely they both were, and how much they depend on each other, right up until the last ten minutes when his true plans are revealed.

He spends 8 episodes and a full book telling Alina how they are equal and they can rule together. And then proves they aren’t by stripping her of her will and putting her in impossible situations and forcing her to make impossible decisions and then blaming her for everything that was going wrong.

The tiny backstory we had was supposed to make us feel sorry for the darkling and give us the reason why he did what he did. And yeh it gave him a reason to create the fold - you could justify that. But you can’t justify what he did the Alina and genya and zoya and Mal.


@grishaverse-oddity made a great comment under the post that NEEDS to be mentioned:

“And the whole scene with Zoya and the Darkling in his room, where they explicitly state that he groomed her since she arrived in the Little Palace and used her as stress relief, in the books they only ever hint at it not flat out state it”

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4 years ago
(Image Description: Three Blocks In The Colors Of The Pansexual Pride Flag With White Centered Text,
(Image Description: Three Blocks In The Colors Of The Pansexual Pride Flag With White Centered Text,
(Image Description: Three Blocks In The Colors Of The Pansexual Pride Flag With White Centered Text,

(Image description: three blocks in the colors of the pansexual pride flag with white centered text, together the text says “pansexual is a real identity. pansexuals belong in the lgbtq+ community. pansexuals deserve respect and support.” End image description.)

4 years ago

Someone on TikTok said that bitches with anxiety love the enemies to lovers trope because the idea of having someone see all of our negative traits first and then still fall in love with us is really comforting since we worry that if someone sees our negative traits after they fall in love, they’ll leave us.

It’s me, I’m bitches.

4 years ago
whatupmydudes01 - Whats Up My Dudes
4 years ago
I Think About This A Lot
I Think About This A Lot

i think about this a lot

4 years ago

reblog if you're gay, not gay, slightly gay, or if you just want to launch donald trump into a dying star

there is not a single reason to not reblog this

4 years ago
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save

Share. Please. In honor or this nameless hero whom because of this letter he or she sent me, could save a life tonight. 

again, my box is always open.

4 years ago

According to multiple quizzes im a Carstairs but my favourite Shadowhunter family is the Herondales.

And that kinda makes sense

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